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Some more for them who had the military step on their tail hard!

JUST IN !!! A wonderful refute to Ayesha Siddiqa's lies & distortion of facts!

Ayesha Siddiqa’s MILITARY INC: A Deflective and Derogatory Book

Written By: Afreen Baig

Ayesha Siddiqa?s MILITARY INC: A Deflective and Derogatory Book Our leader - Musharraf

Dr Ayesha Siddiqa’s ‘The Military Inc.’ is a book deflective of reality, highly derogatory and against the very notion of sovereignty.

Dr Ayesha Siddiqa launches the book by giving the impression that her intention is to cover the entrepreneurial activities of military worldwide. However, in depth reading reaffirms suspicions that her book massively targets the Pakistan Military and the top echelons of the Armed Forces, most of which are based upon self serving assumptions and intentional hoodwinking. A labyrinth of financial figures is presented to further obscure the ordinary reader’s intelligence.

The book sets forward four arguments. First, that MILBUS (Military Business) is military capital that perpetuates the military’s political predatory style; and is kept concealed and includes questionable transfer of resources from public sector to individuals connected with armed Forces. Second, the military’s economic greed increases in totalitarian systems. Third, Military convinces the citizens to bear additional costs for security on basis of conceived threats to the State. Fourth, the book considers the Pakistan Military the cause of all ills, social disparity and democratic fiasco.

Let’s start by setting the record straight. MILBUS in Pakistan - is the result of honest intentions and visionary policies - to raise independent resources, to self-finance the on-going national technological development, to modernize strategic assets, and most importantly, the determination to rely less on Foreign Aid. While at the same time, build facilities for retired military personnel and their families; and slowly withdrawing from National Defense budget allocation as a percentage of GDP.

MILBUS also exists in well developed countries like the USA, UK, France, China, Israel or even Turkey. The Milbus or the PMEs (Private Military Enterprises) are generally known as the Private Military Industry. Famous US PMEs include Halliburton, Black-water worldwide, Defensecurity, Titan Corporations, Kellogg Brown & Root, Air Scan, DynCorp’s, CACI International, etc. Famous UK PMEs include Black-Op’s and Aegis Defense Services. Most of these are active beneficiaries of the Iraq War. The worldwide PME industry is now worth over $100 billion a year. Thus, this is not just a Pakistan specific industry.

MILBUS in Pakistan is being criticized unnecessarily, with the sole intention to malign the Armed Forces. The Pakistan military has never intended to deliberately conceal their economic activities and they do not cause injustice by weighing heavily on civilian corporate sector or individual leaders.

The book ‘Military Inc’ is based upon a series of presumptions and false accusations. Throughout her book, the author obstinately insists that the growth of Military economy is the case of self interest and predatory acquisition by senior officers, in which it allow the Generals to seek benefit for themselves and their clients.

The author fails to provide, any concrete evidence that could confirm her allegations, that questionable transfer of wealth is made to individuals connected with armed forces. All she could give in example were the 500 sq yard official plots given to the Generals at the end of their service, as part of their benefits, and hence her assumption that a retired general is worth from Rs.150 million to Rs.400 million.

Rarely do critics mention, that nominal deduction from the pay of all military officers are made during their service, in return for a small apartment or a small housing, which is handed over at the time of their retirement. However, this facility is still not available to all retiring servicemen.

Next, the book alleges that the military’s economic greed increases in totalitarian systems, where the general public, private businessmen, civilian corporate sector and national business units are all oppressed to encourage and endorse military business units. Her book focuses largely on the four welfare projects managed by the Pakistan Military i.e. The Fauji Foundation (FF), the Army Welfare Trust (AWT), Shaheen Foundation (SF) and Bahria Foundation (BF), and in some places the Frontier Works Organization (FWO).

The author believes that “the profit earned by military is directly proportional to power and gives the armed forces a sense of being independent of the incompetent civilians” - which can only be considered as an extremely reckless comment.

There was great wisdom behind establishing these welfare projects. The visionary minds knew that “the profit earned by the military will be directly proportional to Sovereignty of the Country and the Institution”.

The Military established its first welfare foundation in 1954, with funds received from the British as part of Pakistan’s share of the Post War Services Reconstruction Fund. In India, those funds were distributed immediately amongst those who fought the Second World War. Unlike India, Pakistan’s wise military opted to use those funds to establish projects that would ensure the overall well-being, availability of jobs, and a decent pension for their armed forces.

The initial purpose of these welfare projects was to create employment opportunities for the honorable retired or disabled military personnel. Servicemen - whose only obligation is defending the borders of Pakistan.

