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Cutting edge Technology generated by the Islamic nations in the middle east

Iran makes its own problem, they should lift oil subsidy to their people and their people must accept that since the price is too low. The oil subsidy can be allocated to productive program like infrastructure or improving their state owned industry. It is wrong to say that floating gasoline price will create inflation.

Just see Indonesia case, under SBY administration we hugely subsidize the gasoline price and the inflation rate is around 8 percent during his time (The inflation was huge since Asian Financial Crisis), while under Jokowi gasoline price is pretty much floating and inflation is down since 2015 into around 3 percent until 2019 and in 2020 it post record low, I dont remember the number but I think it is 2 percent. For information, Jokowi takes power since November 2014.

I can try to give reason on how the inflation can be decreased, but maybe in other time since it can make me write quite long. But the main reason is to make the price is not too sensitive anymore when the oil price is increasing, as in the old days price will be hiked by businesses (small, medium, large) as government hike gasoline price, but of course there should be tactic and also some time before the market can act like that.

For Indonesia the secret is that our state owned energy companies (Pertamina) that dominate the market start making high quality gasoline and the price is floated and the low quality one is still pegged at certain rate as usual. As Today car and motorcycle has different engine and it requires high quality gasoline, so people is forced to buy the high quality one in order not to make the engine broken if they use the low quality one......... 8-)

So since gasoline price start depending on oil market, it can increase and decrease. Since it keeps changing so businesses then see the changing oil price as reality of life that should be accepted, like other commodity price fluctuation. It makes them not rush hiking their products every time the gasoline price increases.

Any way we have plan to abolished that low quality gasoline soon, so there will be no subsidy anymore for gasoline inshaAllah. Despite so that type of gasoline is not much anymore, majority of people have migrated to buy high quality gasoline so the subsidy budget has been reduced significantly.

Our next policy is to reduce the subsidy for small gas tube for cooking by only giving subsidy to the poor. In Indonesia we have large and small gas tube while small gas tube is being subsidized since gov think only poor buy it. But as many people keep buying the small tube gas despite their economic condition is not poor so Gov want to abolish that policy while keep giving subsidy to the real poor people.
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Pakistan has developed Nuclear Weapon against İndia ..... ( to protect balance of power )

Iran wants to develop Nuclear Weapon against Sunni Muslim Countries Turkey and Saudia Arabia .... ( to create chaos in the region )

I am saying again , if Iran develop Nuclear Weapon then Turkey and Saudi Arabia also will develop Nuclear Weapon to protect balance of power in the region
My dear friend "MMM-E" . There is nothing that makes me more happy than to see Turkey to develop her own Nuclear Bomb....It will be one more "Nuclear Country" that Israel has to worry about...Three nuclear powers of Pakistan,Iran and Turkey will ensure that no foreign power can interfere in this region and hopefully they will pack up and leave the region and let us all live in peace in this corner of the world.

TO ALL: Please lets not make this thread "political". Many people read and get informed about Middle east Technology and Industry through this thread.
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A second truly indigenous aircraft is taking shape in this region. It is a military jet trainer by Iran that is called "Yaseen".

There are several (6 or 7) military jet training aircraft that are currently in the market...Russian YAK-130, British Hawk, etc...The Chinese trainer is the most cost effective version in the field with a price tag of $9 million.

This Iranian trainer "yaseen" will be the most cost effective jet trainer in the world with a price tag of $6 million dollars (unofficial figure)....The aircraft has been in development for almost a decade (typical for a new aircraft) and is now going through its final flight tests and certification...
PS: for those who are not familiar with the aircraft development the "Colour" of green on the body is to provide better visibility of stress points on the fuselage during flight tests and does corrosion protection also.


Yaseen uses two Iranian developed Turbo jet engine "Owj" and I have included a video of this engine being designed and built which is very informative for any Turbo Jet engine.

Yaseen development team:
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Recent Turkish space program can have very beneficial results for all of us. Especially if the investment is made in satellite development technology which Turkey has a lot of experience in and can generate returns to our economy as well by making Turkey build satellites for other countries.

Especailly the upcoming technology seems to be like the ion propulsion. It has promising results as a space propulsion system.

A satellite with air breathing ion engine with solar panels can generate indefinite amounts of power with no fuel problem supplying the fuel from the atmosphere for example. An orbiter vehicle for example can get the ions from our atmosphere to refuel and use it to go to Mars for example. get the fuel again from Mars atmosphere and return back to earth orbit. A nuclear plant combined to an ion engine can give enough speed-durability for interplanetary travel.


I think if we put artificial political rivalries aside we can build tremendous technologies that can compete with countres that are major players in space. Also in all other areas as well but this can be an example for other sectors as well. Be aware that our enemies do not want us to unite by any means and they invest on the differences to keep us apart to not to become a bigger problem against their hegemony.

