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Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

Universe is infinite and we have just reached mars,not even travelled 0.0000000001% of universe and then to expect that life only exists on a small planet like earth would be foolish!
Satan is God of Alpha draconians.... Greys works for Alpha Draconians. Its the Alpha draconian that gave Greys permission to look after humans and to spread evil.... Every world presidents, singers, directors who has power to influence humans are controlled by Greys on behalf of Alpha draconians.... Every president of america after getting selected visits satan church for Blessing.... Or else he will be murdered. Greys controlling american goverment. They build america to spread war and voilence.... This brings negative energy and Blood Flesh for Alpha draconians and Greys....
The Question is how did dinosaur age ended? The Question is how did 1st, 2nd and 3rd Generation Humans ended?.... The Question is how 4th Generation (we all) will end? And the Question is when 5th Generation will born?.... i have got all the Answers.... The Answer is 'NUCLEAR WEAPONS'.... The answer is alot length so i try to explain it bit by bit.... I start from dinosaur age.... When Alpha Draconians destroyed 3 human Planets in Pleiades star system than whole humanoids from many planets from different galaxies decided to have a meeting.... They invited Alpha draconians too but alpha draconian race didnt came. Humanoids and few reptilian races including greys made a peace deal.... They said lets have a planet where humans can be created by mixing everyones DNA. Be it andromedans, Pleiadians, Lyrans, Lemurians, alpha draconians, raptoids, greys, hydras etc etc.... That way everyone will have equal right over that planet and humans.... They choosen planet Mars which was near planet sun that time around. But Alpha Draconian was angry and didnt gave its DNA to create humans. He saw that after a war in pleiades star system the Pleiadians brought humans on Mars directly without creating a new generation human. He saw many other humanoids did same thing. Alpha draconian race than attacked planet Mars but as u know it backfired and the tiny blackhole just pushed mars away from sun due to gravitational force.... Million died. Than all humanoids gave alpha draconian last warning and told them to join us. Alpha draconian race than accept the offer and they all decided to create a human race on planet Earth.... But planet Earth already had dinosaurs and also the Raptoids who had technology like spaceships and weapons. Every humanoids and Reptilians than decided to Nuke Earth by two ways.... Astroids and Nuclear weapon. This was the Reason Dinosaur age ended. Raptoids than migrated into space. It was Astroids and nuclear explosion that extints dinosaur age.... Let me remind u that Astroids create same effect as nuclear weapon but Astroid far more deadly if its alot huge in size.... i will continue what happened than on Earth and how 1st to 3rd generation humans dissapeard.... Trust me that i will show u all proof that might scare u all. This proof backed by Scientists around World.... i will tell it later. Everyone has a right to know the correct history....
Alians are real my friend. Even Quran says Allah made 7 skies and 7 earths which have "Chopaye" (Animals walking on 4 legs) in those earths and if Allah wanted, he could combined them all and it was easy for Him. If you could spend some time on coast-to-coast broadcasts, you would finally reach this conclusion that Alians exist and they are for real.

o bahe...quran ka reference dene ka koi faida nae....jinhoon ne manana hota ha...wo research krte hain aur quran k faislay ko man lete hain jinhoon ne chaske lene hote hain wo ulte seedhe batain krte hain
Guy is just peddling legends from ancient Sumerian texts.....after seeing a trailer of a TV series Ancient Aliens im almost convinced he is watching the episodes and as soon as he finishes watching one he comes on here and posts another gem.

