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Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

Dude, where were you? Missed you a lot.. Now please go ahead with your dose of paranoia, I missed my daily fix! :undecided:
Than Enlil braught huge Flood on Earth by Sattelite Moon.... Atlantis and Lemurian sunk in that. Atlantis and Lemurians migrated into space after that....
Here is the proof.... Must Visit....
Nuclear Events in Ancient India?

@isro2222: Is Lemuria the lost land of "Kumari Kandam" ? If its same then how can you say that the lemurians migrated into space after the land sunk into the sea? are't they the present day Dravidans living in South India?

Any way im happy to see you back here:). I used to visit here just to know more about the S Asian politics. But now i really lost interest in politics and i am a big fan of you and your topic even though some parts of your 'story' are indigestible . :tup::cool:
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King CoBrA is a native snake of south asia and found abundant in southern ghats , hence Kerala too.

During the historiC battle between Kerala people and pluto people over who will control the outer ring circling Saturn , the kerala people were helped by people of nebula. They gave nebulians some snakes ( read king cobra ) hence they has their symbol as king cobra .. So it proves kerala people gave Greys (zeta) , the cobra symbol... a few prisoners of war were send to egypt for an educational tour and they were given cobra inside a pyramid symbol, they are now called alpha draconian...

And annunakis are not aliens.. most CPM leaders of kerala are from Annunaki tribe.. even Arundati Roy was an annunaki but after she left kerala we made her beta draconian.

The word draconian is also wrong.. we call them drinkonian in kerala.. they are found most active during evening times and are found in front of liquor/beverages shops through out the state..

More alien stories.. some other time...

hahaha EPIC @Arundati Roy :rofl::rofl:

@apoll the list is long who is good and bad.... But i will explain u whos real worse, bad, good and better.... The very worse is the reptilians like alpha draconians, raptoids (raptoids are from earth and they born before humans did. They rule dinosaur age), the hydras....
While bad is the Greys (all catagory)....
the Good is Annunakis. Yes they are good and Bad both.... As u know ENKI created slave race and he the father of humans (slave race) and he broke a law and gave us technology like spaceships and Nukes.... While Enlil was against it.... ENKI was half human and half reptilian and he was chief scientist.... He ruled Africa and Enlil his half brother ruled india.... in war Enlil (and indians) Lost the war against ENKI and enki took over Earth....
the Best is Humanoids like Ashtar Galactic Command.... In that many races included.
while Neutral is Nazi humanoids....
there are total of 70 types of Humanoids and Reptilians on Earth.... Annunaki want to take over Earth to help humans. While humans are with Greys and Greys are with Reptilians.... Humanoids hates both Reptilian and Annunakis.... Annunaki doing its best to defeat Greys and Alpha draconians.... But Annunaki Lost on Mars in 2001. However they will again launch an attack on Greys and Alpha draconians. Now the videos i will show u in that u can clearly see war between Annunakis, Greys plus alpha draconians.... The humanoid hates annunakis because annunakis gave technology to alpha draconians to destroy planets and alpha draconian did that against Humanoids.... But now alpha draconian used same technology against annunakis. its simple to understand. Example russia gave weapons to china and china used that weapons against russia in war.... Must watch videos. Take a look how everyone at war to take control of Earth....
YouTube - BREAKING!! 8-25-12 UFO WAR!!!
YouTube - The Anunnaki are showing up worldwide! - "Pulsating Orbs of Light" - UFO's!
YouTube - Anunnaki and Illuminati at War NOW | Operation Human Freedom: Planetary Regime Change
YouTube - Anunnaki Disable Nukes, Sabotage Missile Tests, Spy on Nuclear Plants

So you want to say that America is representing Earth humans and We are on the Worst side with raptilians?
Who is Illuminati?
America is with the worst!! hmmm... We want to be with good guys don't we?
Well how can we contact Ashtar Galactic command(good guys) and tell them we are with you?

Who controls pakistan and china and russia if americans are controlled by ultimately reptilians(greys and then reptilians)?

