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Featured CoronaVirus in Pakistan - Updates & Discussion

Something is fishy here....Iran which has lesser population and where corona entered much before pakistan is seeing more cases than pakistan( 2621 on july 23 with 221 deaths )...india where more or less cases started rising at the same time of pakistan hasnt seen any decline.
I am comparing india and iran as both these countries share borders and DNA with pakistan.
How could pakistan with 20 crore population achieve herd immunity before iran which has around 9 crore?
And strangely pakistan and China are the only countries across the world which have managed to bring the cases and deaths down drastically.
I want the army to impose a hardcore lockdown for eid or 14 days because as we've seen awaam is too dumb to run a ''smart'' lockdown

Wow nearly 17k recoveries in the last 24 hours. At this rate we'll be corona free in a few days IA. Or God will teach us another lesson on Eid if some idiots didn't learn from last time.
There will be surge on EID.

Something is fishy here....Iran which has lesser population and where corona entered much before pakistan is seeing more cases than pakistan( 2621 on july 23 with 221 deaths )...india where more or less cases started rising at the same time of pakistan hasnt seen any decline.
I am comparing india and iran as both these countries share borders and DNA with pakistan.
How could pakistan with 20 crore population achieve herd immunity before iran which has around 9 crore?
And strangely pakistan and China are the only countries across the world which have managed to bring the cases and deaths down drastically.
Nothing Fishy here. Multiple studies attest to that. No need to add to CTs. Just because there is shit in neighborhood , doesn't mean there has to be here.
Because the positive ratio has also come down.

Yah I replied to this already.... it should not be determined by that if you ask me (i.e symptom ---> contact trace etc)...rather you should just ramp up testing esp for anyone thats frequently around older people etc...
I don't think there should be scaling down of tests at all, you can get better data after all on overall spread on the population by keeping testing rate high...and say use a broader testing strategy of scale.
Something is fishy here....Iran which has lesser population and where corona entered much before pakistan is seeing more cases than pakistan( 2621 on july 23 with 221 deaths )...india where more or less cases started rising at the same time of pakistan hasnt seen any decline.
I am comparing india and iran as both these countries share borders and DNA with pakistan.
How could pakistan with 20 crore population achieve herd immunity before iran which has around 9 crore?
And strangely pakistan and China are the only countries across the world which have managed to bring the cases and deaths down drastically.
Know anything about spreading level of this disease? Which is called r0 which as per European researchers is becomes lower in Pakistan than all neibours arroung 0.7. Iran and India still have higher spreading levels its like a miracle and efforts of pakistani govt to keep it controlled as tests are more or less same when we were having 6k + cases with positive ratio of 25% which is now less then 10% with same num of tests.

Yah I replied to this already.... it should not be determined by that if you ask me (i.e symptom ---> contact trace etc)...rather you should just ramp up testing esp for anyone thats frequently around older people etc...
I don't think there should be scaling down of tests at all, you can get better data after all on overall spread on the population by keeping testing rate high...and say use a broader testing strategy of scale.
Testings in Pakistan has not come down but more or less static but still ratio comes down which clears the picture further India is failed in every sense to control this as still Indian govt more focus seems on fighting all neibours on orders of USA.
We got massive recoveries yesterday and now our total active cases are 29,504.
Our peak was July 2 when we had 108,625 active cases.

View attachment 654636

So now our active cases are back to level of May 18 - the same time Around Eid when people started to relax, go for shopping, meet and greet etc. and our cases shot up which reseulted in we getting higher number of cases in 4k, 5K and even 6K+ daily cases. Which are now down to 1K+ cases per day

Now, Eid is again here on 1st August. Try following SOPs and stay safe.

View attachment 654637
After almost 100 days kpk record only 1 death yesterday:smitten::pakistan:
The smart lockdown is just a word for less working hours, otherwise its the immune system of people that has done the job, otherwise people has not followed SOPs from the beginning. Also the panic as such has also gone away.
otherwise people has not followed SOPs from the beginning.
This is a blanket statement. Which in my experience is not true. True a large number ignored SOPs and also true is the fact a similarly large number if not more did follow them. Moreover i have witnessed business denying services to large number of customers not adhering to SOPs. On the otherside some were following but were not denying services.
Its just what i noticed these past few months.
Now people have grown lax and very relaxed. Which is dangerous.
This is a blanket statement. Which in my experience is not true. True a large number ignored SOPs and also true is the fact a similarly large number if not more did follow them. Moreover i have witnessed business denying services to large number of customers not adhering to SOPs. On the otherside some were following but were not denying services.
Its just what i noticed these past few months.
Now people have grown lax and very relaxed. Which is dangerous.

over 40% of population have already been exposed, the SOPs were only followed in upper class areas, rest was business as usual from the beginning.
bhai, i am recovering from covid, i personally know more than 7 people who have lost their life due to this dreadful disease. I can share my experience, when i went for test we had a very candid discussion with doctor there since my wife is also a doctor, people are not willing to come forward for tests, they are afraid that govt will lock them up or something like that, people who do come forward are mostly those who have been trying to control the fever with desi totka's and have screwed the situation to certain extent.

