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Cost of Indian Diplomatic Victory


Jul 21, 2009
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India has won a diplomatic battle by making USA respect Geneva Convention and grant full immunity to Khobragade. It is definitely a moment of victory for the largest democracy who had put its entire weight in the basket of the diplomat despite knowing that she had breached US laws not in the course of safeguarding Indian Interests but to benefit herself alone. Thus that was a case fought between interests of USA as a state vs personal gains of Khobragade but since she was a diplomat representing India, India had no better choice but to support her, ignoring her crimes as well as the victim who too was an Indian by birth.

Could India do anything better? Perhaps not in USA. India had to assert its newly proclaimed power and save a diplomat abroad but at the same time, Indian government had to survive a political wave at home created by opposition for Khobragade being a Dallit. However, once Khobragade has returned to India, she can be prosecuted under Indian laws for breaching laws of the host for her personal gains and misusing her diplomatic immunity. Such an act would express that India values American concerns and considers their position as legitimate, yet Khobragade was a diplomat and could only be tried by India and nowhere else. But is something like this going to happen? India has surely survived its international row, yet domestic challenges are continuing and may prevent it from acting against the culprit for long.

Internationally, could there be a cost to the inflexibility and rigidness which India has shown? Access to civil nuclear technology and availability of prime military hardware to India are largely seen as favors offered in hope of building a bond which could serve American interests and designs. However there will be a question marks on the idea that is India an ally-able country and should international favors be open to it in hope of some return? From this incident, it is at least evident that India is not manageable by pressure and strong India will pose new challenges to supporting countries who in theory are empowering an ally.

By: Salman Ali (Me)
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India has won a diplomatic battle by making USA respect Geneva Convention and grant full immunity to Khobragade. It is definitely a moment of victory for the largest democracy who had put its entire weight in the basket of the diplomat despite knowing that she had breached US laws not in the course of safeguarding Indian Interests but to benefit herself alone. Thus that was a case fought between interests of USA as a state vs personal gains of Khobragade but since she was a diplomat representing India, India had no better choice but to support her, ignoring her crimes as well as the victim who too was an Indian by birth.

Could India do anything better? Once Khobragade has returned to India, she can be prosecuted under Indian laws for breaching laws of the host for her personal gains and misusing the immunity which was granted as Diplomat representing a State. But would India do anything or not is yet to be seen.

Internationally, could there there is a cost to the inflexibility and rigidness which India has shown? Access to civil nuclear technology and availability of prime military hardware to India are largely seen as favors offered in hope of building a bond which could serve American interests and designs. However there will be a question marks on the idea that is India an ally-able country and should international favors be available to it in hope of some return? From this incident, it is at least evident that India is not manageable by pressure and strong India will pose new challenges to the favor offering countries.

By: Salman Ali (me)

Allies can only be made between equals.

If we have to give up a few favors to establish equality firmly, so be it.
Internationally, could there there is a cost to the inflexibility and rigidness which India has shown? Access to civil nuclear technology and availability of prime military hardware to India are largely seen as favors offered in hope of building a bond which could serve American interests and designs. However there will be a question marks on the idea that is India an ally-able country and should international favors be available to it in hope of some return? From this incident, it is at least evident that India is not manageable by pressure and strong India will pose new challenges to the favor offering countries.

That phrase betrays your naivety and poor understanding of realpolitiks. No favors have been offered nor given.

a)They sell "prime military hardware" because :

India is a stable democracy, not a banana republic which guarantees that the US government does not have to face an Afghanistan like scenario and rake in billions of dollars worth of sales at the same time.

b)Tangible benefits can be summarised in one sentence as follows :

The nuclear deal (created/ is in the process of creating) 250,000 jobs in US since inception. Major American conglomerates viz GE, Westinghouse etc stand to earn staggering revenue figures over and above $150 billion.

Intangible benefits are too numerous to count so I'll leave you with a link.

The U.S. and India Nuclear Deal: The Right Thing to Do! | International Affairs Review

The Indo-US nuclear deal was a pact by two mature democracies to reap massive amounts mutual of benefits via nuclear trade. Pakistan could have had a similar deal if its standing in the international community was not as pathetic as it has been for the past few decades.

