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Coronavirus was on many continents before Wuhan outbreak, Chinese team says

Out of curiosity, when was your last visit to India and which regions have you been to?

It is true that poverty + social hygiene + lack of adequate public sanitation has been a big problem. Even in the most developed cities you can run into people relieving themselves in very unexpected manner. However, the people who engage in this behavior are a very small part of the total population. They are the poorest of the poor and it is our responsibility as a people to help uplift them out of the miserable hells they are living in.

I have many Chinese friends as I have also lived in China for a considerable time. They all tell me that open defecation, spitting in public and generally unpleasant behaviors like this used to be pretty common until 10-20 years ago when a significant population was poor and illiterate. Even now if you go to some parts of China you'll see that public defecation and lack of privacy in bathrooms is the norm.

These are human problems which are mainly due to poverty and illiteracy. Things are getting better and in a decade or two, I hope this wont be a problem anymore.

If you leave the sanitation problems aside, I believe we have a lot more in common than anything that seperates us including Islam. We also have Islam and some of the best Muslims in this world. During the Delhi riots, Hindus and Muslims also protected and sheltered whoever they knew from the other community in order to protect each other. If you try to open your heart you will see we have a lot more common than you and Turkey or Saudi. Try to examine the lives of your relatives in India, and you'll notice that the once to diligently worked hard to come up in their lives have indeed found a happy and peaceful life. Even today a lot of the Mughal heritage is celebrated and revered in India including the architecture, literature, poetry, cuisine, customs, language, etc. India has been a cradle of civlization and a melting pot for the whole world.

The news has been getting very negative as that's what drives TRPs but I hope to see a better day when we can keep our biases aside and appreciate things for what they are.
Well at least you admitted that there is a problem. And if you might not know, I've actually supported India sometimes over Pakistan knowing that you guys were on the right side. And yes, we have more in common than Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
However, look at what's happening nowadays. In my opinion, India had the upper moral stance due to them being a democracy, and that democracy is slowly and gradually perishing. The masses of India have gone so insane that they have now started speaking openly and loudly against Nehru and Gandhi, 2 nationalist but humanitarian people I myself admire. These same masses elected a person, who we know as Narendra Modi, and no matter how much you deny it, we all know India is losing the values that its founders wanted to be there. Modi was a part of the RSS and today leads the BJP which is under the RSS anyways, and please I don't want to go into it, but we all know the nasty stuff they have in their books and believe in. Pakistan, yes we lost our founder's values way long ago, around the time of Zia-ul-Haq. Now that you guys are going down the same path, I suggest Indians stop believing that they have the moral upper hand.
And yes, I do want peace between India and Pakistan, sure, but in my opinion that can't happen until we both return to what our founders wanted. Pakistan is making progress on that, especially ever since the internet became available, liberalization is going on, India on the other hand is going on the total opposite side. Mind giving an explanation?
Keyword here is "Chinese scientist."
Since whole world is blaming china , chinese are running like headless chicken blaming anyone. Problem for them is nobody is taking them seriously.
Keyword here is "Chinese scientist."
Since whole world is blaming china , chinese are running like headless chicken blaming anyone. Problem for them is nobody is taking them seriously.
If nobody is taking it seriously it would not be published on an international scientific magzine. You Trump followers can inject disinfectant to defeat the virus but we scientists will take the vaccine. The Darwin's theory will determine who could survive in this disaster but not your God.

The New York Times vs. The Team of Steve Bannon + Guo Wengui, a fugitive Chinese billionaire -- which to take? (Updated 20201123)

Each saw an opportunity in the pandemic to push its agenda. For the Bannon + Guo Team, Dr. YAN Li-Meng, a researcher in Hong Kong, and her unfounded claims provided a cudgel for those intent on bringing down China’s government. For American CONSERVATIVES, they played to rising anti-Chinese sentiment and distracted from the Trump administration’s bungled handling of the outbreak.

Dr. Yan’s trajectory was carefully crafted by Guo Wengui, a fugitive Chinese billionaire, and Stephen K. Bannon, a former adviser to Mr. Trump.

How Steve Bannon and a Chinese Billionaire Created a Right-Wing Coronavirus Media Sensation - ...png

They put Dr. Yan on a plane to the United States, gave her a place to stay, coached her on media appearances and helped her secure interviews with popular conservative television hosts like Tucker Carlson and Lou Dobbs, who have shows on Fox. They nurtured her seemingly deep belief that the virus was genetically engineered, uncritically embracing what she provided as proof.

How Steve Bannon and a Chinese Billionaire Created a Right-Wing Coronavirus Media Sensation - ...png

[What a funny thing that the NYT article misleadingly termed some Chinese dissidents as the "Chinese diaspora" in deliberate way as if the few are representing the much larger number of millions of "Chinese diaspora" around the globe. Oxford dictionary -- diaspora (noun): (1) Jewish people living and working in other countries; (2) the movement of people from any nation or group away from their own country; people who have moved away from their own country]

The media outlets that cater to the Chinese diaspora — a jumble of independent websites, YouTube channels and Twitter accounts with anti-Beijing leanings — have formed a fast-growing echo chamber for misinformation. With few reliable Chinese-language news sources to fact-check them, rumors can quickly harden into a distorted reality. Increasingly, they are feeding and being fed by far-right American media.

Wang Dinggang, the YouTube host contacted by Dr. Yan and a close associate of Mr. Guo, appears to have been the first to seed rumors related to Hunter Biden, a son of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. A site owned by Mr. Guo amplified the baseless claims about Hunter Biden’s involvement in a child abuse conspiracy. They were picked up by Infowars and other fringe American outlets. Mr. Bannon, Mr. Wang and Mr. Guo are now all promoting the false idea that the presidential election was rigged.

