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Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

Have you personally spotted a Reptilian before? Also are there Reptilians in various Governments around the world?

@A1kaid i didnt but yes i heard voice of an Reptilian.... It was just after i met Arcturians in my dream.... Reptilian started disturbing me. At midnight i was on my bed and i heard a very loud voice which was mix of eagle and snake hizzz.... to be honest i panic and felt really scared even when we shouldnt panic (i couldnt help).... i thought its my end. i prayed to Arcturian, Elohim and My lord hanumaan.... i felt alot better than. 2nd time i nearly got attacked but there was no one.... i was on my bike and there was a dark tunnel on my way.... When i was crossing the dark tunnel at night around 8pm or so i felt like Reptilian behind me want to harm me.... But there was no one behind me. Reptilians cant harm me because Arcturians and my lord looking after me.... About world goverment i want to say that Reptilians and Greys rules world goverment, film and music industry.... There job is to spread satan name.... i will show u every proof of Reptilian and Greys ruling our Goverments.... The Reptilian number is '666'.... (same number George bush declared number of power).... The reason Reptilian had number 666 was the Arcturians has number 333.... So Reptilian doubled it to show the power.... i will show u every proof later afternoon. The Reptilians had symbol of Pyramid and king cobra inbetween.... The reason was that Arcturians had Pyramid symbol with eye on top of it.... Reptilian rules many african nations but Haiti is the capital of Reptilian as Haiti is famous of Black magic and this was the reason Andromedans And Pleiadians beamed Haiti and brought Earthquake which killed record number of people.... i will give the proof this afternoon....
@A1kaid there are many Earthquake happening every now and than.... Same with Tsunami.... If you remember Trunami happens once a Century.... But now it happens twice a year.... Many Scientists puzzled and Shocked that many Earthquakes taking place where there no Earthquake Zone comes.... Its not Natural Disaster.... Its Artificial Earthquake for two Reason.
1st to Destroy enemy Bases below underground....
2nd to Destroy Humans....
both Reptilians and Humanoids killing each other and also killing Humans on both side.... Humanoids attacking negative energy country and Reptilians attacking Positive energy Country.... Most Natural dissasters are Artificial.... The weapon is most powerful Beam.... Reptilians attacked india and Humanoids attacked many Reptilian controld countries....
The Andromedan Compendium - 7c
Japan, Chile & Haiti Earthquakes: The UFO Connection « Aliens, Angels, Ghosts
YouTube - UFO sightings caught on tape night before the Haiti - NOT - India Nepal Earthquake Tsunami HAARP
UFOs 2012|UFO Sightings|Alien UFO Pictures|What Are UFOs|2012 Solar Strom|Mexico UFO: Strange Light ring over Chile prior to 8.8 Earthquake
Isro2222...I am becoming more and more impressed by your knowledge in these things....Its completely baseless but I think your passion even in baseless thing is commendable.

