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Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

@mosamania thanks. To be honest since i born i was intrested in space universe etc etc.... But last year something happened that changed my life.... i didnt know who were the Arcturians untill i met them. Yes it was in dream but it felt real and not a dream.... Arcturians told me so many things and also they told me that people who are intrested in universe been onto starship Athena.... So that means people like u and all who intrested in universe and alien life been to starship Athena in previous life.... It just that we dont remember it. If u want to know what Arcturians told me than let me know....
@Asim there are more good humanoids than bad reptilians.... i tell u about a lady who got aducted by Small Greys.... The sad part was that she got abducted with her two kids.... Greys acted politely.... And asked her to give her brain chemicals.... The women refused. Than Grey threaten her that they will kill her both kids.... The lady suddenly ran out and bumped into a huge vessel. in that she saw animals and humans parts floating on blood.... She saw a Grey alien swimming in that. As u know that Grey aliens (small ones with large head) dont have immune system. They observe food by Skin.... (i will show u later live Cow Abduction video) the lady than started screaming loud.... Greys told her just give brain chemicals and they will let her kids go with her. She agreed and they after taking brain chemicals let her go.... That lady been through alot and was shocked and still is. She told that just after her abduction two types of MIB visited her. One was from American goverment who threaten her not to speak anything about abduction and the 2nd were from Pleiadians and andromedans who asked her what type of alien abducted her and where and what they did.... They are Real MIB (men in black).... They told her not to panic. And than they vanished in sky in posh sports car. Lady said that american MIB were bit mix of humans and humanoids who didnt had any eye brows and eye lashes and they had technology to dissapear.... while 2nd MIB were humanoids who were more strong and 6 to 7 feet tall with strong voice....
Now here is the Real video of American-grey created Men in Black.... They searching someone.... They have advanced Technology that given to them by tall Greys....
YouTube - The real Men in Black caught on tape?
Here is more information about the MIB (men in black).... They are mostly a dead human who been made alive by Grey technology (somewhat made like Robo but a real blood Robo who Breaths).... Its part of American-Grey deal.... As u know already America made a deal with Greys about swapping technology and humans....
YouTube - Unsolved Mysteries - Men in Black
@mosamania thanks. To be honest since i born i was intrested in space universe etc etc.... But last year something happened that changed my life.... i didnt know who were the Arcturians untill i met them. Yes it was in dream but it felt real and not a dream.... Arcturians told me so many things and also they told me that people who are intrested in universe been onto starship Athena.... So that means people like u and all who intrested in universe and alien life been to starship Athena in previous life.... It just that we dont remember it. If u want to know what Arcturians told me than let me know....
@Asim there are more good humanoids than bad reptilians.... i tell u about a lady who got aducted by Small Greys.... The sad part was that she got abducted with her two kids.... Greys acted politely.... And asked her to give her brain chemicals.... The women refused. Than Grey threaten her that they will kill her both kids.... The lady suddenly ran out and bumped into a huge vessel. in that she saw animals and humans parts floating on blood.... She saw a Grey alien swimming in that. As u know that Grey aliens (small ones with large head) dont have immune system. They observe food by Skin.... (i will show u later live Cow Abduction video) the lady than started screaming loud.... Greys told her just give brain chemicals and they will let her kids go with her. She agreed and they after taking brain chemicals let her go.... That lady been through alot and was shocked and still is. She told that just after her abduction two types of MIB visited her. One was from American goverment who threaten her not to speak anything about abduction and the 2nd were from Pleiadians and andromedans who asked her what type of alien abducted her and where and what they did.... They are Real MIB (men in black).... They told her not to panic. And than they vanished in sky in posh sports car. Lady said that american MIB were bit mix of humans and humanoids who didnt had any eye brows and eye lashes and they had technology to dissapear.... while 2nd MIB were humanoids who were more strong and 6 to 7 feet tall with strong voice....
Now here is the Real video of American-grey created Men in Black.... They searching someone.... They have advanced Technology that given to them by tall Greys....
YouTube - The real Men in Black caught on tape?

