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Covid-19 unleashed because of ‘wrongdoing of women , Molana Tariq Jameel

He apologized for calling liars of media what they are. Liars

As i said he shouldn't have apologized for anything he said including that women part

In any case he shouldn't have apologized

he made unconditional apology bhai Saab
TJ isn't run by donations,every participant has to pay from his pocket.

Maulana Saad, who is the chief of the Indian TJ and is actually the great grandson of the Tableeghi Jamaat founder Muhammad Ilyas Kandhlawi, has a farmhouse in Uttar Pradesh state. Who gave the money for that farmhouse to be built and how is it maintained ?? Also, who maintains the big global HQ of the world TJ movement in Delhi ??
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They think mullahs added the modesty part from themselves. Islam doesn't say anything about it

One LUMSU professor thinks LGBT is not prohibited in Quran. Can you believe that?
I have lived in Britain all my life and this is nothing new to me! here if you say something against LGBTQ then its an offense and you will be taken to court over it.

But Pakistan was founded on the basis of Islam! not comrade commies who get their dues from foreign NGO's and to destroy the fabric of families and remove Islam from Pakistan or just be Muslim by having an arabic name.
I have lived in Britain all my life and this is nothing new to me! here if you say something against LGBTQ then its an offense and you will be taken to court over it.

But Pakistan was founded on the basis of Islam! not comrade commies who get their dues from foreign NGO's and to destroy the fabric of families and remove Islam from Pakistan or just be Muslim by having an arabic name.

There is one thing to support LGBT

There is another thing to think that Islam does not prohibit it

We have idiots saying the later
You should see the context in which he was speaking. The context is the excesses of feminism like Aurat March in times of Covid-19 pandemic.

Was there a lock-down during Aurat March ??

And he is making a moralistic statement blaming women for Covid-19 arriving upon humanity. From the OP :
WELL-KNOWN cleric Maulana Tariq Jameel has made a disturbing assertion that Covid-19 has been unleashed on humanity because of the ‘wrongdoing of women’. During a televised prayer, the maulana condemned women for dancing and for how they dress, saying these “immodest actions” have brought the Almighty’s wrath upon the country.
You tell me the scientific basis of his statement. So things like drinking bat soup and all in China are not the real cause of this pandemic ??

This should suffice to convince you that DAWN is known for peddling lies and manipulating opinions with their hogwash.

But it is still not proved that Tariq Jameel did not make that comment about women. And as I posted earlier he seemed to be apologizing for his comments about media personalities and @Areesh is also saying this.
There is one thing to support LGBT

There is another thing to think that Islam does not prohibit it

We have idiots saying the later
I have to abide by the laws in Britain and law of the land is that you cannot say anything or discriminate against LGBTQ! That is fine as its the law of the land.

But Pakistan is not founded on the basis of marxist liberalism! these cheap rent a liberal gang are getting brazen because they are facing no opposition and they have infiltrated all top positions to change laws in the country to steer Pakistan to how the west wishes Pakistan to be.
we can see the lies of the media even in this news. i listened his whole dua and he never said that the corona has spread because of the immoral women. he told the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in which the prophet told us not to indulge in any sort of corruption and immorality and if we stay on the right path no power on earth can cause us any harm. the Prophet gave us the principles all the corrupt and the immoral deliberately are defaming the mulana for their own evil designs. shame on the liers, the corrupt and the immoral.
Maulana Saad, who is the chief of the Indian TJ and is actually the great grandson of the Tablighi Jamat founder Muhammad Ilyas Kandhlawi, has a farmhouse in Uttar Pradesh state. Who gave the money for that farmhouse to be built and how is it maintained ?? Also, who maintains the big global HQ of the world TJ movement in Delhi ??

You just committed a blasphemy ..
he made unconditional apology bhai Saab

Bhai, the apology was a vague one and seemed to be about the remarks about media personalities.

not comrade commies who get their dues from foreign NGO's and to destroy the fabric of families and remove Islam from Pakistan or just be Muslim by having an arabic name.

In commie USSR, male homosexuality was punishable by jail.

Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, I don't have headphones atm. Will try to arrange for them tomorrow and then watch the vid. Till then I will see how I can contribute to this thread.
There is one thing to support LGBT

There is another thing to think that Islam does not prohibit it

We have idiots saying the later
Sorry for saying this but the Pakistani establishment is turning KHUSRI (LGBT They can pick any alphabet they like ;)) itself by the day. Knowing what some foreign funded stooges are up to in the name of "journalism, activism and human rights" the state does nothing to muzzle them when they begin to make first squeals.
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