You are way better than other so called "sane" posters who changes side according to popular belief.
@krait there are 2 billion earth like planets and 1 billion sun like planets.... On earth around 70 types of Aliens landed.... i have also given nuclear world war proof which no one debunks it untill now.... i want u to read what J. robert (nuclear father of america) have told to world media.... He said he just the modern atomic father and second one.... He was pointing towards Rama Empire and Atlantis empire nuclear world war.... The human bones found in india shocked world. Half million indians died by nuclear exploision. The bones were 8000 to 12000 years old.... giant human bones too found.... its ok if you believe humans are alone in universe and Earth.... my job is to bring out facts. i bring out what Scientists found.... So am not 'retard'.... i only gives proofs with explaination....
@everyone The Reason Andromedans and Pleiadians walked out of Ashtar Galactic command was Andromedans and Pleiadians dont support Ashtar view that Humans should be helped only when humans asks for help.... This Lead Andromedans and Pleiadians to form Andromeda-pleiadian federation counsil galactic command.... Andromedans and Pleiadians directly attacks Reptilian Bases even when many people loose life.... This is what Ashtar galactic command dont like because they care for human life.... However both Ashtar galactic command and Andromeda-pleiadian galactic command still Friends even after they dont agree with each other....
Removing Reptilian Undersea Bases from Middle East & China - Andromeda Council
Andromeda Council Sonic Beam Destroys Reptilian Base - Magnitude 5.0 Gulf of Aden Quake
East China Sea 6.9 Quake - Undersea Reptilian Base Destroyed - Andromeda Council
YouTube - 5.0 Gulf of Aden quake: Andromeda Council sonic beam destroys reptilian undersea base
What is happening to this planet EARTH.... Everywhere its bloodshed.... Tears.... Even i crying alot because my auntie not well.... She gravely ill.... Everywhere people in tears.... Just on news channel and u will see news of Bloodshed, deaths, dissasters, corruption etc etc.... My heart cries.... i wish i can change this world.... i wish i can make this world into heaven where people can live forever in peace.... ENLIL before Leaving Planet EARTH cursed ENKI and said we annunakis leaving planet Earth and giving u a curse (punishment) to stay on EARTH (in annunaki the earth means hell) to born on Earth and die and again born forever.... So ENKI on planet on Earth because he half Reptilian who broke annunaki Law.... Golden age about to start.... So ENLIL will return on planet Earth before he can return as predicted a hell started on Earth.... It will get worse as time passes by.... i wish everyone turn peaceful. My heart cries watching this Hell....
@hellzhere same thing happened with me.... Am in mumbai. At morning 3.30am i was watching the andromeda star system by my portable telescope.... Than i did meditation for half hour and i wished a ufo would hover over my building.... As soon as i wished it i saw a very bright white light went at full speed in night sky. It confused me. i kept thinking was it a plane.... But a plane would make a sound and plane has white, green and red light blikring.... While if plane was alot high than it wont go that fast.... It was indeed something i couldnt explain.... It happened just few weeks after a boy captured a ufo on cam over Santa cruz airport. It was shown in all tv news.... That too was bright light but that bright light wasnt moving.... It came down and zoom up fast and hover a bit and then dissapeard fast as soon as air plane was about to touch down....
@888jamie888 Astar galactic command not with tall greys.... They just had a peace deal. Tall greys taking help of humans to fight annunakis.... While ashtar galactic command warned humans that Tall greys giving them just a tip of weapon technology and it wont help humans in war.... Ashtar galactic command told that tall greys making humans just a sheild against annunakis.... Read here total warning and all details. Dark is about to lose the war against Light....
Galactic Federation of Light Messages From Our Space Family 2012 - A New Beginning - Home

Guruji.........charan chukar aapko pranam karta hoon.............aap mile mera jeevan samarth ho gaya....where were you, strange that I didnt find you before on PDF....jai ho.. :rofl:
@JD_IN am always here.... Am going through tough time.... My auntie gravely ill.... This year many old people been ill and many famous old people died.... Rajesh khanna, devanand, dara singh, amol founder, vilasrao deshmukh, nil armstrong and lis is long.... i wish my auntie getswell soon.... she in pain.... even china's new president been hiding or sick.... Golden age about to start.... So we can see hell on planet earth.... My heart cries....
@JD_IN am always here.... Am going through tough time.... My auntie gravely ill.... This year many old people been ill and many famous old people died.... Rajesh khanna, devanand, dara singh, amol founder, vilasrao deshmukh, nil armstrong and lis is long.... i wish my auntie getswell soon.... she in pain.... even china's new president been hiding or sick.... Golden age about to start.... So we can see hell on planet earth.... My heart cries....

Glad that you are here.! I missed you.
Any fresh news about Aliens?
@JD_IN am always here.... Am going through tough time.... My auntie gravely ill.... This year many old people been ill and many famous old people died.... Rajesh khanna, devanand, dara singh, amol founder, vilasrao deshmukh, nil armstrong and lis is long.... i wish my auntie getswell soon.... she in pain.... even china's new president been hiding or sick.... Golden age about to start.... So we can see hell on planet earth.... My heart cries....

I understand all these people are dying hence you are in so much of pain..by d way, any idea where do they go after their death?