Before you write opinion pieces kindly do you homework mate, lest you end up with an egg in your face.
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India has won a diplomatic battle by making USA respect Geneva Convention and grant full immunity to Khobragade. It is definitely a moment of victory for the largest democracy who had put its entire weight in the basket of the diplomat despite knowing that she had breached US laws not in the course of safeguarding Indian Interests but to benefit herself alone. Thus that was a case fought between interests of USA as a state vs personal gains of Khobragade but since she was a diplomat representing India, India had no better choice but to support her, ignoring her crimes as well as the victim who too was an Indian by birth.

Could India do anything better? Once Khobragade has returned to India, she can be prosecuted under Indian laws for breaching laws of the host for her personal gains and misusing the immunity which was granted as Diplomat representing a State. But would India do anything or not is yet to be seen.

Internationally, could there there is a cost to the inflexibility and rigidness which India has shown? Access to civil nuclear technology and availability of prime military hardware to India are largely seen as favors offered in hope of building a bond which could serve American interests and designs. However there will be a question marks on the idea that is India an ally-able country and should international favors be available to it in hope of some return? From this incident, it is at least evident that India is not manageable by pressure and strong India will pose new challenges to the favor offering countries.

By: Salman Ali (me)
i respect ur opinion but u dnt know here in india for crime she did in US then, the new political ground will b set up nd some retarded politicians will try to gain some votes by bringing dalit factor...they will say "she is tried coz she is dalit".:hitwall:.......already one of our retarded politician mad a statement that "india has taken steps late as this deviani was a dalit" :hitwall:
India has won a diplomatic battle by making USA respect Geneva Convention and grant full immunity to Khobragade. It is definitely a moment of victory for the largest democracy who had put its entire weight in the basket of the diplomat despite knowing that she had breached US laws not in the course of safeguarding Indian Interests but to benefit herself alone. Thus that was a case fought between interests of USA as a state vs personal gains of Khobragade but since she was a diplomat representing India, India had no better choice but to support her, ignoring her crimes as well as the victim who too was an Indian by birth.

Could India do anything better? Once Khobragade has returned to India, she can be prosecuted under Indian laws for breaching laws of the host for her personal gains and misusing the immunity which was granted as Diplomat representing a State. But would India do anything or not is yet to be seen.

Internationally, could there there is a cost to the inflexibility and rigidness which India has shown? Access to civil nuclear technology and availability of prime military hardware to India are largely seen as favors offered in hope of building a bond which could serve American interests and designs. However there will be a question marks on the idea that is India an ally-able country and should international favors be available to it in hope of some return? From this incident, it is at least evident that India is not manageable by pressure and strong India will pose new challenges to the favor offering countries.

By: Salman Ali (me)

Friendship with US has only brought destruction to its friends ...Pakistan is the most vivid example ...

US can't be anybody's friends ....Hell with US and its friendship .....!!!

India has done right thing ....

This episode will reset Indo-US relations to ground realities ....that India and US can never be friends ....and that US is not reliable partner ....It won't think twice to back-stab friend ....

India has emerged stronger after this episode and as Some US authorities have confessed ...US has only made fool of itself during whole drama ...
India has won a diplomatic battle by making USA respect Geneva Convention and grant full immunity to Khobragade. It is definitely a moment of victory for the largest democracy who had put its entire weight in the basket of the diplomat despite knowing that she had breached US laws not in the course of safeguarding Indian Interests but to benefit herself alone. Thus that was a case fought between interests of USA as a state vs personal gains of Khobragade but since she was a diplomat representing India, India had no better choice but to support her, ignoring her crimes as well as the victim who too was an Indian by birth.

Could India do anything better? Once Khobragade has returned to India, she can be prosecuted under Indian laws for breaching laws of the host for her personal gains and misusing the immunity which was granted as Diplomat representing a State. But would India do anything or not is yet to be seen.

Internationally, could there there is a cost to the inflexibility and rigidness which India has shown? Access to civil nuclear technology and availability of prime military hardware to India are largely seen as favors offered in hope of building a bond which could serve American interests and designs. However there will be a question marks on the idea that is India an ally-able country and should international favors be available to it in hope of some return? From this incident, it is at least evident that India is not manageable by pressure and strong India will pose new challenges to the favor offering countries.

