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Coronavirus - Doctors Arrested for revealing the truth

attack Pak ?? 99% Vnese dont even know where is Pak and VN-Pak relarionship is almost Zero. We come to this forum having location in US to talk wt CNese, not Pak.

U r sick.I put u on my ignore list. I bet that even Cnese also feel u r sick cos u keep bragging like "rich" man but never donate a single mask box per day to CN( thats only cost u abt 200usd per week if u can buy mask in real price but saving lots of Cnese now)

The baby mice eater continues to write bullshit. Listen to me carefully sweat shop worker who earns a dollar a day google Sino Defence Forum and speak to Chinese people over there if you have no interest with Pakistani people. I don't want Pakistan to have a relationship with Vietnam. It's a country full of cesspit and I hope one day China thrashes your country. If 99% of the people don't know where Pakistan is then what does this speak of Vietnamese people? Thank you for accepting the fact how dumb you are.

Put me in your ignore lists. Honestly you sound worse than a woman baby mice eater. I never wanted to bring wealth into this debate. But when a lowlife scum like you attacked Pakistan and called me a shoe worker then naturally I was going to respond back to you. Write as much bullshit as you want, but nothing changes the fact that I have a much higher living standard than you. The real shoe worker and spit shiner of shoes is you.
I grew up in Britain and have the same experience in spotting a hidden closet racists. He peddles the BS argument of marrying a Chinese to fool the masses that he isn't a racists. But look at how much he attacks the cultural values held deeply by the Chinese. According to him Chinese medicine is garbage, Chinese people are inherently selfish, the rich people in China have no class and Chinese people have no common sense. The punk should have been deported years ago. Did you watch the video to see the reaction of his buddy Laowhy86 when his daughter was born? I feel sorry for his daughter.

In his earlier videos he was praising China. But positivity doesn't give you subscribers. He changed his strategy and began bashing China at every possible moment. What was the end result? Thousands of subscribers. The Chinese Govt needs to reform but if they were so oppressive then how comes he was allowed to stay for years? The punk in one of his videos was claiming he was a successful businessmen opening a IT company when he first landed in China. But there is no record of the company and he was just an ordinary teacher. How can he look himself in the mirror each day. He wants to fool the masses and this is why he wears a suit to portray his professionalism. The two Chinese women who married these two punks are scum and they should be boycotted by the Chinese community. This isn't about the CPC but the honour and dignity of the Chinese people. Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and even Singapore still hold on to the traditional values that were handed down to your people.

You can criticize China as is the right of every individual. However, it should be constructive criticism instead of blindly attacking every single action they do. People on this thread in particular a Pakistani spends more time criticizing China rather than looking at the faults of Pakistan and its people. Child abuse in rampant across Pakistan, corruption is rifle that has nearly led to the bankruptcy of my country, and institutions are not following there mandate. China must reform in many different departments but this problem belongs to China. Sitting on some screen and patronizing Chinese people won't change nothing in fact they will do the exact opposite. In my opinion China since the open door policy has reformed and this process will continue as the years go by. The future leadership which has no attachment to the old generation (Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution) will take the country on a different direction. But Chinese people must decide this not some foreign.

The corporate media in America is part of the industrial complex. They are funded by wealth companies like the Koch brothers to manipulate information to deceive the masses. People are becoming so fed up with mainstream media that they rather listen to podcast in YouTube. The same phenomenon is seen in Pakistan. The media can sprout nonsense in how it acts impartial but we both know the significant role they played in helping the Bush administration to convince the public of Iraq having WMD. Muslim in the West are clueless and the end product is in front of our eyes. I am constant in my stance. Western media is full of propaganda nonsense against Pakistan so I won't take seriously what they say about China. When I want to know what's happening in China I speak to my friends who work in the Govt, businessman and just ordinary citizen that live a normal life. I gained the trust of many Chinese people and in our private conversations they have told me many things which should be improved in China. But they will never say these things in front of a foreigner. Why would they want to listen to someone like Serpentza and Laowhy who have an agenda against the country.

You can always tell when someone is well traveled versus someone who has only stayed in their country or have only visited the conventionally popular places (Paris, Hawaii, etc). When you've seen so many things that have contradicted what the media is telling you, you start realizing that you live in a matrix where the talking heads that influence your thoughts are all puppets manipulated by extremely greedy people with an agenda.

For those who value the truth, you will have few friends in this world.
Typical Communist policies......you say/do something the government doesn't like??

Off to prison for you...