For example Turkey can build the satellites / orbiter propeller devices with ion engines(or something else) , Iran with higher experience in rocketry can build reusable tesla style rockets for both launching satellites to orbit as well as planetary missions like landing - lifting off from moon(or mars) , Pakistan can build the nuclear engine providing power for the whole system (ion engine space propulsion, life support systems) . I think we can come up with great ideas if we put rivalry and chest thumping aside and focus on our competitive-comparative advantages and collaborate together and achieve greater results in much shorter time.
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Recent Turkish space program can have very beneficial results for all of us. Especially if the investment is made in satellite development technology which Turkey has a lot of experience in and can generate returns to our economy as well by making Turkey build satellites for other countries.

Especailly the upcoming technology seems to be like the ion propulsion. It has promising results as a space propulsion system.

A satellite with air breathing ion engine with solar panels can generate indefinite amounts of power with no fuel problem supplying the fuel from the atmosphere for example. An orbiter vehicle for example can get the ions from our atmosphere to refuel and use it to go to Mars for example. get the fuel again from Mars atmosphere and return back to earth orbit. A nuclear plant combined to an ion engine can give enough speed-durability for interplanetary travel.

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I think if we put artificial political rivalries aside we can build tremendous technologies that can compete with countres that are major players in space. Also in all other areas as well but this can be an example for other sectors as well. Be aware that our enemies do not want us to unite by any means and they invest on the differences to keep us apart to not to become a bigger problem against their hegemony.

For example Turkey can build the satellites / orbiter propeller devices with ion engines(or something else) , Iran with higher experience in rocketry can build reusable tesla style rockets for both launching satellites to orbit as well as planetary missions like landing - lifting off from moon(or mars) , Pakistan can build the nuclear engine providing power for the whole system (ion engine space propulsion, life support systems) . I think we can come up with great ideas if we put rivalry and chest thumping aside and focus on our competitive-comparative advantages and collaborate together and achieve greater results in much shorter time.
I am a big fan of cooperation especially in the space domain. The way I see this... it is always hard to justify space activities to ordinary citizen and the issue becomes even harder for the nations in this region due to availability of $$$ needed and space activities are not cheap...
I looked at the space programs of UAE, Turkey and Iran and all have different aims and all have a big component of "national Prestige" .
The Iranian program is aiming to have a year round manned space station and they are going for it in a serious way (they even made an animation about it to start planting the seeds into the younger generations). now instead of going it alone why not have multi nation Space station exclusively manned by the nations of the region. Each nation will have own designed, financed, built and launched "Space module" based on common architecture. This will create space activity platform for all of them for any further efforts. It is also easier to justify its expenditure to the nations.
If Americans and Russians could agree on this why not nations of this region..Change wars and endless weapon buys into something good for the people.
I am a big fan of cooperation especially in the space domain. The way I see this... it is always hard to justify space activities to ordinary citizen and the issue becomes even harder for the nations in this region due to availability of $$$ needed and space activities are not cheap...
I looked at the space programs of UAE, Turkey and Iran and all have different aims and all have a big component of "national Prestige" .
The Iranian program is aiming to have a year round manned space station and they are going for it in a serious way (they even made an animation about it to start planting the seeds into the younger generations). now instead of going it alone why not have multi nation Space station exclusively manned by the nations of the region. Each nation will have own designed, financed, built and launched "Space module" based on common architecture. This will create space activity platform for all of them for any further efforts. It is also easier to justify its expenditure to the nations.
If Americans and Russians could agree on this why not nations of this region..Change wars and endless weapon buys into something good for the people.

That is also possible. But as you said the main aim of many of the countries in the region lies still with having an upper hand against other and this is fueled by some foreign powers. If the aim is to overcome this and appeal to regional countries to join the project it needs to be planned in such a way that each nation putting a major input into the whole project instead of one player having major input and others smaller parts. Each nation corresponding to their comparative advantages can be planned to have a major component of input in terms of their specialization. For example Pakistan will provide where it specializes at like nuclear/electrical power plants and systems connected to it like life support, Turkey putting electronics communication systems and Iran launch platforms-capsules etc. Both costs can be shared and each nation would have a major input and higher experience gained from the common project.
That is also possible. But as you said the main aim of many of the countries in the region lies still with having an upper hand against other and this is fueled by some foreign powers. If the aim is to overcome this and appeal to regional countries to join the project it needs to be planned in such a way that each nation putting a major input into the whole project instead of one player having major input and others smaller parts. Each nation corresponding to their comparative advantages can be planned to have a major component of input in terms of their specialization. For example Pakistan will provide where it specializes at like nuclear/electrical power plants and systems connected to it like life support, Turkey putting electronics communication systems and Iran launch platforms-capsules etc. Both costs can be shared and each nation would have a major input and higher experience gained from the common project.
As you said cooperation has to be in a way that does not give upper hand to any nation..A modular space station based on common architecture will provide exactly that:
Each module is designed by each nation...Each nation decides who will launch the module ( domestic SLV or ESA, Space x..India, Russia Japan..etc).
Each module uses that nations Tech so no tech secrets are exposed.
They all use a common architecture they agree upon in advance..
So total freedom in terms of how you do it but all geared to create a common product.
CAOI: Iran to Make 100-Seat Passenger Planes


“We have planned to build 70- and 100-seat aircrafts inside the country, and [in this regard] we signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Defense to be able to use the country’s existing military capabilities for the construction of commercial aircrafts,” the official explained.

