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Covert op, terrorist bounties, water card: Experts mull options to hit back against Pakistan

“Unfortunately on television the impression being created is that we have no further options, that we have carried out the surgical strike and nothing happened,” said Tilak Devasher, former special secretary, Cabinet Secretariat and author of two books on Pakistan.

Shocking.... Everybody and their grandma have 'authored' a book on Pakistan in India...

“I don’t think we have exercised the full range of options that we have. Diplomatic options like recalling our High Commissioner, or downgrading diplomatic relations could be a strong message. If you want to further escalate it, you could have a small presence which just receives and delivers messages, just a first secretary or something, and expel the Pakistani mission here,” he said.

How would that help? Lack of communication will only complicate things as Pakistan and India are constantly required to be in contact due to the frailness of ties.. It will only make things worse.

While I leave the military option to the Army, the Prime Minister has already said the Armed Forces have been given full independence to do what they want. Then Pakistan has gone to the IMF for funds, we have certain voting powers there. We can also work with other members of the Financial Action Task Force, particularly the US, to convince them to put Pakistan on the blacklist,” he argued.

If you say so.

As for diplomatic efforts. India has been doing all it can in its power to isolate Pakistan. In fact It has raised voices against projects in Pakistan and loans for those projects especially in GB and especially those related to CPEC..

So either blame the current govt of being non-serious in its efforts and dishonest in its claims of isolating Pakistan or say that we are doing what we can and hope it pays off.

He added, “We can certainly revive discussions at the UN to define terrorism, which have been stuck for a while. Or actually, we can define it ourselves, and while I am not sure what the legal implications are, it is worth considering declaring Pakistan a terrorist state. There was a private member bill that didn’t see the light of day, but it is certainly worth discussing, at least,” he felt.

Cabinet member. Doesnt know the legal implications of branding a state a "terror supporting or financing nation" well done. Maybe learn those implications before suggesting it.
As for Pakistan pointing out that the bomber was a local Kashmiri and not someone who had come across the border, the point is that there is no Jaish-e-Mohammed in India, so they can’t hide behind that cover. So Pakistan is involved, they can keep saying what they want,” he concluded.

What. That makes no sense.. Its like blame Pakistan no matter what. Nonsensical. His rebuttal to the fact that the guy was born, bred and raised in pulwama is that there is no JEM in india thus Pakistan is involved.. Absolutely ridiculous. Might as well just say that that its Pakistan bcz they are our enemy.

Concurring that Pakistan’s connection with this terror act is unambiguous, former Northern Army Commander General DS Hooda, who led the surgical strike in 2016 after the attack on the Uri Brigade Headquarters, said no terror organisation had claimed responsibility for the Uri attack. However, this time the Jaish-e-Mohammad had immediately taken responsibility.

.”We must try and take out the leadership of terror organisations from Pakistan, like Hafeez Saeed and Masood Azhar. They can’t be sitting there comfortably. Terrorist leadership in foreign countries have been taken out. India must make attempts in this direction,” he said.

Assassination attempts. That is going to open a can of worms..if india could then it would have already.

“Merely saying we are not going to talk to Pakistan as has happened in the past will not be the case this time. Similarly, there is likely to be an increase of pressure on Pakistani soldiers across the Line of Control,” said one.

And the pressure will be returned.. How will that matter? Last two years highlighted this. Two sides shooting at each other.

Enough is enough. We should actually consider paying Pakistan back in its own coin,” fumed a former intelligence officer who has served in both Pakistan and China. “To start with, why can’t we put out an international mercenary contract on the terrorist leadership there? And also announce a substantial bounty on their heads, including not just money, but a pledge to give any Pakistani who kills any of the these scumbags a new life in India under our new witness protection programme?” he said. “I know that the US bounty on Hafeez Saeed hasn’t worked, but at least this will add to the security constraints on these lowlifes who are walking around freely in Pakistan at the moment,” he said.

So this is an intelligence agency chief.. Wow.

There is already.
What this guy playing hitman... There isnt an OLX site of assassins..

He has no clue.. He is trying to be uber patriot and is making no sense..

And then of course we must play the water card,” he said, adding, “I am not saying we should revoke the Indus Water Treaty, though we can always threaten to do so, but even if we were to aggressively divert water from the rivers allowed to us under the treaty, which we have not done so far, it would cause enough pain downstream

So basically implement the treaty.. You guys were doing this even before URI incident.. India has been talking about it for quite some time to build capability to control its owned water flow. The problem was that it would require many projects where some would invite other IWT complications... Modi did nothing revolutionary nor is its special revenge tactic.

And if even that doesn’t work, he said, “We must get actively involved in the secessionist and separatist movements in Balochistan and the NWFP, which are already seething against the government. The former will also force Pakistan’s best friend China to sit up and take notice, because their prized economic corridor to Gwadar runs through that region, and any unrest there raises the security costs of the project.