How Steve Bannon and a Chinese Billionaire Created a Right-Wing Coronavirus Media Sensation - ...png

» CHANGES OF FORTUNES... the Wikipedia page of the Epoch Times has been completely rewritten, changed 180 degrees :-) too bad I don't keep the past snapshots « -- check here -- last edited on 26 November 2020, at 23:50 (UTC): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TheEpochTimes

Big technology companies have started to push back, as Facebook and Twitter [and Google too] try to better POLICE CONTENT.

Dr. Yan, through representatives for Mr. Bannon and Mr. Guo, declined multiple requests for an interview. So did Mr. Wang, citing The New York Times’s “reputation for fake news.”

Correction: Nov. 23, 2020
An earlier version of a picture caption with this article misidentified a frequent co-host of Wang Dinggang on YouTube. She is known as An Hong, not Ai Li.

How Steve Bannon and a Chinese Billionaire Created a Right-Wing Coronavirus Media Sensation
Published Nov. 20, 2020; Updated Nov. 23, 2020

GLOBAL RESEARCH (CAN) on Coronavirus topic:

UNZ REVIEW (USA) on Coronavirus topic:

The media network run by the Falun Gong cult / the Epoch Times, the New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television, part of the Epoch Media Group, with HQ in the New York City. The Epoch Times opposes Beijing, and promotes far-right politicians in Europe, and backs President Donald Trump in the U.S.; a 2019 report by NBC News showed it to be the second-largest funder of pro-Trump Facebook advertising after the Trump campaign. The Epoch Media Group's news sites and YouTube channels have spread conspiracy theories such as QAnon and anti-vaccination propaganda. The organization frequently promotes other Falun Gong affiliated groups, such as the performing arts company, Shen Yun.

So hilarious now that this originally US-funded news machinary networks (CIA, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), State Dept., etc) run by the followers of Falun Gong cult are trapped in the Grand Shows of "Republicans vs Democrats" and "Vaccine-Alliance vs. Anti Vaxxers" that their originally allied force, the established mainstream media networks (MSM), are now opposing the Epoch Media Group due to the Trump factor!! It's indeed a great amusement in the internet if one does pay attention :-) lol
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But not from Wuhan/china correct??
What is the reason china blocks investigation for virus origin.
Why did the US not recognize COVID in 2019? ? Just call it super virus? Until the American soldiers came to Wuhan...

Why did Wuhan block itself for 6 months (complete blockade). US and Europe, India is still infected with COVID-19 on a large scale?

All I am saying is that the Chinese should stick to one. They have blamed Spain, US, Italy. Now Bangladesh and India. They should stick to one.

Your lack of surprise is not scientific proof of origin of Corona Virus.
The problem now is that US, Spain, and Italy are during the COVID-19 pandemic. Why are they infected with the virus on a large scale now? And India, Bangladesh. You know their medical level and health status. Falsified test reports are not uncommon in their countries.

And back to the topic. The Chinese government, Chinese officials, and Chinese media have never accused any country of being a source of covid. But I think ~ you are the real source of covid, why don't you be investigated? Please accept my investigation. Thank you.
And back to the topic. The Chinese government, Chinese officials, and Chinese media have never accused any country of being a source of covid. But I think ~ you are the real source of covid, why don't you be investigated? Please accept my investigation. Thank you.

We are ready for investigation. A worldwide investigation by a worldwide body.
Yes every nation in the world is potential originating source of this virus, except China.
They also gave birth to superbug

Which super bug? All of them originate in so called developed world with their crazy andexcessive use antibiotics
No new diseases can be identified in India, there are so many diseases going on there and who cares which is which.

If that was the case we all would be dying and wouldn't such big population, or our immunity is really strong. Perhaps you guys can learn from us and stop making yourself and nations sick.
I wouldn't be surprised if it came from India. I mean have you seen Indian cities? People over there practically living in miserable conditions. They're not even faintly acquainted with concept of sanitation and personal hygiene.

A bit rich coming from a nation that has still not been able to eradicate Polio
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Lol, nobody needs to believe anything, we just fcked India up real bad. Lolol
You can believe what you want ,rest of the world knows who plucked whom.
You can keep believing the state controller news in China .
Yes every nation in the world is potential originating source of this virus, except China.

Which super bug? All of them originate in so called developed world with their crazy andexcessive use antibiotics

If that was the case we all would be dying and wouldn't such big population, or our immunity is really strong. Perhaps you guys can learn from us and stop making yourself and nations sick.

A bit rich coming from a nation that has still not been able to eradicate Polio
Now the super power 2020 has learned what humility is. Look. At least you don't think India is the super virus power 2020.
Sad part is ,Chinese know no one will take their claims seriously . Even a 10 year old will say from where the wuhan virus spread .
Thank you for accepting the international investigation, before that. I still think you are the source of the virus. Thank you for your cooperation.
An advice to Chinese from all the non chinese people who are above 10 years ,please stop eating bats or anything which moves.
We understand the habits due to famine and oppression they had to eat anything to survive but now you claim to be a rich country,now you can afford better things in life.
Sad part is ,Chinese know no one will take their claims seriously . Even a 10 year old will say from where the wuhan virus spread .

An advice to Chinese from all the non chinese people who are above 10 years ,please stop eating bats or anything which moves.
We understand the habits due to famine and oppression they had to eat anything to survive but now you claim to be a rich country,now you can afford better things in life.
surprising! Now Indians are starting to take facts seriously. But even a 3 year old child knows that India is a super power 2020. Super Virus 2020.
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