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CPEC: Asking the Wrong Question

And what kind of economic prosperity has CPEC given to Pakistan ? We have been growing at 7+% & receiving $60 billion FDI annually without any partnership.

Wow, quite rich coming from a country which doesn't even have a proper manufacturing industry- mocking Indian manufacturing sector as assembling CKD kits. Meanwhile in the real world.

In 2015, Pakistan exported 17.6 million worth auto components.
India OTOH exported $3.7 billion worth auto components.

Now tell me, with this sort of industrial base, which industry is assembling CKDs ?

I think you don't get it at all. Whatever in the world you are on dear? Certainly not on the ground.

Shocking to see you jump up and down like a spoiled brat of a gold digger who has hit it big marrying some billionaire like Trump.

As I said, the level of hatred and envy has rendered Indians acting like big bully touting its costlier toys in the face of one with less, and crying and making fists at the neighbour who still manages to do much better with what it's got.

It's called punching above weight class instead of your below the belt cheap shots. Go cry your heart out. CPEC is becoming a reality despite your terrorism and espionage.
I think you don't get it at all. Whatever in the world you are on dear? Certainly not on the ground.

Shocking to see you jump up and down like a spoiled brat of a gold digger who has hit it big marrying some billionaire like Trump.

As I said, the level of hatred and envy has rendered Indians acting like big bully touting its costlier toys in the face of one with less, and crying and making fists at the neighbour who still manages to do much better with what it's got.

It's called punching above weight class instead of your below the belt cheap shots. Go cry your heart out. CPEC is becoming a reality despite your terrorism and espionage.

More rhetoric. Again what kind of economic prosperity/FDI has CPEC given to Pakistan ?
More rhetoric. Again what kind of economic prosperity/FDI has CPEC given to Pakistan ?

Please, if you don't know how a project gets executed, don't expect me to teach you.

Go get some school kid level knowledge about CPEC first then come back and argue a bit better than the same illiterate bully you have been miserably acting like.
Please, if you don't know how a project gets executed, don't expect me to teach you.

Actually many people even in Pakistan doesn't knew how your project was going to be executed. And then Dawn did that cover story revealing the 'plan' & your government was furious.
Actually many people even in Pakistan doesn't knew how your project was going to be executed. And then Dawn did that cover story revealing the 'plan' & your government was furious.
So when you are not bullying you become a troll? Figures...
That is reality genius, why did your government create such controversy about the expose by dawn ?
Thank you for your ingenius query. Tell me something that has always puzzled me.
Why do seemingly educated and civilised people consider urine as amrit? Here in lies the secret of your state of mind about CPEC.

Still the real question about CPEC is why is India in so much pain and anguish as its neighbours partake structural development for economic prosperity?
More rhetoric. Again what kind of economic prosperity/FDI has CPEC given to Pakistan ?

A project of such a huge scale and long time frame which in essence only got off the ground approx a year or so ago... and you are already asking... "where are the dividends???"

Thank you for your ingenius query. Tell me something that has always puzzled me.
Why do seemingly educated and civilised people consider urine as amrit? Here in lies the secret of your state of mind about CPEC.

Still the real question about CPEC is why is India in so much pain and anguish as its neighbours partake structural development for economic prosperity?

More rhetoric.
More rhetoric.

Don't run away from the real question now, be a good little troll and answer.

Still the real question about CPEC is why is India in so much pain and anguish as its neighbours partake structural development for economic prosperity?
There's a lot of discussion on whether CPEC will be successful or not. That is the wrong question. CPEC at its core is just a collection of projects that some have finished and while others are still on going. Just because someone groups them together doesn't make it logical. Think BRICS.

The fact of the matter is, some projects will succeed, some will fail. China will have one motive, Pakistan another. If you choose to focus on the negative, than it would look to failed. If you focus on the positive than it looks to be successful.

That really doesn't matter, because these projects are really being built. As someone who has seen China go from being pushed onto a train as a 5 year old and now being able to go directly from Beijing to my hometown via HSR or air, depending on mood, I can honestly say, none of those things discussed in the media matters all that much to the common man.

More importantly, excuse me for being blunt, no one else is really jumping up and down for the opportunity to invest. So the reality of CPEC is existence of said infrastructure or on paper. Rather than the details that surrounds it.

Once Pakistan have these infrastructure, it can still go one of two ways. Straight to the top or not much at all. That is not something CPEC is built to decide, it's like a fancy suit. Dress for the job you want, you still need to be able to do the job.
The hype over CPEC will lead to disappointment. this looks like someone trying to lower expectations

To be honest the biggest dividend of CPEC that Pakistan could harvest is "culture". China was a desperately poor country but then as a nation it united, nurtured and cultivated a culture that articulated it straight to where it is today. It was the way of thinking, way of doing, way of ethics and mindset that lifted China and will take it all the way to being a hyperpower.

Therefore the biggest benefit Pakistan could get out of CPEC is not the physical projects for they will wear out one day but the culture Chinese bring to Pakistan. If the younger generation of Pakistani's think and act like even half the way Chinese do instead of acting and thinking like Arabs success is guaranteed. Pakistan also will take off like China did.

Poverty and under-development is above all a state of mind.

if you could not learn from the Americans what makes you think you will learn from China
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