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Crackdown against the members of the Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement

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bro this is her twitter account, she is paid to tweet against pakistan 24/7

when kunduuz massacre happened in afg people on twitter harrased her to make one tweet in sympathy of the pushtoons that died in the drone strike. for days she ignored it and then again was back to tweeting about PTM

her family still lives in pakistan 100%

If that is the case, then we deserve all the non sense that we as nation get to hear from every tom dick and Harry. Our state allow all the non sense to go about without any check.
Well, support for PTM from everywhere and not Pakistanis, is an understood pattern of imposed hybrid war by hostile agencies. PTM & Manzoor Pashteen is exposed big time and such malicious campaign now merely breaths in internet world by non stop posts & propaganda.

Pashtun land is my land and none has the right to stop me from living on my land!
Get lost! Idiot

No. Your land is Afghanistan so go and try to free it from 34 NATO countries and Taliban that rules 70% of the same since Afghanistan so-called liberty call.

I am a Pakistan Pashtun and I don't want Afghan be annexed with me or vice-versa. There is no such thing as Pashtun land.

From a moderator to you: It is not feasible to use such language against any member, even in return. Better to report and move on. Treat this as a warning.

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