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Coronavirus: ‘Why has Modi done this?’

very well indeed, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/26/world/asia/pakistan-coronavirus-tablighi-jamaat.html
no doubt cases are rising so fast in pakistan. Do you even have enough test kits when you don't have enough PPE kits? even your doctors are not showing up for duty. so pathetic.

Indian rat, update yourself. Tabligee Jamaat annual meetup is cancelled.

So fast? LOL, our infected case stands at 1286, 21 recovered and 9 deaths. I repeat 9 deaths out of which four were cancer patients. Indian death toll is higher!! We don't even know how many infections are India as Modi regime didn't even bothered with testing!

Absolute shambles is understatement about India behaviour as a state. You lot with your billion plus people, and many legal/illegal immigrants all over the world, you got full potential to be virus incubators for next decade!
You are starring at 300 to 500 million infections by July!! This is what science is telling.

This is a possibility and it might happen.

Indian bureaucracy and Modi knew about it and this lock-down was carefully planned and is being executed in a phased manner. All officers were kept into loop.

This lock down has just a limited purpose that is to delay the inevitable and to avoid an Italy/Spain like situation if possible.

Pakistan will be doing it in next 5 to 10 days in an unplanned way.

Hope it is not too late. Stay safe.
This is a possibility and it might happen.

Indian bureaucracy and Modi knew about it and this lock-down was carefully planned and is being executed in a phased manner. All officers were kept into loop.

This lock down has just a limited purpose that is to delay the inevitable and to avoid an Italy/Spain like situation if possible.

Pakistan will be doing it in next 5 to 10 days in an unplanned way.

Hope it is not too late. Stay safe.

Indian establishment and Modi don't have a clue. They were high on supa powa non sense and didn't wanted to admit the true extent of infection among Indian population. What you see now is a panic measure with no thoughts on the effects. What you have now that thousands of poor Indians are gathering, ignoring social distancing, in search of food.

Modi government completely ignored any testing, how on earth they will know which areas to isolate and focus on? Without this data, you are basically acting as headless chicken. India own experts are sracthing their heads over this initial response of Indian government. These silly optics and image of India is already battered in recent events, its not going to get better with not reporting the infections! Even China didn't lockdown the whole country but rather identified the zones and quarantined it. This is the same strategy Pakistan is adopting and a correct one. We even quarantine a village near Mardan when confirmed outbreak was reported.

Identify and then isolate. You are not going to identify when you are bothered about any testing what so ever, and this what India has done.
Indian establishment and Modi don't have a clue. They were high on supa powa non sense and didn't wanted to admit the true extent of infection among Indian population. What you see now is a panic measure with no thoughts on the effects. What you have now that thousands of poor Indians are gathering, ignoring social distancing, in search of food.

Modi government completely ignored any testing, how on earth they will know which areas to isolate and focus on? Without this data, you are basically acting as headless chicken. India own experts are sracthing their heads over this initial response of Indian government. These silly optics and image of India is already battered in recent events, its not going to get better with not reporting the infections! Even China didn't lockdown the whole country but rather identified the zones and quarantined it. This is the same strategy Pakistan is adopting and a correct one. We even quarantine a village near Mardan when confirmed outbreak was reported.

Identify and then isolate. You are not going to identify when you are bothered about any testing what so ever, and this what India has done.

India has just planned to prolong the inevitable.

Every ministry is working clockwise. All relief packages for poor and industry are already being activated as per schedule. All essential services are up and running.

If you want to see an unplanned response to such a situation then watch any Pakistani news channel. IK is giving a live demo.
India has just planned to prolong the inevitable.

Every ministry is working clockwise. All relief packages for poor and industry are already being activated as per schedule. All essential services are up and running.

If you want to see an unplanned response to such a situation then watch any Pakistani news channel. IK is giving a live demo.

Modi government and Indians establishment have been caught with their pants down. The uncurbable urge to act as supa powa while half of population lives below poverty line is recipe for disaster. Act according to your status should be the order of the day! India hasn't planned anything. Its just the impulsive and rash decision of a fascist and his regime at display here, with no planning and thought process, just like demonetization was. How much notice was given to Indian public, 4 hours??

