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Covid-19 in India - Second Wave - World Extends Help and Support - Updates and Discussion

Imran Khan

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China offers support, assistance to India to combat rising COVID-19 cases
Asked about the spike in coronavirus cases in India by official Chinese media, Foreign Ministry spokesman told a media briefing that COVID "pandemic is a common enemy of all mankind that necessitates international solidarity and mutual assistance".

Beijing Published on: April 22, 2021 19:34 IST

Beijing, China support, assistance to India, rising COVID-19 cases, COVID-19 cases in India, World H
Image Source : PTI
China offers support to India to combat rising COVID cases.

China today offered to provide the necessary support and assistance to India to deal with the sharp increase in the COVID-19 cases in the country.
Asked about the spike in the coronavirus cases in India by the official Chinese media, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told a media briefing that the COVID-19 "pandemic is a common enemy of all mankind that necessitates international solidarity and mutual assistance".
"China takes note of the recent grave situation in India with a temporary shortage of anti-epidemic medical supplies," he said.
"We stand ready to provide India with necessary support and assistance to get the epidemic under control," he said.
China reported the first COVID-19 case in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019 and since then the deadly disease has snowballed into a pandemic, affecting more than 143,915,000 people and over 3,060,500 deaths worldwide.

According to Johns Hopkins coronavirus tracker, the US alone has reported 31,862,987 cases and 569,404 deaths from the deadly virus.
The US has alleged that the COVID-19 may have emanated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) which is a P-4 bio lab, a charge strongly denied by China.
A team of WHO experts, which probed the origin of the coronavirus, concluded last month that “all hypotheses” included the allegation that COVID-19 could have emanated from a bio lab "remained open".
World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, while receiving the report of the international experts’ team which visited Wuhan, said on March 30 that "as far as the WHO is concerned, all hypotheses remain on the table".

Also Read: Pakistan working on single-dose Covid-19 vaccine with China’s help: Official
Also Read: US reiterates call for investigation into the origins of COVID-19, slams China not cooperating
China offers support, assistance to India to combat rising COVID-19 cases
Asked about the spike in coronavirus cases in India by official Chinese media, Foreign Ministry spokesman told a media briefing that COVID "pandemic is a common enemy of all mankind that necessitates international solidarity and mutual assistance".

Beijing Published on: April 22, 2021 19:34 IST

Beijing, China support, assistance to India, rising COVID-19 cases, COVID-19 cases in India, World H
Image Source : PTI
China offers support to India to combat rising COVID cases.

China today offered to provide the necessary support and assistance to India to deal with the sharp increase in the COVID-19 cases in the country.
Asked about the spike in the coronavirus cases in India by the official Chinese media, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told a media briefing that the COVID-19 "pandemic is a common enemy of all mankind that necessitates international solidarity and mutual assistance".
"China takes note of the recent grave situation in India with a temporary shortage of anti-epidemic medical supplies," he said.
"We stand ready to provide India with necessary support and assistance to get the epidemic under control," he said.
China reported the first COVID-19 case in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019 and since then the deadly disease has snowballed into a pandemic, affecting more than 143,915,000 people and over 3,060,500 deaths worldwide.

According to Johns Hopkins coronavirus tracker, the US alone has reported 31,862,987 cases and 569,404 deaths from the deadly virus.
The US has alleged that the COVID-19 may have emanated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) which is a P-4 bio lab, a charge strongly denied by China.
A team of WHO experts, which probed the origin of the coronavirus, concluded last month that “all hypotheses” included the allegation that COVID-19 could have emanated from a bio lab "remained open".
World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, while receiving the report of the international experts’ team which visited Wuhan, said on March 30 that "as far as the WHO is concerned, all hypotheses remain on the table".

Also Read: Pakistan working on single-dose Covid-19 vaccine with China’s help: Official
Also Read: US reiterates call for investigation into the origins of COVID-19, slams China not cooperating

huye jis ke sabab bimar
usi attar ke launde se dawa leni paregi ? :D
huye jis ke sabab bimar
usi attar ke launde se dawa leni paregi ? :D
they are doing best in world you have to learn and take oxigion from them . check even now godi media is full of news oxigion shortage in hospitals .its not hidden now
they are doing best in world you have to learn and take oxigion from them . check even now godi media is full of news oxigion shortage in hospitals .its not hidden now

yes there is shortage of oxygen , covid is raining like anything , it looks 50 percent of india is covid positive . idiots are conducting local village panchayat elections in uttar pradesh , 10 crore people are voting . govt employees are forced to attend those are fighting elections .
god save everyone . i wish this end soon

The world can learn from India on how to not manage covid.