Here is some more material.
United States Presidents and The Illuminati / Masonic Power Structure
@ISRO please shed some light on this too.
Its really interesting, more than a Hollywood movie...
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People may call you nutjob, but I am your biggest fan. The details and explanation you give are just "alien", I mean of of this world. Proud to have an Indian like you. I think you should try in Bollywod or Hollywood.:enjoy:

I like him. He is honestly trying to explain some thing. Like a kid which saw some thing strange.
@sajan the south indians are hybrid. A lemurians and Pleiadian mix breed. The real Lemurians migrated into space after the huge war (theres difference between real lemurians and hybrid lemurians like south indians).... First its believed that Lemurian been wiped out by The Atlantis empire.... But the truth was Lemurians were wiped out by Annunakis who went war with rama empire who was ruled by annunaki ENLIL.... Atlantis empire was sub humans who were cruel. They created many sub human species like Mermaids. Mermaids werent lovely sub humans. They were aggresive.... Rama empire faught with mermaids after huge war erupted because of Enki who was half brother of ENLIL. Enki ruled most of western world europe and africa.... ENLIL ruled india and all asia.... Enki gave Atlantis technology to wipe out india and whole asia. The whole story i will tell u in my next post which i am about to write now. Its long post so it will take time. i will give u exact date on which atlantis attacked india (india and pakistan because before india and pakistan was one) including gobi force (which i think is mangolian and china). i will also tell u what happened when nuclear war broke around world and our own Lord Krishna nuked india (for a good reason).... This will shock u all. Every human has a right to know what happened in past. i will give all proofs which are found by scientists themself so no one can deny it.... Do check my next post here.... My next post will be alot important for indians, pakistanis, chinese and world.... Specialy i want Asim to check because may be asim thinks i am making hindus a alien.... There is nothing hindu stuffs. All gods were aliens. Jesus christ came in india to meet lord Krishna. They all were aliens who came on earth to guide humans towards good karma. Do check my next post here. Its the most important post....
This is 'THE MOST' important link am adding.... Its a history that our Goverment dont want us to know about.... Its about the nuclear world war (with proof).... After the end of 3rd generation humans the 4th generation born. It was the golden age and people were happy and there was no poverty.... The humanoids like annunakis, pleiadians, lyrans, arcturians, elohim, andromedans including whole ashtar galactic command and also the greys started new game. We humans are food sourse for humanoids, greys and reptilians. Humanoids loves positive energy and its food for them.... Greys loves negative energy and chemicals juices of animals and humans.... Reptilians loves our Flesh and Blood.... So new great game started. This time Humanoids saw that in golden age the sub humans atlantis was alot cruel race.... Atlantis empire was created by Enki for mining Gold for planet nibiru admosphere as nibiru needs gold to maintain its balance in admosphere or it will die out.... ENKI broke law and gave atlantis the technology and told them rebel against Annunakis.... The ENLIL than decided to rule indians after agreement with Pleiadians who are our anciester. ENLIL teached indians and asians (india, pak, bangla, shrilanka, south koreans, chinese and most asia)....
ENLIL followed the annunaki Law that never give humans technology that they can misuse it against each other.... That time around Planet Venus had life on it and Venus Humanoids use to come on Earth.... Enlil requested Goddess Venus to teach indians and Asians about Life and how to make it better.... Enlil and humanoids than decided to send GODS on Earth so people will fear Bad karma and will live in peace.... Lord Krishna, Lord vishnu, lord Ram, lord hanumaan including many Gods came on Earth in Golden Age.... The Reptilians than decided to send its own Gods like Kali, Raavan etc etc. While the Enki was good but as he was half Reptilian (son of Tron who was half reptilian the alpha draconian) he had bit hot temper but same time he had love for humans as he the one created most of western world, Africa and europe.... Than Humanoids sended Jesus Christ so people will follow him....
Now the Biggest war started between Greece and Atlantis empire.... Greece was the most powerful country that time around.... Atlantis after a huge war Lost against greece.... Atlantis than given the secret of winning the war.... It was the MANTRAS (which force devices to give sweet fruits).... 5 of the Top Saints were choosen for the Mantra Jaap.... It was so much powerful that latest greece technology failed against it.... Than Atlantis marched towards INDIA and asia.... His most biggest enemy was RAMA EMPIRE as Enki wanted to rule world but ENLIL was the thorn in his way.... Atlantis nuked Rama empire.... Rama empire than hit hard Atlantis empire but due to powerful mantras by 5 saints from Atlantis made our strike totaly failed and we nuked our own allys.... After that Atlantis kept nuking Rama empire and gobi force (asian army which includes china, south korea, japan, mangolia etc etc).... Due to huge loss the disease broke out in india.... ENLIL talked with Rama empire Krishna and Arjun and decided a heavy heart decision to Nuke half of Rama Empire by Nuclear bomb to stop the disease to spread around whole india.... After nuking our own city the disease stopped spreading. Than Rama Empire gain strength and started Helping Gobi force....
When the Humanoids saw it they talked with ENLIL.... Enlil said Lets end Whole Human race as we are no use for them and we killing each other.... ENKI than warned ENLIL to not do anything wrong.... Than Humanoids warned Enki that because of him theres hell on Earth.... Than Enki made a deal. A deal to end Atlantis empire by NATURAL DISASTER.... But not Humans. Everyone agreed. The Earthquakes, Tsunami, volcanic eruption started.... The 5 saints were weakend by the Natural disaster and started loosing concentration. The Atlantis empire than suddenly got weaken. It gave RAMA EMPIRE chance to wipe out atlantis empire.... ENLIL brought sattelite moon and sunk Atlantis empire.... However with it even Krishna city sunk in sea with Lemurian city.... The humanoids than decided to take away all technology like Vimanas, Nukes out of Planet.... Humans suddenly left centuries behind as we lost technology. ENKI given power. The Lord Krishna and Many Gods gave humans a secret to achieve peace and happiness. It was Mantras.... Lord Krishna along with jesus christ and millions of Gods Left planet Earth by promising to return back on Earth in Golden age.... Golden age Starting from 21st December 2012.... This link is 'THE MOST IMPORTANT LINK'.... Know ur History.... A real History that Goverment dont want u to know....
