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Cost of Indian Diplomatic Victory

You can go on and on justifying killing on innocent people ....Your governments have been doing that for past several hundred years . same trait have ingrained you . But that will never absolve you from from your actions.

based on the account that you boasted about ...You killed a 12 yr old kid because he flagged your convoy ...There was no imminent danger , no threat posed yet you killed him on mere suspicion and your equally bigoted government conferred bronze medal on you for that act of cowardice .

You are saying that it will rest of the life with you and yet you boast about it talking about your bronze medal and thing ....

Shame on you ...

You are big blot on the name of soldiers. No true soldier will ever take pride in killing 12 year old innocent boy on mere suspicion ....

You are correct in ne sense that I will never understand the sadist nature of yours that relishes cold blooded murder of 12 year old innocent boy.

This is why America is hated against in whole lot of countries around the world - Iraq , Iran , Afghanistan , Pakistan alike ....

Lol dude, chill, don't get over excited in these issue, it will end up eating you alive.

Bloating or not, so what? And what do you know about immediate danger? Again from you unlimited amount of armchair you commanding?

You acted like the 12 year old yourself lol. Again and you think we care about Iran, Iraq hating US? Lol it does not even meant a thing

And yet Indian still go ahead and buy stuff from America, so what you call that lol

Whatever you do, just don't get butthurt thirst when your most hated America still on top of the world.

And you, we'll, am afraid you are just a rat with red eyes lol

Get your facts right.
LOL, she did not have diplomatic immunity, in fact she had only consular immunity.

And yes US had all the right to arrest her as per VCCR.

It is in fact India's political victory, coz we did force you to release someone who may infact be guilty of your laws; and also forced that redneck bigot Wayne May to leave India..

Lol, still arrest her don't arrest her, America humiliated an Indian Dipolmat and get away with not apologising to her. That is the world is going to know, no one, even some Indian member here will say that is an Indian Victory

Case close and India continue with ordering American equipment lol

And didn't you say she have the diplomatic immunity just months ago? So if she have no special status, what did you complain about when we alleged stripe search her? If she have no special status?

We humiliated your diplomat, and we got away with ut, now that's my amercian ego talking
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Lol dude, chill, don't get over excited in these issue, it will end up eating you alive.

Bloating or not, so what? And what do you know about immediate danger? Again from you unlimited amount of armchair you commanding?

You acted like the 12 year old yourself lol. Again and you think we care about Iran, Iraq hating US? Lol it does not even meant a thing

And yet Indian still go ahead and buy stuff from America, so what you call that lol

Whatever you do, just don't get butthurt thirst when your most hated America still on top of the world.

And you, we'll, am afraid you are just a rat with red eyes lol

It is true that today America is on top ....But it is not going to last long for nothing lasts forever ....19'th century is was Great Britain ...20'th Century it has been US ....21'st Century it may be China or Russian again ....
and it for this reason this arrogance emanating from being on Top is not good. It is with this arrogance in fact US has acted to force its way through ...destroying countries , killing millions ...

It's not me rather you who is acting as 12 yr old ....Boasting about killing an innocent kid and bronze medal that was awardrd to you for your coward act ....

Be human for a minute and you will understand enormity if your action...

Unfortunately being Superpower America as well as Americans like you have become so self obsessed that you have little regard for truth , right , principles , values ,or regard for sanctity of human life or anything else ....

You can't see anything but your own interests ...and you won't minding trampling underfoot others with brute force to achieve your objectives no matter what cost may be ...

Mark my words the day is not far when US will become modern tragedy ....

US will disintegrate by its won actions and due to its own policy ...Just as it happened to all powerful Rome once ...

History repeats itself ...
It is true that today America is on top ....But it is not going to last long for nothing lasts forever ....19'th century is was Great Britain ...20'th Century it has been US ....21'st Century it may be China or Russian again ....
and it for this reason this arrogance emanating from being on Top is not good. It is with this arrogance in fact US has acted to force its way through ...destroying countries , killing millions ...

It's not me rather you who is acting as 12 yr old ....Boasting about killing an innocent kid and bronze medal that was awardrd to you for your coward act ....

Be human for a minute and you will understand enormity if your action...

Unfortunately being Superpower America as well as Americans like you have become so self obsessed that you have little regard for truth , right , principles , values ,or regard for sanctity of human life or anything else ....

You can't see anything but your own interests ...and you won't minding trampling underfoot others with brute force to achieve your objectives no matter what cost may be ...

Mark my words the day is not far when US will become modern tragedy ....

US will disintegrate by its won actions and due to its own policy ...Just as it happened to all powerful Rome once ...

History repeats itself ...

