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Could a Untied Africa be a potential superpower that rivals China, Us, etc.

Europe is alot more united, Africa's Problem don't go away that fast look at all the aid sent to them yet more corruption, more disease, etc etc I've Read UK gave 1 billion in Aid to an African Country and the leader spent the Money on his personal Airplane and luxury Items.

---------- Post added at 12:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 PM ----------

And in a United Africa you won't see the North African Arab-Berbers Joining the Rest of Africa they very Much are likely to Join the ME.

I no its more united but my point was that it isnt totally united at the end of the day continental boundaries mean nothing its more about culture/values that united countrys not geographic location.
A completely hypothetical question.

Today nations find it difficult to stay united within themselves expecting a continent to unite is verging on the ludicrous.
Sure maybe in the future Africa will be a lot more united however the northern Part will want noting to do with hence stick to the Greater Middle East/Arab Areas. They will not Join United Africa.


Thats what im saying there will never be united continents those countrys in the map are more closely related to the arab world then the rest of africa.
United Africa is never gonna happen..
if all of Africa united, they could be a potential superpower and rival China, Us, Europe etc. etc.
agree or disagree

Agreed. The idiom "too many chiefs and not enough indians" best describes Africa. It probably need someone of African descent to conquer the entire continent by force. Assuming no interference by external forces (doubtful), Africa will need a century or more of growth before it can ever achieve that status.

United Africa Died when Gaddafi Died, Gaddafi was the biggest advocate of it now that he's gone the New Libya will move away from Africa.

If the dream dies then Gaddafi didn't succeed in convincing Libyans on a united Africa.
A United Africa now that Gaddafi is dead? What a joke. :no:
If the dream dies then Gaddafi didn't succeed in convincing Libyans on a united Africa.

Yeah, Gaddafi didn't succeed at convincing Jalil and Jabril on a United Africa. :disagree:
Come on, look at what your saying. The new leaders are going to decide what's in the interest of the country (or their own), not the people.
Rather than uniting, Africa at the moment seems to be dividing. Look at North and South Sudan for instance.

The Western colonialists didn't know what they were doing when they drew the national lines in Africa, they drew arbitrary lines that cut apart ethnic and cultural groups and stuck them with enemy groups. Look at the Tutsis and the Hutus killing each other in the Rawandan genocide for instance.

Look at a map of Africa, it looks like some Western colonialist just took a ruler and drew some straight lines.

the condition of africa today is intentional. make no mistake about it, it is western design to have africa divided and in perpetual conflict.
**** NO
They just don't have what it takes for some reason

Look at history, every race and nation has had its glory days. Nothing comes to my mind when it comes to Africa (cept Egypt but they're more Asian than African and they are the exception). No civilization, no empires, no nothing.

on the contrary.. africa did at one or more time see rise to powerful empires. i'm no specialist on african history but i do know that the nubians were quite powerful in their times.
First, it is just impossible to have a united Africa. Even after man reaches Mars, united Africa is still a far-remote blue-print that can never been realized.

Not like China, who has a tradition to be a united country and it has the gravity to unite even after it breaks down into pieces. Africa has always been pieces and has never been one piece historically.
Africa has been divided intentionally on bad boundaries by the European colonists to create prepetual infighting.

There are only 2 ways for this problem to be addressed. 1.) negotiated settlement to redraw boundaries, and 2.) a strong military dictator conquers surrounding states without foreign interference. Neither seem possible right now.

Africa's problems were caused by isolation due to disease, colonialism, and postcolonial exploitation.
Don't blame everything on those europeans, jusk like african americans blame the white for everything, their poverty, drug problems, unemployment, poor education and etc now?

When did european's slave trade start? Before that, when were there a united africa???

Africa has been divided intentionally on bad boundaries by the European colonists to create prepetual infighting.

There are only 2 ways for this problem to be addressed. 1.) negotiated settlement to redraw boundaries, and 2.) a strong military dictator conquers surrounding states without foreign interference. Neither seem possible right now.

Africa's problems were caused by isolation due to disease, colonialism, and postcolonial exploitation.
They can become a confederation first and see how things go on and if all goes well they can form some sort of a union or a federation.
Pick two:

- United
- Africa
- Powerful
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