that is true . i was very proud of our medical infrastructure , but it total failure now , it is not possible to get beds in hospitals of delhi , maharshtra , uttar [pradesh , and other states .
that is true . i was very proud of our medical infrastructure , but it total failure now , it is not possible to get beds in hospitals of delhi , maharshtra , uttar [pradesh , and other states .
one good news pakistan start learning from india
Karina Kocha, Business Intelligence Manager, explained, “We estimate the average annual demand for medical oxygen to be around 100-110 tonnes per day (tpd) in Pakistan. We also estimate that Covid-19 has raised the consumption of medical oxygen, with figures varying from 300 to 500 tonnes per day in 2020.”
We expect high demand for medical oxygen to continue throughout this year and next, with levels of 300-400 tonnes per day in 2021 and about 200-250 tonnes per day in 2022.”

“100 tpd of medical oxygen in a “peacetime” is a very low volume for 220 million population country.

”Additional demand could vary from 300 and up to 500 tpd of medical oxygen. This quantity does not seem to be difficult to produce, release, or import. More likely, the problem is in the oxygen delivery system to the hospitals.”

From later this week (Thursday 22nd), industrial oxygen supply will be restricted to those entities involved in refilling cylinders, the pharma sector, steel plants, oil refineries, wastewater treatment, food and water treatment, nuclear energy facilities and continuous production sites that must keep processes running.
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By Press Trust of India | Washington | Last Updated at April 24 2021 07:09 IST

Topics Coronavirus | Coronavirus Vaccine | AstraZeneca

Biden administration has came under intense pressure from various quarters to ship AstraZeneca, other Coronavirus vaccines along with several life-saving medical supplies to India

The Biden administration has came under intense pressure from various quarters, including the powerful US Chambers of Commerce, lawmakers and eminent Indian-Americans, to ship AstraZeneca and other Coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines along with several life-saving medical supplies to India, which is witnessing a deadly surge in coronavirus cases.

"As the Covid pandemic inflicts a heavy toll on countries around the globe, the US Chamber strongly encourages the administration to release the millions of AstraZeneca vaccine doses in storage - as well as other life-saving support - for shipment to India, Brazil, and other nations hard-hit by the pandemic," said Myron Brilliante, executive vice president and head of international affairs at the US Chamber of Commerce.

He said these vaccine doses will not be needed in the United States, where it's estimated that vaccine manufacturers will be able to produce enough doses by early June to inoculate every American.

"This move would affirm US leadership, including in initiatives such as COVAX, and as we work with partners around the globe because no one is safe from the pandemic until we are all safe from it," Brilliante said.

The US Chambers issued the statement after Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar sought global help in fight against Covid-19. Will strive to ensure that our supply chains are as smooth as possible in a difficult global situation. The world must support India, as India helps the world, he said in a tweet.

US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Jalina Porter told reporters that the United States continues to work closely with India to facilitate the movement of essential supplies and also address the bottlenecks of the supply chains.

The Covid-19 situation in India is a global concern, she said.

"We also continue to collaborate with our partners in India to battle this at the highest level. We know Secretary (of State, Tony) Blinken spoke to his counterpart on Tuesday and we remain deeply engaged with India at all levels as we work to combat this crisis of the pandemic together," Porter said.

Congresswoman Rashida Talib tweeted that the Covid-19 crisis in India is a harsh reminder that the pandemic is not over until the whole world is safe.

President Biden must support a patent waiver to ramp up global production now, she said.

As we look to our Indian friends battling this pandemic, we'll also acknowledge the toll that it's taking, not only on the people of India, but as well as all throughout South Asia and, quite frankly, all over the world, Porter said.

The Washington Post in a lead editorial hoped that all of India can seize the moment and begin to reverse the course of this disaster. India is not a faraway problem. In pandemic time and distance, every place is nearby, it said.

Major Democratic fundraiser for the Biden's presidential campaign Shekar Narasimhan urged the US President to speak to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. We have to do something in the face of a humanitarian disaster. Every friend I know in the US with family in India reports that relatives have died or been affected, he said.

"President please speak to Prime Minister and see if we can lend 10M doses of AZ vaccine like tomorrow. We must help now!" he said.

The quad will be tested severely now. The question is how much can the quad really deliver to Hindustan? With such a huge population there is never going to be enough vaccines and raw material. As the Western and rich nations are hoarding vaccines I really doubt that vaccines and raw materials will be given to Hindustan. There just isn't enough and frankly there won't be enough considering the world population.
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WTO members US, UK, EU, Japan, Australia, Canada & Switzerland are offering stiff resistance to India and South Africa’s proposal to waive intellectual property rights on Covid vaccines.

23 April, 2021

New Delhi: Nations around the world might be queuing up to offer assistance to India as it battles a devastating Covid-19 wave, but the scene playing out at the World Trade Organization (WTO) contrasts significantly.

