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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

Sympathies for the poor common folk of India. They have been deceived by Modi's falsely inflated ego. He could have averted this debacle but he had other priorities.

The sad truth in electoral autocratic states like Hindustan though is that people are deceived into keeping these filth in power. Even in genuine autocracies, when people protest, changes will come. However, the deceptiveness and corruption is so rampant among the fully subscribed elites of Indian society, that the poor masses either cannot or cheerfully will not depose the bastardss at the top. They are so brainwashed that Congress are anti-national that Modi will potter along with Yogi and Amit in tow for years yet. Any PM with an ounce of shame would have resigned. Any nation with an ounce of shame and genuine insight would have deposed him.
You fool go and check the news..kashmir is also facing the same situation..people are dying..weekend curfews....dont talk nonsense.
You don't seem to grasp the simple point being made by the poster you're replying to. There's a word for it in Hindustan - karma.
Great logic... So you are saying don't follow Islam?... Lol. Looser.

So by your logic, following Islam means empathizing with those who insult Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), call for the destruction of Islam and the genocide of Muslims and Pakistanis..........brilliant logic!........ :disagree:............you must have both a high IQ and also be the most pious Muslim currently alive............:disagree:
Great logic... So you are saying don't follow Islam?... Lol. Looser.
He is not saying that. He says most people have nothing to do Islam (you know the important things that come before sympathy towards hostile strangers) and shouldn’t act that loving your enemy is a starter into Islamic teachings.
Guess who voted BJP in with a landslide victory when their election campaign revolved around attacking Pakistan and occupying Kashmir...
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I feel bad for innocent people dying on the streets, but India is the world's largest democracy. The government reflects the attitude of the people.
We are not begging for your wishes or prayers..in fact we dont care..and yes...no matter how much we scold and hold modi responsible for some debacles, we will elect him again in 2024...he is the rigjt answer for all india haters outside and inside india.
In another forum I suggested that India should accept Chinese aid cause when people struggle to breathe and desparately need oxygen to survive, they don't care whether the oxygen is made in China or not, and one India poster told me to **** off, saying India will take nothing from China.
Sorry bro..I for one want india to take whatever help it can from china...be it medicines , vaccine or raw materials. It's nice of your govt to have extended the helping hand..much appreciated.
Where is the Indian Army? Honest question. Why are they not deployed to build some tents with oxygen points and to ferry in military stocks of oxygen? What do they actually do for Indians when their people need help?

Do Indians actually give a crap for other Indians?
Where is the Indian Army? Honest question. Why are they not deployed to build some tents with oxygen points and to ferry in military stocks of oxygen? What do they actually do for Indians when their people need help?

Do Indians actually give a crap for other Indians?

Too busy containing China on behalf of Western powers.
We are not begging for your wishes or prayers..in fact we dont care..and yes...no matter how much we scold and hold modi responsible for some debacles, we will elect him again in 2024...he is the rigjt answer for all india haters outside and inside india.

Good. I hope he gets elected too. Rather than waste time on a Pakistani forum, you should go out and help the millions of your ilk who are dying or suffering from covid-19. You can show your patriotism and love for india there........ :azn:..........8-)
You fool go and check the news..kashmir is also facing the same situation..people are dying..weekend curfews....dont talk nonsense.

When the rest of India was not under curfews, lockdowns and economic crisis, Kashmir was going through in the hands of occupying Indian forces. Do you want to check facts just before you speak on a topic next time?
This is what Indians did to Kashmiri Muslims in the last 2 years and Indians were supporting lockdowns, crackdowns, curfews and socioeconomic blockade. Allah has brought it upon rest of Indian and they're experiencing what they wanted to impose in Kashmir.

Acknowledge and correct your mistakes. May be ask an apology and undo what you did wrong.

like the French banning hijabs and now all of France has to wear face veils. the irony.
Is there a change of hearts and minds in India after so much death and destruction.

Prayers are approved only after remorse, redemption and introspecting, and calling for the forgiveness and mercy.

Don't see that happening and any manifested clear change.

Still see the same bloated fake egos, the chest thumping and false bragging.

No redemption...no remorse.
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