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" Coward' Police flayed over DI Khan jail break: Our heads hang in shame ..

Oh I know what you mean..you have no idea. The first time I visited here, I was very pissed and actually would argue with a lot of people. Every single person in the country would sit in his/her house and complain about the government and talk, but when it came to doing something, 95% of them would not take one step out of the house. And it annoyed me how people can just sit there when the state was bleeding. But after a few more visits and some conversations I began to understand why. It doesn't justify anything. But a closer look does make one understand why things are the way they are.

You're not Welcome here anyhow ! :angry:

Not since you started opposing the Republic of Buttistan ! :cray:

But don't fret child - We'd bounce back...you on the other hand have a greater obligation - Leave us be & do two things for us instead :

(i) Be Pakistan's Ambassador in your Home Countries - Do what the AIPAC (I hope I got that right) does for the Israelis !

(ii) Explore Opportunities to Invest in Pakistan or in Pakistanis one way or the other - No...I'm not talking about Philanthropy but Business - Maybe teaming up with a family member or a friend to open up a small scale textile unit here in Pakistan & using your presence in the US to get it exported to the American Consumer ! Or maybe buying a plot of agricultural land in Pakistan, growing mangoes there & then introducing it to the US Markets ! Etc....etc....etc - Use your mind to benefit your countries & yourself ! :)
Comprehend the difference between, taking stock of the situation, briefing, planning, calculating before launching an operation and one where without warning coming under heavy attack in pitch darkness..... as you admit every one is scared of death.

Cmmon man! weren't the guards per-informed of such an attack??? U claim to have one of the best Intelligence in the world! and it failed to deduce this?? Even if it was a surprise attack how much time does it take to a wall guarded prison! which is almost a fortress??? there was no proper leadership! admit it!!
(i) Be Pakistan's Ambassador in your Home Countries...Explore Opportunities to Invest in Pakistan...
Decades of Pakistani history demonstrate that in the absence of reform the country will continue to go down the toilet no matter how many dollars get shoveled in. Those who have power will steal 90% of it, comforting themselves with the thought that when the end comes the ill-gotten wealth they've stashed at home or abroad will allow them to enjoy a sweet life.
Oh I know what you mean..you have no idea. The first time I visited here, I was very pissed and actually would argue with a lot of people. Every single person in the country would sit in his/her house and complain about the government and talk, but when it came to doing something, 95% of them would not take one step out of the house. And it annoyed me how people can just sit there when the state was bleeding. But after a few more visits and some conversations I began to understand why. It doesn't justify anything. But a closer look does make one understand why things are the way they are.

With respect Sir, you generalise. You may be speaking from your personal experience but that does not mean that all Pakistanis are the same.

I am now 70 years old but in my younger days I have not shirked from responsibility. During the entire 1971 war with India I was one of the engineers in charge of an 8 hour shift at the Esso Kerosene terminal which was under constant bombardment from Indian Airforce. I was not the only one; there were 3 engineers and about 120 technicians divided into 3 batches, each batch responsible for an 8 hour shift. In case of being bombed during my shift, it would have been my decision when to vacate if the fire went out of control.

I was present during one attack when IAF set fire to one of the large diesel storage tanks and damaged one jet fuel tank. My team did not run away but managed to save product in rest of the 14 or so other tanks that were intact even though we had to work during the danger siren period.

We were of course trained and qualified for handling inflammable petroleum products but quite a few of the office staff & clerical workers also helped out in filling tank wagons & tank lorries to keep service stations and upcountry storage depots supplied with essential petroleum products. This despite the fact that we were one of the primary targets of IAF bombing.

We were not soldiers but when country needed us, all voluntarily offered to safeguard Jet fuel & diesel supplies vital in the country’s war effort.

I don’t claim to be an exceptionally brave person and we did this because someone had to do the job. I am certain that when it comes to the crunch, majority of my countrymen would also volunteer to do whatever they can for Pakistan.

Reason for reluctance in fighting Taliban is the confusion created in minds of the people by the extremist loving politicians (this includes PTI leadership) who, despite the loss of 40,000 Pakistani lives, still claim that it is not our war.
Many of those prisoners freed will probably be killed in the future if they decide to join the TTP, which I'm sure many of them will out of revenge.

Before that, many of those prisoners will target and kill the exact policemen/ranger who arrested them and their entire families.

This will create a fear in the police/paramilitary unlike any other you have seen till date.

And tackling that would be the real challenge for Pakistan. I hope they are successful.

I hope the terrorists are killed next time with extreme prejudice instead of being arrested for trial. They deserve no more.
Before that, many of those prisoners will target and kill the exact policemen/ranger who arrested them and their entire families.

This will create a fear in the police/paramilitary unlike any other you have seen till date.

