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Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

@hu songshan the Lemurian island was Huge.... All world were connected early times (land was in one piece). It is believed that most of Lemurian land got seprated. Few of the land now known as mexico. Some of them are next to south india and some in Asia like u mentioned above but the Large chunk of it was next to india in indian ocean (alot close to shri lanka).... It was full of life and they had best technology that time around.... But in huge nuclear war the annunakis decided to bring moon which sunk Lemurian island in water and all Lemurians migrated into space for a new planet.... They are peace loving soft delicate humanoids. Mostly same like white south indians (malays).... They didnt like wars so they with heavy heart left planet Earth.... The other race which was 'Greys' than took over majority of Mexico now. infact Mexico is base of Greys.... In 1994 Greys entered Earth in Large number (few were already on earth and later in 1994 more joined in).... Greys loves childrens fearful energy and the chemicals.... When Greys in huge number enterd Earth they started hunting humans. This was the time when humanoids stepped in and launched a war against Greys which now turned into a peace treaty.... In this peace treaty Greys promised not to kill humans for energy.... In 1994 a school of zimbabwe came under light around world.... 62 school kids saw Grey Aliens trying to communicate (or may be wanted to create fear for negative energy).... They had cloaked technology and were alot fast.... This shocked the world.... Here more about that incident.... Kids dont lie. They draw exactly same picture that even cave people use to draw.... Its with the proof. All of them told same thing.... Must Read....
@hu songshan the Lemurian island was Huge.... All world were connected early times (land was in one piece). It is believed that most of Lemurian land got seprated. Few of the land now known as mexico. Some of them are next to south india and some in Asia like u mentioned above but the Large chunk of it was next to india in indian ocean (alot close to shri lanka).... It was full of life and they had best technology that time around.... But in huge nuclear war the annunakis decided to bring moon which sunk Lemurian island in water and all Lemurians migrated into space for a new planet.... They are peace loving soft delicate humanoids. Mostly same like white south indians (malays).... They didnt like wars so they with heavy heart left planet Earth.... The other race which was 'Greys' than took over majority of Mexico now. infact Mexico is base of Greys.... In 1994 Greys entered Earth in Large number (few were already on earth and later in 1994 more joined in).... Greys loves childrens fearful energy and the chemicals.... When Greys in huge number enterd Earth they started hunting humans. This was the time when humanoids stepped in and launched a war against Greys which now turned into a peace treaty.... In this peace treaty Greys promised not to kill humans for energy.... In 1994 a school of zimbabwe came under light around world.... 62 school kids saw Grey Aliens trying to communicate (or may be wanted to create fear for negative energy).... They had cloaked technology and were alot fast.... This shocked the world.... Here more about that incident.... Kids dont lie. They draw exactly same picture that even cave people use to draw.... Its with the proof. All of them told same thing.... Must Read....

Several describe the moon as hollow and artificial it has bases and brought to this solar system while I'm skeptic I'm open to hearing about it. Who are the annunakis are they what is described as the sons of god ? or are they Reptile aliens .
@hu songshan Moon is hollow from inside.... Annunakis created Sattelite Moon by fitting unknown technology inside Moon. They made a crack on the Moon and fitted the most powerful technology which made moon to move around in any direction annunakis wanted.... The crack on moon getting wider. It seems moon breaking apart as the welding on moon wears off slowly.... Here more about the Cracks with links, pic and video....
Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon
YouTube - The Moon Matrix & Moon God SIN
The annunakis are far ahead in technology. They the one who made Gods (ENLIL made many indian Gods who were Aliens).... While his half brother ENKI created Slave race for minning Gold.... ENLIL is pure Annunaki with long Head and beautiful looks like ELOHIM while ENKI is not pure human. He son of alpha Draconian Mother and Father of Annunaki race. So ENKI is half humanoid and half Reptilian.... Annunakis are immortal (specialy high rankers) and they the one who organized biggest Party on Earth where millions of indian Gods were invited to drink immortal drink (mrut).... Annunakis are good and Bad both. They need Gold to survive. Everything they had on planet sirias and nibiru works on Gold. Gold is fuel a life saver to their planets.... Annunakis gave Alpha draconian technology against Humanoids. So Humanoids dont let annunakis enter planet Earth.... in zimbabwe evening busy market Annunaki spaceship landed (broke humanoid defence which is rare).... They came out of spaceship as all zimbabwe people panic and couldnt move. The annunaki than collected everything Gold color and smashed the Shops. They looked in shop owners eyes and communicated by eyes and the message was very clear.... The shop owner said 'they want Gold'.... Annunakis were alot dissapointed that they gave humans so much few 1000s years ago but now we rebel against them. Its the annunakis who took away all technology (ufo and nuclear weapons) after the nuclear world war.... Its the annunakis who wants us to dissarm our nuclear weapons and it was the annunakis who jammed american and brits nuclear missiles.... If u ask me do i like annunakis? Than answer is 'Yes'.... They are far better than our Goverments. Annunakis will gives us technology to live long and healthy.... They will improve our living standards and all they want is Gold from us.... Our Goverments working with Greys to stop Annunakis. Humanoids too against Annunakis as Annunakis gave black hole technology to Alpha Draconians....