Oh so support terrorism. Become a terrorist supporting and financing nation.. Again India is doing all it can at those places...

Yeah that will make china happy. Specifically target Chinese interest zones.. That definitely wouldn't piss them off even more.

The genius RAW chief that doesn't know the current name of "NWFP" and doesn't know that there is a civil rights movement in ex FATA areas not in KPK, not secessionist movement. RAW cheif like him is the reason why Indian tax payer is paying for the luxuries of brahamdagh bugti, mehran and his brother..
You know, the Indian obsession with Pakistan doesn't make any sense given their much, much larger size.

I think what really gets to them is that we're genuinely not scared of them. Every random dude on the street here has a "make my day" attitude if India were to attack. We welcome it.

The local freedom fighter who carried out the attack was radicalized because he was beaten by Indian occupation forces. I guess what the Indians mean is that the ISI secretly controls the Indian occupational force and makes them beat up the locals so the locals can become radicalized and attack the occupation forces. Wow, that makes sense!
Its election year in India plus theyve completely lost the narrative in Afghanistan process and have almost lost the moral ascendancy in using terrorism as a weapon since Khulbushan was caught and exposed (mind you ICJ is hearing that case on the 18th, in 3 days) considering all this, India needed a push to their narrative. Even the west mightve needed such an incident to keep Pakistan busy on the Eastern side while the Afghan ece process is heating up. Considering these circumstances, this is kinda blessing for India, strategically and so it kinda seems like a conspiracy.
Why aren't they cutting the diplomatic ties with Pakistan?
I see this is how things will pan out in near future,
1 - Hot LOC
2 - Soft Targets in Pakistan (PSL, Malls or crowded places)
3 - Attacks from Afghanistan
4 - Attacks on convoys in Balochistan & FATA
How bout stop being occupiers to start with?
With so much violence that we saw against the general population, something like this was bound to happen.
Its no pleasure seeing them dead bodies of soldiers either who but you cant oppress a people for 7 decades and expect no reaction.
In civilised countries - ,governments take a few days or weeks of thorough investigation before pointing the blame at another country.

Example being the UK against supposed Russian poisoning etc.

Just saying....how can India be sure after a few hours? Is it impossible for native kashmiris to blow your troops to smithereens?
indias obsession with pak is like a bigger guy with small peni$ worried about smaller guy with bigger peni$ may steal his gf if he doesn't do a peni$ enhansment surgery

Reported for indecent comment
What is water card?
I mean will take years to build any such infrastructure and years and billions to divert water..all which can cause war.
It will take couple of strikes to ends such designs fillowed by nuclear or ww3


Thursday’s attack on a CRPF convoy at Pulwama, in which over 40 troopers were martyred and many more injured, has led to growing pressure on the government to act against Pakistan. “Unfortunately on television the impression being created is that we have no further options, that we have carried out the surgical strike and nothing happened,” said Tilak Devasher, former special secretary, Cabinet Secretariat and author of two books on Pakistan.

“I don’t think we have exercised the full range of options that we have. Diplomatic options like recalling our High Commissioner, or downgrading diplomatic relations could be a strong message. If you want to further escalate it, you could have a small presence which just receives and delivers messages, just a first secretary or something, and expel the Pakistani mission here,” he said.

“While I leave the military option to the Army, the Prime Minister has already said the Armed Forces have been given full independence to do what they want. Then Pakistan has gone to the IMF for funds, we have certain voting powers there. We can also work with other members of the Financial Action Task Force, particularly the US, to convince them to put Pakistan on the blacklist,” he argued.

He added, “We can certainly revive discussions at the UN to define terrorism, which have been stuck for a while. Or actually, we can define it ourselves, and while I am not sure what the legal implications are, it is worth considering declaring Pakistan a terrorist state. There was a private member bill that didn’t see the light of day, but it is certainly worth discussing, at least,” he felt.

“As for Pakistan pointing out that the bomber was a local Kashmiri and not someone who had come across the border, the point is that there is no Jaish-e-Mohammed in India, so they can’t hide behind that cover. So Pakistan is involved, they can keep saying what they want,” he concluded.

Concurring that Pakistan’s connection with this terror act is unambiguous, former Northern Army Commander General DS Hooda, who led the surgical strike in 2016 after the attack on the Uri Brigade Headquarters, said no terror organisation had claimed responsibility for the Uri attack. However, this time the Jaish-e-Mohammad had immediately taken responsibility.

“There is a clear Pakistani hand in this attack. The whole leadership of JeM is based out of Pakistan and with the number of casualties that have taken place, the government will have to retaliate and show some action. What will be the form and shape of the retaliation will be the prerogative of the government but I feel a covert operation is an option that needs to be exercised,” He said. While conceding that conducting a cross-border strike may be a bigger challenge for India this time as Pakistan would be better prepared, he said the possibility of such a strike could not be ruled out.

