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CPEC: Pakistan Railways ML1 upgradation worth $8 billion starts

pics of the sites where they started work?
at a cost of US$ 8 billion, of which US$ 5.5 billion would be a concessional loan from China while Asian Development Bank (ADB) would contribute remaining US$ 2.5 billion for the project.

I hope this project produces enough revenue to cover the loan repayment costs.
CPEC project was initiated by P.M Nawaz sharif in 2013 june when he visited china even before the appointment of Gen. Raheel sharif as army chief but here some want to give credit of each and every thing to any one except nawaz sharif thanks to all these people

cpec project was initiated long envisioned before nawaz however i agree with the rest and thank you raheel sharif for making the "pakistani army" guaranteer of this project
If you knew anything, the project known as CPEC today was initiated back in 2005-2006 by Pakistan with China. Back then China wasn't ready.
do u know the different between concept and implementation?
its Pakistan's project by Pakistan's Gov appreciate it or f**k off...

cpec project was initiated long envisioned before nawaz however i agree with the rest and thank you raheel sharif for making the "pakistani army" guaranteer of this project
another POTI looser spotted .......
CPEC project was initiated by P.M Nawaz sharif in 2013 june when he visited china even before the appointment of Gen. Raheel sharif as army chief but here some want to give credit of each and every thing to any one except nawaz sharif thanks to all these people
really !!!!!
nah load of bush shit from goon league
do u know the different between concept and implementation?
its Pakistan's project by Pakistan's Gov appreciate it or f**k off...

another POTI looser spotted .......

Implementation occurred because of the concept created by the army. They're the ones that planned it and laid out the ground work. Gwadar port phase 1 was being built by them before 2013. If the army was ruling all these years then things would have gone much faster. The Chinese even said that the army should be given the lead role in the project. Hmmm I wonder why?
An eye opener for slave minded People who worship Nawaz Sharif.

Gwadar project launched: Musharraf lauds China’s assistance

GWADAR, March 22, 2002: President Gen Pervez Musharraf said on Friday that the future port city of Gwadar would play a key role in the speedy economic development of the whole region.

Speaking at the ground-breaking ceremony of Gwadar deep-sea port, he announced that an industrial zone will be set up in Gwadar to lure investment, create job opportunities and open up new vistas of economic development in the surrounding human settlements of Mekran region.

Gen Musharraf said his government was determined to build the entire infrastructure needed for operating and developing the Gwadar port.

He said the National Highway Authority was building the Mekran Coastal Highway at full speed to synchronize with the completion of Gwadar port project.

The president also made mention of other projects, including Mirani dam and the Kachchi canal, which would supplement the benefits accruing from the Gwadar port.

“What we are doing in Gwadar will end the sense of deprivation among the people of the district and surrounding areas, boost the economic activities and alleviate poverty,” Gen Musharraf said.

“We all are witness to the making of history today,” the president remarked, alluding to the laying of foundation stone of the port project. He was sanguine that it would be completed in three years.

He expressed his special gratitude to the Chinese premier who, he said, took personal interest in providing finances and technical expertise for the project.

“I took up the issue of Gwadar project with Mr Zhu Rongji, the Chinese PM, when we met in May. He agreed to help Pakistan in implementing this mega project.”

Another key project — Saindak copper and gold — is to resume production with the Chinese assistance after a lapse of six years, he said.

He also praised Federal Minister for Communications, Lt-Gen (retd) Javed Ashraf Kazi for actively pursuing the project, holding detailed negotiations with the Chinese ministers, officials and experts and ensuring that a blueprint was finalized within 10 months.

He also lauded Balochistan Governor Amirul Mulk Mengal for his role and help in kick-starting mega projects, including Gwadar port, Kachchi canal, Mirani dam, and Mekran Coastal Highway.

The president exhorted the Nazims and Naib Nazims gathered at the function from remote regions of Mekran to encourage the people to get better education and necessary skills in order to compete for job opportunities.

He assured every possible help and cooperation in upgrading the education standard so that students of Balochistan could compete with students of other parts of the country.

“Our efforts would bear fruit only when the people of the area rose to help themselves,” he said.

Speaking on this occasion, Chinese Vice-Premier Mr Wu Bangguo said the project was being taken in hand after prolonged talks between the two nations.

He said his country had sent the best team of experts, builders and planners to construct the port.

The Chinese Vice-Premier hoped that the friendship between the two countries would consolidate further with the implementation of this project.

Governor Balochistan, Amirul Mulk Mengal, pledged to extend all possible cooperation and support to the federal government agencies and departments implementing mega projects in the province.

The governor said the port project would create new job opportunities, boost economic activities and improve the lot of the common man.

