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Counter Narrative to Terrorism - What are Brelvis of South Asia

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I am a Salafi and guess what I was former Barelvi and knows lies and distortions of Barelvis in and out. In 95 % cases if you ask these Barelvis of proof of what they say from Quran and Sunnah they fail to do But in 99 % Salafis will show you proof from Quran and Sunnah and I have habit of reading myself also. So I verify everything

Yeah thats why you salafist have least population (even less then Shia) in subcontinent despite your 100% Aqaid being truth.. Lol watch on youtube how when ur Mullah sit face to face act like donkeys infront of sunni ulema.. They even disown thier akabirs when they are proven ghustakh e Rasool.. Just check famous video of Talib ur rehman vs Hanif qureshi where he disown shah ismael dehlavi..

@Ghazwa e Hind plz use sufi or sunni term for us.. barelvi is the term which fanatic wahhabi use to give impression that our aqeeda is 200 years old like their which is wrong.. Mughals, ottoman and people before them were follower of our Aqeedah..
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I am a Salafi and guess what I was former Barelvi and knows lies and distortions of Barelvis in and out. In 95 % cases if you ask these Barelvis of proof of what they say from Quran and Sunnah they fail to do But in 99 % Salafis will show you proof from Quran and Sunnah and I have habit of reading myself also. So I verify everything

Ooh no Zarvan you have never been a Sunni (Barelvi) but I myself was a Wahhabi Salafi changed to Sunni (aka Barelvi called by Salafi Wahhabis just to take over the sir name Sunni).
Why don't you show some cases right here and bring proof with your points. At Roza-e-Mubarik a Jordanian come up to us and bring in pocket Quran and show us verses and tried his best to proof one single point and just one single reference was enough to refute him as he was disoriented for a moment but as usual he won't accept and in front of Roza-e-Mubarka he keep on insisting on his views where we don't even speak louder and never argue any one for the respect but he never showed any of it. Well you must have a habit of reading as you said but kindly read without being biased. And regarding your verification I believe you verify from Salafi sources.

Salafis have money and unlimited resources they never fairplay.
Sufism is strongly based on Quran and sunnah. No single ruling is otherwise. It is growing immensely because it teaches love and affection for any 'being' that has soul. But those who believe it to be otherwise should mind getting more information from authentic sources and not from us commoners. We should stay humble all the time regardless of whichever aqeedah we follow and be very very cautious of labelling others out of the fold of Islam like some newer aqeedah holders do, without thinking if they will ever get a chance to repent. I myself is a follower of tareeqah and I strongly urge that before everybody go wild, this discussion should be stopped...then and there.
I am a Salafi and guess what I was former Barelvi and knows lies and distortions of Barelvis in and out. In 95 % cases if you ask these Barelvis of proof of what they say from Quran and Sunnah they fail to do But in 99 % Salafis will show you proof from Quran and Sunnah and I have habit of reading myself also. So I verify everything
Brelvis are not any new thing. They are existing Islam. Salafis (created by British intelligence) just named them "Brelvis" in South Asia due to tussle. This is a scholarly debate. Don't be a jack of all trades. Just deny the concept of "QITAAL" actively practiced by TTP and other salafis in lengths and breadths of Pakistan.

Sufi islam is almost extinct in Pakistan. Brelvis if they support Mumtaz Qadri are another problem.
Issue of Mumtaz Qadri Shaheed (r.a) is separate. This thread is not for that and i am sure that qadyani loving mods of PDF will not allow any debate on it.

Please shut this thread down, mods.


Eeeeehhhh, from what I've seen, Sufism is actually growing in Pakistan.

using anecdotal evidence isn't a good way to prove yourself right.
Kindly also shut down the threads started in favor of qadyaniyat. Because non-Muslims are openly criticizing the base of Islam in those threads and mods are enjoying silently!
So when u are blowing yourself up if u r sissy the u r not a good salafi.
Sufism is not a group or sect, it is real Islam practiced from very first days of Islam and 90% Muslims including Shias own this ideology. Islam in sub-continent came more than 1000 years ago due to teachings of Sufis. Khawaja Moin un Deen Chishti Ajmeri (r.a) converted more than 9 million Hindus into Muslims single handedly so it is not appropriate to label Sufism as a new or alien concept. Sufism has a complete history and four main tareeqas of Sufism can be read to understand this. Islam is a religion of peace which maintains its boundaries with a system of reward and punishment.

