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Could Zardari have killed his wife??

Well next PM would be pro-US or not that dosnt matter much as in a government the PM is not the only one who takes decisions.

The only motive behind BB's murder as far as i see or any sane person is not other than to creat Chaos in Pakistan and block the way forward simple as that and who want this now in the changing scenario its difficult to blame it on one force or element.

We all need to get our acts together.
Too many propagandas from certain quarters has confused lot many things on the very first day of the assassination of BB.
Zia made Pakistan the 7th nuclear power in the world.

And it also gave Pakistan the current violent legacy that is ruining Pakistan and the good work done by pro US (if you like!) Musharraf.

The good that Musharraf has done, is being undone by the terrorists.

No one wanted Musharraf out. He is the lynchpin to the fight against the terrorists. If Bhutto was supported, it was because it had become essential to give a "democratic" face to Pakistan and the Musharraf having the military boot planted firmly on the behind of all terrorists.

A great plan of the US, if indeed it was a US plan!

Ok ...

Sorry to say but you need history lesson for the sentences (1 and 2)...

Options at the time of USSR invasion of Afghanistan were slim, After USSR, the options were being made slim by US staging the biggest ever attack on US soil by Intelligence Agencies union. What happened then you know, but what happens with in ... You will never know... Frankly its not for people to know...

US wants complete stop to insurgencies in Afghanistan and Iraq from Taliban and Pakistan doesnot want US to rest in peace ....

Democracy is easily manupilated my friend and that is the reason all the west and the US only want democracy in third world countries where they can easily play their cards and make people follow their policies.

On the other hand manupilating some like Musharaf is difficult ... They started to back him when he agreed for WoT support ... But they knew that sooner or later Pakistan has to make double play with them, because Afghan policy of US is the death warrant for Pakistani Terribal Areas.. US backed BB and wanted the way in .......... the door has been shut again... The turmoil created after her death has been overcome .......... So, what now the options the US has................ 1 and only 1 option ........MUSHARAF

Paksitan will under musharaf, support the so called WoT but will not let US make Pakistan give in everything they want.
Indeed zardari was not able to do it alone, the nexus of rehman malik and zardari definitely was capable of such activities. Rehman comes from intelligence background and zardari with most crooked mind and an additional 8 year of jail training was definitely up to the mark. We are keep forgetting that zardari was guy who strapped the bomb on an innocent man to withdraw money from the bank. How many people are capable of hatching such plan ..???

:) first post but thoughtfull

after reading another development the hunt for servent of BB hired on the recomendation of Rahman Malik

well why not to include Zardari in the prob ???
The news is from The News and picked up by times of inida. im posting it bellow.

Bhutto's servant under scanner
5 Jan 2008, 1301 hrs IST,PTI

Khalid Shahinshah has been on the run ever since the murder of Benazir (Picture Courtesy: Times Now)
ISLAMABAD: An absconding servant of slain former premier Benazir Bhutto, who aroused suspicion with his "strange gestures" while she was delivering her last address in Rawalpindi last week, could provide a clue to her killing, Pakistan People's Party workers said.

Khalid Shahinshah, who was hired by Bhutto on the recommendation of her security advisor Rahman Malik, has been on the run ever since footage emerged of the strange gestures he had made while standing on the dais next to Bhutto while she addressed an election rally.

Shahinshah was standing on Bhutto's left during her speech and ran a finger across his throat which implied slitting the throat. Security officials have expressed concern at his "suspicious gestures" which could not be ignored.

They told The News that his arrest could "provide answers to many questions".

According to PPP workers, after Bhutto's speech, Shahinshah was in a rush to get inside her bulletproof vehicle and did not hold the door open for the former premier.

Local TV channels have aired the footage of him making the strange gestures.

Shahinshah was usually the last person to get into Bhutto's vehicle and at times, when there was lack of space in the car, he would stand on its footboard.

After Bhutto's assassination, Shahinshah stayed at Zardari House, her home in Islamabad, for two days. He did not attend Bhutto's funeral in her ancestral village of Naudero in Sindh province and went there only on the third day after her death, The News reported.

Bhutto's servant under scanner-Pakistan-World-The Times of India

My lessons in history requires no help from you.

However, you need to open your eyes to events and leave your baggage of self deluded "facts" and present them as Gospel truth!

My lessons in history requires no help from you.

However, you need to open your eyes to events and leave your baggage of self deluded "facts" and present them as Gospel truth!

Same can be said for you but i will do one thing ... I will not say It .

As we already know you are an Indian .... ;)
Originally Posted by Salim View Post
Zia made Pakistan the 7th nuclear power in the world.

And it also gave Pakistan the current violent legacy that is ruining Pakistan and the good work done by pro US (if you like!) Musharraf.

The good that Musharraf has done, is being undone by the terrorists.

No one wanted Musharraf out. He is the lynchpin to the fight against the
terrorists. If Bhutto was supported, it was because it had become essential to give a "democratic" face to Pakistan and the Musharraf having the military boot planted firmly on the behind of all terrorists.

A great plan of the US, if indeed it was a US plan!

Ok ...

Sorry to say but you need history lesson for the sentences (1 and 2)...