Here is the most important Link.... Please read totaly.... If you cant than Read from mid section.... (please note that There is no mention of Humanoids in this link as they are the controllers who work behind scene)
10) The Mahabharata~Atlantean planetary war. - Atlantishistory.info
.... And Here is the Proof of Nuclear world war.... Nuclear evidence found world wide. Asia to america.... Most of them were result of Atlantis empire and Rama Empire war....
TRUE HISTORY OF THE WORLD- Nuclear war in ancient north america
Evidence of Ancient Star Wars: WAR DECISIVE «
Evidence of ancient nuclear wars? in Ancient Architecture ..... Forum
Exists Numerous Evidence of Pre-Historic Nuclear War - Columns of Smoke Rose As If From a Mighty Furnace
The First Global Nuclear War and a Coverup of historical proportions...
All gods were aliens. Jesus christ came in india to meet lord Krishna. They all were aliens who came on earth to guide humans towards good karma. Do check my next post here. Its the most important post....
I believe in this theory that all our Gods were aliens. But how is it possible that Jesus came to India to meet Lord Krishna? Because they both were believed to lived in different time period. Then how is that possible?
Why cant you publish a book with all what you know? I think it will be a good read for people who are interested in this type of topics. I would like to read everything in a single sitting rather than waiting for the next:)
@Sajan first i want to ask u that do you believe in everything written in history books? Specialy which are centuries and 1000s of years old history? Do you believe that our Goverment tells us true history? Answer is a big 'NO'.... The Bible story is a Re-make of original Bible that took place in Andromeda star Galaxy system.... Its the humanoid Andromedans who sended Jesus Christ time and time again between People.... Jesus Christ was an Alien and so do all the Gods.... There was huge nuclear war on Earth. Yet do u hear anything from Goverment? Why not?.... The Answer is they dont want us to know the facts.... We are living in a world where our history been erased by Goverment so we dont panic.... Jesus Christ came on Earth every 750 years.... He came on earth alot before the date written in Bible.... He keep coming every 750 years to make sure humanity dont forget being good karmic.... Do you know Father of american nuclear Bomb? He is J. Roberts.... You know what he told in interview? He said he not real father of nuclear bomb.... He clearly said he got the technology from Ancient documents. Yes its most likely he mentioning 'INDIA' indirectly.... We modern indians are 'idiots'. We not launching an research to recover all lost ancient documents and formulas.... America got nuclear technology by searching Ancient Documents and J. Roberts himself told it.... But American goverment says nothing. Why? When the Question asked about nuclear world war in ancient time than American goverments laughed at it.... But didnt say a word on the evidence. So what am saying is that you need to come out of fake history that world goverment teaches us. Not all fake but most of them are erased. i ask u why america and israel Deleted the 'Lost years of jesus christ'?.... Where was jesus at that time of period? You know where? He was in india but as Rama Empire nuked Western world the western country Goverment Deleted jesus visit to india in anger and now that period known as 'The lost years of Jesus christ'.... Do u know who did 9/11 attacks? It was George Bush.... Can you tell me which scientists do u believe? 1st who says earth 4.5 billion years and other who says earth just few thousand years old?.... We are being feed fake History. Most of Real History have been erased by our Modern day Goverments.... If u believe whats written in history books than i cant help u. First u need to think beyond whats being feed to us....
YouTube - 9/11 Inside Job - The Most Damning Evidence Yet!
The Lost Years of Jesus: The Life of Saint Issa - Notovitch
Jesus Lived in India
Carbon-14 Dating Shows that the Earth is Young, by Curt Sewell
♥ ♥ ♥: Carbon Dating: Is the earth really 4.6 BILLION YEARS OLD?
@sajan the south indians are hybrid. A lemurians and Pleiadian mix breed. The real Lemurians migrated into space after the huge war (theres difference between real lemurians and hybrid lemurians like south indians).... First its believed that Lemurian been wiped out by The Atlantis empire.... But the truth was Lemurians were wiped out by Annunakis who went war with rama empire who was ruled by annunaki ENLIL.... Atlantis empire was sub humans who were cruel. They created many sub human species like Mermaids. Mermaids werent lovely sub humans. They were aggresive.... Rama empire faught with mermaids after huge war erupted because of Enki who was half brother of ENLIL. Enki ruled most of western world europe and africa.... ENLIL ruled india and all asia.... Enki gave Atlantis technology to wipe out india and whole asia. The whole story i will tell u in my next post which i am about to write now. Its long post so it will take time. i will give u exact date on which atlantis attacked india (india and pakistan because before india and pakistan was one) including gobi force (which i think is mangolian and china). i will also tell u what happened when nuclear war broke around world and our own Lord Krishna nuked india (for a good reason).... This will shock u all. Every human has a right to know what happened in past. i will give all proofs which are found by scientists themself so no one can deny it.... Do check my next post here.... My next post will be alot important for indians, pakistanis, chinese and world.... Specialy i want Asim to check because may be asim thinks i am making hindus a alien.... There is nothing hindu stuffs. All gods were aliens. Jesus christ came in india to meet lord Krishna. They all were aliens who came on earth to guide humans towards good karma. Do check my next post here. Its the most important post....