By: Salman Ali (me)

Thank for this post.But you know one fact for US or in US definition allies or ally countries means subservience .Allies must be act as a slave country of US.We already know how US treat their EU allies and allies like Pakistan.
We need a good relationship with all country including US .But all that within the mutual respect.
You should protect your own but not the one who is a human trafficker and slave owner.It is the maid who India should have supported and the gullible Indian Population ended up supporting their Elite.So now if their politicos and others treat Indians like dirtbag (as is common is subcontinent..elite get away with everything...) then Indians can't complain.
Devyani Khobragade row exposes Indo-US inequalities
Jan 11, 2014, 03.43AM IST


By: Kanwal Sibal
The messy Devyani Khobragade episode has come to a tangled closure, with many untied loose ends. The US has shown unrelenting obstinacy in treating her as a felon, has hastily indicted her for visa fraud and underpaying her maid, contrary to international conventions and good political judgment in dealing with a country that it touts as a key strategic partner for the 21st century.

To end the impasse, the US has agreed, ungracefully, to conferment of full diplomatic immunity to her following her transfer to India's UN mission, accompanied by effective expulsion from the US. There is no US apology for arresting and maltreating her in the first place and no withdrawal of the cooked-up case against her by the US State Department in connivance with the US Embassy in New Delhi.
Threatening to arrest her on return to the US without immunity shows that the US has no desire to close the diplomatic wounds opened up by its high-handedness towards an Indian diplomat. The US may derive satisfaction that in this case it has upheld its labour laws and made the point that foreign diplomats violating them are liable for legal action, but the price has been alienation of India.
It is baffling why the US should prioritise empty moral posturing over substantial political interests. For quite some time it will be very difficult for the US to mouth its heady rhetoric about the importance it attaches to its relations with India, and for India to take it seriously.
This incident has exposed the inherent inequalities in India-US bilateral relations, with Indian feelings further exacerbated by US mockery of India's judicial system by "evacuating" the maid's family from India on "T" visas associated with severe sex or labour trafficking.
Such US interference in India's judicial system should not be tolerated and those in its missions involved in the issuance of such visas should be legally proceeded against.
The US has been trying to shift the focus from Devyani's maltreatment to India's decision to withdraw the security barriers "surrounding" the US embassy, which is a canard because only a public road that had been taken over by the US embassy to make it comfortable for its personnel to access the embassy club has been re-opened to traffic, but with security barriers alongside the embassy's walls and police presence still in place.
The decision to control misuse of diplomatic privileges by the embassy is being termed as "petty" and unbecoming of a democracy and a would-be great power. Such condescending editorials in the US mainstream press show how self-centred, narrow-minded and insular Americans can be.
All sensible persons would agree that this incident should not disproportionately damage the bilateral relationship. India and the US are dialoguing on numerous key strategic issues. Yet, on this sensitive issue the dialogue between the two countries has stumbled badly.
Looking ahead, it is necessary to have a bilateral agreement on immunities for diplomats working in consulates. The status of domestic staff accompanying our diplomats has to be clearly defined through a bilateral agreement. By being petty-minded on a minor legal issue the US has neither conducted itself as a great power nor as India's strategic partner
You should protect your own but not the one who is a human trafficker and slave owner.It is the maid who India should have supported and the gullible Indian Population ended up supporting their Elite.So now if their politicos and others treat Indians like dirtbag (as is common is subcontinent..elite get away with everything...) then Indians can't complain.
Why should we support the maid when she is not gonna be an indian citizen...
India had to go the full hog and throw its weight behind DK or else it would have set a bad precedent. The maid if she was wronged should have approached Indian authorities or the Indian high commission in the US but she preferred to run to the US authorities and their NGO and their lawyers. Her family in India schemed against India taking support of a US consulate officer and clandestinely ran from India. It would have played out differently if her husband had approached Indian authorities.

I read that the maid Richards was disappointed that DK left for India and that the maid wanted DK to face up to the US courts...what about the case against the maid in the Indian courts? why doesn't she want to face up to that? for her the US authorities and the US court is more important than India's justice system. This is the precise reason why India went all out to bring back Kobragade.

You should protect your own but not the one who is a human trafficker and slave owner.It is the maid who India should have supported and the gullible Indian Population ended up supporting their Elite.So now if their politicos and others treat Indians like dirtbag (as is common is subcontinent..elite get away with everything...) then Indians can't complain.

The "maid" ran to the US lawyers, NGO and their court, if she had approached Indian authorities than there would be sympathy for her. By all indications her statements against the diplomat are false and trumped up and we have no reason to trust her bull crap because she did not come to our courts.

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