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Crimea’s referendum morale-booster for Kashmiris: APHC


Feb 2, 2007
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SRINAGAR- The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has said that genuine movements cannot be crushed through military might and meaningless elections, stating that Crimea’s freedom from Ukraine will prove a morale-booster for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in a media interview in Srinagar said, “New Delhi must learn a lesson from Crimea and shun its stubborn approach and allow the people of Kashmir to decide their fate.
We should be given our birth right to choose our future the way Crimea did,” Mirwaiz said. “The Crimea’s decision would also help the Hurriyet leadership project its cause in a more structured way at the international forums and make the world community understand as to how genuine voices in Kashmir are being muzzled through force by New Delhi,” he added. “We are sure that Kashmir will see the dawn of freedom one day as Crimea has proved that aspirations can’t be crushed through military might. History bears testimony to the fact that wherever there were genuine movements across the globe, they reached logical conclusion. Kosovo and East-Timor are some recent fresh examples,” Mirwaiz said. He said Crimea’s decision should be an eye-opener for New Delhi, which is suppressing the genuine struggle. “Making claims before the international bodies that India is world’s largest democracy is not going to make any impact unless the core issue of Kashmir is resolved.” “Russia had been vetoing Kashmir’s resolution especially right to self determination. We hope to see a change in Russia’s stance vis-à-vis Kashmir from now onwards,” he said. “We reject elections as they are farce and can never be a solution to the Kashmir issue. World community should take note of the fact that there is no truth in selling elections as a referendum. The fact remains that Kashmir is a dispute which needs to be resolved, earlier the best for New Delhi,” Mirwaiz warned. Meanwhile, the forum led by the veteran Hurriyet leader Syed Ali Gilani in a statement said that the Crimea’s independence from Ukraine through a referendum would inspire the people of Jammu and Kashmir in their freedom struggle against India.

Crimea’s referendum morale-booster for Kashmiris: APHC
Kashmiris shouldn't get their hopes up.

Pakistan is not Russia.

Nawaaz Sharif (or Zardari) will sell Pakistan itself to the highest bidder, never mind Kashmir.

US to Russia: Back off!
Russia: :rofl:

US to Pakistan: Back off!
Pakistan: Yes, Sir! Very good, Sahib!
he he he he...........there are still people out there who think kashmir can be seceded from India. after Modi becomes PM of our country we will liberate Baluchistan and Sindhudesh also from Pakis, crimea incident is undoubtedly a morale booster for them.
Why nobody talks about china occupied kashmir ? aren't people living there ?
Pakistan is no Russia and India is no Ukraine ..... So the opinion of APHC makes no sense .

Why nobody talks about china occupied kashmir ? aren't people living there ?

Area is uninhabited afaik .

You must be feeling relaxed after posting those pics , anyhow kashmir is not going anywhere . It is there like a crown of India and we will soon abolish article 370 and make LoC as International border as soon as the wall alongside LoC is completed.

chao chao :)
No one respects him now :hitwall: He is completely irrelevant. He is called a putla. :omghaha:
Hehehe as long as these beardos keep fighting amongst themselves, who cares, no gives a **** about these osama worshippers, not even their fellow jammuites and ladakhis. Protest all they want, but if they pick up arms, bullet to the head :coffee:
Only a dumb like him can give such an analogy...Fool..:laugh:
Once the Hurriyat is wiped out of Kashmir the newer generations are surely going to join main stream India since there would be no more brainwashing of the Kashmiri youth.What many fail to understand is that from being an anti-Nationalist movement at the time of its inception the Hurriyat Conference have actually become more of a political party preaching Pakistani and Muslim brotherhood in the valley to score brownie points from the Pakistani establishment and blackmail the Indian political arena into giving into their demands of luxury living while the ordinary Kashmiri youth continues to pay the price of all the mindless India bashing by these bastards.Had it been otherwise the Hurriyat wouldn't be making statements and gestures that are purely political in nature.Far from being anti India,the Hurriyat seems to be more pro-BJP from statement that appeared on television and media as early as yesterday:

Mirwaiz declares NDA did more for Jammu and Kashmir than UPA | Mail Online

Any intelligent person wold understand that making such a statement and endorsing the BJP (or as some would say RSS) led NDA govt at this juncture when the LS polls are knocking on the door clearly points towards the Hurriyats intentions to be in the good books of BJP on the hope that their ***'s may not be whipped by NAMO after the elections.And moreover my question to every single Indian on this forum would be this,if the Hurriyat is a secessionist movement as they claim to be,then WTH do they expect from the NDA that the UPA couldn't deliver given the fact that the former is deemed to be more pro-Hindu? Do the really think that the NDA would do more to the effect of making J&K a part of Pakistan rather than India?:rofl::rofl::rofl: Obviously no sane person would put their stake on such a far fetched and delusional (If I may call it so) idea.Now if that is not the case then is there a change in the stance of the Hurriyat or is their no strategy at all and now they have gone on and become a part of the Indian political scenario cause a seperatist movement would not hope so much from a so called rightist political force.
A referendum in Kashmir valley (excluding Ladhak and Jammu) as of now will tilt towards Independence with out joining either India or Pakistan. But Independent Kashmir is a remote possibility.
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