The first statement on Zia having made Pakistan the 7th th Nuclear Power of the World is NOT mine, it is yours!!!

Check Post #29, which is yours

But it was Zia's regime that made Pakistan the 7th Nuclear Power of the World.

So, you seem to be contradicting yourself!

Therefore, you seem to be purveying incorrect history! And I have fallen for your contrived falsehood!

Or are you simply a victim of being muddle headed?

The second statement that it is Zia's legacy that has brought Pakistan to this sorrowful state is not my opinion alone. It is been said on this forum by many Pakistanis too!

But then, as always, you must be right and the world wrong!

Do educate us on the genesis of all this trouble that the world is facing including Pakistan!

Looking forward to your inimitable style of reasoning and logic.
My statement that Zia made pakistan 7th Nuke Power is Wrong?.

What is contradicting to what!

I think you are not understanding my point.

I made the statement since you said Zia brought in all the rifle culture and all with his policies for Afghanistan ...
If it was written only by you as a repeatition then i would say i am sorry .

I thought it was questioning ... since you wrote he brought violent legacy..

Pointed those 2 sentences...
My statement that Zia made pakistan 7th Nuke Power is Wrong?.

What is contradicting to what!

I think you are not understanding my point.

I made the statement since you said Zia brought in all the rifle culture and all with his policies for Afghanistan ...

I wouldn't know if your statement that Zia made pakistan 7th Nuke Power is Wrong or right.

It is your statement and I took it at face value and stated so in my Sentence #1, which you questioned by stating "Sorry to say but you need history lesson for the sentences (1 and 2)..."

Now if you wish to state that I should restudy history on a statement that you yourself purvey as the right history, are you not contradicting yourself?

The trouble is that you want to be Wild Bill Hickock, the fastest gun in the West or maybe Bill Holiday.

Let the Head rule supreme and not your heart, when you tap away on your keyboard as Wild Bill Hickok would have done with his six shooter. No need to slap leather!

As far as Sentence #2, it is a viewed shared by many Pakistanis on the forum.

But then, I concede that it is the prerogative of the Pakistanis to decide the goodness or horror the actions of Zia left as a legacy to Pakistan.
Question Could Zardar have killed his wife?.

Yesterday British investigation team came and today Zardari left for Dubai..?????????...isn't very crucial moment for Zardari to stick around..
I wouldn't know if your statement that Zia made pakistan 7th Nuke Power is Wrong or right.

It is your statement and I took it at face value and stated so in my Sentence #1, which you questioned by stating "Sorry to say but you need history lesson for the sentences (1 and 2)..."

Now if you wish to state that I should restudy history on a statement that you yourself purvey as the right history, are you not contradicting yourself?

The trouble is that you want to be Wild Bill Hickock, the fastest gun in the West or maybe Bill Holiday.

Let the Head rule supreme and not your heart, when you tap away on your keyboard as Wild Bill Hickok would have done with his six shooter. No need to slap leather!

As far as Sentence #2, it is a viewed shared by many Pakistanis on the forum.

But then, I concede that it is the prerogative of the Pakistanis to decide the goodness or horror the actions of Zia left as a legacy to Pakistan.

You know the problem with you is not understandable.

I stated Zia made Paksitan Nuclear Power and i own this statement!
If some one think otherwise, then he needs history lessons... Point Noted Now!

Then I stated after your statement that the Legacy of Zia was to be because at that time the situation was such that the options were slim. In best interest of Pakistan, Pakistan faught in Afghanistan to oust USSR.

Now I again state that for these 2 statements you need history lessons if you think that they are wrong or being built up by my (whatever you said) mind.

You here pretending that you know about Zia's contribution to Pakistan is laughable...
You know the problem with you is not understandable.

I stated Zia made Paksitan Nuclear Power and i own this statement!
If some one think otherwise, then he needs history lessons... Point Noted Now!

Then I stated after your statement that the Legacy of Zia was to be because at that time the situation was such that the options were slim. In best interest of Pakistan, Pakistan faught in Afghanistan to oust USSR.

Now I again state that for these 2 statements you need history lessons if you think that they are wrong or being built up by my (whatever you said) mind.

You here pretending that you know about Zia's contribution to Pakistan is laughable...

With all due respct President Zia did not make Pakistan a nuclear power. The idea of Pakistan having a Nuclear program was discussed by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto when he was with President Ayub Khan. Pakistan from here started its Nuclear search and it wasn't until Bhutto became Pakistan's Prime Minister in 1971 did the program really start to begin. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is the founder of the Nuclear program under him the program started. Bhutto started the program, Nawaz Sharif made Pakistan a Nuclear power and President Musharraf is responsible for giving it modern safegaurds.
Now today President Zia is given a bad name. Now I am not trying to defend him but we have to understand the times were different, Pakistan had different needs. At that time it was necessary to fight against the Soviet Union because at that time many held it responsible for East Pakistan's seperation. I am sure if Zia knew what these people would do to Pakistan 15 yeas later I am sure he would of done somethings differently. I think what needed to be done was we never should of opened our borders to outsiders, but stll help in the war against the Soviets, now we can only sit here 20 years later a guess what would of happened or what should of happened.
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