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Council for Independent Balochistan formed (haha!!)

You tried to help some annabees in Punjab....Khalistan...but failesd miserably....remember.

You are still struggling with another one in Kashmir.....how many failures is Pakistan willing to create...
Are you trying to create a world record...in being called a failure...in everything you put your hands into.:cheers:

If we are struggling in Kashmir then why does India has approx 700,000 troops in Kasmir?
suleman dawood khan .He is the same guy who was named as the head of Balochistan government in exile operating from Jerusalem Israel.

Israel would have a hand in this too.
Sir with all due respect, you dragged India into discussion even though it was not explicitly written. Then you went a step ahead and appreciated cause for assam help.

He said he was enjoying the support of ‘friendly’ and ‘like-minded’ countries who had promised all help and cooperation.

Note the word COUNTRIES. It might be saudi, Iran, US, even Israel etc

Quite frankly, pakistan has to stop its separatist struggle before breaking other countries.

It would be India first then any country you mentioned. These countries will not risk relationship with Pakistan, just because a group wants an independent Balochistan. Mind you...the group is probably less than .01 percent of the total population of Balochistan!
In my opinion, we need to solve their problems if any. After all they are Pakistanis. If they still think they need to make Balochistan an independent state...then.. Well, that is not going to happen.

We can then just make them quiet, and start funding for Asam and the other 20 wanna be states in India.

You forgot about Maoist in India,lately they have been gaining ground.

And i visited Balochistan many times,these so called separatists dont hold any area.
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It would be India first then any country you mentioned. These countries will not risk relationship with Pakistan, just because a group wants an independent Balochistan. Mind you...the group is probably less than .01 percent of the total population of Balochistan!

Its not about 0.01% people asking for independent state, its about naturally rich state baluchistan. India might not gain anything from it other than reducing demography of pak of course but iran has a lot on stake.
Its not about 0.01% people asking for independent state, its about naturally rich state baluchistan. India might not gain anything from it other than reducing demography of pak of course but iran has a lot on stake.

Please elaborate. I'm curious.
If we are struggling in Kashmir then why does India has approx 700,000 troops in Kasmir?

I wonder from where has this figure 700000
poped up....but if you claim so ......that army police and central reserve police force.....are stationed to kill terrorists...or your so called mujahidins...just like Pakistan is fighting taliban in NEWFP and FATA....Army men ,policemen and state forces togather.....remember a similar number was placed in Punjab during Pakistan sponsored Khalistan movement terrorisim days.....tose morons got killed and so will your Kashmiri Terrorists AKA Mujahidins....
Its not about 0.01% people asking for independent state, its about naturally rich state baluchistan. India might not gain anything from it other than reducing demography of pak of course but iran has a lot on stake.

When that happened?,If u dont know independent Balochistan also includes part of Iran and Iran will never allow that to happen and secondly if Iran doing that it wont have been awarding death penalty to Jundallah terrorists.
I would really like to speak with Balochis on this topic. Not Indians. Some of them have this habit of popping up and voicing their "opinions" where least required.

Of course, there can be no denial that India has a lot to gain from involvement in this mess. What would be better for them than 1971 all over again? But, to say we're brewing trouble regarding Khalistan or Assam, and therefore that justifies their involvement in Balochistan, is just plain stupid. Khalistan, without Pakistani support, or shall I say, without the support of Benazir Bhutto, the Khalistan movement would have never been squashed. Her government hand-delivered a list of top Khalistan movement leaders and their locations to your government, so please, shine the light of ignorance somewhere else. As for Assam, how can we be involved there? The logistics required would be incredible, we would have to maintain a presence in Bangladesh for that to happen. If anyone is involved there, it is the Bangladeshis, or just the locals who are sick of being second-class citizens.

Coming back to the topic (and I hope we stay here this time), this "Council" is nothing more than a stunt at the international level to create something comparable to the several Kashmir independence groups worldwide (including the Students International for the Liberation of Kashmir (SILK) that was active some time back in Canada). The meat of the matter still remains within Pakistan and the matter very much remains under our collective control, but it won't be there always. The government(s) will have to show a bit of competency and make sure they resolve the issues the common Balochis face as quickly as possible, and find a way to cut down the power and influence of the landlord class. We should work for the betterment of Balochistan, not because we are intimidated by some fancy puppet of a "Council", but because we actually care for it as a part of Pakistan. Lastly, Kashmir, well, it's not "terrorism" when almost 90% of the local populace supports their motive. That statistic, by the way, is from an Indian news channel.
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Please elaborate. I'm curious.

Iran is actively supporting the Baluch Separatists and this is a ground reality.

The reason

1.Jews have the biggest population living in Iran and their Synagogue (The Jewish place of worship)
are free to function and are well protected while Sunnis are not allowed to pray in any of their mosques.

