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CRPF faces IB fire as Maoist commander Arvindji flees from Latehar

Excellent post! Respect!
Do you know if UAVs can be used in such terrain? Does CRPF have UAVs?

No CRPF doesn't have any UAVs, Those used are under control of NTRO, they have only one base in Hyderabad, from where UAVs take off. Multiple requests have been send to NTRO to have base in Chattisgarh but Airforce pilots who fly these UAVs have refused to come and operate in Chattisgarh.

Some times these are useful to study the terrains only. But mostly it is of not much use to learn about naxal movement, because naxals mostly stay in dense forests, and when in villages they are disguised like villagers, so it is tough to identify them even by thermal imager.

CRPF do have Netra and we do use it sometimes, but it is too noisy for CI ops.
I thought Arvind ji is used to show respect to Arvind Kejriwal. :p:
Bro I took you misunderstood my comment. The point I was trying to make is CRPF has serious issue regarding training, equipment, etc. Its not their fault but the past gov'ts who ignored their requests and allowed them to go into battle without a good chance against well armed and trained Naxals. How many times have we read reports of many, many lives being lost to Naxals? It's not a mere coincidence.

My comment is in no way belittling those men who laid down their lives everyday. It saddens me to see them not given a fighting chance with greater advantages than their opponents. That irritates and angers me.

Bro!! You are ill- informed about CRPF, mostly because all you read or hear in media about anti-naxal ops is from Ex- Army men's mouth who haven't done any anti-naxal ops or not even seen any naxal area. Army people always demean other forces because they are trained to think they are better, its not their fault. Also since army is not doing anything and have no ops achievement so they talk only negative about CRPF.

"Its funny Army people talk about Naxals, they don't know shit about it"

BTW I have seen with my own eyes naxal falling from trees after being shot but who is going to get their bodies in barrage of bullets fire. Many naxals are killed but nobody knows, because it don't get media attention. Had they not been killed, India would have became Nepal.

To inform CRPF has no issue regarding training, neither are they ill- equipped in terms of weapon. Apart from Field weapons, like MBRL or big Canons, CRPF has as much weapon as any Army infantry units. Almost all personnel have AKs, which is worlds best CI ops weapon. We have several UBGL (Under Barrel Grenade Launcher), LMGs, 51mm and 80 mm Mortar, AGS (Automatic Grenade Launchers), Insas, Glock pistols, X-95. You name it and we have it.
Bro!! You are ill- informed about CRPF, mostly because all you read or hear in media about anti-naxal ops is from Ex- Army men's mouth who haven't done any anti-naxal ops or not even seen any naxal area. Army people always demean other forces because they are trained to think they are better, its not their fault. Also since army is not doing anything and have no ops achievement so they talk only negative about CRPF.

"Its funny Army people talk about Naxals, they don't know shit about it"

BTW I have seen with my own eyes naxal falling from trees after being shot but who is going to get their bodies in barrage of bullets fire. Many naxals are killed but nobody knows, because it don't get media attention. Had they not been killed, India would have became Nepal.

To inform CRPF has no issue regarding training, neither are they ill- equipped in terms of weapon. Apart from Field weapons, like MBRL or big Canons, CRPF has as much weapon as any Army infantry units. Almost all personnel have AKs, which is worlds best CI ops weapon. We have several UBGL (Under Barrel Grenade Launcher), LMGs, 51mm and 80 mm Mortar, AGS (Automatic Grenade Launchers), Insas, Glock pistols, X-95. You name it and we have it.
Sir,do you guys have a standard HMG platoon per company in a battalion like they have it in the Army Infantry corp??What i meant to say is that the HMG does play a vital role in repelling any large scale guerrilla attack on CRPF forward camp because of its concentrated high calibre firepower.Plus do you have access to sufficient night vision goggles for the entire battalion in case of a night time operation at present because that is another very important piece of equipment which the CRPF needs the most in naxal territories.I ask this because i read it sometime back that the MHA has decided to procure over a thousand night vision goggles for the CRPF but since then there is absolutely no update to that news anywhere:undecided:.
Sir,do you guys have a standard HMG platoon per company in a battalion like they have it in the Army Infantry corp??What i meant to say is that the HMG does play a vital role in repelling any large scale guerrilla attack on CRPF forward camp because of its concentrated high calibre firepower.Plus do you have access to sufficient night vision goggles for the entire battalion in case of a night time operation at present because that is another very important piece of equipment which the CRPF needs the most in naxal territories.I ask this because i read it sometime back that the MHA has decided to procure over a thousand night vision goggles for the CRPF but since then there is absolutely no update to that news anywhere:undecided:.