This thread was just opened to differentiate between the extremist aqeedah of Abdul Wahab Najdi who started killing thousands of Ottoman soldiers and civilians to capture Hejaz. His followers attacked the sacred shrines of Imam Ali (a.s) and Imam Hussain (a.s) in Najf and Karabala respectively. They destroyed all the sacred shrines in the area they captured. Whole world is giving us lectures of Human Rights but no one condemns the supporters of Yazeed who openly declare him a hero instead of Imam e Hussain (a.s)

All these confusions will keep funding terrorism in Pakistan. Two famous attacks on shrines of Baba Fareed (r.a) and Data Ali Hajveri (r.a) are examples where salafism was practiced. The majority Sunnis always supported constitution, government and the legal setup in Pakistan. We should not neglect the fatawas of Sunni/Brelvi ulema against TTP and other terrorist outfits due to which army is able to enjoy large public support in war against terror. Sunni ulema payed the price for these fatwas in the result of several suicide bombings on their madaris and khankaahs. Terrorists even attacked the funeral ceremonies of the martyrs who martyred in the attacks of TTP, LI and other organizations.

This is irony that Hakeemullah Mehsood and other Kharji elements are openly declared "shaheed" by salafi clerics but they never even condemned any suicide bombing or terrorist attack. Pakistan should take a clear line to fight the menace of terrorism. Because even sunnis are giving their leathers to deobandi/wahabi organizations on Eid due to this confusion. Government have no plan and even army is reluctant to take up this issue. This war is completely untouched on ideological front.
Here in India, Wahabis tend to keep quiet ( probably due to less numbers ). Sunnis and even in some cases Shias routinely badmouth/verbally thrash them for their extremist views. Few months back bareilvis had petitioned Govt. to take action against some wahabi evangelicals.
The cult like Wahhabis deobandies ahle Hadees are now real Islam so what else is left in the religion of peace .
They are just waiting in line to blow themselves up when they finish all real Muslim they will start each other .
They are hardly 100-125 year old mentality and born from British monarchy "Malik Ki Wafadari hai ke Islam ko under se destroy karna hai"
Like this fitnat came and gone we will survive inshallah .
Kindly also shut down the threads started in favor of qadyaniyat. Because non-Muslims are openly criticizing the base of Islam in those threads and mods are enjoying silently!
Report them. Religious threads are banned for a reason.

Nothing personal against wahabis but in Panjab or FATA 99% of terrorists are wahabis and not sunnis.
Wahhabis are a Sunni denomination, whether you like to believe it or not.
I am a Salafi and guess what I was former Barelvi and knows lies and distortions of Barelvis in and out. In 95 % cases if you ask these Barelvis of proof of what they say from Quran and Sunnah they fail to do But in 99 % Salafis will show you proof from Quran and Sunnah and I have habit of reading myself also. So I verify everything

Because of Saudi support and money english speaking muslim scholars all over the world are pretty much wahabis and not sunnis. New generation of punjabi sunnis in cities feel ashamed about certain harmless practices of punjabi sunnis in rural areas. You're case is similar to my friend who became wahabi after listening to english speaking wahabi ulemas like Zakir Naik, Hamza Yousaf etc
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Yr can't we just call ourselves simply Muslims? who believe in Quran and Prophet Muhammad PBUH? can anyone tell me why we have to get into all of these sects? :undecided:
salafi (deobandi/wahabi)
They are not the same thing. salafi,deobandi and Ahle-hadith (wahabi) are all different things. Barelvis consider them same because all three of them consider Bralvi peer faqirs unislamic.

Because of Saudi support and money english speaking muslim scholars all over the world are pretty much wahabis and not sunnis.
Every proper Sunni scholar either graduated with a degree from Al azhar university Egypt, Saudi Islamic institution or Ahle Hadith and deobandi institution in Pakistan use more and less same international authentic textbooks and course. They do follow different Imams and interpretations are slightly different but all respect each other views. Barelvis on the other hand running their own made in Pakistan mulla courses.
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