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Covid-19 in India - Second Wave - World Extends Help and Support - Updates and Discussion

They are now running away from India becos of attack of 2nd covid-19 wave....
Not really. Maybe that's the narrative being spun in China to prevent more Chinese refugees from coming to India.
U.S. Sends Equipment—but Not Vaccine Doses—to India
The United States will lift a ban on exporting vaccine raw materials and provide financing to boost domestic production.
BY COLM QUINN | APRIL 26, 2021, 6:12 AM

India’s coronavirus surge shows no signs of abating, as the country’s daily infections set a new world record for the fifth day running. Over a million more Indians have contracted the virus over the past three days, according to official figures, although the true count is likely higher.

As India’s crisis deepens, the United States has belatedly decided to lend a hand. In an apparent U-turn, the Biden administration is now planning to send vaccine raw materials, COVID-19 testing kits, and other medical equipment to India which had previously been subject to an export ban under the Defense Production Act. It will also provide financing to increase India’s domestic production of vaccines.

The move is a departure from the administration’s more ambivalent tone last week. On Thursday, State Department spokesman Ned Price, when responding to a question about whether the United States would lift the export ban, said that the U.S. vaccination drive came first. His remark that “it’s in the interests of the rest of the world to see Americans vaccinated,” was met with particular anger and scorn in India.

Vaccine hoarding. Although Washington has bowed to pressure on providing materials critical to vaccine production and medical treatment, the Biden administration is still holding tight to U.S. vaccine stocks. With 1.2 billion vaccine doses purchased, the United States has enough vaccine to cover its population twice over (without even considering the 1.3 billion doses it has the option to buy, according to a count by the Duke University Global Health Innovation Center). As the Washington Post reports, the bulging stock of U.S. vaccines is becoming a source of resentment among poorer nations.

Pharma fears. Even as drug makers secure hefty contracts, they remain nervous that the Biden administration may disrupt booming business by backing an intellectual property waiver on vaccines at the World Trade Organization. In a sign of the times, pharmaceutical lobbyists have warned lawmakers of the supposed dangers of lifesaving mRNA technology getting into Chinese and Russian hands, according to the Financial Times. The office of the U.S. Trade Representative has yet to change the U.S. position, but said it is “evaluating the efficacy” of the waiver proposal.

As a New York Times editorial laid out on Sunday, the White House may be one of the only voices strong enough to pull back some of the excesses of the pharmaceutical giants. A recent Bureau of Investigative Journalism report highlights accusations that Pfizer has been “bullying” Latin American governments into putting up embassy buildings, military bases, and other sovereign assets as liability cover against any future legal cases—leading to delays in some vaccine deals.

India had provided mask, medical supplies etc in Feb 2020 and that was free of cost...now Indian companies are procuring from HONGKONG so what is so shame about it!! Thank you HONGKONG
BTW We are not getting underwear masks... :rofl::rofl:

Hong Kong is all stock markets and financials. Hardly anything is actually made there. Certainly not O2 concentrators. Those are made in China. The ones coming from the West are also most likely Chinese made or have Chinese parts.
Good....so within few days/months the valiant indians after getting refreshed by breathing oxygen from these Chinese oxygen concentrators will be fully ready for the next quad meeting to discuss effective strategy for defeating China.
Lol irony and shame for India

Modi used to call India as pharmcy of the world with assemble in India vaccine centers now even don't have a face to ask for a help directly so asking it via different CEOs and their diplomatic missions to other countries
We are very happy that a country whose citizens have been given refuge in India for decades is finally giving something in return. Good on you China. :smitten:
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
So in your opinion, China should give a pat in head to India for housing these escaped criminals, the former serf masters and now demand a ransom. They were assisted by CIA.

Many of us are wondering, why didn't India send them to USA or back home to China?
Some of their kids born in India even serve as scout for the Indian Army.

Strange logic. Perhaps China should return India a favour for your insurgents in India.
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
So in your opinion, China should give a pat in head to India for housing these escaped criminals, the former serf masters and now demand a ransom. They were assisted by CIA.

Many of us are wondering, why didn't India send them to USA or back home to China?
Some of their kids born in India even serve as scout for the Indian Army.

Strange logic. Perhaps China should return India a favour for your insurgents in India.
Escaped criminals? Why don't you take India to the ICJ then?

The democratic, civilized world sees them as persecuted people. We don't have a problem if persecuted Chinese citizens seek refuge in India.
Escaped criminals? Why don't you take India to the ICJ then?

The democratic, civilized world sees them as persecuted people. We don't have a problem if persecuted Chinese citizens seek refuge in India.

Proof that they are Chinese citizens? They're stateless or Indian.
I thought Hindustan will use her indi-genius Teja technology to fulfill Oxygen requirements, but looks like Teja is just poster boy in this case as well.
Good humanitarian gesture from China.

10,000+ oxygen concentrators is huge and will save thousands of Indians from suffering a horrible death where they suffocate till they die.
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