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Counter Narrative to Terrorism - What are Brelvis of South Asia

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Yr can't we just call ourselves simply Muslims? who believe in Quran and Prophet Muhammad PBUH? can anyone tell me why we have to get into all of these sects? :undecided:
i'd love to know the answer to this too..
They are not the same thing. salafi,deobandi and Ahle-hadith (wahabi) are all different things. Barelvis consider them same because all three of them consider Bralvi peer faqirs unislamic.

Every proper Sunni scholar either graduated with a degree from Al azhar university Egypt, Saudi Islamic institution or Ahle Hadith and deobandi institution in Pakistan use more and less same international authentic textbooks and course. They do follow different Imams and interpretations are slightly different but all respect each other views. Barelvis on the other hand running their own made in Pakistan mulla courses.

Don't call them sunni scholars but wahabis on pay roll of Saudis, there is nothing sunni about them. Difference between sunni and wahabi in Pakistan is one is easily brainwashed to blow himself up. Clearly wahabis are at fault in all over the world and bring shame to muslims.
Don't call them sunni scholars but wahabis on pay roll of Saudis, there is nothing sunni about them. Difference between sunni and wahabi in Pakistan is one is easily brainwashed to blow himself up. Clearly wahabis are at fault in all over the world and bring shame to muslims.
Ahle sunnat wal jamaat also known as Sunni in Pakistan are broader term for Deobandis, Barelvis, Alhe-hadits. Even Qadianis consider themselves part of Sunni Islam. wahabi and razakhani are just term used to call names.
People who consider Qadri Mumtaz as a shaheed and Rehmat Ullah cannot be counter narrative to terrorism or extremism. Such people calling out Wahabissalafis/deobandis are like pot calling the kettle black.
Why this thread is still running?
Barelvis are only known for their contemination of Naats by adding disco beats, Does anyone hear anything about barelvi fought for Kashmir or Afghanistan or any other oppresed Muslim country. Infact you find them arguing for the proof of Milaad.
Sufism is not a group or sect, it is real Islam practiced from very first days of Islam and 90% Muslims including Shias own this ideology. Islam in sub-continent came more than 1000 years ago due to teachings of Sufis. Khawaja Moin un Deen Chishti Ajmeri (r.a) converted more than 9 million Hindus into Muslims single handedly so it is not appropriate to label Sufism as a new or alien concept. Sufism has a complete history and four main tareeqas of Sufism can be read to understand this. Islam is a religion of peace which maintains its boundaries with a system of reward and punishment.

This thread was just opened to differentiate between the extremist aqeedah of Abdul Wahab Najdi who started killing thousands of Ottoman soldiers and civilians to capture Hejaz. His followers attacked the sacred shrines of Imam Ali (a.s) and Imam Hussain (a.s) in Najf and Karabala respectively. They destroyed all the sacred shrines in the area they captured. Whole world is giving us lectures of Human Rights but no one condemns the supporters of Yazeed who openly declare him a hero instead of Imam e Hussain (a.s)

All these confusions will keep funding terrorism in Pakistan. Two famous attacks on shrines of Baba Fareed (r.a) and Data Ali Hajveri (r.a) are examples where salafism was practiced. The majority Sunnis always supported constitution, government and the legal setup in Pakistan. We should not neglect the fatawas of Sunni/Brelvi ulema against TTP and other terrorist outfits due to which army is able to enjoy large public support in war against terror. Sunni ulema payed the price for these fatwas in the result of several suicide bombings on their madaris and khankaahs. Terrorists even attacked the funeral ceremonies of the martyrs who martyred in the attacks of TTP, LI and other organizations.

