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Crashed Mirage's Wheel Came off during Take off

An aircraft back form fresh upgrade at HAL and the wheel comes off at take-off, sure people will blame HAL for it. I am also not blaming the pilots, just saying that a zero zero seat functioning properly and a decision made a split second earlier could have saved the life of two senior pilots.

Members, two lives were lost, even if it was at enemy's side lets show some respect. No trolling please. You don't really need to rip HAL apart here, Indian members can see what happened and how HAL is responsible for this loss.
During flight tests, experimental, routine, acceptance, trials...you never know what can happen. Back at Pakistan we lost a Mirage acceptance test pilot years ago.........everyone has their departure written down for them. These pilots definitely departed by doing what they were passionate about.
Maybe the pilots were trying not to crash the jet into civilian homes till the last second
i think india should give responsibility to some other institute.hal is corrupt and they don't care about indian pilots.they want money and more money.
I hope HAL does not build Rafale. Its too high tech a product for a company that does not seem even fit to build a bicycle.

This is a tragic loss. Men are irreplaceable. Machine can be bought again.

Serious questions should be asked of HAL and its quality assurance.
Wherever standards fall, people pay with it for their lives.
What it does is now put the integrity of every M2K overhauled or touched by HAL at risk. IAF should step in and perform a thorough QC and run a dedicated project(which will cost millions) to inspect each HAL delivered aircraft.
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