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CPEC: The case for the western route


Aug 15, 2009
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Pakistan is supposed to be a federation, where the federating units should have judicious share of national resources. Developmental projects are instruments for mobilizing economy and uplifting masses. They not only provide employment opportunities but can also result in national integration. The effect of development projects of national level can be gauged from the fruits that railroad construction has blessed United States with. United States, in its current integrated form, exists because of the rail-road revolution that connected one disparate end of the country to the other. It facilitated transport of raw materials from one end to the more industrialized part of the country. China is keeping its mammoth population in peace because of its massive investment in infrastructure. Infrastructure development, along with providing constant employment opportunities, also ensures equal economic dividends.

The dilemma with distribution of economic developmental projects in Pakistan is that they are always concentrated in some parts or regions of the country. Starting from partial polices of the Ayub regime, the injudicious distribution of developmental projects has never seen an end. The western-trained and western-hired economic and policy advisers of Ayub Khan believed in naked to the bones capitalism. ‘Functional utility of inequity’ and ‘social utility of greed’ were two theories that formed the cornerstones of Ayub’s developmental projects allocation. The first one asserted that by creating havens of development and concentrating all growth in narrowly defined geographical areas, the economic growth can be skyrocketed. The other naively believes that creating an artificial rich and luxurious class at the top ladder of economy will motivate competition and thus will result in increased economic activity. Thanks to these policies, we had the clichéd twenty-two families and these policies further bore their fruit in the form of transforming East Pakistan into Bangladesh.

Unfortunately the Pakistani state is persistent in its insistence on functional utility of inequality in allocation of developmental projects. CPEC, which China is interested in to elevate its eastern provinces of Xinxiang at par with other parts of the country, in terms of economic development, has provided a new tool to the advocates of concentrated development of parts of Punjab. The contradictions can’t be more ironic, given that China has proposed this project to develop its underdeveloped areas while Pakistan is making case for depriving its underdeveloped areas of their due share in the project under the pretext of security and lack of economic activity. What is ironic, on a completely new level, is the argument from Pakistani state that since the underdeveloped provinces of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and Balochistan are insecure so we can’t take up development in those regions. Meanwhile, China’s main aim for CPEC is to fight militancy in the underdeveloped region of Xinxiang.

What is missed by the Pakistanis state in its jaundiced policies is that CPEC is not a project for facilitating already developed zones. It is meant for initiating economic development and carving out new economic zones. If this logic is accepted, then the western route of CPEC is the only viable route. No two cities of Pakhtoonkhwa are connected via rail and no motorway is laid in Balochistan. On 28th May, APC was called and it was decided that the western route will be developed before the eastern route. But the Pakistani state, in its usual reversal of motives, opted to mislead people of the smaller provinces through its cosmetic measures. While 667 billion rupees are allocated for Lahore-Karachi motorway, the highways which are being developed in name of CPEC in Balochistan, and were inaugurated by the PM, cost less than 30 billion rupees. The Lahore-Islamabad section has been completed at the cost of multi-hundred billion rupees while it already has GT road and a railway track.

Projects such as CPEC are bound by Constitution to be discussed in Council of Common Interests but even after two years, no such meeting has been called; and the matter of disparate fund allocations to the two routes is hushed over and swept under the carpet. When Chinese President came to Pakistan last year and signed multiple MoUs, it was reported that out of 46 billion dollars’ worth of projects, projects worth 45 billion dollars are going to be established in Punjab. The western route is reduced to a set of highways with no special economic or industrial zones.

The deliberate silence and secrecy over allocation of funds and the absurd claims of equal development of eastern and western route is going to further increase the mistrust among provinces. It’s not only the right of small provinces to have its due share in such massive projects, but it is also incumbent upon the state to find ways to ward off extremist and separatist tendencies by investing in infrastructure and economic development of regions where it is needed the most.

CPEC: The case for the western route
Every Province should get its fair share ....simple....we need to change from Parliamentary to Presidential system
We need a more centralized government, making more provinces will increase more governing efficiency and changing the names of provinces from ethnic based to geographical base would increase unity.
We need a more centralized government, making more provinces will increase more governing efficiency and changing the names of provinces from ethnic based to geographical base would increase unity.

This can also be a solution but in current circumstances it wont b possible becoz many ethnic groups wont give up their culture heritage...
Every Province should get its fair share ....simple....we need to change from Parliamentary to Presidential system
or may b khilafat system ??? the way i know it, the only difference in it is that only educated people can vote rather then everyone,.. and no ministries.. wud b lot of help for our poor country if we can get rid of the ministries..
or may b khilafat system ??? the way i know it, the only difference in it is that only educated people can vote rather then everyone,.. and no ministries.. wud b lot of help for our poor country if we can get rid of the ministries..

Khilafat NEVER worked,

it's a failed system nor is it endorsed by religion as a system of governance.
Khilafat NEVER worked,

it's a failed system nor is it endorsed by religion as a system of governance.

no. it worked.. the problem was that badshahat was put in place to make own sons the next ruler so never let it work..

just dream it,.. all the same system with voting power only to educated people and no ministries but Bureaucrates...
no. it worked.. the problem was that badshahat was put in place to make own sons the next ruler so never let it work..

just dream it,.. all the same system with voting power only to educated people and no ministries but Bureaucrates...

