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‘CRPF men slapped and kicked me’ Nasir, 5, battles pellet injuries

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Rising of another BURHAN WANI in the making.
He would be a example for his generation of indian oppression and who knows what this brave child would become?
If bullets were so effective in extinguishing Kashmir's struggle, it would not have taken 68 years to acheive its goal.
You reported him for supporting state terrorism? Are you out of your mind?
Yes I did anyone suggesting that a a kids parents should be arrest for participating in a demonstration which is a democratic right and then even suggests bulldozing their home. His words are here...He cowardly deleted the message or some mod deleted it but I quoted him (in post # 18) so the record is there.
"Parents of the kid are responsible, arrest them and bulldoze their house like Israel does, sending a 5 year old to throw stones is pathetic"

He is openly supporting Israel style state oppression and you are calling me out of my mind?
I'm really disappointed. I thought you would be able to rise above national biases and treat people fairly.
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So you are threatening PDF admins if we don't stop posting in favor of Kashmiri people they will loose some revenue what poor try do you think they are running forum like this for money.

Who is threatening?
Yes I did anyone suggesting that a a kids parents should be arrest for participating in a demonstration which is a democratic right and then even suggests bulldozing their home. His words are here...He cowardly deleted the message or some mod deleted it but I quoted him (in post # 18) so the record is there.
"Parents of the kid are responsible, arrest them and bulldoze their house like Israel does, sending a 5 year old to throw stones is pathetic"

He is openly supporting Israel style state oppression and you are calling me out of my mind?
I'm really disappointed. I thought you would be able to rise above national biases and treat people fairly.

National bias? The last person you can accuse of that is I. You should see the violent reactions I get from the right-wing lunatic fringe of Indians.

He may support it, but it doesn't happen here. If you think it does, and if you are calling Indian actions to suppress violence state terrorism, I have an issue. I am one of those most active in reporting hyper-patriots on the Indian side, but what was this one about?

@Areesh @Windjammer @Tipu7 @PaklovesTurkiye

What a shame for those who supported Indian army's barbaric acts by saying Indian troopers only fire at stone throwers just look at this small kid how far and heavy stone he can throw at brave Indian army. Shame Shame Shame @ Indian Army
@Joe Shearer
@war&peace @Paksanity @B+ Dracula

Did you know that children are hired by the hour for these demonstrations? This child may have been utterly innocent, in fact, I am sure that he was, but what happens daily affects people. What happens daily is that a handful of youngsters, including the very, very young, are seen making a nuisance of themselves, throwing stones, carrying messages or communicating orders. It is this that leads to a cross reaction from the troopers. Not a built-in sadistic routine on a loop, but an irritation with kids who barely know what they are doing, or are being paid to do.

So you are threatening PDF admins if we don't stop posting in favor of Kashmiri people they will loose some revenue what poor try do you think they are running forum like this for money.

Don't manufacture threats.
National bias? The last person you can accuse of that is I. You should see the violent reactions I get from the right-wing lunatic fringe of Indians.

He may support it, but it doesn't happen here. If you think it does, and if you are calling Indian actions to suppress violence state terrorism, I have an issue. I am one of those most active in reporting hyper-patriots on the Indian side, but what was this one about?
I'm just saying he is supporting that openly whether it is happening or not, is another matter. But he openly said that "Israel style bulldozing of the home" of the kid because the 5 yrs old was participating in a demonstration against the state oppression and I reserve the right to report for anyone who supports such acts against innocent people especially kids.
If you see my post, I have always talked about the rights for minorities in Pakistan.

Now if you suppose if the situation was in reverse, the boy was 5 yrs kid born to Hindu parents in Pakistan and they were demonstrating for their rights and Pakistan's police shot at the kid and I come and start supporting the action by the police...you will be rating me negatively and reporting my comment.
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Rising of another BURHAN WANI in the making.
He would be a example for his generation of indian oppression and who knows what this brave child would become?
If bullets were so effective in extinguishing Kashmir's struggle, it would not have taken 68 years to acheive its goal.

You seem to forget: if bullets were sufficient to achieve the Kashmiri cause it would not have taken 68 years to fail.