No bro, CRPF does not operate any HMG. Such specifications are for conventional war only.

Also LMGs and AKs are good enough for repelling any level of attack. As long as they have enough ammunition.

And yes we do have adequate no of NVDs (Night Vision Device). Every coy has about 5 to 8 of them.
Excellent post! Respect!
Do you know if UAVs can be used in such terrain? Does CRPF have UAVs?

We have heard of UAVs going to being given. Till now nothing. It is in contro
Bro!! You are ill- informed about CRPF, mostly because all you read or hear in media about anti-naxal ops is from Ex- Army men's mouth who haven't done any anti-naxal ops or not even seen any naxal area. Army people always demean other forces because they are trained to think they are better, its not their fault. Also since army is not doing anything and have no ops achievement so they talk only negative about CRPF.

"Its funny Army people talk about Naxals, they don't know shit about it"

BTW I have seen with my own eyes naxal falling from trees after being shot but who is going to get their bodies in barrage of bullets fire. Many naxals are killed but nobody knows, because it don't get media attention. Had they not been killed, India would have became Nepal.

To inform CRPF has no issue regarding training, neither are they ill- equipped in terms of weapon. Apart from Field weapons, like MBRL or big Canons, CRPF has as much weapon as any Army infantry units. Almost all personnel have AKs, which is worlds best CI ops weapon. We have several UBGL (Under Barrel Grenade Launcher), LMGs, 51mm and 80 mm Mortar, AGS (Automatic Grenade Launchers), Insas, Glock pistols, X-95. You name it and we have it.

Where were you all these years when CPRF has no supplies? Are you blind?

This the main issue...CORRUPTION. Yet, some of you cant see the connection. If anyone tells you that, you demand proof on paper as if such charges can be documented on paper...

Some states want Maoism to continue: CRPF chief - The Times of India

@vk17 and anyone who was liking his comments.....

Combat-fatigued CRPF needs intensive care - The Hindu

No great insight is needed, though, to see that the CRPF isn’t a solution, either. The force is under-trained, and under-equipped; its personnel fatigued, and their morale frayed.

Facing apathy, many in CRPF look for an exit - The Hindu

Many of these attacks are rpeated over and over again. Have we done anything to change our tactics? If we know they are watching anf changing along, then we need to stay one or more steps ahead. Are we doing that? HELL NO

Bro!! You are ill- informed about CRPF, mostly because all you read or hear in media about anti-naxal ops is from Ex- Army men's mouth who haven't done any anti-naxal ops or not even seen any naxal area. Army people always demean other forces because they are trained to think they are better, its not their fault. Also since army is not doing anything and have no ops achievement so they talk only negative about CRPF.

"Its funny Army people talk about Naxals, they don't know shit about it"

BTW I have seen with my own eyes naxal falling from trees after being shot but who is going to get their bodies in barrage of bullets fire. Many naxals are killed but nobody knows, because it don't get media attention. Had they not been killed, India would have became Nepal.

To inform CRPF has no issue regarding training, neither are they ill- equipped in terms of weapon. Apart from Field weapons, like MBRL or big Canons, CRPF has as much weapon as any Army infantry units. Almost all personnel have AKs, which is worlds best CI ops weapon. We have several UBGL (Under Barrel Grenade Launcher), LMGs, 51mm and 80 mm Mortar, AGS (Automatic Grenade Launchers), Insas, Glock pistols, X-95. You name it and we have it.

Many of the weapons you mentioned came about recently. How many decades were theyill equipped? Come on man, be honest. I know you are protective but we cannot win if we dont admit our mistakes.