IT never worked,
not in the time of the first 4 caliphs, and never after.

The Molvis lie and attribute things which are untrue;
Khilafat is not a system of government, Molvis pose it to be so that they could control power.
no. it worked.. the problem was that badshahat was put in place to make own sons the next ruler so never let it work..

just dream it,.. all the same system with voting power only to educated people and no ministries but Bureaucrates...
When you are in power then you forgret the thin line seperating Badshahat from Khilafat!
Here even our PM forget the huge line between badshahat and Ministery and here you are taking about Khilafat :p:

Pakistan is supposed to be a federation, where the federating units should have judicious share of national resources. Developmental projects are instruments for mobilizing economy and uplifting masses. They not only provide employment opportunities but can also result in national integration.

Projects such as CPEC are bound by Constitution to be discussed in Council of Common Interests but even after two years, no such meeting has been called; and the matter of disparate fund allocations to the two routes is hushed over and swept under the carpet. When Chinese President came to Pakistan last year and signed multiple MoUs, it was reported that out of 46 billion dollars’ worth of projects, projects worth 45 billion dollars are going to be established in Punjab. The western route is reduced to a set of highways with no special economic or industrial zones.

CPEC: The case for the western route

Oh PLEASE!!! Cry me a river!! You guys don't get tired of posting crap 10 times a day against the current government? WITHOUT a DIME worth of impact? Negativity doesn't get work done. Working gets work done. Someone tells this to IK and his followers, all having PhC (Philosophy in Conspiracy Theories, a new degree designed for certain people in Pakistan and India :cheers:).

There was a Parliament briefing that I've seen the transcript for recently. It outlines that for political reasons, KPK's government is crying a river. But in fact, beyond being on the Microphone, they aren't helping jack shiiit to do the CPEC project. Also, there have been threats issued to "block the CPEC route". Now this investment isn't coming from Uncle IK's personal savings account, or from Mr. Tareen's. Its an investment coming from the Chinese with their strategic goals as their economy is hurting.

So if you quit scaring off the Chinese and effing with their investment proposal, the KPK was always going to get her share. You can't get to China unless the KPK is involved, SIMPLE is that. But fools running the KPK will continue on with their media rhetoric and Hitler style lying propaganda "hoping" to "talk their way" into getting a bigger share of votes!! Sad :tdown::angel:
Oh PLEASE!!! Cry me a river!! You guys don't get tired of posting crap 10 times a day against the current government? WITHOUT a DIME worth of impact? Negativity doesn't get work done. Working gets work done. Someone tells this to IK and his followers, all having PhC (Philosophy in Conspiracy Theories, a new degree designed for certain people in Pakistan and India :cheers:).

There was a Parliament briefing that I've seen the transcript for recently. It outlines that for political reasons, KPK's government is crying a river. But in fact, beyond being on the Microphone, they aren't helping jack shiiit to do the CPEC project. Also, there have been threats issued to "block the CPEC route". Now this investment isn't coming from Uncle IK's personal savings account, or from Mr. Tareen's. Its an investment coming from the Chinese with their strategic goals as their economy is hurting.

So if you quit scaring off the Chinese and effing with their investment proposal, the KPK was always going to get her share. You can't get to China unless the KPK is involved, SIMPLE is that. But fools running the KPK will continue on with their media rhetoric and Hitler style lying propaganda "hoping" to "talk their way" into getting a bigger share of votes!! Sad :tdown::angel:

Exactly investment is not coming from IK's or uncle nawaz pocket but under the federation every province needs to have its share accordingly
Exactly investment is not coming from IK's or uncle nawaz pocket but under the federation every province needs to have its share accordingly

The investment wasn't GIVEN to the States of the Federation. Something you people seriously forget. This is a Chinese investment given to the Government of Pakistan to build a highway system to help the Chinese economy. As a SECONDARY aspect, the Pakistani economy grows with it too.

With your KPK government and the previous government, I'd LOVE to see someone try to get JUST ONE billions dollars from the Chinese in "investments". Refer to the track record. This isn't a ROYALTY the Chinese are paying to ALL states of Pakistan because they OWE them :rofl: :lol: :crazy:!

Tell fools in KPK to quit playing politics over a country's future and they would get their share. If you scare off the investor, they'll make some changes to the plan to safe guard their billions. Not sure people ever went to school and learned basics of investments.

Would you put your or your father's life savings into a part of Baluchistan where there are murders and terrorists, or the government simply doesn't cooperate??? HELL NO. So why should it be any different for other investors (Chinese in this case)?

Don't cut and paste my response to pick a line to answer. Answer to the entire thing so people can clearly see how full of reasons IK's followers are. (or lack of reason, as you guys just blow smoke every day and do lie based politics)!!
Mushraff presidential system was best...

Musharraf's local government system was good too but it needed little reforms and our democratic governments instead of strengthening it , they destroyed it
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