And tackling that would be the real challenge for Pakistan. I hope they are successful.

I hope the terrorists are killed next time with extreme prejudice instead of being arrested for trial. They deserve no more.

Before that, many of those prisoners will target and kill the exact policemen/ranger who arrested them and their entire families.

Fixed: Before that, many of those prisoners will TRY to target and kill the exact policemen/ranger who arrested them and their entire families.

Those prisoners will try and stay low, they are local criminals many of them and know they are guilty, if they are sane enough they won't try and get themselves in trouble, in fact about 50 or so prisoners turned themselves back in.
With respect Sir, you generalise. You may be speaking from your personal experience but that does not mean that all Pakistanis are the same.

I am now 70 years old but in my younger days I have not shirked from responsibility. During the entire 1971 war with India I was one of the engineers in charge of an 8 hour shift at the Esso Kerosene terminal which was under constant bombardment from Indian Airforce. I was not the only one; there were 3 engineers and about 120 technicians divided into 3 batches, each batch responsible for an 8 hour shift. In case of being bombed during my shift, it would have been my decision when to vacate if the fire went out of control.

I was present during one attack when IAF set fire to one of the large diesel storage tanks and damaged one jet fuel tank. My team did not run away but managed to save product in rest of the 14 or so other tanks that were intact even though we had to work during the danger siren period.

We were of course trained and qualified for handling inflammable petroleum products but quite a few of the office staff & clerical workers also helped out in filling tank wagons & tank lorries to keep service stations and upcountry storage depots supplied with essential petroleum products. This despite the fact that we were one of the primary targets of IAF bombing.

We were not soldiers but when country needed us, all voluntarily offered to safeguard Jet fuel & diesel supplies vital in the country’s war effort.

I don’t claim to be an exceptionally brave person and we did this because someone had to do the job. I am certain that when it comes to the crunch, majority of my countrymen would also volunteer to do whatever they can for Pakistan.

Reason for reluctance in fighting Taliban is the confusion created in minds of the people by the extremist loving politicians (this includes PTI leadership) who, despite the loss of 40,000 Pakistani lives, still claim that it is not our war.
Contrast niaz's mini-memoir with the all-too-usual account from Pakistanis of how "only I was the right one foretelling disaster in the room, everyone else made the bad decisions (and by the way there's no written record of this)". I now consider an account like that of niaz much more believable that the "I'm the only one who was right" sort. When I was younger it might have been the reverse. Now I have a better idea of how far Pakistanis will go to distort the record and justify their actions to themselves and their children and countrymen.

Reason for reluctance in fighting Taliban is the confusion created in minds of the people by the extremist loving politicians (this includes PTI leadership) who, despite the loss of 40,000 Pakistani lives, still claim that it is not our war.
I wonder if the "confusion" we're seeing here reflects a love of consensus over the responsibilities of leadership. Leadership requires definite direction and action; consensus often just totters along. As a nation with weak (but gradually strengthening, imo) democratic institutions the instinct of elected officials may be to seek consensus rather than be bold and daring enough to risk angering some of their own countrymen.
Contrast niaz's mini-memoir with the all-too-usual account from Pakistanis of how "only I was the right one foretelling disaster in the room, everyone else made the bad decisions (and by the way there's no written record of this)". I now consider an account like that of niaz much more believable that the "I'm the only one who was right" sort. When I was younger it might have been the reverse. Now I have a better idea of how far Pakistanis will go to distort the record and justify their actions to themselves and their children and countrymen.

I wonder if the "confusion" we're seeing here reflects a love of consensus over the responsibilities of leadership. Leadership requires definite direction and action; consensus often just totters along. As a nation with weak (but gradually strengthening, imo) democratic institutions the instinct of elected officials may be to seek consensus rather than be bold and daring enough to risk angering some of their own countrymen.

Hon Sir,

My post was a rebuttal to Honourable ZYXW who insinuated that

“Every single person in the country would sit in his/her house and complain about the government and talk, but when it came to doing something, 95% of them would not take one step out of the house. And it annoyed me how people can just sit there when the state was bleeding”

My objection is against the generalization that all 95% Pakistanis do is to sit on their arse and whine but they turn tail when it comes to action or facing the danger.

My long winded post was meant to stress that all Pakistanis are not like that. When it comes to doing his/her duty for the right cause, an ordinary Pakistani such as I will not turn the back even if there is a serious threat to life such as in war with India. Therefore the post in question was based on incorrect assumptions.

I repeat my assertion that cowardly action of the police at DI Khan jail break does not reflect all Pakistanis. Most important thing here is ‘Motivation’. Taliban apologist PTI ruling KPK province where DI Khan is located as well as a section of PML-N in power at Islamabad and in Punjab are not clear who our enemy is.

