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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

Trade is one thing that makes countries dependent on each other.

so the right thing to do for Pakistan is to not trade with India and not be dependent on them.

A Pakistani businessman exporting something to India wouldn't want India-Pakistan relations to get bad since his business depends on a stable India and stable Pakistan.

if a Pakistani doesnt trade with India, its not an issue. the world is huge, and Allah is the provider of Rizq.

The same thing will be important for an Indian businessman exporting something to Pakistan.

anything India makes can be bought from somewhere else as well.

This will ensure that both countries will atleast try to have good relations with each other.

historically this has proven to not work. even when trading happened India always tried to harm Pakistan and break it, like East Pakistan in 71.

Trade is the first step to good relations.

indians act worse than animals to the Kashmiris. there is no need for good relations with such people.
so the right thing to do for Pakistan is to not trade with India and not be dependent on them.
That's precisely the wrong thing. A decrease in every Rupee for the poor on either sides of the border is important for them.
anything India makes can be bought from somewhere else as well.
But it could be more expensive than it's in India. Take the case of BD. Lakhs of BD people come to India for medical and clothes tourism so much so that the markets in Kolkata are now dependent on them for their profits. When India closed the border with BD, these businessmen took a huge hit because they lost a lot of customers. You get my point?
historically this has proven to not work. even when trading happened India always tried to harm Pakistan and break it, like East Pakistan in 71.
Let's not divert the topic now, that's a whole different thing.
indians act worse than animals to the Kashmiris. there is no need for good relations with such people.
Again you come to Kashmir🙄
This is so sad . Poor people dying suffering in rich mans disease .
thousands of poor innocent Indians dead . For what .....

rich man still getting paid all until now while poor lying dead like a stray dog on street .

What these poor done to deserve this . It’s not their fault being born poor and hungry struggling and striving for meal clothes shelter and now can’t even breath a breath

what life was that .

Allah protect the innocent & oppressed ,shower your blessings happiness well-being on them make it easy on them make them healthy and strong and to recover from this virus .

For whatever it’s worth, The people of India are in my prayers.

So are all the people from all over the world that have suffered from this horrible virus.
Dont degrade yourself and stoop to indian level. You are dehumanising yourself. If you have nothing useful to stay dont say anything at all.
Is this the Indian level? Where we selflessly donated vaccines to a host of other countries? These are actual actions of Indian gov.

That's precisely the wrong thing. A decrease in every Rupee for the poor on either sides of the border is important for them.

then its on India to settle the Kashmir issue in a way that satisfies Kashmiris

But it could be more expensive than it's in India.

doesnt matter. we will survive.

Let's not divert the topic now, that's a whole different thing.

yet its relevant. India has tried to break Pakistan despite trading, such as East Pakistan in 1971.

Again you come to Kashmir🙄

its the most important issue. Pakistan wont make peace with india on top of the bones of Kashmiris.
Dear Indians,

What you are experiencing and going through, has been the same for Kashmiris since decades.
The only difference is, Kashmir bleeds because of your state`s cruel policies, while karma is a bitch and has got back at you.

When you get fine, take out time to think of Kashmiris and ask your government to change her stance towards them.

Let them breath, let them live.
They are as human as you and me.

This is what Indians did to Kashmiri Muslims in the last 2 years and Indians were supporting lockdowns, crackdowns, curfews and socioeconomic blockade. Allah has brought it upon rest of Indian and they're experiencing what they wanted to impose in Kashmir.

Acknowledge and correct your mistakes. May be ask an apology and undo what you did wrong.
If you believe in Karma then the bomb blasts that you experience regularly are karma too? Because your country has organized terrorism and bomb blasts in India so it must be karma coming back at you right?
That's precisely the wrong thing. A decrease in every Rupee for the poor on either sides of the border is important for them.

But it could be more expensive than it's in India. Take the case of BD. Lakhs of BD people come to India for medical and clothes tourism so much so that the markets in Kolkata are now dependent on them for their profits. When India closed the border with BD, these businessmen took a huge hit because they lost a lot of customers. You get my point?

Let's not divert the topic now, that's a whole different thing.

Again you come to Kashmir🙄
You are talking with Jihadi john. Logic doesn't work.
May it pleases Allah SWT to protect, help ,guide and bless humanity
If you believe in Karma then the bomb blasts that you experience regularly are karma too? Because your country has organized terrorism and bomb blasts in India so it must be karma coming back at you right?

India is the founder of organised terrorism in this region.

You are talking with Jihadi john. Logic doesn't work.

sound logic is not trading with 2 faced entities like india.
No, it's not. It's Pakistan as usual.

indians always claim that Pakistan started sponsoring terrorists in Kashmir in the 80s and onwards. but india has been sponsoring terrorists in Pakistan long before that, in Balochistan especially, through Afghanistan. not to mention the Mukti Bahini and their role in East Pakistan 1971 and the years leading up to it.
In another forum I suggested that India should accept Chinese aid cause when people struggle to breathe and desparately need oxygen to survive, they don't care whether the oxygen is made in China or not, and one India poster told me to **** off, saying India will take nothing from China.

MUMBAI: Logistics and supply chain startup Delhivery is providing logistical support for importing oxygen concentrators from China at a time when India has been hit by a shortage of air cargo capacity, especially from the neighbouring country.

“We are flying charters into India with oxygen concentrators and other essential supplies and can build more capacity on-demand,” Delhivery’s co-founder Sahil Barua said in a post on professional networking site LinkedIn on Saturday.

Oxygen concentrators are portable machines that generate oxygen from the air for use by patients at home. India reported more than 346,000 new Covid-19 cases on Friday, making it the highest single-day surge recorded by any country. With cases continuing to soar, oxygen has been in huge demand, leading to a massive scarcity across the country.
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