This one wise decision, not only raised the morals of the serving military men, but also gave the ordinary citizens a reason to join the Armed Forces of Pakistan and serve their country. Assured that their future is protected, the servicemen live their lives in testing times on borders, remote locations and a life away from family.

The Fauji Foundation, Shaheen Foundation and Bahria Foundation were all established under the Charitable Endowments Act 1890. The Army Welfare Trust was established under the Societies Registration Act 1860.

Then all these entities are registered Tax-paying Companies. The Army Welfare Trust and the Fauji Foundation pays tax at 20% of their profits. Shaheen Foundation and Bahria Foundation pay Taxes at 30% of their profits. Fair enough!

This limited industrial base that evolved over years added to the military’s credibility and resolves to contribute towards the Nation’s socio-economic development and Pakistan’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Like any ordinary successful businessmen or multi-national corporations (MNCs), the Pakistan Military utilized their available structure, nominal budget and dedicated their human resources for the welfare of the uniformed men and civilians working in those companies. While also pioneering technology, developing expertise and establishing quality control.

The book ‘Military Inc’ accuses the Pakistan Armed forces of running business (MILBUS) that are diverse in nature, ranging from small scale to large scale corporate enterprises. As examples, it quotes Schools, Banks, Insurance Company, Radio and TV, a Fertilizer company, Hospitals and Clinics, Cement plant, Universities and institutes, etc.

Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa left no opportunity to magnify and exaggerate the limited and partial presence of MILBUS competing in Pakistan’s broad based expanding economy.

Let’s analyze the limited magnitude and negligible worth of these Military run ventures, compared to similar mega business entities currently present in Pakistan.

According to State Bank of Pakistan, there are total 73 Banks in Pakistan. From which, there are 24 Limited banks, 11 Foreign Banks, 8 Financial Banks, 4 Specialized Banks, 13 Investment Banks, 7 Micro-finance Banks and 6 Islamic banks. Out of these total 73 banks - Dr Ayesha Siddiqa tends to be intolerable towards ONE ‘Askari Bank’ run by Military? In 2007, Askari Bank paid a Tax of Rs. 743 million.

According to Federal Bureau of Statistics, there are 24 Cement plants in Pakistan, and only ONE owned by ‘Fauji Cement Company Ltd’. A Tax-paying company listed on the Stock Exchange.

According to State Bank of Pakistan, there are total 59 Insurance companies in Pakistan. There are 4 in the Public sector, 50 companies in the private sector and 5 are incorporated abroad. Why should anyone be narrow-minded towards ONE owned by military - ‘Askari General Insurance Ltd’, which is listed on the Stock Exchange and pays Tax?

According to the Health Division and the P.M.D.C, there are around 924 Hospitals, 12,726 Medical Institutions, 560 Rural Health Centers and 4712 Dispensaries all over Pakistan. Out of these, if 10 Hospitals and 20 Medical Centers are being run by Fauji Foundation, what’s the hue & cry about? These Medical services are offered to the military and civilians alike. Even the prestigious Aga Khan Health Services (AGHS) own 7 Hospitals and 164 Medical Centers.

According to State Bank Pakistan, there are above 10 Fertilizer Plants in Pakistan from which 6 are State owned and the rest are private. Out of these, only ONE is military owned, the ‘Fauji Fertilizer Company Ltd’, which is listed on the Stock Exchange and audited by KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co, and pays Tax annually.

According to Higher Education Commission, there are 122 Universities in Pakistan. Out of which, 65 are in the Public sector and 57 in the private sector. Foundation University and Bahria University are the only two affiliated with Armed Forces providing quality education to all citizens alike.

Foundation Schools have 90 branches all over Pakistan; compared to the City School which has more than 150 branches and the Beacon-house School which has around 130 branches. We as a Nation should triumph the quality education being promoted by the Foundation schools and the model paradigm implemented.

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has 50,125 companies registered with it. From these only 9 are MILBUS projects. Why can’t Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa accept these 9 MILBUS projects out of the 50,125 projects broadmindedly?

The author also alleges that Military’s Internal Economy is hampering the growth of Pakistan’s free market economy - which of course is not true. For her information, under this same system and era, and under the leadership of General Musharraf, Pakistan’s free market economy boomed from $75 billion in 1999 to become $160 billion in 2007.