I also had a dream about starships once.. it included strippers and lesbians too....... Are Aliens homosexual?????
Check this.... A cloaked American Soldier caught on Cam.... America gave humans to Greys and Greys giving America outdated Technology (compared to what Greys and Humanoids had yet its far superior technology campared to present humans).... Must watch....
YouTube - Soldier using invisibilty cloak? (Army optical camouflage technology)

Here more videos of it....
YouTube - INVISIBLE soldier caught on video
YouTube - Special ops soldier caught on tape wearing top secret stealth INVISIBILITY suit! MUST SEE!!.
My worry is not Cloaked Technology.... My worry is ELF mind control technology.... ELF technology can make humans do anything America Wants....
Isro when do you think we will make contact with Aliens? As you know Voyager 1 has reached interstellar medium.
@A1kaid Aliens are already in touch with Humans.... Both negative and Positive Aliens are in touch with humans. i got in touch with most positive Alien race Arcturians. it was in dream but it didnt felt like dream.... i didnt even knew what was Arcturian and Starship Athena.... When i met them they told me so many things that opened my mind totaly.... The Question here not is when will we get in touch with Aliens. The Question is when will Aliens come in open and declare to world we shouldnt panic.... That age is about to Start from 21st december 2012 as Golden age Starting.... Its our Learning time. New Human with powerful DNA will born.... Golden age cycle will be 3600 plus years. In those years Aliens will teach us alot but for that Annunakis should be allowed to enter Earth.... Right now Enlil angry on Humans while his half brother Enki doing his best to enter Earth.... Annunakis want to enter Earth and America buyed multi million cofins.... A real sign of future war....
@A1kaid Aliens are already in touch with Humans.... Both negative and Positive Aliens are in touch with humans. i got in touch with most positive Alien race Arcturians. it was in dream but it didnt felt like dream.... i didnt even knew what was Arcturian and Starship Athena.... When i met them they told me so many things that opened my mind totaly.... The Question here not is when will we get in touch with Aliens. The Question is when will Aliens come in open and declare to world we shouldnt panic.... That age is about to Start from 21st december 2012 as Golden age Starting.... Its our Learning time. New Human with powerful DNA will born.... Golden age cycle will be 3600 plus years. In those years Aliens will teach us alot but for that Annunakis should be allowed to enter Earth.... Right now Enlil angry on Humans while his half brother Enki doing his best to enter Earth.... Annunakis want to enter Earth and America buyed multi million cofins.... A real sign of future war....

How do you think modern human weapons system compare to the weapon systems of the Annunakis? What will happen when they arrive will they colonize us?
@isro do u seriously believe this kind of err... man what the hell do u do for living i wonder. U seem to be completely out of this world.
How do you think modern human weapons system compare to the weapon systems of the Annunakis? What will happen when they arrive will they colonize us?

i cant believe this guy is actually buying all that shitt :rofl:
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3345727 said:
i cant believe this guy is actually buying all that shitt :rofl:

Abe dimag lagao, he is not buying .... just doing window shopping....
@A1kaid Annunakis are so much superior that they have Technology to divert the path of Planet.... Planet Moon is Sattelite and u will see very clearly that Moon has Annunaki made cracks on it.... Moon is Hollow and inside its huge generators. Let me know if u want to see from where Annunakis fitted Generators and Engine inside Moon.... It was brought near Earth to sink Sub human Atlantis.... It because Atlantis were Rebels and they decided to fight against Enlil. So they joined with Enki and war against Enlil and india.... Rama empire was created by Enlil. in huge war Atlantis destroyed Rama Empire.... indian soldiers after nuke attack went into hiding. Enlil got alot Angry and braught sattelite Moon to Sin atlantis empire and it did as moon pulled sea and sink atlantis empire.... However Enki took over india and Enlil decided to end Humanity in anger.... But Enki didnt let that Happened. If u want to know everything about Annunakis then click here.... This link will give u all details who are Annunakis.... They are good and bit bad both....
Twenty-Four Signs that You are an original Annunaki Descendant on the Earth Today
@isro2222... if Enki and Enlil are Hindu gods, then why fight among themselves?


Were the Anunnaki alien race, the same hindu gods???, page 1
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