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Court Martial of Brig Ali Khan begins

by the way, HuT is an organization that was created in the United Kingdom......

the allegations will remain allegations until they are proven, that the Brigadier was a member of this political organization.

in general, Army officers should not be participating in any such political organizations --it is not professional.

when HuT was created in UK? for your information its a palestinian political group that was started in 2002 or 2003 in Pakistan! If you visit the website of this website you will get the clear information that its not only in Pakistan but in many muslim countries like bangladesh, Indonesia and many other! the motive of this group is to establish khilafah as mentioned above and its not the extremist group like TTP, jaish e muhammad or others!
i dont know why we are calling these extremists where our own agencies trained the jehadis of AlQaeda, lashkar e jhangvi etc. you can watch Colonel Imam's interview on jawab de on youtube where he admits he trained 150,000 to 200,000 jehadis including osama, mullah omer and others.
According to my knowledge HuT activists are not military trained or anything, they are very active in Pakistan especially in Lahore but they have an ideology of islam! Neither i support them nor i like them but what the fact is they are not terrorists as other groups are! So if the Brig Ali Khan will get court martialed then that is not the right decision since many of the army officers have ties with these extremist groups! As we very well know that Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif have strong ties within the GHQ, i ask the gov why those officers are not unmasked when these officers have political ties as mentioned in Niaz' post that officers took oath of not having political ties! Who made Musharraf as COAS in late 90 era? obviously nawaz sharif for his dirty plans but the gun backfired and musharraf kicked him out! lol!!!
There used to be no activity of HT in UK before 2001. They suddenly sprang into action and after every friday prayer there would be HT members standing on Masjid entrances thrusting extremist literature into peoples hands. It was a well organised and probably well funded campaign. The material they handed out had extremist interpretation of Quranic verses and Ahadith.

I remember, I used to be probably one of the first persons emerging out of the Masjid after prayer and I always found these people standing there like they hadn't even cared to pray. I always took these people with suspicion. They are not the ones to be trusted to be doing anything in the favour of anybody and most probably they were working for UK intelligence Agencies.
. when HuT was created in UK? for your information its a palestinian political group that was started in 2002 or 2003 in Pakistan! If you visit the website of this website you will get the clear information that its not only in Pakistan but in many muslim countries like bangladesh, Indonesia and many other! the motive of this group is to establish khilafah as mentioned above and its not the extremist group like TTP, jaish e muhammad or others!

You are right it's a Palestinian origin organization but the truth is, it operates from UK. Why don't they put in all their efforts in Palestine or Egypt. Why are they so interested in establish Caliphate in Pakistan.
Why these guys intrude into services and try to get sympathies of those who have greviences against the system.
Don't you feel an organization of palestinian origin that is anti Zionist and banned in many countries is allowed to operate from UK or is free to operate in UK.
The brigadier is in deep trouble now.

Being charged of GHQ attack and having a hand in that, and for plotting to kill military people.
i understand that there is something fishy about their actions! even in Pakistan they do the same! they distribute their leaflets and then they flew from there positions. but the point that i am raising is if brig is facing these court martials then those army officers who are in contact with PML (N) leaders should also be taken into custody.
And according to islamic political system then you can search the islamic history that their is no democracy, dictatorship or socialist in islam! there is only caliphate system which was implemented in Holy Prophet's era or any caliph like omer(ra), Ali(ra) or any caliph you choose runs the system of caliphate! it was established till 1923 but the fact is non muslims dont want the muslims to be in power as a single unit or caliphate! we can see from the history that after the caliphate is broken israel got independence and muslim countries started fighting among themselves!
We muslims are one and sketching these boundaries into countries muslims power is divided! So what HT is doing is make one caliphate under one Caliph!
i understand that there is something fishy about their actions! even in Pakistan they do the same! they distribute their leaflets and then they flew from there positions. but the point that i am raising is if brig is facing these court martials then those army officers who are in contact with PML (N) leaders should also be taken into custody.

Have a heart man don't equate HuT with PML(N) or any of Pakistani political party. By the way no officer having active political affiliation is spared, however every citizen of Pakistan including members of armed forces have right to vote any political party.
The Brig was being kicked out of the army, but wanted a Court-Martial and requested that he not be kicked out but a court-martial take place.

How can a military officer be kicked out of the Military without a court martial?

---------- Post added at 12:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 AM ----------

When its written in military code of conduct , no preaching or affiliation with any type of organization during serving tenure ,its Senior officer to obey the code of conduct .
Obey the law or go to hell and face the consequences.
Good job Pak army, keep the discipline at highest level.

Yeah good job military leadership of court marshaling the few patriotic officers left in the military who actually demanded action after Abbotabad raid by the US....which was invasion of Pakistan, in a way! So yeah good job indeed!!!

By the way the most sacred path of the military oath is defense of the country! Least you forget!
For reference Army Officer's oath is:


(In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.)
I, ____________, do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistan and uphold the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which embodies the will of the people, that I will not engage myself in any political activities whatsoever and that I will honestly and faithfully serve Pakistan in the Pakistan Army (or Navy or Air Force) as required by and under the law.

