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‘CRPF men slapped and kicked me’ Nasir, 5, battles pellet injuries

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Pretty what police do in every part country during unrest
Really if it was a hindu boy and Pakistani police or army did that...you would say the same...shame on you...you are a disgrace to humanity....

“CRPF men slapped me and kicked me. As I tried to flee, something like needles hit my eye.” These are the words of five-year-old Nasir Ahmad Khan from South Kashmir’s Kokernag area, who is battling pellet injuries in his eyes, at SMHS hospital here.

Nasir was rushed to the hospital on Friday afternoon. While doctors who examined him said they can’t predict the nature of the injury “right now”, the victim is writhing in pain. Talking to media persons inside the hospital, Nasir’s mother said she had gone to visit a relative at district hospital Anantnag.

“As we came out from the hospital I was hit by a stone and fell unconscious. Some people supported me. As I was regaining my conscience, I heard people shouting ‘whose boy is this’,” she recalled.
Next, she said, she saw blood oozing out of her son’s eye.

“The people who brought him here said he was beaten by CRPF men. His clothes had been torn and he was crying. I cried after seeing his condition,” she said.

“I don’t know what hit my eye. I just felt as if a needle hit me and I started feeling intense pain,” Nasir said.ry
He said he was holding hand of her mother when she fell unconscious. “…they (CRPF men) came and caught hold of me. They started abusing and beating me,” he said.

This is unfortynate..But the bigger questionis that what is this little kid was doing in front of CRPF area and why his parents did not keep him inside the home when they know that the area is already disturbed....So technically these parents use their kids as a cannon fodder to have their protests. And when CRPF reacted, it is the fault of CRPF but parents are not be blamed....Is it what you expect that every one will beleive you???
Parents of the kid are responsible, arrest them and bulldoze their house like Israel does, sending a 5 year old to throw stones is pathetic
Irresponsible parents who put 5 year olds in harms way, highly shameful.

This is unfortynate..But the bigger questionis that what is this little kid was doing in front of CRPF area and why his parents did not keep him inside the home when they know that the area is already disturbed....So technically these parents use their kids as a cannon fodder to have their protests. And when CRPF reacted, it is the fault of CRPF but parents are not be blamed....Is it what you expect that every one will beleive you???
as usual playing the victim card.
Irresponsible parents who put 5 year olds in harms way, highly shameful.
Highly shameful for the so called professional army who got beating from the young men and beat the little kid to boast the falling morals.
False propaganda news by a propaganda site.

Indian government is now blocking all such false propaganda news sites to control the mob frenzy, unfortunately with this kind of threads PDF runs the risk of getting blocked in India.
False propaganda news by a propaganda site.

Indian government is now blocking all such false propaganda news sites, unfortunately with this kind of threads PDF runs the risk of getting blocked in India.
No problem Indian troll will use proxies and still spend 24/7 on this forum just to protect great acts by their BRAVE army who managed to injure and beat 5 year old kid.
Every child injured is a life long reminder to everyone to every kashmiri what the indians and hindus have done of the occupation

Freedom is costly enslavement is not a option

Long live the kashmiri resistance
Can someone tell me why would be the need for the CRPF to fire a pellet gun (which supposedly hurt the child) when they already had this kid and his mother in front of them?
Pellet guns are used to shoot at people who are far away , not within reach . If as the woman says they were roughed up by the CRPF then why would they fire a Pellet ?
Assuming they did, the damage of a gun being fired at point blank range is horrendous , the injuries and the story do not seem to match .

Do correct me if I am wrong.
No problem Indian troll will use proxies and still spend 24/7 on this forum just to protect great acts by their BRAVE army who managed to injure and beat 5 year old kid.

Uh...well....most of the ad revenue comes from searches. But you being just a member isn't supposed to have any problem with that little inconvenience.
Uh...well....most of the ad revenue comes from searches. But you being just a member isn't supposed to have any problem with that little inconvenience.
So you are threatening PDF admins if we don't stop posting in favor of Kashmiri people they will loose some revenue what poor try do you think they are running forum like this for money.
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