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Coronavirus was on many continents before Wuhan outbreak, Chinese team says

Only reason for this nonsense to grab some headline....it will never be submitted for peer review nor pass....
Already submitted and published mate. You have every right to question his methods and publish another paper. Lol
Chinese 'science' looks like this when not copied from other countries.
So who is in line to trial their 100 % effective vaccines ?
Coronavirus was traced in other places does not mean it didn’t originated in China. Trump said it clearly it’s a Chinese virus and most people would agree with it.

Wuhan not only just first detected it but major outbreak happened there. Though officially reported it in December but Chinese officials tried to silence people whoever raised objection to it prior to the official declaration.

It won’t be surprising in other countries whatever is detected just proposed as theory at the moment. That could be spread by the Chinese. There is already a claim that the virus was originated in the lab but leaked due to irresponsibility of the Chinese officials.
Whole world should make China accountable for it and running wet market and get the compensation out of it.
Chinese's excellent success as China's experts released a report about India. This would bring a new direction for everyone would be a million-dollar question for everyone. Things are not so good for PM Modi and India.
It's from the USA.

Where else?

It had been debated.

So far USA doesn't dare to open their country for investigation, despite their claim to be a victim.

In the beginning, all variants of early coronavirus exist in USA, including type A.
Zameen aur aasman ka fark hai cities mein. I know the layout is similar, slums in some areas, other areas being developed but Pakistani people are sane enough to not shit everywhere like you Indians and there is a concept of sanitation. All you do is watch some videos on YouTube and make your dumbass judgements, why not visit Pakistan and see the difference for yourself and yes I have been to India, hardly anyone has a sandal to walk with, most people being barefoot and shit on the streets is hella common, like you have to watch your every step. Please, don't even try to compare both cities, we may have similar urban layouts but Pakistani people have different values and morals thanks to Islam.
Out of curiosity, when was your last visit to India and which regions have you been to?

It is true that poverty + social hygiene + lack of adequate public sanitation has been a big problem. Even in the most developed cities you can run into people relieving themselves in very unexpected manner. However, the people who engage in this behavior are a very small part of the total population. They are the poorest of the poor and it is our responsibility as a people to help uplift them out of the miserable hells they are living in.

I have many Chinese friends as I have also lived in China for a considerable time. They all tell me that open defecation, spitting in public and generally unpleasant behaviors like this used to be pretty common until 10-20 years ago when a significant population was poor and illiterate. Even now if you go to some parts of China you'll see that public defecation and lack of privacy in bathrooms is the norm.

These are human problems which are mainly due to poverty and illiteracy. Things are getting better and in a decade or two, I hope this wont be a problem anymore.

If you leave the sanitation problems aside, I believe we have a lot more in common than anything that seperates us including Islam. We also have Islam and some of the best Muslims in this world. During the Delhi riots, Hindus and Muslims also protected and sheltered whoever they knew from the other community in order to protect each other. If you try to open your heart you will see we have a lot more common than you and Turkey or Saudi. Try to examine the lives of your relatives in India, and you'll notice that the once to diligently worked hard to come up in their lives have indeed found a happy and peaceful life. Even today a lot of the Mughal heritage is celebrated and revered in India including the architecture, literature, poetry, cuisine, customs, language, etc. India has been a cradle of civlization and a melting pot for the whole world.

The news has been getting very negative as that's what drives TRPs but I hope to see a better day when we can keep our biases aside and appreciate things for what they are.
It's from the USA.

Where else?

It had been debated.

So far USA doesn't dare to open their country for investigation, despite their claim to be a victim.

In the beginning, all variants of early coronavirus exist in USA, including type A.
It's from the US but they still need a bat strain to start with. It might be an Indic strain and then modified and released.
Thank you China for the wuhan virus .what ever you say no one is believing you guys .
Out of curiosity, when was your last visit to India and which regions have you been to?

It is true that poverty + social hygiene + lack of adequate public sanitation has been a big problem. Even in the most developed cities you can run into people relieving themselves in very unexpected manner. However, the people who engage in this behavior are a very small part of the total population. They are the poorest of the poor and it is our responsibility as a people to help uplift them out of the miserable hells they are living in.

I have many Chinese friends as I have also lived in China for a considerable time. They all tell me that open defecation, spitting in public and generally unpleasant behaviors like this used to be pretty common until 10-20 years ago when a significant population was poor and illiterate. Even now if you go to some parts of China you'll see that public defecation and lack of privacy in bathrooms is the norm.

These are human problems which are mainly due to poverty and illiteracy. Things are getting better and in a decade or two, I hope this wont be a problem anymore.

If you leave the sanitation problems aside, I believe we have a lot more in common than anything that seperates us including Islam. We also have Islam and some of the best Muslims in this world. During the Delhi riots, Hindus and Muslims also protected and sheltered whoever they knew from the other community in order to protect each other. If you try to open your heart you will see we have a lot more common than you and Turkey or Saudi. Try to examine the lives of your relatives in India, and you'll notice that the once to diligently worked hard to come up in their lives have indeed found a happy and peaceful life. Even today a lot of the Mughal heritage is celebrated and revered in India including the architecture, literature, poetry, cuisine, customs, language, etc. India has been a cradle of civlization and a melting pot for the whole world.

The news has been getting very negative as that's what drives TRPs but I hope to see a better day when we can keep our biases aside and appreciate things for what they are.
The difference is the scale.
A few thousand or even millions, especially of little children over a rubbish bin or paper, is NOT the same as HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF INDIAN ADULTS Opendefecating on the streets, at the beaches and on the railway.

Coronavirus was traced in other places does not mean it didn’t originated in China. Trump said it clearly it’s a Chinese virus and most people would agree with it.

Wuhan not only just first detected it but major outbreak happened there. Though officially reported it in December but Chinese officials tried to silence people whoever raised objection to it prior to the official declaration.

It won’t be surprising in other countries whatever is detected just proposed as theory at the moment. That could be spread by the Chinese. There is already a claim that the virus was originated in the lab but leaked due to irresponsibility of the Chinese officials.
Whole world should make China accountable for it and running wet market and get the compensation out of it.
So whatever the evidence, for you, it had to be China.
As a devout, WE LIED, WE CHEAT, WE STOLE, TRUMPIAN BELIEVER, you and your fellow believers should inject yourselves with disinfectant.
Lets us all learn from the mistake of the Spanish Flu was not from Spain,
and wait for more Scientific Evidence to surface.

Coronavirus did not originate in Wuhan1.jpg
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Pakistani people are sane enough to not shit everywhere
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