And please don't compare Pakistani response to Indias one. PMIK as we speak, is given briefing to the nations as to what is going on, what measure are being taken. He has already ok 12000Rs allowance for the most needy ones among Pakistani population. He is coming literly everyday on media and facing questions. Where is Modi? twitching his thumbs over twitter after getting translated scripts from Hindu to English?
Where is Modi? twitching his thumbs over twitter
Modi attended the G20 virtual summit and was the only leader among the group of elites to put humanity ahead of economic development.

He may be looked down by the leaders of developed countries but neither he nor the majority of Indians are bothered by this western materialistic approach.

We are ready to take this economic hit to save maximum lives. Be it a Hindu's life or that of any other person belonging to any other religion. As COVID doesn't discriminate among religion.

Only in couple of weeks you can judge the affects of his decisions as the leader.

stay safe best of luck
I have , whole world have idea you rat-Indian. You shitholes have all potential to carry and incubate this virus into next decade. A nuisance for this region which includes Pakistan, but also to the world at large, considering how many of you lot have jumped the ship of mother India and sailed for green distant lands.
More angry :blah:. Save it.
Your clueless regime of Modi first wanted to play smart, supa powa! by not reporting the true extent of infection of India. Hell, Indian government didn't even bothered with the testing!! How the hell you will know and localize/ quarantine a region without having any information about the extent of infection? Now this lockdown is a panic measure. Listen to your own so called experts you moron! That interview was taken by Indian channel, by Indian anchor and answered by Indian as well. You are starring at 300 to 500 million infections by July!! This is what science is telling. Unless you think by chanting "Jey Shri Ram" and beating like monkeys some utensils will save you lot!

Good luck! You will need it.
Any proof we are covering up cases? Making stuff up now eh! India tested more than twenty thousand people of which 900 turned positive. What about you, haven't even tested 10k, got 1k positive says a lot about who is testing better in the region. India tracked down almost all the cases, people they contacted with, especially here we locked down even before nation wide lockdown was in place. There are two kinds of experts one who support the lockdown and the other who oppose it, you pick the ones who oppose it and argue to death. 500 million lol If you wishes were horse cabbies would fly.
Modi attended the G20 virtual summit and was the only leader among the group of elites to put humanity ahead of economic development.

How would that help with billion plus poor nation he is suppose to safeguard?

Get on media, do daily briefing, show leadership qualities, take question from media regardless how tough they are and no non sense like "ap apna kam karo, hamari dosti chalti rahey". Do all these like PMIK doing. Citizens of Pakistan are now feeling the leadership of IK, leading from front.

What happens in future is anybody guess.

More angry :blah:. Save it.

Any proof we are covering up cases? Making stuff up now eh! India tested more than twenty thousand people of which 900 turned positive. What about you, haven't even tested 10k, got 1k positive says a lot about who is testing better in the region. India tracked down almost all the cases, people they contacted with, especially here we locked down even before nation wide lockdown was in place. There are two kinds of experts one who support the lockdown and the other who oppose it, you pick the ones who oppose it and argue to death. 500 million lol If you wishes were horse cabbies would fly.

Are you having fing laugh? Less cases then Pakistan? After watching this? Lol

Indians and Pakistanis insulting each other is sadly funny.

Winnie the Pooh, the architect of this genocide is laughing in glee at our collective stupidity.
Are you having fing laugh? Less cases then Pakistan? After watching this? Lol
Have you seen what's happening in Pakistan? I'm not having any fun, you seem to have it. But totally ignoring the fact that it's ten times worse in Pakistan. Besides, Pakistan is not testing enough so you have zero say in what's happening in India.
How would that help with billion plus poor nation he is suppose to safeguard?

It shows the priorities of the leader.

Get on media, do daily briefing, show leadership qualities, take question from media regardless how tough they are and no non sense like "ap apna kam karo, hamari dosti chalti rahey". Do all these like PMIK doing. Citizens of Pakistan are now feeling the leadership of IK, leading from front.

Does talking to media help in easing the crisis in any way ?

Planning and preparing is the key. Do check how many people who had returned from abroad, mid-January onwards, has been tracked and home quarantined by Modi government. All Indian citizens stranded abroad were flown back and isolated in make shift hospitals built by Indian Army within days. Orders for additional 40K ventilators to be build in India has been placed with a delivery spanning in next 3 months. Old railway bogies are being converted into hospitals to meet any contingencies. Free food for all poor and needy is being provided and money is directly transferred into poor people bank accounts. Plus all financial and currency markets are running smoothly.
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