He thanked Gen Pervez Musharraf for taking personal interest in the development of Balochistan.

He said his government would fulfil all its commitments in respect of Mirani dam project, Saindak gold and copper project and Kachchi canal.

The governor spoke specifically of his government’s support to implement all the major projects in Balochistan launched by the president.

Earlier, Federal Minister for Communications Javed Ashraf said the construction of Gwadar port will be completed in three phases.

He congratulated the area people on the initiation of the project after a lapse of 50 years. He hoped that Gwadar would become a more developed region once this project is finished.


Give credit and respect to General Pervaz Musharraf the founder of CPEC and JF-17 Thunder.:pakistan:
this development is good. but I hope this contract should not be given to any chinese company..

Japanese, French, Spanish, German, British,Korean, should be preferred so that more companies of their respective should invest in Pakistan.
do u know the different between concept and implementation?
its Pakistan's project by Pakistan's Gov appreciate it or f**k off...

another POTI looser spotted .......

dude seriously. Why are you proving time and time again that it was better if you were swallowed rather then conceived.
ISLAMABAD (APP): The upgradation and dualization of Pakistan railway’s main line track (ML1) from Karachi to Torkham, at a cost of US$ 8 billion, would pave way to run fast moving trains in the country.

Pakistan and China have agreed to upgrade main line (ML1) to be completed in next five years, would help provide an infrastructure to run fast moving trains in future, a senior official in the Ministry of Planning, Development and Reforms said here on Wednesday.

The Pakistan Railway would carry out upgradation and dualization of main line track from Karachi to Torkham, at a cost of US$ 8 billion, of which US$ 5.5 billion would be a concessional loan from China while Asian Development Bank (ADB) would contribute remaining US$ 2.5 billion for the project.

He said, the “ML1 is used for 75 percent traffic but infrastructure and equipment on this line has not been improved since long which has resulted in decrease of railway speed from 120 to 60 KM per hour.

The upgradation of the ML1 would not only improve existing railway infrastructure and increase the current speed up to three times but would also support modern fast movement trains.

The cost of passengers and cargo service has increased due to low speed, he said and added, Pakistan railways would be expanded.

He said, Quetta-Peshawar and Havilian-Khunjrab would be linked through railway in the next phase to be started after this upgradation.

During a recent meeting between Pakistani and Chinese officials held in Beijing, both sides expressed satisfaction over cooperation in railways projects including the ML1 (Karachi-Peshawar) railway project and China and discussed ways of its speedier implementation.

Both sides agreed that the railway network project formed the backbone of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) communications infrastructure projects and was of particular significance to regional connectivity.

Both countries also shared the vision for developing effective railway system from Kashghar to Gwadar which would provide a cost competitive mode of transportation and instant connectivity to China for transportation of goods.

The official said, railways transportation is a critical element of connectivity between Pakistan and China, adding, the implementation of railways projects would have a tremendous impact on socio-economic development of the region.

Torkham? I see this connecting to Afghanistan?

All other neighbours are connected via railway lines in Afghanistan, only Pakistan is to be connected as well.
China makes sure that pakistan is breathing so when it becomes super power , it'll dominate middle east. Strengthen pakistan to scare defeat india .
We're a baby of chiiiiinaaaa. . :oops:
Torkham? I see this connecting to Afghanistan?

All other neighbours are connected via railway lines in Afghanistan, only Pakistan is to be connected as well.

Yes GHQ is financing this project to connect 5th province to rest of Pakistan with railways and motorways :P

Survey of Jalalabad-Peshawar railway track to start soon

PESHAWAR: The survey of Jalalabad-Peshawar railway track would soon be launched, the Afghan Ministry of Public Works said on Wednesday.

According to a press release, Advisor to Afghan Ministry of Public Works Masood Amin and the officials of company conducting the survey, Syed Mukhtar and Wahidullah Oryakhel, held a meeting with Nangarhar Governor Salim Khan Kunduzi to review the progress on the project.

Masood Amin briefed the Afghan governor about the project. “The survey will be conducted for the installation of railway track from Jalalabad city to Peshawar,” he said, adding that installation of the railway track would start after the survey was carried out.

Speaking on the occasion, the Nangarhar governor directed the relevant authorities to cooperate with the company undertaking the survey.The private firm has been engaged to conduct the survey. The head of the company in Afghanistan, Wahidullah Oryakhel said the railway track would be 150 kilometers long.

He said that 75 kilometers of the track would be installed in Nangarhar. He added that Rs60 million had been allocated for the survey to be conducted in eight months.It may be mentioned that Pakistan is providing financial assistance for the project that will link Peshawar with Nangarhar.


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