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Crimea 2014 vs Outer Mongolia 1945

Well i don't have too much hope for Outer Mongolia willing to join back with us, their economy is doing ok and those people are not sinicized.
But not lets blame the separation of Outer Mongolia to just KMT. It was the incapable Qing that was the cause behind it.
I am heart pain on Outer Mongolia. Nevertheless PRC can still get it back by some sort of EU style. Putin want to do a Russian EU style on Ukraine but it fail.

Nevertheless, I am here to moderate PRC views though I support China, because PRC here actually anger all nations and neighbours.
Mongolia always been ignored for Lake Baikal outised of it long time ago.

Crimea is important for it is a peninsula at the Black Sea

Remember only good thing people covet.
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I agree that Crimea none of our business just I wonder why the US must be contained.

Who is now supporting the separatism in Xinjiang and Xizang?

Well i don't have too much hope for Outer Mongolia willing to join back with us, their economy is doing ok and those people are not sinicized.
But not lets blame the separation of Outer Mongolia to just KMT. It was the incapable Qing that was the cause behind it.

The Outer Mongolians could get assimilated by the Inner Mongolians.
there's always an expensive price to get China's support
I am heart pain on Outer Mongolia. Nevertheless PRC can still get it back by some sort of EU style. Putin want to do a Russian EU style on Ukraine but it fail.

Nevertheless, I am here to moderate PRC views though I support China, because PRC here actually anger all nations and neighbours.
Lux de Vertias, I am also in great heartache over the long-term regret that China lost Outer Mongolia. Lots of regretful, painful, and tragic events happen to China when she was soooooo weak in the "Century of Humiliation". Thus, I hope China fans like me overseas and the PRC people here in PDF would acknowledge that from this point (if not already) that China must, MUST only grow stronger (Militarily, Economically) and NEVER EVER become weak, fragile, and divided again, in order to recover whatever territory the China Motherland has lost since the Qing Era. Long-term it is never good for Inner and Outer Mongolia to be split (The Mongol ethnic groups should be reunited). They should be reunited under the family of the great China Motherland.

China, please be always wary of your surroundings. Even if you become the strongest power in 30 or 50 years. Even if the world of the future seems to become more peaceful, please don't let your guard down. Anything can happen that would enable an outside entity to wreck China. There are always some "vultures" and "predators" outside your sovereign borders.
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