This is the Mantra of 'Life'.... This mantra is the Greatest mantra of all Mantras that given to humans by Alien Gods (ENLIL gave the permission to Alien Gods to tell us the secret and power of Mantras).... Nothing beats this Mantra.... This Mantra has power to turn death into Life. Anyone who is gravely sick should chant this mantra 108 times.... If they not able to chant then any family member, relative or friend can chant this mantra by watching the photo of gravely sick family member.... This mantra Cures and gives long life. This mantra been tested since 5000years and everytime it worked.... This mantra not about Hindu or any Religion.... Its about The devices that planted (in cloaked) on every planet in our solar system.... This Maha Mantra of all Mantras.... The purest Mantra.... The life mantra and i call it miracle mantra.... (mantra is in Sanskrit and also the meaning of it given)
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra and its meaning « 9dozen’s Blog
Isro in your previous post you mentioned Elohim, it is one of the names of god it's said a race of Elohim do exist.
@hu songshan the Elohim is my own Lord.... Elohim had 7 Gods and all of them are powerful Gods. They bestfriend of Annunakis but Far better Looking.... The Male and Female of Elohim race are most handsome and Beautiful.... Elohim gave Ashtar Galactic command permission to use its planet sirias for Base.... Starship Athena often docks near Planet Sirias if its free from Duty at Saturn and Jupiter.... Elohim is the Best Humanoids. To india they gave Swastika.... People doesnt know What Swastika is. The real meaning of Swastika is 'STAR' a 'PLANET' which is known as 'Life'.... Greys hates Elohim race. Greys created Nazi Humanoids after taking control of Hitler. The reason Nazi Hates Elohim race and Jews are that Elohim race looks alot handsome then Germans.... Elohim race is the Best Race and their Planet is Sirias where people are immortals and Animals dont hunt each other.... If u remember Noah's arc u saw lions living peacefully with other animals.... That story happened on Planet sirias and remade on Earth by Elohim Race so people will follow the Gods. They say they aint God but they are Gods.... Their planet has multi million population and they live peacefully....
The Elohim - Raelian Elohim
The Race of Aliens known as the Elohim
here is the pic of Elohim 7 most powerful Gods.... They are most Handsome and their wives most beautiful.... They are super humanoids....
@Hu songshan as i told about Elohim in my above post now i will tell u the reason behind Hitlers hate towards Jews.... Greys hated Elohim race alot.... The reason was Elohim was spreading Love and Peace while Greys needs negative energy. Grey wanted a guy who can play important role in world war.... They choosen Hitler. Just after Hitler came out of Jail he suddenly gained Popularity.... He ruled Germany.... Hitler many times have said that Germans are best human race with Blue eyes and tall strong slim body (he himself wasnt).... He declared New Breed of Germans who will be Heartless and Handsome.... The Reason was the Greys told Hitler that Elohim race created Good Looking Jews.... So in a way Greys wanted to take revenge against Elohim race by provoking hitler to attack Elohim creation Jews.... Greys just used Hitler for Benefit. Hitler in return wanted a Nazi Alien race and Greys made Nazi Alien Race.... Hitler started killing Jews because of Greys command.... By the way Hitler never died. He got a formula to live few centuries by Greys.... His wish was to have a cup of tea in America in open.... He got his wished full filled (america claimed they killed hitler but when people saw hitler than american Goverment went into hiding).... Now The Nazi alien Race work is to build Fascists inside America.... They controlling The frequency of this Fascists.... But humanoids always makes Nazi Alien's launch useless.... NAZI alien are new breed and not powerful enough. However they do get success making an Strike like recent many shootings taking place in america.... Its the Nazi Alien race playing with Fascists Frequency. There are many Fascists in America. Many are Bald and many made Hidden Clubs in America.... They are controlled by Nazi Alien race.... The Greys stays neutral because Greys took over American goverment.... By the way the Nazi aliens do like roaming in india. The female nazi aliens are very tall and beautiful blue eyes.... They just roam around with a smile. Most of them wears orange saree (not there orginal Nazi uniform as its easy to spot them in india).... Antartica is under Nazi Aliens....