In the last 6 years, the free market economy of Pakistan expanded by $85 billion. The expansion and growth the Civilian Corporate sector, National Business Units and Multi-National Corporations witnessed in these last 6 years remain unprecedented in Pakistan’s Economic History. Hence proven, that Military’s Internal Economy did not hamper Pakistan’s free market economy!

According to Dr Ayesha Siddiqa’s book, the worth of Fauji Foundation is $169m, the worth of Army Welfare trust is $862m, the worth of Shaheen Foundation is $34.4m and the worth of Bahria Foundation is $69m. Total worth of MILBUS entities in Pakistan arise to ONLY $1.135 billion.

Hence, the presence of MILBUS companies, in Pakistan’s free economy of $160 billion, amongst these other sectors and enterprises arises to a negligible maximum 0.8%.

The Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) Market Capitalization in January 2008 stood at $75 billion. MILBUS worth as compared to KSE again arises to only 1.5%.

It’s amusing to note that Dr Ayesha Siddiqa wrote a whole book, to malign a system (MILBUS) whose worth does not exceed 0.8% of Pakistan’s free market economy

READ FULL ARTICLE - A wonderful refute to the lies & distortion presented by Dr Ayesha Siddiqa - BELOW!!

READ FULL ARTICLE: Our leader - Musharraf

Ayesha Siddiqa?s MILITARY INC: A Deflective and Derogatory Book Our leader - Musharraf

Your comments & views will be welcome!
Some more for them who had the military step on their tail hard!
Only rants nothing more. If this is so true, why was she not dragged into the courts for slander and maligning the image of the armed forces? Just note where this article or refute is published, on a blog name "Our leader – Musharraf". What else is expected to get published on this blog.
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Never wanted to reply but couldn't see your ignorance: (and i hope you'll troll no more)
Only rants nothing more. If this is so true, why was she not dragged into the courts for slander and maligning the image of the armed forces?

Dr Ayesha Siddiqa leaves Pakistan

Dr Ayesha Siddiqa leaves Pakistan

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Rauf Klasra

LONDON: Renowned scholar Dr Ayesha Siddiqa secretly reached London on Wednesday after she “received a message that a charge sheet is being prepared to put her on trial” for writing a book against the Pakistani military establishment. (this is the worth that she has shown, where the guts, why couldn't she stay and 'fight' the accusations)

Dr Ayesha, whose recently launched book, “Military Inc”, created a stir in Pakistan, was scheduled to reach London on June 13. However, she abruptly got out of the country after the messengers told her that she might be put on trial soon.

Before leaving Pakistan, Dr Ayesha also received a legal notice from a retired general, demanding Rs 1 billion as damages for exposing his alleged acts of omission and commission in her book.

She was informed by some of her close family friends that her life was in a danger and she should be very careful. “I left Pakistan quietly as certain messengers were sent to my house to inform me about government’s intentions to prepare a charge-sheet,” Dr Siddiqa told The New here.

She said she believed that the messengers, who were personally known to her, were sent because the authorities concerned were annoyed at her work on the political and economic might and role of the military establishment.

Dr Ayesha said she had planned to visit London in the second week of June to attend her book’s launching ceremony here on June 13. But, after receiving these messages she decided to leave for London quite early, she said, adding that after receiving these messages, her husband was frightened about her safety in Pakistan.
Dr Ayesha Siddiqa leaves Pakistan

Also see some matching replies from DarkStar and others, ( i dont have the fingers to type in order to soothe your head anymore actually):

Sounds like a perfect story for her to claim asylum with. I am sure Britain would oblige, and house her among the other notorious criminals and terrorists that have been given asylum, and now live it up in places like kensington and chelsea.

As far I know Pakistan has treaty of extradition with UK.
In case if she is wanted by state of Pakistan on any legal matters than, shouldn't she be handed back to Pakistan?

HA ha ha so she couldn't stand the heat.she lied to have her book published.obviously have no concrete evidence of her claims.
well look at it this way British use to send there criminals to Australia.Pakistan sends them to Britain.:rofl:

Who needs concrete evidence to support anti-government, anti-Musharraf, anti-Pakistan claims.
The chick is already a hero in some countries. Get ready for some cheesy interviews in Washington Post, CBB, BBC, Fox Bews etc...:lol:

Whaahahaha...good one! :rofl:
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The article by 'Afreen Baig' in response to Ayesha Siddiqa - has torn apart every argument of Ayesha Siddiqa, through detailed economic facts and figures - has practically left 'Military Inc' a useless piece of bullshit.

