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Cultural Identity of All Indians Is Hindutva: RSS Chief

:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) why you needed IF and Buts in RSS case in the first place?

You very well know what he is talking about
I used ifs and buts because he is quoting Swami Vivekananda in support of his statement. I too really wonder if he is convenient with Vivekananda's complete works on exploring Indian philosophy. At the end of the day, head of a religiously motivated organization (with hidden political ambition) using Vivekananda is amusing after all.

File Photo - Prashant D.

If inhabitants of England are English, Germany are Germans and USA are Americans then why all inhabitants of Hindustan are not known as Hindus, came a poser from RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat today.

"The cultural identity of all Indians is Hindutva and the present inhabitants of the country are descendants of this great culture," Bhagwat said while speaking at the 'Golden Jubilee' function of an Odia weekly here.

The RSS chief further went on to say that Hindutva is a way of life and Hindus could be of any religion worshipping any God or not worshipping at all.

Referring to Vivekananda, Bhagwat said not worshipping any God is not necessarily an atheist rather the one who doesn't have faith in self is sure an atheist.

He said the world has now realised that Hindutva has been the only basis to keep India united since ancient days despite having plenty of diversities.

He, however, expressed concern saying that some in India are not realising it and whenever a discussion on it takes place, the protagonist are wrongly branded as communal.

Speaking on the current world scenario, the RSS leader said there is darkness everywhere and the world at large is looking at India for solace because India still marches on the path of righteousness.

"As long as dharma exists in India, the world will continue to respect this country. But once dharma is gone, no force on earth can stop the country from crumbling," the RSS leader warned.

Cultural Identity of All Indians Is Hindutva: RSS Chief

Exactly fits in with my book The India Doctrine -


Your book floped man,get over it
why would muslims and christians of India follow vedanta principle.. although I dont know what that is?

Why should it matter what his opinion is? He is entitled to hold whatever it is he wants to, the people uninclined/uninterested to/in his opinion can simply discount it. I have never understood what the fuss is about.
From the article: The RSS chief further went on to say that Hindutva is a way of life and Hindus could be of any religion worshipping any God or not worshipping at all.

Source: Cultural Identity of All Indians Is Hindutva: RSS Chief

So whats the fuss about.... Identity crisis ehh...

:))))) oh really ? so what is this way of life?

Why should it matter what his opinion is? He is entitled to hold whatever it is he wants to, the people uninclined/uninterested to/in his opinion can simply discount it. I have never understood what the fuss is about.

Matters specially when they are elected to rule India
why? so for becoming Indians, Muslims will have to adopt hinudtva tag?

Hindutva is Indianess which is another word for Hindu-ness. As explained by the article it has nothing to do with worship of one or other god, but it is cultural. Like the way Pakistanis also claim that they follow Indian culture. Likewise, Indian Muslims also follow Indian culture. The word Indian itself is an anglicized derivative of Hindu/Hindi.
why? so for becoming Indians, Muslims will have to adopt hinudtva tag?

No. Muslims who disagree should imply ignore his view. What difference does it make? Muslims believe & pronounce that there is no god but Allah. Do they care what the opinion of others in the matter is? Should others care about that opinion which they obviously disagree with? The answer is No. No need to make a fuss here, too many people setting out to create a controversy where none exists. It is not the GoI trying to pass a law suggesting Mulims are Hindus.What opinions individuals hold is their business.

Matters specially when they are elected to rule India

He has not been elected. Connection by association is not helpful in such cases, GoI's policy is their own & can be challenged in Parliament & in a court of law. There is no law banning the holding of just an opinion (harmless as in this case).
No. Muslims who disagree should imply ignore his view. What difference does it make? Muslims believe & pronounce that there is no god but Allah. Do they care what the opinion of others in the matter is? Should others care about that opinion which they obviously disagree with? The answer is No. No need to make a fuss here, too many people setting out to create a controversy where none exists. It is not the GoI trying to pass a law suggesting Mulims are Hindus.What opinions individuals hold is their business.

Off course nobody is obliged to take his views seriously. We are just talking about his opinions not some laws passed by GoI. But when a religious organization's head is speaking about "all Indians" then those who disagree or agree with him must want their opinions to be heard too, isn't?
No. Muslims who disagree should imply ignore his view. What difference does it make? Muslims believe & pronounce that there is no god but Allah. Do they care what the opinion of others in the matter is? Should others care about that opinion which they obviously disagree with? The answer is No. No need to make a fuss here, too many people setting out to create a controversy where none exists. It is not the GoI trying to pass a law suggesting Mulims are Hindus.What opinions individuals hold is their business.

He has not been elected. Connection by association is not helpful in such cases, GoI's policy is their own & can be challenged in Parliament & in a court of law. There is no law banning the holding of just an opinion (harmless as in this case).

:) the GOI policy is as weak as anything cant stop the general biased behaviour created by such groups and parties.

Thats why it matters what he says.
why would muslims and christians of India follow vedanta principle.. although I dont know what that is?
what he said is absolutely right..Hinduism is a way of life....Muslims,Christians or any other religious minorities in India,though follow different religions but still their culture,food,dress,mode of life,language all are basically Indian,which is based on hindutwa...

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