Lol come back when America start disintegrated

Until then, we still own you, if you don't like it or you are tired of waiting, suicide is a good option. Lol
s g
dude, athens was a democracy, it had democracies as allies, but it still massacred a whole lot of them to demonstrate that even among allies, even among democrats, you still need to suck my balls.
best of luck to your ***-kissing, dik-blowing democratic alliance with uncle sam!

So heres the thing little yellow man, white masters have force fed enough opium into your dumb ancestors that centuries later and half a dozen generations down the line, all you can relate to white man is your *** kissing and dik blowing past.

I really pity on your lack sense when talking about the west and the japanese.
From this incident, it is at least evident that India is not manageable by pressure and strong India will pose new challenges to supporting countries who in theory are empowering an ally.

That's a brilliant observation.

This was a very calculated move by India to put America on notice that its courtship of India will be a very high-maintenance affair indeed. Despite appearances, India knows that the US has very limited options in the changing world order. A meaningful alliance between any two (or three) of India, China and Russia is the ultimate nightmare for the US, for it will effectively lock America out of Asia.

American diplomatic muscle has atrophied since the demise of the Soviet Union. All of America's allies broadly fall into one of three categories:

1- countries in the developed world which share America's desire to maintain the existing pecking order.
2- authoritarian regimes which owe their very existence to US support, either tacit or direct.
3- dime-a-dozen politicians in developing countries who can be bought for chump change.

Managing such allies doesn't take much skill.

India presents a whole new challenge for American diplomacy and it will be interesting to see how America manages the relationship.
Lol dude, chill, don't get over excited in these issue, it will end up eating you alive.

Bloating or not, so what? And what do you know about immediate danger? Again from you unlimited amount of armchair you commanding?

You acted like the 12 year old yourself lol. Again and you think we care about Iran, Iraq hating US? Lol it does not even meant a thing

And yet Indian still go ahead and buy stuff from America, so what you call that lol

Whatever you do, just don't get butthurt thirst when your most hated America still on top of the world.

And you, we'll, am afraid you are just a rat with red eyes lol

Lol, still arrest her don't arrest her, America humiliated an Indian Dipolmat and get away with not apologising to her. That is the world is going to know, no one, even some Indian member here will say that is an Indian Victory

Case close and India continue with ordering American equipment lol

And didn't you say she have the diplomatic immunity just months ago? So if she have no special status, what did you complain about when we alleged stripe search her? If she have no special status?

We humiliated your diplomat, and we got away with ut, now that's my amercian ego talking

LOL she flaunted your rules and got away with it even though you all had every right to prosecute her and proved like many others that US is all talk.

And for that you got your diplomats ousted from India.
So keep your wounded ammrican ego.

As for equipment, I think you got it the other way round. We are the ones using you to further our own R&D in the long run, who'll save your economy then when we are self sufficient.

LOL DOD was so worried they wanted an inter agency review.
SO enjoy your denial, coz we are the ones on the rise not you.

Afghanistan didn't pan out so blowing steam is all you people got.
LOL she flaunted your rules and got away with it even though you all had every right to prosecute her and proved like many others that US is all talk.

And for that you got your diplomats ousted from India.
So keep your wounded ammrican ego.

As for equipment, I think you got it the other way round. We are the ones using you to further our own R&D in the long run, who'll save your economy then when we are self sufficient.

LOL DOD was so worried they wanted an inter agency review.
SO enjoy your denial, coz we are the ones on the rise not you.

Afghanistan didn't pan out so blowing steam is all you people got.

Lol probably they should put a plague outside Indian Embassy in Washington saying

"Arrest is welcome, strip search is even better" lol

And you think the mere 3 billions from India would save our economy? Dude, 3 billions may be a lot to Indian, it's chump change to the America

And I like how you Indian spin the story to suit your own purpose

When she was arrested, Indian public are furious about we strip search your diplomat and insulting your country, as she has special right

Now when she is released, all of the suddenly she just a common criminal and India pressured United State to release her..

Dude, people with half a brain can see that if she is a diplomat she has to be released in the end, and if she is just a common criminal, then where is the problem arresting her and strip search her? You don't see the two condition is contradicting each other?

So you are saying Either Indian was wrong for standing up to her because she is just a common criminal, or you are saying American releasing a full credited diplomat but successfully humiliated her without apologiZing is a win in Indian politic?

Please do choose your own poison
So heres the thing little yellow man, white masters have force fed enough opium into your dumb ancestors that centuries later and half a dozen generations down the line, all you can relate to white man is your *** kissing and dik blowing past.