China spent the crucial first days of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak arresting people who posted about it online and threatening journalists


Posting this before the pro-China troll brigade comes in & either starts pointing fingers at other nations, says how China is so great & the usual stuff littered on many threads related to China.

Also please watch the whole video before commenting!!
They were not warned, fined or arrested.

They were criticized and educated after being summoned by the police, to be exact.


They did spread false remarks claimed the novel coronavirus was SARS, but now it seems to be forgivable.
Don't ever trust the government.
We are on our own now.

Its like those Hollywood zombie survival movies.
Nathan Rich however creeps me out.

He should!! He was a thieving homeless drug-addict/dealer. His rap sheet includes multiple felonies which drastically limits his ability to get work in the US. That's why he fled to China.

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You can see the "SLUT" finger tattoos mentioned is his rap sheet covered with Chinese ones.
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They were not warned, fined or arrested.

They were criticized and educated after being summoned by the police, to be exact.

And your source is?? That image in Chinese which I don't even know where it came from, let alone read?
They are already making a u-turn https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ETgXN6HInzlC8cxzhDdU9g

Just two days ago, Caixin had an article on SPC intervening into that. Now, they quietly replaced it with an interview with the doctor.

LOL! Go watch Nathan's video where he admits his extremely shadey past (but not the felony stuff of course as that may get him kicked out of China). He even has a book about it:
Scythe Tleppo: My Survival of a Cult, Abandonment, Addiction and Homelessness
by Nathan Rich
What did I say? The propaganda office is so lousy that they can't hire anybody, but some weird narco hobos.
You can always tell when someone is well traveled versus someone who has only stayed in their country or have only visited the conventionally popular places (Paris, Hawaii, etc). When you've seen so many things that have contradicted what the media is telling you, you start realizing that you live in a matrix where the talking heads that influence your thoughts are all puppets manipulated by extremely greedy people with an agenda.

For those who value the truth, you will have few friends in this world.

The last sentence is not only true but it holds so much wisdom for those who wish to stick with the truth. Which candidate are you going to vote for in the upcoming election? The two best candidates in my opinion are Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang? I like Bernie Sanders but I find Andrew Yang very refreshing and a laid back person. I would rather listen to a podcast than mainstream media to get a good idea what there policies are. In reference to this topic do you have any relatives in China?
The "Wuhan Virus" also known as the Coronavirus, in my opinion, is a bio-weapon used by those who want to stem China juggernaut rise from being a regional powerhouse to a dominant superpower. They (Zionists) do not want China to surge so far ahead of their slave/conduit (America) that Russia and China neutralize America without a drop of blood being spilt. Make no mistake about it, the Zionists want a global war to happen. Because without it, they wouldn't be able to have Israel as the reigning power in the world. And that is Zionist final solution, as these are a demonic people, who only thrive by proliferating chaos in the world. This is how they were able to take hold of Europe with by sparking the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, Battle of Waterloo and the First World War. Similarly, North America was taken full control of through War of Independence, the American Civil War and finally the Second World War.

Whether it be the bogus Hong Kong protests, or the Uighurs in Xing Jiang, the Ukrainian Revolution, the South Ossettian War by Georgia (that America, Britain & Israel purported), the absurd revolution in Venezuela by that pathetic joke of an American puppet (Juan Guaido). It is very clear and evident that Zionists are actively purporting this.
This video is for fellow Pakistani's and Chinese members. Many Pakistani's need to show more compassion instead of jumping in joy because of the Uyghur situation.

The last sentence is not only true but it holds so much wisdom for those who wish to stick with the truth. Which candidate are you going to vote for in the upcoming election? The two best candidates in my opinion are Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang? I like Bernie Sanders but I find Andrew Yang very refreshing and a laid back person. I would rather listen to a podcast than mainstream media to get a good idea what there policies are. In reference to this topic do you have any relatives in China?

I do have some relatives in China but I am not really close to them as I grew up in the US.

My top candidate is Gabbard. She is the only one with the balls to take on the military industrial complex and war mongers in Washington.

I also like Yang. He’s my No. 2. I like a lot of his innovative ideas and he makes a lot of sense although I have my doubts about UBI.

I like Bernie a lot as a person but many of his policies are outdated and ideological, if implemented will likely lead to a major recession.

I actually like Trump too. Even though he is a jerk and has been a slave to AIPAC and Netanyahu with regards to the middle east, I like the fact that he’s exposed a lot of hypocrisy in our political system and the media. Although he’s a huge hypocrite and asshole himself too. He’s funny though.
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