In my case only my test was done and due to close proximity my whole family was considered as covid positive but they didn't get their test done, we went in isolation, I am now out of isolation but still restricted to house and in the coming week would be getting my antibodies and PCR (covid) test done again.

So as far as government records are concerned they registered ONE more case instead of FIVE, multiply that by hundred fold and you will be understand why the figures are so off.

We could and we should have enforced a strick lockdown to cut this dreadful disease right at the bud, I can tell you from my personal experience that the kind of weakness it gives is beyond words, One becomes so lethargic that at times simple task such as writing a forum post can become hassle
Another 1,487 cases reported. Unfortunately, 24 people lost their lives yesterday. 16,813 people recovered in a day. Only 23,630 tests conducted out of nwhich positive ratio comes at 6.3%.

14 people died in Sindh, 8 people in Punjab, 1 people in KPK and GB. 12802 people recovered in Punjab and 3489 in Sindh.
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bhai, i am recovering from covid, i personally know more than 7 people who have lost their life due to this dreadful disease. I can share my experience, when i went for test we had a very candid discussion with doctor there since my wife is also a doctor, people are not willing to come forward for tests, they are afraid that govt will lock them up or something like that, people who do come forward are mostly those who have been trying to control the fever with desi totka's and have screwed the situation to certain extent.

In my case only my test was done and due to close proximity my whole family was considered as covid positive but they didn't get their test done, we went in isolation, I am now out of isolation but still restricted to house and in the coming week would be getting my antibodies and PCR (covid) test done again.

So as far as government records are concerned they registered ONE more case instead of FIVE, multiply that by hundred fold and you will be understand why the figures are so off.

We could and we should have enforced a strick lockdown to cut this dreadful disease right at the bud, I can tell you from my personal experience that the kind of weakness it gives is beyond words, One becomes so lethargic that at times simple task such as writing a forum post can become hassle
Thanks for revealing the truth mate...I was all along skeptical of pakistans numbers especially after the images of people roaming around without masks.
In india you hardly find anyone without masks even in second and third grade towns...even then cases are on the rise...
So under testing under reporting and peoples unwillingness to get tested are the real reazons behind paks low numbers
Another 1,487 cases reported. Unfortunately, 24 people lost their lives yesterday. 16,813 people recovered in a day. Only 12,630 tests conducted out of nwhich positive ratio comes at 6.3%.
View attachment 655004
14 people died in Sindh, 8 people in Punjab, 1 people in KPK and GB. 12802 people recovered in Punjab and 3489 in Sindh.
View attachment 655006
1400 of 12000 is 6.3% get ur facts correct pls.

Thanks for revealing the truth mate...I was all along skeptical of pakistans numbers especially after the images of people roaming around without masks.
In india you hardly find anyone without masks even in second and third grade towns...even then cases are on the rise...
So under testing under reporting and peoples unwillingness to get tested are the real reazons behind paks low numbers
You cnnt hide deaths with the free media Pakistan have so it impossible to hide it and if the cases are so hight why the mortality rate also coming down? As someone says if there is a shit in your neibours doesn't mean you must have it too and Pakistan had shit in neibours for the last more then 70 years.
Thanks for revealing the truth mate...I was all along skeptical of pakistans numbers especially after the images of people roaming around without masks.
In india you hardly find anyone without masks even in second and third grade towns...even then cases are on the rise...
So under testing under reporting and peoples unwillingness to get tested are the real reazons behind paks low numbers
Pick one post based on one experience and mark it as truth and rest lies contrary to 1000s of others based on experiences of loads and loads of others pointing to the other side.
Just wow and wow. Way to go.

1400 of 12000 is 6.3% get ur facts correct pls.

You cnnt hide deaths with the free media Pakistan have so it impossible to hide it and if the cases are so hight why the mortality rate also coming down? As someone says if there is a shit in your neibours doesn't mean you must have it too and Pakistan had shit in neibours for the last more then 70 years.
Leave them be. He just took one post based on an individual experience and disregarded all else.
And Secondly there was a study done on the accuracy of our death rate getting reported and it came out as one of the highest at 76%. They took number of deaths in previous years in a virus hit areas and compared it with this year, something along those lines. I think it was cambridge. There has been a number of studies on this all with similar results. We dont have anything to prove to anyone.
Thanks for revealing the truth mate...I was all along skeptical of pakistans numbers especially after the images of people roaming around without masks.
In india you hardly find anyone without masks even in second and third grade towns...even then cases are on the rise...
So under testing under reporting and peoples unwillingness to get tested are the real reazons behind paks low numbers
But why ICUs are getting empty allhamdulillah.... Which were full just a month ago

Put everything aside, low test high tests ratios etc.... Allhamdulillah ICUs, vantilators and hospitals are getting empty day by day which running on full capacity just a month ago

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