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Curfew imposed after Hindu-Muslim clashes in Indian city

Isn't it ironic....when Indian Muslims are suppressed.... all the Indian high morals come calling...but when Muslims elsewhere like in China are in the news, these same Indian members question Pakistan's loyolity to fellow Muslims. :lol:
No guessing where Miss Hypocrisy was born and bred. !!

If the police provide proper law and order, then muslims are suppressed. If the police don't provide law and order, and religious violence occurs, then muslims are oppressed. Now I get it. I have always wondered about these two words (suppressed/oppressed) being thrown about by Pakistanis all the time.

So India suppresses if it does its job, and India oppresses if it doesn't do its job. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
When hindu and muslim mobs fight because hindu religious procession passed through a muslim area then its a riot, a law and order issue, but to miss idiocy that is oppression of muslims. But when china bars muslim kids from attending mosque, then the servile miss idiocy says chinese rules in china :lol::lol::lol:


Could you please explain as to why the word Kafir is offensive to Indian Hindus. This is an honest query and not flame baiting or trolling.

Its not, but its funny when a mlechchha calls us kafir :lol::lol::lol:

Could you please explain as to why the word Kafir is offensive to Indian Hindus. This is an honest query and not flame baiting or trolling.

Because of the history of the word, because of the way it has been used in the past to stoke tensions, because of the way it develops an us-versus-them mentality, which Indians are usually taught to avoid.

For the same reasons that the N-word is offensive to blacks in America, as is the word neg*o. Because of past connotations.
Holy cow! Who moved my meat

6 Jan 2012

USFDA|UN|tags- beef|Ran Puniyani|Karnataka government|India|Food and Drug Administration|Food|Divya|cow|BJP|Bill|ban|All India Secular Forum

Indians eat more beef than any other meat. Beef consumption in India is double the combined consumption of meat and chicken, India is also the third largest exporter of beef, but the BJP led Madhya Pradesh government is not happy about its people eating the most favourite meat.

Holy cow! Who moved my meat - Economic Times

Read more: India's Meat Consumption On the Rise | Medindia India's Meat Consumption On the Rise | Medindia

Who eat Meat in India????
1. Hindu : Occasional nonveg eaters, In Bihar Hindus eat Mutton (Lamb,goat) on special occasion, like party, festival (Only Holi) etc. So the consumption is very low.

2. Muslims: I was surprised to see that Muslim eat animal protein almost daily, Since goat meat and chicken meats are costly and they can't eat pork, they eat beef (No disrespect for any Muslim). As there are more beef eater than goat eater, hence beef is consumed more. PS: As most of Indian Muslims are very poor and big family (Unfortunate, hope muslim go for small family and become rich), they can't afford 330/- rupees goat meat while they can afford 70/- rupees cow meat.

Hope it clear ur doubts...

Could you please explain as to why the word Kafir is offensive to Indian Hindus. This is an honest query and not flame baiting or trolling.

kafir is not offensive for any indian hindu..... but if u will teach to your child from beginning that everyone who does not believe in allah and worships idol is kafir..... what effect will it have on a kid??? he will grow up as an adult who hates every kafir, who believes that every kafir will burn in hell....yes or not???
When hindu and muslim mobs fight because hindu religious procession passed through a muslim area then its a riot, a law and order issue, but to miss idiocy that is oppression of muslims. But when china bars muslim kids from attending mosque, then the servile miss idiocy says chinese rules in china :lol::lol::lol:

Its not, but its funny when a mlechchha calls us kafir :lol::lol::lol:

And what does a mlechchha means.
yup reality of incredible india!!!

Unlike Pakistan, where no violence occurs anywhere, the oasis of peace and freedom, where the police in cities like Karachi play video games and swat flies all day because everything is peaceful and idyllic across the country, right?

And what does a mlechchha means.

Foreigner. In ancient days, anyone who lived outside the Indian empire or Indian subcontinent. Not used anymore today, since we live in a nation state now, not an empire.
Because of the history of the word, because of the way it has been used in the past to stoke tensions, because of the way it develops an us-versus-them mentality, which Indians are usually taught to avoid.

For the same reasons that the N-word is offensive to blacks in America, as is the word neg*o. Because of past connotations.

But then why would @fateh71 respond as, its funny when a mlechchha calls us kafir.
kafir is not offensive for any indian hindu..... but if u will teach to your child from beginning that everyone who does not believe in allah and worships idol is kafir..... what effect will it have on a kid??? he will grow up as an adult who hates every kafir, who believes that every kafir will burn in hell....yes or not???

Would it then be appropriate to call Indian Hindus as Non-Muslims.
But then why would @fateh71 respond as, its funny when a mlechchha calls us kafir.

Because these days anyone using words like kafir or infidel or Saracen is soooo passé, so out of fashion for most of the world, which has learnt to live beyond such tribal mentalities that religions preached. Because most people don't divide the world into unbeliever versus the pure etc, so calling someone kafir is as silly and ludicrous as calling someone Saracen or infidel. Such terms seem funny and out of place in the modern world.

Would it then be appropriate to call Indian Hindus as Non-Muslims.

As appropriate as calling Pakistani muslims as non hindus or non Buddhists. Do you even have a point?
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