One line says it all: It’s amusing to note that Dr Ayesha Siddiqa wrote a whole book, to malign a system (MILBUS) whose worth does not exceed 0.8% of Pakistan’s free market economy
.....received a message that a charge sheet is being prepared to put her on trial
Who stopped the GoP to go ahead with a 'trial in absentia'? Or to contact the InterPol to bring her back home?

Nobody knows about these obscure websites except for the Musharraf fan club.
Who stopped the GoP to go ahead with a 'trial in absentia'? Or to contact the InterPol to bring her back home?
Why dont you suggest the same as regards to Altaf Bhai!

Kyn dar tu nahi lagta Bhai say...:coffee:

Nobody knows about these obscure websites except for the Musharraf fan club.

What a logic!

Uff i am talking to you again...
Why dont you suggest the same as regards to Altaf Bhai!

Kyn dar tu nahi lagta Bhai say...:coffee:
If you care to read my previous posts, you will know how much I am against Altaf Husein. I fully support that he and his mafia called MQM be tried and punished.

I also fully support that the NRO be suspended and all the thieves be tried and punished and be banned from taking part into politics for ever.

I also support that all the so called religious parties be banned and an amendment be introduced in the constitution to prevent the formation of any political party in the name of religion.

That is my stance and it can be verified from number of my posts.
What exactly are to trying to say?

It should work both ways......if army men can run companies then CEO of theses companies should also be allowed the same privilage when it comes to the army.

For you kind info all the commercial stuff that you accuse military of running' has it own dedicated CIVILIAN CEOs and equivalents!
The military hand is there at the top ofcourse to maintain the 'ownership' and patronage effect.

Can the CEO of these military owned companies make free decisions with out the interefernce of the army men?

You talk as if these generals have 'snatched' the CEO-ship of these companies!

If am correct did mushy not have his own army boys in all the major govt run companies when he was in power....then never 'snatched' anybody but kicked them out.........mr general saab who has lived on the taxpayer since he joined the army wants to carry on doing so once he retired by getting fat job at one the public companies.

If we are going to reward anybody let it be the public sector workers....nurses,doctors,teachers ect.....lets give them a nice plot in islamabad and a juicy pension.
It should work both ways......if army men can run companies then CEO of theses companies should also be allowed the same privilage when it comes to the army.
Who stops them?
Tell them to find some military and head it as a general, let's see how many are willimg to leave their cozy beds and run an army

Can the CEO of these military owned companies make free decisions with out the interefernce of the army men?
That's why he/she is called an CEO, yes they do otherwise these coorp shouldnt have been making such profits. Why dont you read the article posted by opinon786? Or you have read it and dont want to digest it? It gives quite clear details behind the making of these coorp and the aim behind it. It also gives an fair idea how these operates and how transparent they are.
If am correct did mushy not have his own army boys in all the major govt run companies when he was in power....then never 'snatched' anybody but kicked them out.........mr general saab who has lived on the taxpayer since he joined the army wants to carry on doing so once he retired by getting fat job at one the public companies.
No you are wrong.
Mush did give jobs to military personnel not in THESE companies, but in other sectors. BTW, Mush claims that he made the appointments on merit, which is ofcourse a separate topic so let's not get into it. And if you are talking about that list of army employees then again that list is plain wrong. In short the appointments by Mush has NOTHING to do with these coorp, about which we are talking currently.
If we are going to reward anybody let it be the public sector workers....nurses,doctors,teachers ect.....lets give them a nice plot in islamabad and a juicy pension.


Juicy pension?

Seriously i am still deciding whether to laugh or go for the other mood on your above quoted thinking.

Since when military has been considered as highly paid and pension-ed profession!!??

BTW, we pay for each and every brick that house or plot is made of, so what's the fringing fuss about? PTCL has its own housing scheme i never found anyone screwing them, same holds guud for WAPDA, KESC also has its own housing societies, Pakistan Steel also has its own colonies, etc etc, they all pay for it and same does the military personnel. No one gets anything for free. Nothing is free in life dude! i simply dont understand why would someone as educated as many of my friends here would fall prey to these stupid accusations?
in india it is the bureaucracy that is the most corrupt followed by the netas and then the legislature....
what are the corresponding rankings in pakistan?
in india it is the bureaucracy that is the most corrupt followed by the netas and then the legislature....
what are the corresponding rankings in pakistan?

the whole political structure is corrupt; to quote a line from one of your indian film nayak SAB KE SAB CHOR HAIN SALE...
In our system as per that song:
Everything has a price now. You can get away with murder for around 500,000 to 1000,000Rs. You can hire a HITMAN for just Rs.50,000.
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