What is your opinion about the origin of mongoloid Indian who lives in north-east part of India?
@kesang the mangoloid from north east india like manipur and assam is again mix of Pleiadians. infact they are more Pleiadians than we indians even when we all are Hybrid of Pleiadians (india, pak, shrilanka, arab, native american indians, mexicans etc etc).... Before our earth was in one piece but slowly it drifted away and broke into peices.... South indians are Lemurian Pleiadian Hybrid while the real Pleiadians looks bit same like Mongoloid from north east india.... America hidden the truth that Native american indians, Mexicans (before they were mayans), Brazilians (in short latin americans are same asian mostly from indian blood who got seprated as our land broke into pieces like Bread on water).... American scientists been forced to make their own theories to hide the truth that Asians are in Large number (specialy because of history between western world vs Asia in Ancient times).... Even the Arabs, turkish, egyptians (egyptians are mix of pleiadian and enki reptilian creation) are mix of Pleiadians and Lemurians. They all looks alot same like indians, pakistanis, shri lankans, bangladeshi etc etc.... (atleast majority of them). The Pleiadians looks alot like manipuri and assam people while the Greys created China by Pleiadian hybrid indian blood with Grey DNA so chinese looks bit same like manipuri and assam people but not exactly same as they have Grey genes.... One thing made me alot upset that American Scientists hidden the truth that Mayans who now mexicans and native american indians were same indian blood.... Infact u wont see much difference between them and us. Even egyptians were more Pleiadians than Reptilians and if u visit egypt than u will notice that they dont look much different from indians....
This year u will see many old (elderly) people would die.... Already the list of elder people died are huge this year.... Many famous elderly people died this year after being admitted to hospital. The list is alot long.... Few of them i will mention here.... (i can mention many indians because i dont know much about other country people who died this year. So only u can make a list).... People died this year suddenly are Dara singh, Rajesh khanna, vilasroa deshmukh, nil armstrong, dev anand and many more. My colony witnessed many elderly peoples death just this year.... Even australian PM's father died 2 days ago, and also the Amol founder passed away yesterday. The List is just too long.... Specialy people who drink and smoke alot and is old age are the ones loosing life.... This is clear sign of 'GOLDEN AGE'.... only people with good habits and karma will live in Golden age and people who dont have much good habit and is old age or alot weak will leave body.... This was even written in Bible, bhagvad gita, and Quran that people who are good karmic will make it to Golden Age and people who are weak, old or had bad habbits wont make it to the Golden Age.... I have a done a little experiment by focusing on my self and people around me including people online....
this is what i learn, i got ill on a day my head was paining alot.... in my colony many people complaint same. What was shocking that only Pisces zodiac got headache.... Than suddenly our Headache vanished and than Aries zodiac people got headache.... Than it kept rotatating zodiac to zodiac. Than again my heart started paining.... this time i asked same people what problem they got? They said they have bit pain around heart (we all were healthy and strong so no chance of heart problem).... i asked other zodiac people and they said they dont have any pain around heart.... Than pain vanished. This time i asked people who had heart pain and the answer Shocked me.... All Libra zodiac people had got heart pain (which vanished).... It seems like Humanoids are Scanning our Body bit by bit according to Zodiacs.... This year many people fallen ill. Just few weeks ago i had bit dizziness.... Again i found out Pisces people had dizziness and than it vanished and other Zodiac people took their turn. Am very sure that Humanoids Scanning us to make sure strongest people enter in Golden age.... This was my learning and experience....
