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Could Zardari have killed his wife??

With all due respct President Zia did not make Pakistan a nuclear power. The idea of Pakistan having a Nuclear program was discussed by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto when he was with President Ayub Khan. Pakistan from here started its Nuclear search and it wasn't until Bhutto became Pakistan's Prime Minister in 1971 did the program really start to begin. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is the founder of the Nuclear program under him the program started. Bhutto started the program, Nawaz Sharif made Pakistan a Nuclear power and President Musharraf is responsible for giving it modern safegaurds.
Now today President Zia is given a bad name. Now I am not trying to defend him but we have to understand the times were different, Pakistan had different needs. At that time it was necessary to fight against the Soviet Union because at that time many held it responsible for East Pakistan's seperation. I am sure if Zia knew what these people would do to Pakistan 15 yeas later I am sure he would of done somethings differently. I think what needed to be done was we never should of opened our borders to outsiders, but stll help in the war against the Soviets, now we can only sit here 20 years later a guess what would of happened or what should of happened.

Man ........ read my last posts i mentioned Bhutto as the starter of Nuclear program... Saying that Nawaz made pakistan a nuclear power is laughable!

Its not the test itself what i spoke of friend but the foundation laid and the infrustructure built by Pakistan in nuclear field. Pakistan was an unannounced nuclear power in 1984.

As for the rest of your post... Its true that Zia brought violence in Pakistan but little people know about the situation and options at that time. Sometimes for your sake you take bad decissions, which bring problems to your doorsteps but you have peace in you heart that you still have a house.

I think you understand what i mean.
Nawaz Sharif made Pakistan a Nuclear power :??

Nawaz Sharif has got nothing to do with Nuclear Power, In those circumstances any Pakistani PM would have done it. If you really look into it India made Pakistan a Nuclear Power when they tested there first in
May 18th 1974.
Man ........ read my last posts i mentioned Bhutto as the starter of Nuclear program... Saying that Nawaz made pakistan a nuclear power is laughable!

Its not the test itself what i spoke of friend but the foundation laid and the infrustructure built by Pakistan in nuclear field. Pakistan was an unannounced nuclear power in 1984.

As for the rest of your post... Its true that Zia brought violence in Pakistan but little people know about the situation and options at that time. Sometimes for your sake you take bad decissions, which bring problems to your doorsteps but you have peace in you heart that you still have a house.

I think you understand what i mean.

Well I guess I misunderstood and I apoligize for it. Now when I agree with everything you have to say. I think you are also misunderstanding me as well. When I say Naw Sharif made Pakistan a nuclear power I mean it was under his rule that the world recognized us as a nuclear power. I think if it was anyone in Nawaz's sheos at that time he would of done the same. I think Nawaz had no other option but to conduct the test because I think if he hadn't done it the Army would of taken over at that time and we would say General Musharraf is responsible for making Pakistan a nuclear power.
Nawaz Sharif made Pakistan a Nuclear power :??

Nawaz Sharif has got nothing to do with Nuclear Power, In those circumstances any Pakistani PM would have done it. If you really look into it India made Pakistan a Nuclear Power when they tested there first in
May 18th 1974.

Ok, but he was refering to my earlier post regarding Zia... But i not mentioned about the real test or something, i mentioned only about the Buildup of Infrustructure for Nuclear Pakistan.
well In this photo Zardari does'nt look like he lost his wife.

Lets not accuse people out of context you cannot expect close ones to be sobbing after so many day's after his wife's death.
Well Zardari wants a UN probe now. Doesnt make much sense. If anyone has benefiited from this, it is him. I think he doesnt believe the UN would involve itself in this, so it would be nice if the UN did decide to. He's the one in charge of the PPP now. If he refused the PPP leadership, it would seem he had not benefitted.
Lets not accuse people out of context you cannot expect close ones to be sobbing after so many day's after his wife's death.

so many days ????????????????
In the West even two days after the death of close relative or spouse, are called too much to weep but here well

only 11 days till today passed.

so you can imagine how many days would have been pased when that pic of Zardari with a wild laugh was shot ;)
Mr. 10% also killed Benazirs Bhutoos brother so the way is cleared up for him. Now Bilawal is up and running.

ISI was behind it, is on record.

No its Musharraf who ordered it so he is the coward general who murdered a women and locks himself in President house.
ISI was behind it, is on record.

No its Musharraf who ordered it so he is the coward general who murdered a women and locks himself in President house.

Any link would be appreciated. I am kneen to find any evidence regarding this. For whatever i have read - all the fingers point to the Benazir Bhutto and her husband.

As far as Musharraf is concerned, well that is just your opinion.
ISI was behind it, is on record.

No its Musharraf who ordered it so he is the coward general who murdered a women and locks himself in President house.

Ok this is your opinion if say that Zardari Killed her then you agree with me ..
Let me know one thing what happend to Shah Nawaz Bhutoo why she find out the truth of his assasination ? and for me the True Bhutoo is know Murtaz's Family Benazir is just belong to the Zardari family
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