2.The Phil for Indians and hate for Pakistan is now quite evident from recent moves from Iran top brass.

3.An Iranian official was picked up and later released with some important and classified information about Baluchistan<< couldnot get the link but you would know

4.Balochistan's land is lower in pak than iran's land, so if pak start pulling oil iran would lose its oil.

5.Gawader port will devalue Iran's Bandr Abbas in gaining access to CAR. UAE also dislike it for same reason.
webby, its Britisher habit to provide refuge anti state elements. Historically they been doing this and this will do again and again. Revolts never come from Palaces of West. Need to share the ground reality. Winds are changed. Historically when same Baluch leader and his grandpa raise the voice of freedom in Iranian Baluchistan, Shah of Iran sent the wave of Cobra helo and approximate death of around 10,000. Since then all these sardar runaway to Pakistan. But as long as he is sitting in London...all fine. Has no voice and no value. True leaders of Baluch are Baluchis who never left their land and migrated to Europe.
Iran is actively supporting the Baluch Separatists and this is a ground reality.

The reason

1.Jews have the biggest population living in Iran and their Synagogue (The Jewish place of worship)
are free to function and are well protected while Sunnis are not allowed to pray in any of their mosques.

2.The Phil for Indians and hate for Pakistan is now quite evident from recent moves from Iran top brass.

3.An Iranian official was picked up and later released with some important and classified information about Baluchistan<< couldnot get the link but you would know

4.Balochistan's land is lower in pak than iran's land, so if pak start pulling oil iran would lose its oil.

5.Gawader port will devalue Iran's Bandr Abbas in gaining access to CAR. UAE also dislike it for same reason.

You maybe right in theory but reality is differnet :-

DAWN.COM | Business | Iran to provide Gwadar Port 100MW free of cost
Iran is actively supporting the Baluch Separatists and this is a ground reality.

Your horrendous speculations aren't reality.

1.Jews have the biggest population living in Iran and their Synagogue (The Jewish place of worship)
are free to function and are well protected while Sunnis are not allowed to pray in any of their mosques.

What does that have to do with anything? And who told you Sunni's aren't allowed to pray in Shia mosques? Speaking from experience, this "fact" of yours doesn't exist. Sunni's pray side by side the Shia's in their mosques because at the end of the day, you're praying to Allah, not some Shia cleric.

2.The Phil for Indians and hate for Pakistan is now quite evident from recent moves from Iran top brass.

Care to elaborate those moves? Which "Top Brass" are you talking about? Since the creation of Pakistan, we've helped Iran a lot in terms of Military assistance and support. If anything, The top brass favours a military alliance in the region. Pakistan was the first country to recognize the newly formed government of Iran after the Revolution of 79. Since then, we've also trained their military personnel.

The reality here is that Pakistan and Iran have already signed the Gas Pipeline deal which will ensure cooperation and trade between the two countries. Which world are you living in?

DAWN.COM | Business | Pakistan, Iran finally sign gas pipeline accord

3.An Iranian official was picked up and later released with some important and classified information about Baluchistan<< couldnot get the link but you would know

Provide a link.

4.Balochistan's land is lower in pak than iran's land, so if pak start pulling oil iran would lose its oil.

I'm having trouble understanding this point. Your poor grasp of English isn't helping either.

5.Gawader port will devalue Iran's Bandr Abbas in gaining access to CAR. UAE also dislike it for same reason.

As S90 mentioned in his post, the reality is different from what you'd like to believe.

DAWN.COM | Business | Iran to provide Gwadar Port 100MW free of cost

2.The Phil for Indians and hate for Pakistan is now quite evident from recent moves from Iran top brass.

The cooperation between Iran and Pakistan is there and there's no denying to it. In terms of military assistance, it's always been there. Even the Israeli "Experts" to some extent are agreeing to that fact.

Israeli experts suspects Pak hand in Iranian missile test | NewsX
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Iran is actively supporting the Baluch Separatists and this is a ground reality.

If I understand you correctly, you are arguing that Iran is supporting a Baluch separatist movement in Pakistan, that views Iran's Sistan (Iranian Baluchistan) as part of an independent State.

So the Iranians are willing to strengthen groups that have ties, and share the ideology, motives and goals, of groups that carry out terrorism in Iran - and if successful in Pakistan, would dramatically escalate the insurgency and violence in Iran - makes no sense.
I would really like to speak with Balochis on this topic.

Qsaark is Baluch I believe, and spent most of his life there. You can read some of his views in the Baluchistan sticky.

From what I understand, he is in favor of provincial autonomy and greater provincial resource control, but in no way in favor of an independent Baluchistan.

Imran Khan is another, and there are a few more whose names skip my mind.
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