“Last time, there was a fair element of surprise when we carried out the surgical strike. There will be greater preparations on their side this time. But I think some of these options to retaliate are going to be exercised. We could see a cross-border operation like a surgical strike.” Hooda further said that India must target the terrorist leadership in Pakistan.”We must try and take out the leadership of terror organisations from Pakistan, like Hafeez Saeed and Masood Azhar. They can’t be sitting there comfortably. Terrorist leadership in foreign countries have been taken out. India must make attempts in this direction,” he said.

Other experts proposed a whole range of measures to put pressure on Pakistan on the diplomatic front, through the UN security council and the US government, and isolate it. “Merely saying we are not going to talk to Pakistan as has happened in the past will not be the case this time. Similarly, there is likely to be an increase of pressure on Pakistani soldiers across the Line of Control,” said one.

“Enough is enough. We should actually consider paying Pakistan back in its own coin,” fumed a former intelligence officer who has served in both Pakistan and China. “To start with, why can’t we put out an international mercenary contract on the terrorist leadership there? And also announce a substantial bounty on their heads, including not just money, but a pledge to give any Pakistani who kills any of the these scumbags a new life in India under our new witness protection programme?” he said. “I know that the US bounty on Hafeez Saeed hasn’t worked, but at least this will add to the security constraints on these lowlifes who are walking around freely in Pakistan at the moment,” he said.

“And then of course we must play the water card,” he said, adding, “I am not saying we should revoke the Indus Water Treaty, though we can always threaten to do so, but even if we were to aggressively divert water from the rivers allowed to us under the treaty, which we have not done so far, it would cause enough pain downstream.”

And if even that doesn’t work, he said, “We must get actively involved in the secessionist and separatist movements in Balochistan and the NWFP, which are already seething against the government. The former will also force Pakistan’s best friend China to sit up and take notice, because their prized economic corridor to Gwadar runs through that region, and any unrest there raises the security costs of the project.
They depend on the rest of the world to punish Pakistan LOL

What kind of a superpower is India?

What is water card?
I mean will take years to build any such infrastructure and years and billions to divert water..all which can cause war.
It will take couple of strikes to ends such designs fillowed by nuclear or ww3

All it takes is a few cruise missiles to put Indian water terror dream to rest.

In civilised countries - ,governments take a few days or weeks of thorough investigation before pointing the blame at another country.

Example being the UK against supposed Russian poisoning etc.

Just saying....how can India be sure after a few hours? Is it impossible for native kashmiris to blow your troops to smithereens?

India had it coming. Not because of Pakistan, but because they are raping and killing innocent Kashmiris.

They cannot touch Pakistan. If India thinks about doing anything foolish we will hit them so hard they wouldn’t know what happened.

Why aren't they cutting the diplomatic ties with Pakistan?
I see this is how things will pan out in near future,
1 - Hot LOC
2 - Soft Targets in Pakistan (PSL, Malls or crowded places)
3 - Attacks from Afghanistan
4 - Attacks on convoys in Balochistan & FATA

LOL these Indians are begging the world for mercy. The problem for Indians is that their friends cannot do much to Pakistan. The Americans are already dependent on Pakistan due to Afghan war. The same goes for NATO countries. Even if that wasn’t the case US/NATO countries cannot ignore Pakistan for a million different reasons. The most India can do is have some meaningless lip service from their so-called “allies”.

I dare India to demand her ally USA to remove its large embassy in Pakistan and move all of its diplomats out of the country. America should support India in this difficult time and stand shoulder to shoulder with India. That can only happen if America shows solidarity by breaking diplomatic relations with Pakistan.

If India means business it should come and face Pakistan. Not hide behind the Americans in Afghanistan or at the LoC. India should declare war and face us directly. India should stop playing covert chicken games. That is how a country that supposedly has so many fake grievances should tackle its problems. Burning Pakistani flags, Imran Khan’s pictures or chanting anti-Pakistan slogans won’t get Modiland anywhere. It is a waste of time. India claims it has half of the world on its side. It also has Western powers and media on its side. It shouldn’t wait and face Pakistan in war. Does Modi have the balls to deliver the real deal or is he just another fake coward who won’t walk the talk?

If India resorts to any of the above be rest assured that Pakistan also knows what India’s soft spots are.

India cannot blame Pakistan for its own incompetence in Kashmir. This attack was carried out by Kashmiris. India should ask the Kashmiris why they carried out the attack.
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Steps taken by Indian govt point to something serious. Pakistani quick response to everything also means they know.
Steps taken by Indian govt point to something serious. Pakistani quick response to everything also means they know.

LOL at steps. What kind of a step is begging the world to isolate Pakistan? Stop talking and wasting our time. Just bring it on.

You claim without solid evidence that Pakistan is behind this attack. At the very least you need to face Pakistan.

Don’t you claim that US, UK, France and others are on your side? Ask them to cut off diplomatic relations with Pakistan. Let’s see how much your allies support you in time if need.
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