Ancient Aliens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The reason humanoids and Reptilian wanted to make human were 'FOOD' source.... Humanoids live on our positive energy. They dont eat food. The reptilians live on our Flesh, blood and Greys live on our negative energy and human liquids.... Earth is Food source for all Humanoids and Reptilians. earth is precious for them. As i told u all about the end of dinosaur age, now i will tell u about how 1st to 3rd human civilization ended.... After dinosaur were destroyed by Humanoids and Reptilians the raptoid migrated into space.... Earth had only few species left. Than the humanoids, reptilians wanted to create a human. However many humanoids and reptilians started creating its own humanoids and reptilians breeds.... Pleiadians were first to land on earth and they created indians. Than lemurians created sub indian which were mayans and american indians including mexicans, the andromedans created most of Europians, lyrans created most of Western world and greys created chinese (all were created by bit indian DNA as pleiadians landed first on planet earth from mars after got attacked, Annunakis, reptilian created Africans and atlantis sub humans (while that sub human atlantis created few other sub humans and one of them were mermaids who was half dolphis (dolphins were from andomeda galaxy brought by andromedans) and half humans like atlantis who were sub humans) and they also created pockets of Their own human breeds around world.... There was a agreement between all humanoids and Reptilians that they will only interfear directly if needed. They prefer controling humans by Frequencies. Just like a playing game but for a reason (food source)....
They created devices that they shifted on every planet in our solar system.... This devices manipulate humans by Frequencies (we call it planets effects). Reptilians and Greys focus on Negative frequencies and Humanoids created Positive Frequencies.... However everyone wanted to create a mix breed of human so they all gave their DNA and mixed that DNA with chimps and created a human which was not pure human.... He had alot of hair on body and he use to walk like chimps.... So every humanoids and reptilian concentrated on the superior human breed.... when the cycle of humans comes to an end they get extint slowly after huge natural disaster (natural disaster are created by humans fault and its controlled by Humanoids and Reptilians).... The 3rd Generation Humans were the GIANTS.... they been nuked out of planet when they proved Harming the planet Earth and they took on Annunakis and went rebel. Few of them been left and those the one got killed in war with new 4th generation humans.... The bones been found and history text been written all around world on Giant humans.... Later i will tell u about 4th Generation Humans. 4th generation humans were the best superior generation humans and it was destroyed in nuclear world war started by Atlantis empire and Rama empire.... i will put all the evidence that will shock u all.... First check 3rd generation humans the Giants.
Giants - Myth or Reality - The Breitenwinner Cave
YouTube - Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - Giants
YouTube - New Giant Skulls Found!
YouTube - Giants humans skeletons found all over the world
Before i tell u all about the biggest nuclear world war between 4th generation humans and sub human atlantis i want to tell u all that i mentioned that Atlantis were created by Annunakis.... And Atlantis created more Sub humans and one of them were Mermaids.... They were hybrid between Human DNA and Dolphin DNA. They been found in Atlantic ocean and also in Sea around israel.... Recently a shocking news came that american navy caught few mermaids and brought into american secret base where NASA was trying to learn about them. Obama got so much excited that he took his family to show them mermaids.... When news leaked out people got angry. Than american goverment came out to explain that news is false.... If mermaids news was funny than why American goverment came out to explain it? isnt that funny itself that they explaining about mermaids.... Mermaids are real and they still exist.... Mermaids were created in Golden age before 3600 to 5000 years ago (present age is kalyug which will end on 21st december 2012 and golden age will began)....
here about mermaid....
“Mermaids: The Body Found” increases speculation on existence of mermaids | The Guardian Express
and here is the news in which american goverment explaining (goverments always lies)....
Mermaids do not exist, US Government declares « TOP ALTERNATIVE NEWS
@apoll the annunakis were indeed indian Gods. The reason Enki and Enlil went war against each other was they wanted to take control of Earth.... Enlil was in power but Enki wanted to be in power.... Enki broke annunaki Law by giving humans Technology. Enki made Atlantis race who were sub humans.... In a way Enki created Rebels. Enki loved Humans and never followed any Law. Enki loved Being in Mud working and Teaching about Life to Humans while Enlil was clean and loved staying clean. Enlil teached indians about How to follow law.... In huge war Enki with its army of African race and Atlantis race attacked Enlil in india.... Huge battle was faught but Enki gave atlantis and african race Spaceship and nukes while Enlil never gave indian people spaceships and nukes due to Law.... Only indian Gods and special people were given spaceships.... So it was no contest.... When Enki and Atlantis nuked Rama Empire than our army runaway into hiding because of radiation and burns.... Million died in Rama Empire.... Than Enlil got alot angry because he thought his army a coward.... Than Enlil braught huge Flood on Earth by Sattelite Moon.... Atlantis and Lemurian sunk in that. Atlantis and Lemurians migrated into space after that.... Enki than warned Enlil to not Harm humans. Enki than given the control of Earth. Age of Pisces and Aquarius is of Enki Age.... By the way read about how Enlil made indian Gods immortal.... He gave them mrit drink. Than Half Reptilian Rahu too drink that. He got his head beheaded.... It was Enki sugested Rahu to drink that Mrit.... If u ask me do i favor Annunaki controling Earth? Than my Answer is i wont mind.... Enki will gives us technology to live upto 450 years.... Enki and Enlil are now Friends.... Trust me we are far better under their Law when compared to our Goverments Law....

Here is the proof.... Must Visit....
Nuclear Events in Ancient India?

to be honest , I once had this freaky dream
I was commanding fleet of inter-galactic mother ships (something like Vortul Class) , i don't remember much but i got badly injured when attacking a enemy star-base type thing (?!?!). after that day my back , neck hurts, there are some scratches appeared on my right wrist....i am not trolling! :confused:

I hope that's just a dream, because i myself thinks such alien stories are false.
Sorry for late update.... i was busy doing maha mantra since few days.... i want to tell everyone that i will update on the biggest nuclear world war that wiped most of humans. i will give the proof that might shock u all. Same would happen again.... The clean up already started. Many old people started ending up. You will know that old people death number risen and also many natural disasters.... The prediction of planet nibiru bringing hell on earth already started taking effect.... Floods, earthquake, tsunami, natural disaster hit every country around world.... The pole of earth shifting. Biggest news came from scientists who just 3 weeks ago predicted that Arctic ocean to dissapear in less than 10 years.... When we said that north pole will shift than scientists laughed.... Now same scientists predicting pole shift likely after arctic ice dissapearing fast.... Planet nibiru started effecting planet Earth.... Most of us will die out slowly and 5th generation humans will take our place.... Golden age starting from 21st december. Weak ones wont make out till golden age.... Specialy old people will die sudenly by organ failures. The Frequency set by Greys and humanoids will make sure that bad ones die out in kalyug (time of evil age which is going on since 3600 years and it would end on 21st december 2012.... Our Gods left earth after Golden age ended. They promised to be back after evil age ends. So they golden age will see new 5th generation humans.... There will be nuclear war and natural disasters on earth. i will explain everything with proofs....
Arctic sea ice could disappear within 10 years: Scientists - Economic Times
Arctic Tipping Point: A North Pole Without Ice by Fen Montaigne: Yale Environment 360

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