This year u will see many old (elderly) people would die.... Already the list of elder people died are huge this year.... Many famous elderly people died this year after being admitted to hospital. The list is alot long.... Few of them i will mention here.... (i can mention many indians because i dont know much about other country people who died this year. So only u can make a list).... People died this year suddenly are Dara singh, Rajesh khanna, vilasroa deshmukh, nil armstrong, dev anand and many more. My colony witnessed many elderly peoples death just this year.... Even australian PM's father died 2 days ago, and also the Amol founder passed away yesterday. The List is just too long.... Specialy people who drink and smoke alot and is old age are the ones loosing life.... This is clear sign of 'GOLDEN AGE'.... only people with good habits and karma will live in Golden age and people who dont have much good habit and is old age or alot weak will leave body.... This was even written in Bible, bhagvad gita, and Quran that people who are good karmic will make it to Golden Age and people who are weak, old or had bad habbits wont make it to the Golden Age.... I have a done a little experiment by focusing on my self and people around me including people online....
this is what i learn, i got ill on a day my head was paining alot.... in my colony many people complaint same. What was shocking that only Pisces zodiac got headache.... Than suddenly our Headache vanished and than Aries zodiac people got headache.... Than it kept rotatating zodiac to zodiac. Than again my heart started paining.... this time i asked same people what problem they got? They said they have bit pain around heart (we all were healthy and strong so no chance of heart problem).... i asked other zodiac people and they said they dont have any pain around heart.... Than pain vanished. This time i asked people who had heart pain and the answer Shocked me.... All Libra zodiac people had got heart pain (which vanished).... It seems like Humanoids are Scanning our Body bit by bit according to Zodiacs.... This year many people fallen ill. Just few weeks ago i had bit dizziness.... Again i found out Pisces people had dizziness and than it vanished and other Zodiac people took their turn. Am very sure that Humanoids Scanning us to make sure strongest people enter in Golden age.... This was my learning and experience....
Pointless post
@Esc8781 but how can u deny what i have said? Yes the part 'my experience' you can deny but what about the elderly people? Can u deny that? Yes u can say many millions people die every each year.... But this time the number already huge. Why is that?.... Almost many famous elderly people died since january this year.... Its in open.... i even predicted that there will hell on Earth in 2012.... Isnt every floods and Earthquakes going on? Why when we said earth pole will shift and scientists started calling us 'mental case' and Now same Scientists predicted Earth pole to shift within 10years when Artic ocean dissapear?.... Why we can see a planet in Sky that Suddenly appeard out of nowhere? Why scientists Hide about Nibiru and now same scientists saying that planet nibiru is real?.... People here making fun of me but they cant answer the simple Question.... When we talked about nuclear world war of ancient times when reading in Mahabharata than scientists label it as MYTH? but when the nuclear evidence with radioactive human bones found than same scientists said that Ancient times had nuclear world war and same time our Goverment ignores the evidence by saying nothing? Why my post are pointless to many people here? Why cant u all think beyong our 10percent brain power?.... Is it must to not think beyond? i am even giving the proofs and yet people think i lost my mind?.... do u know 'proof'? is i just saying it? Am not saying it.... i am giving proofs and explaining it.... People deserve to know truth. i dont live in what our Goverment feeds our mind.... Goverments pressures Scientists to lie and feed us wrong history and facts.... We deserve real answer. The evidence are out there and i am bringing it here.... Rest is upto u all. Call me by names and make fun but am giving the real Answers....
isro2222 I have read Lemuria was in the Pacific Ocean, it Sank and it's leftovers are the Hawaiian Islands, Pacific Islands, Taipei(Taiwan), China, Japan. Also read it had an advanced race some claim extraterrestrials living on it.

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