I really pity on your lack sense when talking about the west and the japanese.

we fought them in 1840, in 1860, in 1900, in 1950, and in many times after that, and now the brits came to us to kowtow and we never said we were allies or friends. you yindoos, on the other hand, submitted to anglosaxons willingly - for five hudnred years! - inherited the political systems as well as political greed of the british raj, boasted of it, and likewise it is you who insisted your anglosaxon owners were actually your friends and your equals - after they stripped your women naked and explored their many holes.

you yindoos are a happy, easily content, stubbornly delusional bunch.
When she was arrested, Indian public are furious about we strip search your diplomat and insulting your country, as she has special right

Now when she is released, all of the suddenly she just a common criminal and India pressured United State to release her..

The furor in India was not on the assumption of innocence of devyani. It was due to recurrent boorish behaviour of law enforcement agencies of US ( NY specifically). This was not the first of it's kind incident. Before this, an ex-Indian president was strip searched and daughter of an Indian diplomat arrested on cyber-bullying charges which ultimately turned out to be false ( + the original culprit was not arrested and left with a warning ). The mood in India was that if we do not put our foot down on this matter, these kind of behaviours would never stop.

+ she did not have diplomatic but consular immunity. It makes an exception to immunity on grave charges which lends it to different interpretation by different actors.

Once the issue has came to a close, it is difficult for anyone to argue that she is innocent. Apart from the fact that she broke US law in letter, if not in spirit, she also has multiple serious corruption charges back in India which means that on personal level, she would have little support in India.

Dude, people with half a brain can see that if she is a diplomat she has to be released in the end, and if she is just a common criminal, then where is the problem arresting her and strip search her? You don't see the two condition is contradicting each other?

So you are saying Either Indian was wrong for standing up to her because she is just a common criminal, or you are saying American releasing a full credited diplomat but successfully humiliated her without apologiZing is a win in Indian politic?

1. She had consular, not diplomatic immunity so could be charged on grave crime.

2, Gravity of crime was disputed by both parties with India considering it a wage dispute while DA considering it a slavery and trafficking case so even from Indian perspective, she was not totally clean.

3.The support to her was not based on her innocence but to establish a level of parity between US state department and Indian MEA. Her case was that of an act which although illegal but widely practiced ( like jay walking ) in diplomatic circles. Her's was a case of being made an example of and India's interest was to ensure that on of it's diplomat is not being made an example of as it would have set a bad precedent so India's core political objective stands fulfilled. It was about delivering a message and that message has been delivered.
Lol probably they should put a plague outside Indian Embassy in Washington saying

"Arrest is welcome, strip search is even better" lol

And you think the mere 3 billions from India would save our economy? Dude, 3 billions may be a lot to Indian, it's chump change to the America

And I like how you Indian spin the story to suit your own purpose

When she was arrested, Indian public are furious about we strip search your diplomat and insulting your country, as she has special right

Now when she is released, all of the suddenly she just a common criminal and India pressured United State to release her..

Dude, people with half a brain can see that if she is a diplomat she has to be released in the end, and if she is just a common criminal, then where is the problem arresting her and strip search her? You don't see the two condition is contradicting each other?

So you are saying Either Indian was wrong for standing up to her because she is just a common criminal, or you are saying American releasing a full credited diplomat but successfully humiliated her without apologiZing is a win in Indian politic?

Please do choose your own poison

Actually they have a plaque inside the embassy saying, "Now you are morally free to do anything".

Relax we are cheesy people, we make a fuss about everything.
Saudis weren't able to get away with it we did, so enjoy that cake.

Yeah sure, tell that to Obama and his wife who had to dance all over the place to get you keyboard warriors jobs, or don't you remember the Boeing deal?

She may or may not be a criminal who cares we never did, the fact is we got away with it whereas your diplomats got ousted without even doing nothing.
So keep bloating your ego, after all that talk she was let go, that is all we will remember.
The cost of this Indian diplomatic "victory" is that America will trust India less and less. Its clear that India cannot be trusted as a friend.
The cost of this Indian diplomatic "victory" is that America will trust India less and less. Its clear that India cannot be trusted as a friend.

India stands for the interest of India alone .

Nobody cares if US does not trust India as a friend .
The furor in India was not on the assumption of innocence of devyani. It was due to recurrent boorish behaviour of law enforcement agencies of US ( NY specifically). This was not the first of it's kind incident. Before this, an ex-Indian president was strip searched and daughter of an Indian diplomat arrested on cyber-bullying charges which ultimately turned out to be false ( + the original culprit was not arrested and left with a warning ). The mood in India was that if we do not put our foot down on this matter, these kind of behaviours would never stop.
I guess you are pointing to security check of Abdul Kalam.
He was not strip searched. An incident was made out because he had to go through the security check like others. No stripping involved.
How can Indians claim it's a victory when the USA hasn't even said sorry, the USA still say that she is a criminal and now on the run. Indians are a funny bunch, they claim they want a end to corruption but yet they let criminals free, no wonder India as a country is in the state it is, abuse of women and kids, corruption etc, nothing is going to change in India.

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