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Crackdown against the members of the Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement

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Sarah Ahmadzai


New Recruit

Jan 8, 2018
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The Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement or the Pashtun Protection Movement, formerly the Mehsud Tahaffuz Movement, is a social movement for Pashtun human rights, based in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The movement was originally started in the year 2014 as an initiative for removing land mines from Waziristan (FATA) by the locals. Despite several years of struggle the state was not showing any kind of interest to address the very issues (Land Mines, Curfews and Humiliation by the army on checkpoints) of locals and later in the last months of 2017, the leader (Manzoor Ahmed Pashteen) of the movement–the then Mehsud Tahaffuz Movement met his colleagues (initially total 6 in number) to arrange a long march from waziristan (FATA) towards Islamabad–the capital city of Pakistan, during the time ( the first month of 2018) when they were busy in the preparation of long march a young Pashtun businessman and social media celebrity named Naqeebullah Mehsud was killed extrajudicially by the notorious police officer Rao Anwaar in the most populous city of Pakistan–Karachi, this was the time when all progressive and oppressed voices spoke out against the state brutality and oppression and started a campaign on social media and demanded justice for Naqeebullah Mehsud, as Naqeebullah was from the same tribe of the Mehsud Tahaffuz Movement leaders's and also there was a great support from across the country especially Pashtun nation, the point "Justice for Naqeebullah" was also included and was kept as a 1st point in the 5-points agenda of their long march to Islamabad. It is also thought that Naqeebullah Mehsud was targeted because of three major reasons:
1- He was a Pashtun.
2- He was from FATA (aslo called a safe heaven of terrorists–since Soviet-Afghan war).
3- He was from Mehsud tribe, whose some members are key members/linked to Talibans, as the killing of Naqeebullah Mehsud was a kind of racial targeting so the PTM leadership put his case on priority among the 5-point agenda and also a racial profiling is a common problem of all Pashtuns living in Pakistan.
The long march was started in the last week of January 2018, reaced Islamabad in February, and when it reaced Islamabad, the mainstream television channels and media outlets were not reporting and covering the activities of the PTM. Their only medium to interact with the rest of Pakistan and to keep them updated was (is) through social media.
This further strengthens their narrative of being sidelined and ignored by the state.
Some of the demands are partially met but things are going worse day by day as the crackdown, media blackout, missing the members of PTM, are still there at its place and they are facing problems from the security agencies when they arrange mass gathering in the country.
For the rest of the movement's past and recent stories i am sharing views of the experts who are directly ot indirectly part of this movement/having a close look of the movement and also i am sharing some videos of the families of the missing persons.

There are numerous other columns/stories which you can access easily on the internet.


Manzoor pashteens own brother was a terrorist hence why he changed last name to Pashteen.

whey doesnt Manzoor tell the world the truth that his older brother was a terrorist facilitator.

TTP/PTM same thing different names. no mercy to terrorist sympathisers.

This is very immature approach... wasn’t the son of Noah a Kafir?
Wasn’t the father of Abrahm a Mishriq?
Also read the Quran where its stated that:
"Everyone is responsible for his/her own deeds, and none will be held accountable for the wrongdoings of others"

Manzoor pashteens own brother was a terrorist hence why he changed last name to Pashteen.

whey doesnt Manzoor tell the world the truth that his older brother was a terrorist facilitator.

TTP/PTM same thing different names. no mercy to terrorist sympathisers.

Again a Stupid response...
Don’t judge others by the dressings or the outlook... Munafiqeen were also having the outlook of Muslims!
Stupid! Do not just look at the captions... go and read the whole story... why should i waste my precious time on a stupid like you, who has nothing to prove and believe on what is captioned and has nothing to do with what PTM, even if they are terrorists PTM demands that they should be presented & trialed in the courts!
Stupid! Do not just look at the captions... go and read the whole story... why should i waste my precious time on a stupid like you, who has nothing to prove and believe on what is captioned and unproven against PTM!

Mam....easy on stupid thing.... may be one of the core issues facing mahsuds today is they think every one is stupid

Mam....easy on stupid thing.... may be one of the core issues facing mahsuds today is they think every one is stupid
Bro we the pakistani tax payers paid for her education in Pakistan when she was living here for years as a afghan refugee. now she got an asylum in France she sprouts lies and nonsense about Pakistan all day on her twitter.

Another Namak Haram Afghan
Staff close this Propaganda thread.
Title of the thread is click bait.op fail to write even signle line about crackdown on ptm.
There already threads about ptm. then why open thread on her crapy tweets?
Close this thread
Judging by your language
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