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Could he pass as Pakistani?

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Mila Kunis overrated 3/10 at best


Now this is one unattractive girl. Pale whitish South Asian is strict no no to me.
This is the dumbest thread ever... OP you're picking photo's of Models, actors and the like and using them as a generic example for the Pakistani populace!

What difference does it make what other people think of you? if the Brits think Pakistani's are all dark they may be surprised - but also they probably wont give two hoots.

You should worry more about how you see the world and what kind of character you are. That earlier poster was right, start thinking a bit more broadly and it might make you a better human being.

No I was showing you good examples of the East Iranid / Nord Indid types
Their features matched the textbook descriptions

Now this is one unattractive girl. Pale whitish South Asian is strict no no to me.
Post pic of girl you consider attractive then
Hot browish beauty. I just wanna eat her. Yum yum ! lolzzz. Just kidding :P

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