I wish all good health to your Aunt...hope she will get well soon..
@doublemaster there are few of them and i will update it.... Something huge might happen. i will tell u everything here in coming days.... Do keep checking for updates.
@JD_In planet Earth is known as Hell according to Annunakis (ENLIL made indian Gods).... When we human dies than our Soul goes up to Starship ATHENA.... infact i already been to starship ATHENA in my dream (it felt real).... When our Soul enters starship athena than we see alot Bright light.... Its the one of Arcturian. He ask us about what we did on Earth.... If we answers right like we did Sin than he makes us go through a chamber where our memory gets cleared.... So we can re-birth on Earth.... If we did alot good karma than he lets us stay on Starship Athena.... If we did alot bad like crime, murder etc etc we are send back to Earth inside ground.... About 580 km deep inside Ground there is Reptilian Base.... There our Soul gets tourcherd forever for negative energy.... They have technology to put Souls in frying hot oil and we burn forever.... (recently russian scientists heard hells voice and captured on tape).... Theres is Human Meat market too inside Ground where Reptilians kidnap real alive humans and kill them for Flesh, blood and chemicals of human brain....
here is where we go when we die.... Its Heaven a Starship ATHENA....
Arcturians | Inside Arcturian Starship Athena
And here is one of Reptilian and Greys underground bases.... Its believed that Reptilian bases are around 150km to 600km deep and the length is equal to planet Earth and they all are connected to each other....
Few years ago the ISRO scientist was working in himalaya.... Suddenly he saw someone just over 3 feet tall in white spacesuite accross the tiny river Line.... He thought may be its just a plastic bag thats floating due to himalayan wind.... But suddenly he saw its an Alien in spacesuite coming towards him. He saw his face inside helmet.... It was pink red mix skin. The Alien was searching something on Himalaya (may be minerals or other materials).... He saw the alien had capability to float (due to his advanced spacesuite). He slowly started floating upwards sky and within half hour he went deep in sky and dissapeard.... This alien was new species came to earth (thanks for NASA's signal) to find materials for their Planets.... This Alien didnt looked aggressive. He was polite and floated without any aggression.... i saw it live on tv and so did millions of people.... ISRO scientists declared that there are many Aliens on Earth. Just after this news the indian scientists said that they will tell us whats going on in himalaya by 2012....
We have A to Z: ISRO sees an object(alien) in himalayas india!!
Dude, please don't encourage that guy! We'll have another conspiracy theory, and this time he won't let go :girl_wacko:

Hey, what's with that term "conspiracy theory"? For all we know, there may or may not be life out there.

No authentic source claims that humans are the only creatures in the universe or earth is the only inhabited planet.

I am not saying that there is bound to be life; it can be, it can't be.

At least this is an interesting topic that actually encourages people to research and understand to some extent rather than the eternal discussion topic here which deals with how Jews want to take over the world.
isro when the Fc they will came on earth at least then we indians pakistani stop fighting each other and together fight with them:rofl:
@imran khan when we get attacked than indeed whole world will unite (if you saw movie 'Watcher' than you know what i meant).... But we wont stand a chance.... They have capabilitys to create tiny blackhole and also push astroids (astroids are more powerful than nuclear bombs).... Recent study revealed that something going on in universe.... Scientists use to think that a star blowing up itself at the end of his life.... But scientists saw new planets getting blown up like theres a war going on.... Its indeed war going on in universe. The Pleiades star system had 14 human Planets.... 3 of them were blown up such a way that it didnt destroyed other planets but only destroyed itself.... (just like when engineers blow up a building such a way that other buildings dont get damaged).... The alpha Draconian blown up many Planets.... The reason is they think they owner of Universe.... The most deadly reptilian race is Dragon race who were on Earth long time ago.... This Dragon race has wings and they are bigger than size of 6 elephants.... Recently the scientists said that Lockness monster (nessy) is dragon race who came on Earth as a watcher.... The ashtar galactic command confirm the news. Ashtar galactic command knows that Dragon race the most deadly race and only Arcturians have capablity to stop this Dragon race.... The Alpha draconian respect Dragon race alot and they admire the power and technology of Dragon race....
by the way the 3 feet tall alien that ISRO scientist saw was wearing helmet with spacesuite.... The ISRO scientist said that this proves that many alien races dont need oxygen to breath. infact they wear spacesuite to be on Earth because they can't breath oxygen.... So i just dont understand why we looking up in space for a planet that has oxygen.... Only Humanoids and Reptilians (with few greys catagorys) breath oxygen.... Other alien races dont....
here is the proof of war between many Alien races (humanoids, reptilians and greys). They want to take control of Earth.... The good humanoids blow them up while the bad ones return the favour when they get chance.... The biggest wars are happening in other galaxies.... While in our orbit the war is bit similar like battle (just sneeking up and attacking).... However war around jupiter and saturn was the biggest when Starship Athena defeated Greys.... However later peace deal was signed because Greys threaten to harm humans on Earth if Humanoids dont stop attacking them....
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