Naxals enjoy overwhelming support in their core villages, either willingly or unwillingly. The blame totally lies on those specific politicans from those states.
Since Naxals / Maoists cross state boundaries, the real responsibility for tackling them lies with the CBI.

Unfortunately the CBI is busy playing wh@res of politicians than do the actual work they are supposed to do.

CRPF can only provide manpower, the strategy and tactics must come from CBI. Its foolish to blame the CRPF for this debacle.
So you are saying double agents are not part of intelligence network? Strange, we always considered indian security personnel on our payroll as part of our intelligence network

maoist got excellent intelligence network where they're operating,so they doesn't require double agent.
No bro, CRPF does not operate any HMG. Such specifications are for conventional war only.

Also LMGs and AKs are good enough for repelling any level of attack. As long as they have enough ammunition.

And yes we do have adequate no of NVDs (Night Vision Device). Every coy has about 5 to 8 of them.
Thanks a lot sir for this informative post.But i fail to understand why the CRPF doesn't have a HMG platoon at the company level.I mean it will do wonders as far as the fire power is concerned if you guys have 7-8 .50 cal HMGs per battalion.Plus the no. of NVGs should be much more at least for those battalions which are currently posted inside the Naxal zone.What's your opinion in this matter??
Since when the hell had IB started to operate in Naxal area. Never met an IB guy in so many years in naxal area. Never done a single ops on IB input:hitwall:

Are you kidding me? Dont you think IB already inflitrated Naxalite organisation? They must have send reports to your superiors and they initiate actions according to those reports..
There is not a single govt employee except forces in naxal area for decades not even forest officers, when did IB reached there.:rofl:

Do you really think, IB agents roam around those naxal areas with a sticker "government employees" on their forehead? They collect information from local people also..

Wish IB go and nab Arvind ji himself.
Arvind ji seems to be an school kid to these chutias. He walks along with 400 guerilla trained military wing of naxals. He was said to be hiding in hills. Only in Parasnath hills in Giridih, Jharkhand more than 100 coys (10000 men) of CRPF will get lost in those hills. 1000 sq km of naked hills with no source of water anywhere.

Its not the job of IB to catch Arvind, Their job is to collect and pass information to the agencies.. I understand the it was hard to catch Arvind ji.. Thats why IB is angry that CRPF taken it lightly.

Ask an IB guy to cross 3 hills only, I am damn sure he will get fainted by dehydration. And its complusion to walk via hilltop. If you try to cross via valleys you will be ambushed from naxals sitting atop.

Are you that sure that IB agents are not in naxal organisations?

I consider IB as most rotten agency of nation for eg-

"IB has alerted about attack in Delhi on 26th January"
Even a kid knows this, Delhi is so big where to find the threat. If something happens they will say we had alerted.

Please, they have provided many information regarding possible riots, black money, possible terrorists attacks.. If other agencies failed to do the job, how can it be a failure of IB? Even some politicians close their eyes because of vote bank politics. Eg: Marad riot.. AK Antony was the CM at that time. IB gave information of a possible riot and Antony choose not to take action against it.. People dies and Antony's clarification is that he didnt saw the IB report..

Bro it really saddens to hear any such comments. You don't a shit about naxal area and I am damn sure you have never seen any. Also you haven't seen any ops
in your life but you have this much knowledge that CRPF is incapable.

Please show some respect to martyrs, had they not laid life, your state too would have been naxal infested. They too had family. They too would have sat behind laptop and talk about force's capability like you.

It is CRPF only naxals are now limited to 2 states only.

Go read truth about conditons of IPKF in Srilanka, Nagaland ambush clearing entire brigades, thousands killed by militants and Northern frontier paramlitary of Pakistan. Read it from non military sources. As long as it is curtained let it be, I don't want burst your military bubble, its good for our nation.

About CRPF, I would only say-
"Jo ladte hain wahi marte hain"

I appreciate the work done by CRPF with inadequate weapons and logistics.. CRPF have done a wonderful job in breaking the backbone of Naxalites. My state also requested help to contain Maoist threat.. But blaming IB is not going to solve the issue.. They are doing their job also.

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