I'm just saying he is supporting that openly whether it is happening or not, is another matter. But he openly said that "Israel style bulldozing of the home" of the kid because the 5 yrs old was participating in a demonstration against the state oppression and I reserve the right to report for anyone who supports such acts against innocent people especially kids.
If you see my post, I have always talked about the rights for minorities in Pakistan.

Now if you reverse, the boy was 5 yrs kid born to Hindu parents in Pakistan and they were demonstrating for their rights and Pakistan's police shot at the kid and I come and start supporting the action by the police...you will be rating me negatively and reporting my comment.

No, I wouldn't. You are dealing with the hypothetical. If Indian forces had done what they are being asked to do, it might have been a heinous thing to do. But they don't, so let's punish someone who says something hysterical.

If you had suggested something like what he did, you might have attracted negative attention. You might have attracted my attention. I might have rated you negatively, and I might have reported your comment. But you didn't; the negative attention didn't happen; your negative rating didn't happen and a request for your admonition did not happen.

But the moderators are wise enough to handle aberrations like this., so let them do as they think best.
Did you know that children are hired by the hour for these demonstrations? This child may have been utterly innocent, in fact, I am sure that he was, but what happens daily affects people. What happens daily is that a handful of youngsters, including the very, very young, are seen making a nuisance of themselves, throwing stones, carrying messages or communicating orders. It is this that leads to a cross reaction from the troopers. Not a built-in sadistic routine on a loop, but an irritation with kids who barely know what they are doing, or are being paid to do
Have any proof or i have to take your words as Gospel.

Don't manufacture threats.
Check his post and try to understand what he was trying to say.
Have any proof or i have to take your words as Gospel.

Check his post and try to understand what he was trying to say.

1. Take it as gospel, since you haven't been there, and I have.
2. I checked. That was wild speculation and very dysfunctional constructive interpretation on your part.
1. Take it as gospel, since you haven't been there, and I have.
2. I checked. That was wild speculation and very dysfunctional constructive interpretation on your part.
OK like 1965 war when you were present there in Chadi (As you said) and i am not the person who take words from a kid as Gospel of truth.
2. Sure from an Indian i can expect at least some B.S.
OK like 1965 war when you were present there in Chadi (As you said) and i am not the person who take words from a kid as Gospel of truth.
2. Sure from an Indian i can expect at least some B.S.

No, I quoted from references, you quoted from family history. That tells its own tale. Whether you take my word or not is up to you. I couldn't care less.

On the second point, you asked me to check, I checked, and why are you whining now?

“CRPF men slapped me and kicked me. As I tried to flee, something like needles hit my eye.” These are the words of five-year-old Nasir Ahmad Khan from South Kashmir’s Kokernag area, who is battling pellet injuries in his eyes, at SMHS hospital here.

Nasir was rushed to the hospital on Friday afternoon. While doctors who examined him said they can’t predict the nature of the injury “right now”, the victim is writhing in pain. Talking to media persons inside the hospital, Nasir’s mother said she had gone to visit a relative at district hospital Anantnag.

“As we came out from the hospital I was hit by a stone and fell unconscious. Some people supported me. As I was regaining my conscience, I heard people shouting ‘whose boy is this’,” she recalled.
Next, she said, she saw blood oozing out of her son’s eye.

“The people who brought him here said he was beaten by CRPF men. His clothes had been torn and he was crying. I cried after seeing his condition,” she said.

“I don’t know what hit my eye. I just felt as if a needle hit me and I started feeling intense pain,” Nasir said.
He said he was holding hand of her mother when she fell unconscious. “…they (CRPF men) came and caught hold of me. They started abusing and beating me,” he said.
We will not forget nor will we forgive. Despite decades of hideous tyranny the brave people of Kashmir still wave Pakistani flags with as much passion as you will find in any place in Pakistan, what you going to do about it @Joe Shearer
We will not forget nor will we forgive. Despite decades of hideous tyranny the brave people of Kashmir still wave Pakistani flags with as much passion as you will find in any place in Pakistan, what you going to do about it @Joe Shearer
You tag this man and get ready for professional trolling and you have to take his lies as Gospel of Indian truth.
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