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Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

why james cameron want to shift in newzealand? Why he Angry on American goverment?.... Why movie 'AVATAR' didnt got the biggest award of all?.... Who james cameron blamed after the award ceremony?.... The word 'AVATAR' is a indian word.... The blue aliens are Lord Krishna race Aliens.... The Planet was our Gods Planet from where Lord Krishna and Lord Vishnu came.... James cameron shown in the movie that American military is Evil.... indirectly he shown whats Greys and alpha draconian intentions.... Instead of using Greys and Reptilians he used American military because usa under tall Greys control.... Now James cameron want to shift in newzealand.... He said he shown whats truth.... And he dissapointed American Goverment couldnt digest it.....

The blue aliens are Lord Krishna race Aliens.... The Planet was our Gods Planet from where Lord Krishna and Lord Vishnu came

I always suspected this, the movie Avatar depicted an indigenous group of intelligent life known as the Na'vi which have strange similarity with the Hindu God Krishna. The depiction of these blue Na'vi people was likely inspired by Krishna's appearance.


its problem for mars aliens not for us let them tackle by their way sure there will be some USA on mars like we have :rofl:
Once I was chilling out in the balcony in the evening,I m not saying it was a UFO,but a white *** in the sky zoomed past and I could see it only for a second or two,quite a weird and unique experience it was!
Do you know what it was? No? Then by definition it is a UFO.

People may call you nutjob, but I am your biggest fan. The details and explanation you give are just "alien", I mean of of this world. Proud to have an Indian like you. I think you should try in Bollywod or Hollywood.:enjoy:
I like him too, but probably because one of my best friends is like this...she's not so much into "greys" and things...but believes aliens helped Egyptians...2012, etc.
A lot of people might ridicule believing in aliens and such but you can even find evidence to aliens and life in space in various writings and religious scriptures. Why would primitive people reference people of the stars or at least leave ambiguous hints like drawing on walls of if there was nothing behind it?? It deserves at least some thought instead of outright denial.
Well Lord Vishnu (whose avatar :-)woot:) was Lord Krishna) travels on a bird Garuda..the Na'avi too fly on birds...

Just saying..
King CoBrA is a native snake of south asia and found abundant in southern ghats , hence Kerala too.

During the historiC battle between Kerala people and pluto people over who will control the outer ring circling Saturn , the kerala people were helped by people of nebula. They gave nebulians some snakes ( read king cobra ) hence they has their symbol as king cobra .. So it proves kerala people gave Greys (zeta) , the cobra symbol... a few prisoners of war were send to egypt for an educational tour and they were given cobra inside a pyramid symbol, they are now called alpha draconian...

And annunakis are not aliens.. most CPM leaders of kerala are from Annunaki tribe.. even Arundati Roy was an annunaki but after she left kerala we made her beta draconian.

The word draconian is also wrong.. we call them drinkonian in kerala.. they are found most active during evening times and are found in front of liquor/beverages shops through out the state..

More alien stories.. some other time...
that was awesome
I can not say that whether these are UFOs or not but sure there is life in this universe other than us. There are almost 100 bil. stars in our galaxy and there are more than 100 billions of galaxies and enless amount of space. Further if we consider multiverse hypothesis, the chances are exponentialy high.

Read the book by Brain Greene "The Fabric Of Cosmos"
@hellzhere same thing happened with me.... Am in mumbai. At morning 3.30am i was watching the andromeda star system by my portable telescope.... Than i did meditation for half hour and i wished a ufo would hover over my building.... As soon as i wished it i saw a very bright white light went at full speed in night sky. It confused me. i kept thinking was it a plane.... But a plane would make a sound and plane has white, green and red light blikring.... While if plane was alot high than it wont go that fast.... It was indeed something i couldnt explain.... It happened just few weeks after a boy captured a ufo on cam over Santa cruz airport. It was shown in all tv news.... That too was bright light but that bright light wasnt moving.... It came down and zoom up fast and hover a bit and then dissapeard fast as soon as air plane was about to touch down....
@888jamie888 Astar galactic command not with tall greys.... They just had a peace deal. Tall greys taking help of humans to fight annunakis.... While ashtar galactic command warned humans that Tall greys giving them just a tip of weapon technology and it wont help humans in war.... Ashtar galactic command told that tall greys making humans just a sheild against annunakis.... Read here total warning and all details. Dark is about to lose the war against Light....
Galactic Federation of Light Messages From Our Space Family 2012 - A New Beginning - Home