May Allah Almighty help and guide me (A'meen).


I rest my case.

Ayub Khan

and huge line of generals, commanders, Officers behind all these "HONEST personalities" and satya naas of this state from last 60 years...

Sir frankly speaking today no one have good things to justify/defend Pakistan Army Generals and Officers activities.
Amreeka kae khilaf bohat sae afsar boltay hain, even corps commanders also, laikin iss kaa yea matlab nahien kae aap kisi banned organization kooo join kar kae apna kaam karain. Itnaa hi kisi koo shoook hai, tu fauj chor kae in jaisi organizations ko join ker lae. Jeb fauj join ki hai, tu wahi kaam karay jis kaa kaha jayee and joo kernay kae liyea join ki hai.

There is a difference in making bold statements such as "drones will be shot down" and actually implementing them! Even after massacre of our soldiers at our marked border post, we have military leaders who lack the courage to shoot down these drones, this is sad. But our soldiers are ready and willing to fight and die for their country and they are confused at the continued silence of military leadership at these continued mockery of our boundaries, our law, our sovereignty and our lives by the US.

---------- Post added at 12:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 AM ----------

Could you define what is good for the nation? For example you may think MFN status should not be given to India, I on the other think that it is good for the nation. Who is right?

PA officers are supposed to take their cue from the Pakistan Government as elected representatives reflect the will of the majority and not decide on their own. If every officer in the military has a different notion, there will be chaos.
In all armed services, one can disagree in a closed room meeting of the officers but there cannot be any question of open criticism; it affects the discipline.

Most important, once you join the army you must not be part of any other organization. It is not the question of what is right or what is wrong, it is question of loyalty. One person cannot be loyal to the interests of two organisations simultaneously.

Therefore any officer who has joined or sympathizes with any other political or religious activist group; no matter what is their objective if that group; must be cleansed out.

MFN to India is good for Pakistan? Why not open a new thread and we can discuss this there, because I think it would be a major mistake!

As for the loyalty bit, the loyalty should be to the country, not to the military or any political party. Loyalty should be only to the country and apparently this is what the Major is being punished for as he openly questioned the Military failure after Abbotabad raid.
military is not made up for democracy, its made to protect democracy. All over the world military follow one rule which is call " extreme discipline" no tolerance at any cost. Otherwise it will be Bangladeshi army where we see frequent mutinies.
military is not made up for democracy, its made to protect democracy. All over the world military follow one rule which is call " extreme discipline" no tolerance at any cost. Otherwise it will be Bangladeshi army where we see frequent mutinies.

Militaries are not built to protect democracies, they are trained and equipped to defend their country and fellow countrymen. Even democracy is made for the country and citizens. Everything is for the country and the country is for her citizens.
I am no supporter of any party that has extremist views (Which is contrary to the Islamic 'straight/middle path. If the Brigadier is being made of scapegoat for the failure of the Abbotabad incident and was questioning the 'reasoning' for the senior hierarchical decision making process - then a full investigations need to be made of all senior officials involved or were supposed to be responsible. I do not support any 'mutiny' behaviour but believe that all politicians/and senior officers (rank of col plus) who are responsible for the safety and security of the nation need to questioned/investigated. Any individual that failed in their duties need to be reprimanded and removed from their duties as an example to others.

the biggest fear the non-muslims have about muslims are if they become one body/one ummah - if they are united then they will not be able to steal their resources or invade their countries, for example:

No non-muslim country can invade or successfully occupy any muslim country without the permission of neighbouring muslim countries. for instance no one can attack Iran without support from neighbouring countries who will provide them the LOGISTICAL support to mount any successful operation. look at Iraq/Libya/Somalia/Bosnia/Lebanon/Palestine, afghanistan, Chechnya, Sudan etc and possibly now Syria.

The non-muslims want the Muslims to be DIVIDED to further their immoral adventures/rapes/pillaging/destruction of muslim lands/resources. They have rediculed these people and divided/funded various groups within the Ummah to fight each other that challenge the main threat - The primarily the western nations are 'pumping' millions of dollars into the 'muslim' nations to 'brainwash' them with the 'false' image of success. through subliminal messages/media more and more native muslims are either going to 'extreme' or to 'loose' - away from the teachings of Islam.

In Pakistan's case, you have many non-muslims causing interfereance with an agenda to destroy/divide/dismantle the nation - look at the recent hearing of Balochistan by the US. So much evidence is given of these foreign threats - yet the Pakistani Government/Military have failed to secure and defend its own interest from these 'now visible' enemies.

The trend now is any group/individual questioning the hierarchicalabout its failure to defend its fellow citizens and those individuals who are economically destroying the nations need to held accountable!

The Non-muslims have convinced the vast people of the world that 'Jihad' is a bad thing - but Jihad is a struggle to fight injustice and defend the weak.

There needs to be a jihad by the people on their Nafs/egos
on corruption
on poverty
and in the defence of the nation from insincere individuals - only the people on masses can do this!
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