According to Dehqani Zanganeh, the mentioned MOU has been in fact a trilateral document signed among the Transport and Urban Development Ministry, the CAO, and the Defense Ministry for cooperation in the manufacturing of commercial aircrafts.

Another MOU will also be signed between the CAO and the country’s Advanced Aviation and Transportation Technology Development Headquarters in order to allow the two sides’ to use each other’s capabilities and capacities for realizing the construction of the airplanes, the official said.

Stating that the project for the production of the mentioned 100-seat aircraft is at the primary studies stage, the official said: “I recently visited the production center of these aircraft; significant progress has been achieved."

“There are a lot of knowledge-based companies established in the country that have great potentials; Mapna, and another company are currently building gas turbines, and we are helping them to build aircraft engines,” he further said.

Deehqani Zanganeh further noted that CAO is also pursuing a project for manufacturing flight simulators inside the country which would be constructed and installed in southern Kish Island.

Turkey has a couple of nuclear warheads in incerlik airbase,which belongs to USA. This thread is not political, Otherwise i could explain Turkish role in the region in a way that an AKP boy like you deserves most.

This is the opinion of noble Sunni cleric in Iraq,
@aziqbal dear brother, don't allow American dogs influence your views on Iran. Our soldiers and allies were martyred while protecting Sunni families from ISIS and AlQaeda terror squads. Sunnis of Iraq completely support Iran out of their personal experience in the region, Syrian Sunnis also. Turkish supported Qaeda terrorists in no way represents Syrians and Iraqi Sunnis.

Only Turkish Army fought against ISIS in Syria and İraq
on the other hand 40.000 shiite İraqi soldiers gave Mosul to 1.000 ISIS terroris without any conflict

Turkey joined the NATO against USSR ( Russia ) and Turkey hosts NATO Nuclear Weapons against Russia

Turkey and Azerbaijan never allowed The US-İsrael to use 35-40 millions of Turks in İran to create chaos in İran

but Americcan-Russian Dogs ( shia terrorists ASSAD , IRGC , HASHDI SHABI , HEZBOL ) killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Sunni Muslims in Syria

and İran created chaos in İraq , Syria , Lebanon , Yemen
İran always supported PKK terror organization against Turkey
İran always supported Armenia against Azerbaijan

and İran-The US backed Shiite İraqis and Anti American sunni İraqis are killing eachothers since 2003

We have seen traitor Kurds and shiite İraqis how welcomed invasion of İraq by The US and The UK
Today I Present Iran's missile industry. 40 years ago Iran had "zero" indigenous missiles..today Iran is world's 4th missile country in the world in terms of technology and diversity of its arsenal. Iran's missiles all have in-house (100%) developed "liquid/solid" fuels, Engines, navigational controls, metal/composite bodies and Thrust Vectoring controls (TVC) when needed and various re-entry warheads.

The diversity of Iranian missiles range from massive ground to ground Ballistics to long range "Air Defence" and "Air to ground" and "Air to Air"and "Anti armor" etc..all designed and built in-house thanks to 40 years sanctions on military hardware sales to Iran...too many to list so I post few photos and a video that is very informative to watch.

Aerospace exhibition video

A typical warhead

Victim of one of these missiles..US global hawk (Tritron).after being reassembled

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Only Turkish Army fought against ISIS in Syria and İraq
on the other hand 40.000 shiite İraqi soldiers gave Mosul to 1.000 ISIS terroris without any conflict

Turkey joined the NATO against USSR ( Russia ) and Turkey hosts NATO Nuclear Weapons against Russia

Turkey and Azerbaijan never allowed The US-İsrael to use 35-40 millions of Turks in İran to create chaos in İran

but Americcan-Russian Dogs ( shia terrorists ASSAD , IRGC , HASHDI SHABI , HEZBOL ) killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Sunni Muslims in Syria

and İran created chaos in İraq , Syria , Lebanon , Yemen
İran always supported PKK terror organization against Turkey
İran always supported Armenia against Azerbaijan

and İran-The US backed Shiite İraqis and Anti American sunni İraqis are killing eachothers since 2003

We have seen traitor Kurds and shiite İraqis how welcomed invasion of İraq by The US and The UK
Bro, what you smoke must be a brilliant crap. So high you are. Btw, keep on with introducing Turkish made cutting edge hardwares, at least, in that section you make some sense.

