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Cultural Identity of All Indians Is Hindutva: RSS Chief

dont know why you have to come up with a reply full of typical rants-
by bringing in Pakistan et all-
Dont you have answer to what said on topic in hand?-
feeling like against the wall right now?-

le me ask again-
this time atleast try to answer it-
I asked these questions to Islamists. They did not reply to me.
so tell me- you are going to reward the tolerant- religious harmonious minority Indians with your Hindutva concept- apparently they dont like it- so you gona shove that down their throats?-
way to promote you hindu thought and the way of life-
how about little introspect- do you think you have inherent right to impose just because you claim to be the real decedents?-

Yeah we have to. Not everyone agreed to make India a socialist country, but it was shoved down our throat. For the purpose of practicality and functionality we will have to go by majority opinion. Does not mean we will be jailing those with dissenting views. They can continue to exist with their dissent and heartburn and what not unless they become a security risk to the country.

Of course we have the right to impose since we are the real decedents. India is a Hindu country in its character and soul. People who want to turn it into Arabistan or Marxistan have to find some other country to do it.
what he said is absolutely right..Hinduism is a way of life....Muslims,Christians or any other religious minorities in India,though follow different religions but still their culture,food,dress,mode of life,language all are basically Indian,which is based on hindutwa...

If Hinduism is a way of life then I have to tell you that we muslims of india don't follow your way of life. You are wrong when you say culture,food,dress,mode of life is based on hinduvta.
We muslims have a culture different than yours, we eat meat, we eat beef, we are Nonveg, our dress is different than yours, our language is urdu.

Hence we are not part of this hinduvta culture and this RSS chief should shut up.
You need to read more..... Majority of Indians voted for Modi because people believe that he would bring positive change into their lives...unlike Congress that only looted and plundered National wealth for their personal gains.

And for god sake read this :
Poll data shows large number of Muslims voted for Modi : Highlights, News - India Today

A large proportion of Muslims also voted for Modi....are you now going to say that they have been converted..or may be they are lesser Muslims.

Indian Muslims may vote for whatever they want- not my concern-
there is no more simpler way to put it-
If Hinduism is a way of life then I have to tell you that we muslims of india don't follow your way of life. You are wrong when you say culture,food,dress,mode of life is based on hinduvta.
We muslims have a culture different than yours, we eat meat, we eat beef, we are Nonveg, our dress is different than yours, our language is urdu.

Hence we are not part of this hinduvta culture and this RSS chief should shut up.
Dont you think same should be said to Owasis.
Yeah we have to. Not everyone agreed to make India a socialist country, but it was shoved down our throat. For the purpose of practicality and functionality we will have to go by majority opinion. Does not mean we will be jailing those with dissenting views. They can continue to exist with their dissent and heartburn and what not unless they become a security risk to the country.

Of course we have the right to impose since we are the real decedents. India is a Hindu country in its character and soul. People who want to turn it into Arabistan or Marxistan have to find some other country to do it.

Ladies and Gentlemen this is what Hindutva is-
all other hindusim way of life- etc etc is just mumbo jumbo-

@Spring Onion :D-
its not hard to understand- see- or observe- the majority of indians voted for Modi because of his anti Pakistani stance only-
you can get the idea by reading the sudden influx of Modi related threads after his election to office-

Wrong dude ,Absolutely wrong.Majority of our people dont even think about Pakistan when they voted for him.
He made a lot of developments in Gujarat .He could convinced us about his accomplishments in Gujarat.Our opposition dont have any thing to counter it.
So we voted for him.
51 Indian members here doesnt represent 125 crore peoole in India.
Indian Muslims may vote for whatever they want- not my concern-
there is no more simpler way to put it-
If this is not your concern..then stop playing Godfather to India Muslims...They are Indians and they will be taken care by India and its Constitution.
Ladies and Gentlemen this is what Hindutva is-
all other hindusim way of life- etc etc is just mumbo jumbo-

@Spring Onion :D-

LOL. Yup ladies and gentlemen we have it here. Who was ever in doubt that India was not an Arab country? Or a communist country?
Madam, what do you know about our people?
Except that a few junks in internet and this PDF .It is almost certain you dobt know anything about us.
And here you are debating with an Indian , a keralite who personally know a lot about this stuffs.
I can understand that you cant imagine about it.But that is our way life.And that is the topic of these thread.All Indians are Hindus religion is not an issue here.

:lol: what was that ?

And where did you talk about your people here in this thread?

I am asking you what is Hindu way of life? None of you came up with any reply but running around in circles beating the bush aroudn.

And yes religion is the issue here otherwise your Hindu extremist groups would not have claimed that anyone who wants to live in India should adopt hindutva tag
Wrong dude ,Absolutely wrong.Majority of our people dont even think about Pakistan when they voted for him.
He made a lot of developments in Gujarat .He could convinced us about his accomplishments in Gujarat.Our opposition dont have any thing to counter it.
So we voted for him.
51 Indian members here doesnt represent 125 crore peoole in India.

Thats just pure rubbish-
whether it is Modi- your Education Minister the famous Saas Bahu- RSS- the ongoing or incoming army chief all rant about Pakistan on whatever platform they get-
do you want to say that you chose people who doesnt have your point of views on Pakistan?-
thats ridiculous-

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