All these things only seem to happen in the suburbs in Mumbai - floods, autorickshaws, UFOs...
@apoll the list is long who is good and bad.... But i will explain u whos real worse, bad, good and better.... The very worse is the reptilians like alpha draconians, raptoids (raptoids are from earth and they born before humans did. They rule dinosaur age), the hydras....
While bad is the Greys (all catagory)....
the Good is Annunakis. Yes they are good and Bad both.... As u know ENKI created slave race and he the father of humans (slave race) and he broke a law and gave us technology like spaceships and Nukes.... While Enlil was against it.... ENKI was half human and half reptilian and he was chief scientist.... He ruled Africa and Enlil his half brother ruled india.... in war Enlil (and indians) Lost the war against ENKI and enki took over Earth....
the Best is Humanoids like Ashtar Galactic Command.... In that many races included.
while Neutral is Nazi humanoids....
there are total of 70 types of Humanoids and Reptilians on Earth.... Annunaki want to take over Earth to help humans. While humans are with Greys and Greys are with Reptilians.... Humanoids hates both Reptilian and Annunakis.... Annunaki doing its best to defeat Greys and Alpha draconians.... But Annunaki Lost on Mars in 2001. However they will again launch an attack on Greys and Alpha draconians. Now the videos i will show u in that u can clearly see war between Annunakis, Greys plus alpha draconians.... The humanoid hates annunakis because annunakis gave technology to alpha draconians to destroy planets and alpha draconian did that against Humanoids.... But now alpha draconian used same technology against annunakis. its simple to understand. Example russia gave weapons to china and china used that weapons against russia in war.... Must watch videos. Take a look how everyone at war to take control of Earth....
YouTube - BREAKING!! 8-25-12 UFO WAR!!!
YouTube - The Anunnaki are showing up worldwide! - "Pulsating Orbs of Light" - UFO's!
YouTube - Anunnaki and Illuminati at War NOW | Operation Human Freedom: Planetary Regime Change
YouTube - Anunnaki Disable Nukes, Sabotage Missile Tests, Spy on Nuclear Plants
why do we always see so tiny tuny pics UFO's?......why not one clear picture showing cockpit of UFO...windows...thrust nozzle...refuelling pod...etc etc.

Restricted access.
Sensitive technology.

Afraid if the Chinese would copy it and Indians will offer a price for it. : D
i only speaks with proof and evidence.... Mars was full of life multi million years ago. The Pleiadians were the one who braught humans on Mars from planet ERRA after Alpha draconians attacked it and forced Pleiadians to migrate into space.... But Alpha draconians saw Mars and they used huge astroids and tiny blackhole to destroy it but due to earth, jupiter saturn gravitational force it backfired and mars was thrown far away. Millions died. Few of them shifted on planet earth by Pleiadians. The PHOBO is a evidence of alpha draconian attack. Infact alpha draconian made a base on PHOBO.... Russia sended sattelite to examine PHOBO which is orbiting mars. It was shot down by Alpha draconians and russia confirmed it.... Annunakis in 2001 tried to take over Mars but they lost in huge battle. The Solar flares on Mars in 2001 was the evidence that puzzled scientist.... Mars controled by alpha draconians and Greys. Humanoids are not allowed on Mars.... When the latest rower sended by America landed on Mars it saw huge shape of a dust which dissapeard within minutes. That panic the scientists. Mars is totaly controled by Reptilians and Greys. Without their permission humans cant land on Mars.... Want evidence? Than let me know. infact u can zoom right now on mars and check the evidence of war. Weapons, bones and underground cities are viewable....

Give evidence that looks like evidence.

Don't you find your story incredibly detailed...

I actually believe that there must be Alien life somewhere. But you're like ammo to give the belief in Alien life forms a bad name.
@apoll the list is long who is good and bad.... But i will explain u whos real worse, bad, good and better.... The very worse is the reptilians like alpha draconians, raptoids (raptoids are from earth and they born before humans did. They rule dinosaur age), the hydras....
While bad is the Greys (all catagory)....
the Good is Annunakis. Yes they are good and Bad both.... As u know ENKI created slave race and he the father of humans (slave race) and he broke a law and gave us technology like spaceships and Nukes.... While Enlil was against it.... ENKI was half human and half reptilian and he was chief scientist.... He ruled Africa and Enlil his half brother ruled india.... in war Enlil (and indians) Lost the war against ENKI and enki took over Earth....
the Best is Humanoids like Ashtar Galactic Command.... In that many races included.
while Neutral is Nazi humanoids....
there are total of 70 types of Humanoids and Reptilians on Earth.... Annunaki want to take over Earth to help humans. While humans are with Greys and Greys are with Reptilians.... Humanoids hates both Reptilian and Annunakis.... Annunaki doing its best to defeat Greys and Alpha draconians.... But Annunaki Lost on Mars in 2001. However they will again launch an attack on Greys and Alpha draconians. Now the videos i will show u in that u can clearly see war between Annunakis, Greys plus alpha draconians.... The humanoid hates annunakis because annunakis gave technology to alpha draconians to destroy planets and alpha draconian did that against Humanoids.... But now alpha draconian used same technology against annunakis. its simple to understand. Example russia gave weapons to china and china used that weapons against russia in war.... Must watch videos. Take a look how everyone at war to take control of Earth....
YouTube - BREAKING!! 8-25-12 UFO WAR!!!
YouTube - The Anunnaki are showing up worldwide! - "Pulsating Orbs of Light" - UFO's!
YouTube - Anunnaki and Illuminati at War NOW | Operation Human Freedom: Planetary Regime Change
YouTube - Anunnaki Disable Nukes, Sabotage Missile Tests, Spy on Nuclear Plants


Never stop isro... I am behind you 100%... Keep spreading the word and then and only then will the world seeeeeeee hat you see my friend...

We want you to inform us.. NO.. we NEED you to inform us of what is going on around us... Never stop...

People may call you crazy or a nutjob or whatever but don't listen to them... I BELIEEEEEVE.
Look isro I finally see it. You make perfect sense... Look look look


This thing has got Alpha Draconian technology written all over it....

It does contain Alien technology doesn't it Isro?? I don't know I am merely an amateur compared to you.
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