Simulators made in Iran
  1. F-4 Phantom Simulator[60]
  2. Toufan or AH-1J assault helicopter simulator[61]
  3. Shahed-278 and Bell-206 simulator – Under project Mansour Iran built 27 Bell-206 simulators in 2003.[62]
  4. Bell 214 simulator – it was built under project Qader-3 and it had cost Iran 17 billion and 500 million rials.[62][63][64][65]
  5. Submarine Simulator – Iran's "Tareq-class" submarine.[66]
  6. F-5 Tiger simulator
    1661091_412 (1).jpg
  7. Misagh rocket launcher simulator
  8. Mig-29 Fulcrum simulator[67]
  9. F-14 Tomcat simulator
  10. Mirage F-1 simulator[68]
  11. Hawk and Mersad air defense systems simulator[69]
  12. Iran-140 full flight simulator (FFS)[70]
  13. Iran-140 fix base flight simulator[71]
  14. Fokker-100 fix base flight simulator[72]
  15. SOCATA TB-21 Trinidad fix base flight simulator[73]
  16. Emad simulator[74]
  17. Ilyushin Il-76 simulator
  18. Etc
Sorry to our Iranian members for my post but this had to answered.

Only Turkish Army fought against ISIS in Syria

And Turkish Army and Turkish Intelligence supported the FSA and other Al Qaeda allied terrorists to enter Syria and be logistically supplied with armaments, including chemical weapons.

In 2015 there was an Indian young man by name Mehdi Masroor Biswas who ran a Twitter account called Shami Witness which gave advise to terrorists who wanted to cross over the Turkey-Syria border on a certain day. This young fellow was caught by local police.

Turkey joined the NATO against USSR ( Russia )

Why ?

And USSR was not just Russia.

shia terrorists ASSAD

May Assad win. May Syria become even more socialist.
Only Turkish Army fought against ISIS in Syria and İraq
on the other hand 40.000 shiite İraqi soldiers gave Mosul to 1.000 ISIS terroris without any conflict

Turkey joined the NATO against USSR ( Russia ) and Turkey hosts NATO Nuclear Weapons against Russia

Turkey and Azerbaijan never allowed The US-İsrael to use 35-40 millions of Turks in İran to create chaos in İran

but Americcan-Russian Dogs ( shia terrorists ASSAD , IRGC , HASHDI SHABI , HEZBOL ) killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Sunni Muslims in Syria

and İran created chaos in İraq , Syria , Lebanon , Yemen
İran always supported PKK terror organization against Turkey
İran always supported Armenia against Azerbaijan

and İran-The US backed Shiite İraqis and Anti American sunni İraqis are killing eachothers since 2003

We have seen traitor Kurds and shiite İraqis how welcomed invasion of İraq by The US and The UK
First of all, Mosul is a Sunni majority city. Secondly, It's a well-established fact that Turkey and Qatar were two of the major sponsors of the ISIS and you were caught buying oil from them many times. Your government is currently supporting Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists (HTS) there.

Turkey is in no place to use anyone in Iran. There are fewer than 20 million Turkic people in Iran (%16 to %20 of the Iranian population, many of them are hardcore Shia Muslims that dislike the secular Turkey), but there are more than 30 million Kurds in Turkey that Iran can mobilize them against Turkey at will. But we haven't done that yet, mainly because it isn't in our national interest at this point and Kurdish separatists attack our border troops as well.

See how Hamas and Hezbollah have challenged Israel for decades? Now imagine how 30 million Kurds in Turkey + Kurds in Iraq and Syria can fight against Turkey if Iran decides to arm them and then talk about interference in other countries. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

And this is my last post to you on this thread because you're not worth more of my time. Honestly, it was too optimistic of @aryobarzan to open a thread like this. We already have a Made in Iran section and there's no need for one for the Muslim world as we all know that Muslims are too divided for a thread like this.
BOZDOGAN and GOKDOGAN air to air Missile Project has been started by 2013

AKDOGAN : RAMJET powered long range air to air missile ( under development )


only a few Countries in the World and Turkey is only muslim Country

-- The US
-- Russia - India
-- China
-- Israel
-- Japan
-- The UK - France
-- Taiwan
-- Germany
-- Brazil-S.Africa

GOKDOGAN BVR air to air Missile ( solid-state RF seeker, with advanced counter-measure capability and datalink update )

BOZDOGAN WVR air to air Missile ( a high resolution dual colour imaging infra-red seeker, with a comprehensive off-boresight capability, along with advanced counter-measures ) test firing

High Quality Turkish Simulators were exported to The US

HAVELSAN T-129 Attack Helicopter Simulator


HAVELSAN Simulator for Turkish Airlines

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