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Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

@blackwidow.... In Quran its written about Jinn.... Jin created by Annunakis. There are two types of Jin. A good and a Bad just like Enki and Enlil. Jin are with feelings and they travel light speed (dissapearing capablity)....
@Orionhunter.... Thats Zeta Spaceship.... If it had king cobra in midle than thats Alpha Draconian spaceship.... The Greys are Slave of alpha draconians who abduct humans and sell human flesh to Reptilians in Reptilian underground cities. While tall greys monitoring this small greys. Small greys are more like breathing robos without internal organs.... While tall greys are totaly superior and had internal organs.... The triangle or pyramid shape is Alpha draconian, Greys and Arcturians symbol. Arcturians are alot good aliens and the most superior aliens and their symbol is 3rd eye in pyramid.... Greys (zeta) symbol is King kobra and Alpha draconian symbol is King kobra in pyramid which tells that Zeta are slave of Master alpha draconian race.... if u need the symbols details than let me know....

Have you heard of Blasphemy Law???? You are finish... :rofl:
wait a second the mars thin atmosphere is orange-y not blue.

The UFO sightings begin since I started playing HALO and Master Chief kicking azzzes of Covenants
Its clearly disc spaceship owned by Zetans.... They are not much aggresive but tall greys are total aggresive if humans goes against their will.... While small greys are famous for abduction.... All these are found on Mars working for Alpha draconians (tall greys may be a rebel race who doesnt like getting controled).... Tall greys and Ashtar Galactic command had a peace deal after tall greys threaten to harm Earth if ashtar galactic command dont stop attacking Tall Greys.... Arcturians made both Tall greys and Ashtar Galactic command sign peace deal.... But it angered Pleiadians and Andromedans who now formed Pleiadias-andromedas galactic federation counsil.... However they still friends with Ashtar Galactic command. Only they dissagree with Ashtar's thinking that we shouldnt help Humans until humans ask for it....


Want more? Let me know!

Please do post more. :D
Its clearly disc spaceship owned by Zetans.... They are not much aggresive but tall greys are total aggresive if humans goes against their will.... While small greys are famous for abduction.... All these are found on Mars working for Alpha draconians (tall greys may be a rebel race who doesnt like getting controled).... Tall greys and Ashtar Galactic command had a peace deal after tall greys threaten to harm Earth if ashtar galactic command dont stop attacking Tall Greys.... Arcturians made both Tall greys and Ashtar Galactic command sign peace deal.... But it angered Pleiadians and Andromedans who now formed Pleiadias-andromedas galactic federation counsil.... However they still friends with Ashtar Galactic command. Only they dissagree with Ashtar's thinking that we shouldnt help Humans until humans ask for it....

Bro, any chance you can pass me the details of your dealer. It's seems like seriously good s**t if this is the effect...
I predicted this. This has to do with the NWO, where the Illumanati are planning to create a one world government with the resistance to the threat of alien invaders.
Its clearly disc spaceship owned by Zetans.... They are not much aggresive but tall greys are total aggresive if humans goes against their will.... While small greys are famous for abduction.... All these are found on Mars working for Alpha draconians (tall greys may be a rebel race who doesnt like getting controled).... Tall greys and Ashtar Galactic command had a peace deal after tall greys threaten to harm Earth if ashtar galactic command dont stop attacking Tall Greys.... Arcturians made both Tall greys and Ashtar Galactic command sign peace deal.... But it angered Pleiadians and Andromedans who now formed Pleiadias-andromedas galactic federation counsil.... However they still friends with Ashtar Galactic command. Only they dissagree with Ashtar's thinking that we shouldnt help Humans until humans ask for it....

So Zetans vs alliance of tall greys and small greys. Who wins?
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