Nazi History Of Alien Contact - UFO Casebook Files
This is the Mantra of 'Life'.... This mantra is the Greatest mantra of all Mantras that given to humans by Alien Gods (ENLIL gave the permission to Alien Gods to tell us the secret and power of Mantras).... Nothing beats this Mantra.... This Mantra has power to turn death into Life. Anyone who is gravely sick should chant this mantra 108 times.... If they not able to chant then any family member, relative or friend can chant this mantra by watching the photo of gravely sick family member.... This mantra Cures and gives long life. This mantra been tested since 5000years and everytime it worked.... This mantra not about Hindu or any Religion.... Its about The devices that planted (in cloaked) on every planet in our solar system.... This Maha Mantra of all Mantras.... The purest Mantra.... The life mantra and i call it miracle mantra.... (mantra is in Sanskrit and also the meaning of it given)
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra and its meaning « 9dozen’s Blog

@isro2222:Sanskrit and other Indic languages can be quite difficult even for native Indians to pronounce. The old traditions, and the texts themselves, speak of the absolute necessity of correctly pronouncing the syllables for the mantras to have the desired effect. A wrongly pronounced Mantra word usually means something different and even it may prove harmful to him. So better dont try it if you are not 100% sure about pronunciation of the words.
@Sajan you are totally Right.... Even to me it took 2 days to pronounce Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Correctly.... Specially the 2nd last line is totally tough.... i must agree that Sanskrit language is most toughest Language in world.... They are one of very first languages and its the Annunaki alien race gave us to improve our lives.... Even its written in old texts that Sanskrit is Alien Language and given us by Gods of other planet. In ancient time whole Asia was one. Specially if u see China and South korea and india all of them use to wear same Cloths and womens use to have same Hair style and makeup.... It was The 'Venus' aka goddess 'Laxmi' who teached us Asians how to live properly.... Now most Asian country forgot it but am happy indian womens still follows it....
here is the mp3 of Maha Mrityunjaya mantra....
@everyone This Maha mrityunjaya mantra should only be chanted in Sanskrit.... (its difficult to pronounce it but after reading slowly for few days u can pronounce it properly. Sanskrit was annunaki language given to human to communicate and improve our skills).... Please this mantra only should be chanted 108 times or 108 times 2, 3, 4, 5 to any amount of Set.... Each set is about 108 times.... Make sure no one eates nonveg on any day the mantra being chanted.... Lord Shiva is annunaki god.... (best Friend of ENLIL and most powerful God also known as Universe itself and am sure he must be the one who god of islam too because he has moon on his head and moon has alot special place in islam. Allah too is Universe and so do Lord Shiva. in old ancient time india pak was one and use to follow Annunaki Gods. When they left all humans divided and choosed which God they will follow. according to Annunaki and Elohim all Gods are one and equal).... Here is Video of the Mantra and if people using mobile phones than am ready to give Mantras in 3Gp and Mp4 formatts or in mp3 formatt. Just let me know.... (mantra is in sanskrit)....

YouTube - Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
Here is Mp3 formatt for people who cant download Youtube videos....
and Here is the Most important Link to understand Maha Mrityunjaya mantra word by word sanskrit to english.... Must Visit....
Reptilians are all over among us (even obama one of them and i already gave the proof but if u need more proof then am happy to give more proofs).... Knowing who are Reptilians among us there is a technic to view them.... However u cant view them by this technic if they are far superior Reptilian ranker.... The Humanoids (watchers) has a special sun glasses to spot Reptilian among us.... They use this technic to spot them and hunt them.... Only they can spot the High ranker Reptilians and Raptoids....
YouTube - Reptilians Are In Society, How To Spot Them
YouTube - Reptilian Secrets: How to easily spot and rid them of our world.
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