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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

Also you do not see open cremation in the US like India. Almost 600.000 deaths even America does not have that many crematorium and we do not see photos of burning bodies in the open air. I have to ask how America handle with so many bodies. Just have prisoners bury them?

Mandarin speaking Indian vlogger is furious at Modi and Indian government, China offers to help India with oxygen and other medical equipment and Indian government refused, are they out of their mind!?

i think that industrial capacity like china is out of touch to india.
So it is meaningless to post such video.
notwithstanding the indian gov is not giving its best...

Yes i'm fully aware of these measures taken by America but close to 600.000 deaths those measures aren't enough yet we do not see bodies on the streets. India who claims 200.000 can't handle the amount of bodies can be seen out in the open. I doubt inmates can dig that fast and America having enough trucks to hide the corpse from public views.
Yes i'm fully aware of these measures taken by America but close to 600.000 deaths those measures aren't enough yet we do not see bodies on the streets. India who claims 200.000 can't handle the amount of bodies can be seen out in the open. I doubt inmates can dig that fast and America having enough trucks to hide the corpse from public views.

no question about modi cooking the number, the only question is how much they under-reported the death
no question about modi cooking the number, the only question is how much they under-reported the death
If America doesn't need to cremate bodies in the open with 600.000, does that mean the actual numbers in India is 1-2 million or higher? If i had to describe India it would be corrupt, incompetent, total failure, master slave mentality. Indians who have lost their loved ones are bashing the Modi government and blaming the hospital staff as we see in the videos. They do not play politics or do propaganda like the idiot Indians here.
Build hospitals and oxygen plant, instead of spreading anti-China hate

this actually saves lives in Covid

as today, it's 10 days now, how come you still have oxygen shortage in every hospital?

Indians people have to take their sick ones to the temples, the government just doesn't care. Many Indians here brag that they can elect their leaders, how come they keep electing the wrong and incompetent leaders?

My heart goes out to people who are dying or losing loved ones in india after all they are just humans like us ,I also lost loved ones in this pandemic and I can feel that pain . So no unnecessary taunting here. But some questions need to be asked to open the minds of most indians who ignore ground realities , don't want to diagnose what's wrong and later find themselves in such a big trouble.
1) Is this is the big economy you were bragging about and looked down on us and called us beggars etc?
2) A 500 trillion economy can't even provide it's citizens the very basic medical facilities ? We are beggars but come here and see our hospitals are much better in this regard.
3) Oh wait you are already a superpower like USA or other developed nations did their citizens died like animals on roads and streets?
4) Where all that money really goes from this big economy of yours when in the time of need you don't have any. Won't you question the current government?
My heart goes out to people who are dying or losing loved ones in india after all they are just humans like us ,I also lost loved ones in this pandemic and I can feel that pain . So no unnecessary taunting here. But some questions need to be asked to open the minds of most indians who ignore ground realities , don't want to diagnose what's wrong and later find themselves in such a big trouble.
1) Is this is the big economy you were bragging about and looked down on us and called us beggars etc?
2) A 500 trillion economy can't even provide it's citizens the very basic medical facilities ? We are beggars but come here and see our hospitals are much better in this regard.
3) Oh wait you are already a superpower like USA or other developed nations did their citizens died like animals on roads and streets?
4) Where all that money really goes from this big economy of yours when in the time of need you don't have any. Won't you question the current government?
1 - There is a reason why GDP isn't the true indicator of people purchasing power and hence cannot tell about the poverty stricken segment of the society. While India can boast $2 trillion economy, the fact remains that India has not counted her poor since 2011 and these people will be worst affected during any crises.

2 & 3 - No country is equipped with such an infra where it can handle such number of patients, same goes for USA. Therefore, all governments tried to impose lockdown and took other measures so that number of patients remain within a limit. Unfortunately, in India government allowed religious and social gatherings thinking that covid is under control.

4 - The far right in India sees Modi regime as a savior and messiah hence they will not question the mismanagement even when it costs thousands of lives. You will find some Indian still bragging about how they handled covid and whatnot and will continue to troll Pakistanis and Chinese as well.

There is a rise of ultra-nationalism in India where only a hindu is considered true patriot and xenophobia is considered the trait of a true patriot. It is going to get worse from here because progressive voices are being cornered.
1 - There is a reason why GDP isn't the true indicator of people purchasing power and hence cannot tell about the poverty stricken segment of the society. While India can boast $2 trillion economy, the fact remains that India has not counted her poor since 2011 and these people will be worst affected during any crises.

2 & 3 - No country is equipped with such an infra where it can handle such number of patients, same goes for USA. Therefore, all governments tried to impose lockdown and took other measures so that number of patients remain within a limit. Unfortunately, in India government allowed religious and social gatherings thinking that covid is under control.

4 - The far right in India sees Modi regime as a savior and messiah hence they will not question the mismanagement even when it costs thousands of lives. You will find some Indian still bragging about how they handled covid and whatnot and will continue to troll Pakistanis and Chinese as well.

There is a rise of ultra-nationalism in India where only a hindu is considered true patriot and xenophobia is considered the trait of a true patriot. It is going to get worse from here because progressive voices are being cornered.

2 trillion dollar economy in a country of 1.35 Billion makes you lower than the average Sub-Saharan African country..India is paying the full price of being an 82 IQ mentality nation which prizes faith in pseudo-science and religion more than established scientific norms
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