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Criticism on Pakistan's Nuclear Doctrine.

Alpha BeeTee

Apr 23, 2015
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Dear pdfians,I request a bit of assistance from you here.
I have been away from pdf since a while bcz of heavy work loads.
And now I have a very important presentation to give on the topic mentioned in the title.
I can very well cover the topic myself as well as prepare a nice presentation on BUT..
I am facing a grave shortage of time.I have A LOT of things to do and I cant seem to focus on anything.

So please share with me whatever snippets or points pop into your head on the following two points :

1) What is the primary criticism on Pakistan's current Nuclear doctrine by the west and/or India ?

2) What is Pakistan's stance/justification for the doctrine ?

I am afraid that I'll miss any critical point because of shortage of time and then my presentation might get ditched.
So please..
Main criticism is on Pakistan's Miniature nukes. Reason is India cant make miniature nukes and having "Fox and grapes" moment.
Pakistan has a Three tier deployment of nuclear weapons; Strategic, Operational, and Tactical
Pakistan's SPD (Special Plans Division) controls the weapons, but at times of War or War-like Alert the weapons will be deployed. In case of tactical weapons they will be forward deployed, and employment of those weapons may fall to the Corp Commander in charge of defending a sector from Indian armored thrusts; vis a vi the Cold Start Doctrine

This may then lead to a massive Indian retaliatory nuclear strike, and in short order, a full scale Nuclear Exchange
Dear pdfians,I request a bit of assistance from you here.
I have been away from pdf since a while bcz of heavy work loads.
And now I have a very important presentation to give on the topic mentioned in the title.
I can very well cover the topic myself as well as prepare a nice presentation on BUT..
I am facing a grave shortage of time.I have A LOT of things to do and I cant seem to focus on anything.

So please share with me whatever snippets or points pop into your head on the following two points :

1) What is the primary criticism on Pakistan's current Nuclear doctrine by the west and/or India ?

2) What is Pakistan's stance/justification for the doctrine ?

I am afraid that I'll miss any critical point because of shortage of time and then my presentation might get ditched.
So please..

The main criticism of our nuclear policy is that it is not well defined. This lets our adversaries label us with the child having a gun analogy. The truth is that with India's present conventional weapons strength our main deterrence is nuclear. If you are in some course then see how long Pakistan can sustain a conventional war. Ultimately after an intense conventional conflict we have to go nuclear. By not signing no first use and keeping the threshold uncertain we keep the fear in the enemy that we seriously intend to use nuclear weapons, hence keep it at bay.

The best solution is to raise the nuclear threshold by improving the strength of our conventional forces - The DS will love it.

The main criticism of our nuclear policy is that it is not well defined. This lets our adversaries label us with the child having a gun analogy. The truth is that with India's present conventional weapons strength our main deterrence is nuclear. If you are in some course then see how long Pakistan can sustain a conventional war. Ultimately after an intense conventional conflict we have to go nuclear. By not signing no first use and keeping the threshold uncertain we keep the fear in the enemy that we seriously intend to use nuclear weapons, hence keep it at bay.

The best solution is to raise the nuclear threshold by improving the strength of our conventional forces - The DS will love it.


for regional stability it is actually best to do both; raise conventional capability but make the enemy perceive your threshold as low, in order to maintain ambiguity and maintain the fear factor
These generals in neighborhood who are enjoying 5 star facilities and power at the cost of development of a nation, will they commit national suicide by using tactical nukes when they know that the retaliation will be in total terms....

The English word Bluff is evident if not stark

For your presentation this is how your enemy That is us India's understanding of the Nuclear Bluff
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These generals in neighborhood who are enjoying 5 star facilities and power at the cost of development of a nation, will they commit national suicide by using tactical nukes when they know that the retaliation will be in total terms....

These are Pakistani Generals; with tactical weapons spread out to all the front line corp commanders; weapons release basically becomes up to those generals

if even one feels he is being over run, there is a possibility he might use it
no matter what we discuss, pros and cons, it up to these generals
to get a glimpse of the mindset of the generals just watch this clip
from 3:50-5:15
now this could be accurate or just bluff to con the Pakistani public further

Pakistan has a Three tier deployment of nuclear weapons; Strategic, Operational, and Tactical
Pakistan's SPD (Special Plans Division) controls the weapons, but at times of War or War-like Alert the weapons will be deployed. In case of tactical weapons they will be forward deployed, and employment of those weapons may fall to the Corp Commander in charge of defending a sector from Indian armored thrusts; vis a vi the Cold Start Doctrine

This may then lead to a massive Indian retaliatory nuclear strike, and in short order, a full scale Nuclear Exchange

Rawalpindi knows the cost involved, In some duels you lose more by throwing the first punch when you very well know the other side can knock you out
Rawalpindi knows the cost involved, In some duels you lose more by throwing the first punch when you very well know the other side can knock you out

Pakistan never has crossed internal border with bharat, and never will.

So there is no way Pakistan will throw first punch.

Read military history please.
These are Pakistani Generals; with tactical weapons spread out to all the front line corp commanders; weapons release basically becomes up to those generals

if even one feels he is being over run, there is a possibility he might use it
no matter what we discuss, pros and cons, it up to these generals
to get a glimpse of the mindset of the generals just watch this clip
from 3:50-5:15
now this could be accurate or just bluff to con the Pakistani public further

For sure yeah admi pagal hey thanks to him kargil helped India virtually covert LOC to IB and got the world to recognise it
These are Pakistani Generals; with tactical weapons spread out to all the front line corp commanders; weapons release basically becomes up to those generals

if even one feels he is being over run, there is a possibility he might use it
no matter what we discuss, pros and cons, it up to these generals
to get a glimpse of the mindset of the generals just watch this clip
from 3:50-5:15
now this could be accurate or just bluff to con the Pakistani public further

What is the glimpse you are getting?
3:50-5:15 is all about deterrence.
for regional stability it is actually best to do both; raise conventional capability but make the enemy perceive your threshold as low, in order to maintain ambiguity and maintain the fear factor

Stability and ambiguity do not go together. Use justification of stability to increase conventional forces. Define nuclear threshold and be prepared to implement. If conventional strength is high enough agree to no first use. That would bring stability.
Pakistan never has crossed internal border with bharat, and never will.

So there is no way Pakistan will throw first punch.

Read military history please.

Bhai Jaan we have tactical toys we will use it
We have it we will use Butt
If Pahalana Dingana
these noises are not coming from timbuktu

So as a neighbor we want to convey our message to GHQ Rawalpindi that we know this "Deterrence Bluff" and the payback will be costly.....

dooo char mortar round border pa chalti hi to miya hotline pa call ati hey

Yeah nuke hey bhai jaan is may tactical vactical nahi hota

hoshmay ayao
Bullshit at it's finest.

Stop trolling and give logical statement rather than brain frats.
Truth is you can criticise what ever doctorine...
But fact is these doctorines are not fixed..and war if God forbid if it ever happens, is not going to be fought on expectations but on surprises....

Miniature nukes are not only arming nasr.... but also an impressive array of land sea and air launched cruise missiles for deep strikes at long ranges....

Only logical criticism can be a that a general might take a risk and try to launch a pre emptive strike with stealth cruise missiles to devastate oponents nuclear arsenal before it can be launched....
Risk may pay off....
Or it may not...

Tactical nukes may result in more risk taking as you are only destroying nuclear basis but not the cities close to them;
Thus may be making a strike justified....

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