Political leaders such as Imran Khan, Munawwar Hasan of Jamaat Islami etc. scream blue murder when Army takes action against Taliban, saying that army does not kill her own people. On the other Taliban have no such hang ups and they are clear about their objectives. Taliban don’t flinch in killing or even butchering anyone who they think is against them even if it is a school girl such as Malala Yusufzai.

This confusion which has been sown deliberately for the sole purpose of gaining political power; is the real reason why police chose to run away. You expect a poorly paid, poorly armed jail guard to lay down his life in the face of a determined Taliban whom his Chief Minister doesn’t consider an enemy?

No doubt the police displayed lack of courage and their action was shameful. But the real culprits are KPK Chief Minister Pervez Khattak and Nawaz Sharif as the PM of Pakistan.

Until now all we have the blame game by PTI leadership. Blame on Pakistani public is limited to electing such confused and indecisive leaders who have a soft spot for the barbarians whose butchery surpasses Mongols in ruthlessness but has the audacity to call themselves followers of Islam.
My long winded post was meant to stress that all Pakistanis are not like that. When it comes to doing his/her duty for the right cause, an ordinary Pakistani such as I will not turn the back even if there is a serious threat to life such as in war with India. Therefore the post in question was based on incorrect assumptions.

This confusion which has been sown deliberately for the sole purpose of gaining political power; is the real reason why police chose to run away. You expect a poorly paid, poorly armed jail guard to lay down his life in the face of a determined Taliban whom his Chief Minister doesn’t consider an enemy?

My larger point is that doing 'the right thing' often means defying one's political leaders, even the opinion of a substantial number of one's countrymen. Even those that you fear might shoot you in the back at night. That requires much more courage than action in the face of an enemy supported by all. I've seen Pakistani faces blanch during such discussions. I've seen the surprise and fear such thoughts instill in their eyes.

Yet that is, in my opinion, what the police should have done. The police shouldn't have run away. They should have fought. They then could have claimed to be doing for Pakistan what the ministers themselves, cowed by the Talibs, would not. They could shame the leadership and provide a new focus and inspiration for a movement to defeat the ji hadists - one that showed steel and will rather than empty words.

In action, sir, one finds hope.
Hon Sir,

My post was a rebuttal to Honourable ZYXW who insinuated that

“Every single person in the country would sit in his/her house and complain about the government and talk, but when it came to doing something, 95% of them would not take one step out of the house. And it annoyed me how people can just sit there when the state was bleeding”

My objection is against the generalization that all 95% Pakistanis do is to sit on their arse and whine but they turn tail when it comes to action or facing the danger.

My long winded post was meant to stress that all Pakistanis are not like that. When it comes to doing his/her duty for the right cause, an ordinary Pakistani such as I will not turn the back even if there is a serious threat to life such as in war with India. Therefore the post in question was based on incorrect assumptions.

I repeat my assertion that cowardly action of the police at DI Khan jail break does not reflect all Pakistanis. Most important thing here is ‘Motivation’. Taliban apologist PTI ruling KPK province where DI Khan is located as well as a section of PML-N in power at Islamabad and in Punjab are not clear who our enemy is.

Political leaders such as Imran Khan, Munawwar Hasan of Jamaat Islami etc. scream blue murder when Army takes action against Taliban, saying that army does not kill her own people. On the other Taliban have no such hang ups and they are clear about their objectives. Taliban don’t flinch in killing or even butchering anyone who they think is against them even if it is a school girl such as Malala Yusufzai.

This confusion which has been sown deliberately for the sole purpose of gaining political power; is the real reason why police chose to run away. You expect a poorly paid, poorly armed jail guard to lay down his life in the face of a determined Taliban whom his Chief Minister doesn’t consider an enemy?

No doubt the police displayed lack of courage and their action was shameful. But the real culprits are KPK Chief Minister Pervez Khattak and Nawaz Sharif as the PM of Pakistan.

Until now all we have the blame game by PTI leadership. Blame on Pakistani public is limited to electing such confused and indecisive leaders who have a soft spot for the barbarians whose butchery surpasses Mongols in ruthlessness but has the audacity to call themselves followers of Islam.

Sir a very heartening post and I fully agree with you regarding the role of political personalities etc. but IMHO I would like to add an opinion that why would the poorly trained, lowly paid, unmotivated Police want to fight a far superior, highly motivated force?

When the country as a whole cannot seem to see the dangers of the Jihades why just blame the Police? I am not defending them just giving another view to this debacle.

sewer lines are save when be attacked....
good job.....

Leave them on their own fate on their behavior peoples like animal...


Now this idea need to put in function and part of various strategies of Pakistan solidarity " Police is no option for peace"

"Humanity is First & Last Option for peace in Pakistan"
if not then enjoy attacks and death..:sleep:
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