On Thursday, the WTO met at its Geneva headquarters informally to discuss India and South Africa’s proposal to waive stringent intellectual property and patents rights on Covid vaccines.

However, WTO member — the US, the UK, the EU, Japan, Australia, Canada and Switzerland — continued their resistance to the move, sources present in the meeting told ThePrint.

The proposal, which was first presented in October 2020, has failed to make much headway due to stiff opposition from the US and Europe.

During the informal meeting of the TRIPS Council, where the matter was discussed among all member countries, the European Union (EU) said “undermining or upending intellectual property rights is a no-go as they represent a major contribution to expanding production of COVID-19 vaccines”.

While the EU, along with the UK and Switzerland, said it is ready to “engage in further discussions”, it declined support to a complete waiver.

India at the meeting “warned” of the perils of poor access to vaccines in large parts of the world, the sources quoted New Delhi as saying.

“Going by current trends, vast pockets of the human population will remain beyond the reach of a vaccine for the foreseeable future, giving the virus plenty of room to continue circulating and mutating,” it was further quoted.

Offer for help

The opposition at the WTO came even as European countries showed solidarity with India amid the record surge of the pandemic in the country.

On Friday, EU President Charles Michel said in a tweet that the region “stands in solidarity with Indian people amidst resurgent #COVID19 pandemic. The fight against the virus is a common fight”.

He also said the region will discuss its “support and cooperation” at the upcoming EU-India Summit that will take place virtually on 8 May. Earlier Prime Minister Narendra Modi was meant to travel to Portugal to hold the summit.

Meanwhile, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar also held a meeting with Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission.

“Appreciated the support offered by EU on Covid challenges currently faced by India. Confident that EU will help strengthen our capabilities at this critical juncture,” Jaishankar said in a tweet Friday.

French President Emmanuel Macron has also extended his support. “France is with you in this struggle, which spares no one. We stand ready to provide our support,” Macron said

US, Japan, Canada also oppose the move
At the meeting Thursday, however, other developed countries that form the core WTO membership — the US, Japan and Canada — refused to support the waiver proposal even as Covid deaths continue to soar in India while it also faces shortage of vaccines and oxygen.

Refusing to support a complete waiver of intellectual property rights (IPR) and patents on Covid vaccines and medicines, the US said it will help in strengthening the trilateral cooperation between the WTO, World Intellectual Property Organisation and World Health Organization to streamline the IPR requirements and other regulatory issues that can delay vaccine distribution.

Japan, Australia and Canada, among others, took a similar stance, batting for more talks and other alternatives, sources said.

Under the proposal, India and South Africa have sought temporary relaxations for intellectual property, patents and other such provisions laid out under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, also known as TRIPS Agreement of the WTO.

So far, 58 countries have co-sponsored the proposal, including Kenya, Eswatini, Mozambique, Pakistan, Bolivia, Venezuela, Mongolia, Zimbabwe, Egypt, the African Group and Maldives.

On Friday, India recorded a global record single-day tally of 3.32 lakh Covid-19 cases. It also saw 2,263 fatalities.

Need for waiver

In a statement on this issue Wednesday, Dr Maria Guevara, international medical secretary, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said, “Several potentially promising medicines for COVID-19 prevention and treatment are currently in clinical trials, and if proven effective, could be a critical part of the ongoing response to the pandemic, especially in light of the slow and unequal global vaccine rollout and the emergence of virus variants.”

She said, “However, even during the pandemic, pharmaceutical corporations continue to maintain their standard practice of rigid control over intellectual property rights, and MSF’s analysis shows that they have filed patent claims over the past year for several medicines that are under development for COVID-19 treatment.”

Guevara added, “The waiver, if adopted, could provide countries with new options to address legal uncertainties and barriers that may impede production and supply of COVID-19 medical products in advance, rather than waiting for barriers to hit and then scramble for actions.”

A harsh lesson for all developing nations. Never rely on Western nations for anything. Bundle your powers and resources and work together like Western nations do. If you don't you stand all alone.
So far, 58 countries have co-sponsored the proposal, including Kenya, Eswatini, Mozambique, Pakistan, Bolivia, Venezuela, Mongolia, Zimbabwe, Egypt, the African Group and Maldives.

...but why is no one interested in the IP for Chinese vaccine?
...but why is no one interested in the IP for Chinese vaccine?

Of course nations are interested in Chinese vaccines. Otherwise no one would be using them. China along with Russia are stepping in to fill the void. Doesn't take away the fact that Western nations are displaying greed and nationalism.

You have some answering to do here. Why are you not helping Hindustan which is supposed to be your main ally.
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