This is irony that Hakeemullah Mehsood and other Kharji elements are openly declared "shaheed" by salafi clerics but they never even condemned any suicide bombing or terrorist attack. Pakistan should take a clear line to fight the menace of terrorism. Because even sunnis are giving their leathers to deobandi/wahabi organizations on Eid due to this confusion. Government have no plan and even army is reluctant to take up this issue. This war is completely untouched on ideological front.

the barelvis are the only people in the world who donot offer prayers with muslims from around the world even during hajj. they are the real extremist when it comes to spreading hate and increasing hate. they use the hadith related to horn of shaitan from najd to call other people kafir. almost all other sects are declared khawarij by them. but it doesn't represent every barelvi. the problem is that real suffis were learned scholar unfortunately followed by people who didnt knew much about religion and started preaching hate in such way that after their every sentence people used to say "wah wah kia expose krta ha". this attitude is the one which is the reason such threads have been started. their tableeghi movement was based on hate of tableeghi jamat who don't believe in sects.

i had seen hate messages inside walls of barelvi mosques.
now the question regarding sufism. deobandis in pakistan also follow sufism too but they are limited in their acts under strict shariah laws which they think are right. they also have peers and mureeds system. the do say naats and hamds like barelvis.

the only problem is that no body hears to the other people opinions.
about TTP. most of the people in FC they are non barelvis but are fighting FC. TTP people were supported by few darbari mullahs from afghanistan under indian influence.
Barelvis are only known for their contemination of Naats by adding disco beats, Does anyone hear anything about barelvi fought for Kashmir or Afghanistan or any other oppresed Muslim country.

Sunni/Sufi ruled largest Muslim empires in Muslim world.. Mughals,Ottoman and who ruled before them were Sufis .. Meanwhile Wahabbis a cult formed by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Najdi supported by brits and US against Khilafat for petro dollar jihad are known for fassad fil Arz blowing anyone who dont agree with their satanic ideology like destroying shrines of Sahaba (R.A) and Auliyah Allah (R.A) which were there for more then thousands of years.. destroying cultures of land by destroying ancient artifacts which were there during era of Sahaba (r.a) but they left those for non Muslims, While Khawarij Wahabi destroyed them as well and gave bad name to Islam..

btw Majority of Pakistan Army is filled with Sunnis/Sufi since overwhelming majority of Punjab is Sufi/Sunni along with 2nd Largest province Sindh, we dont make cults for fighting..
They must start with respecting their ancestral Hindu religion .
What about Zoroastrians, Folk Religions, Buddhism? ;(

Anyway; I respect our ancestors because they evolved and chose Islam.
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Sunni/Sufi ruled largest Muslim empires in Muslim world.. Mughals,Ottoman and who ruled before them were Sufis .. Meanwhile Wahabbis a cult formed by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Najdi supported by brits and US against Khilafat for petro dollar jihad are known for fassad fil Arz blowing anyone who dont agree with their satanic ideology like destroying shrines of Sahaba (R.A) and Auliyah Allah (R.A) which were there for more then thousands of years.. destroying cultures of land by destroying ancient artifacts which were there during era of Sahaba (r.a) but they left those for non Muslims, While Khawarij Wahabi destroyed them as well and gave bad name to Islam..

btw Majority of Pakistan Army is filled with Sunnis/Sufi since overwhelming majority of Punjab is Sufi/Sunni along with 2nd Largest province Sindh, we dont make cults for fighting..

Majority of Pak Army belongs to Deoband sect, that really hurted the Barelvi Mufti Hanif.... You can search the video , complaining about why Barelvis are not appointed in Cantt area and Masjids belong to army.
Majority of Pak Army belongs to Deoband sect,

Keep deluding yourself :D

suffis never taught to bow before graves. i had seen people doing that.

Plz paste me reference of book of Sunni/Sufi especially of Imam Ahmad Raza Barelvi in which they ask Muslims to bow infront of graves?



Because of Saudi support and money english speaking muslim scholars all over the world are pretty much wahabis and not sunnis. New generation of punjabi sunnis in cities feel ashamed about certain harmless practices of punjabi sunnis in rural areas. You're case is similar to my friend who became wahabi after listening to english speaking wahabi ulemas like Zakir Naik, Hamza Yousaf etc
Sheikh Hamza Yousaf... a wahabi?? Really??
Because of Saudi support and money english speaking muslim scholars all over the world are pretty much wahabis and not sunnis. New generation of punjabi sunnis in cities feel ashamed about certain harmless practices of punjabi sunnis in rural areas. You're case is similar to my friend who became wahabi after listening to english speaking wahabi ulemas like Zakir Naik, Hamza Yousaf etc

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf is definitely not wahabi. You probably mean Yusuf Estes.
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