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Serpentza and Laowhy86 are known China hating trolls and are basically White supremacists. Trust me, I grew up in the US, I know a White supremacist when I see one. I know the types of dog whistles they use and they remind me of the punk *** White guys who go out of their way to mock Asians who speak English with an accent. Also, it's clear that Laowhy and Serpentza get funding, either from their fans or maybe even from the NED, for their anti-China videos and this is why they've become virulently anti-China since they moved to the US.

Nathan Rich however creeps me out. That guy is obviously trolling for the Chinese side and something about him just makes me uncomfortable.

The most reasonable voice I've found among the foreign vloggers is this Canadian guy who owns a pub in Shenzhen and he calls out Serpentza and Laowhy86 as the racists that they are. He actually knew them when they lived in Shenzhen.

I don't know about the Laowhy86 dude but I have watched some of Serpentza's videos....so far, I haven't found any hate or/& racism against Chinese people.....he's been very respectful in the videos I have watched....might be some videos you and others might be referring to.

The only reason why I watch him is because he has mentioned a lot of things foreigners don't think about in regards to China....most average joe in the West or Pakistan either has a very fantasy filled view of China or outright hates China...

I for one am in the middle, I take the good with the bad and notice so does Serpentza, in the 2-3 videos I have seen.
I don't know about the Laowhy86 dude but I have watched some of Serpentza's videos....so far, I haven't found any hate or/& racism against Chinese people.....he's been very respectful in the videos I have watched....might be some videos you and others might be referring to.

The only reason why I watch him is because he has mentioned a lot of things foreigners don't think about in regards to China....most average joe in the West or Pakistan either has a very fantasy filled view of China or outright hates China...

I for one am in the middle, I take the good with the bad and notice so does Serpentza, in the 2-3 videos I have seen.

Serpentza's older videos were more fair. But he's gradually become just anti-China in recent years.

I have absolutely no problem with people who criticize China as there are many things that deserve criticism. But when people just rant and criticize day in and day out, they are no longer a fair observer. It's clear that Serpentza has an agenda. His videos have simply boiled down to China bashing. For example, I remember one video where he said that Chinese people don't take care of their historic sites and he goes into some abandoned rural village and point out an old temple that is falling apart as proof, then he juxtaposes this with the Imperial Castle in Tokyo. It is ridiculous because most of the historic sites of any importance in China, especially one at the caliber of the Castle in Tokyo would be remarkably well preserved actually. So he's basically just a dishonest, sniveling liar.

And yes he is a White supremacist, absolutely. He's actually the worst type of racist in that he is polite and calm while promoting racist views. He has many times alluded to being superior because he is European. Him and Laowhy86 just strike me as the typical, two faced, cowardly racist White punks that I've come across many times.
Serpentza's older videos were more fair. But he's gradually become just anti-China in recent years.
Yes because state promoted Chinese trolls have started a campaign against his wife and family who live in S. Africa.
Then he started to expose the truth of Chinese government.
I have been following him since 2015. He was staying away from political issues and trying to show how China progressing positively in terms of economics but even that triggered Chinese trolls.
When Chinese government threatened his family in S. Africa using corrupt S. African government that was the last nail to the coffin.
Yes because state promoted Chinese trolls have started a campaign against his wife and family who live in S. Africa.
Then he started to expose the truth of Chinese government.
I have been following him since 2015. He was staying away from political issues and trying to show how China progressing positively in terms of economics but even that triggered Chinese trolls.
When Chinese government threatened his family in S. Africa using corrupt S. African government that was the last nail to the coffin.

Yeah, seriously doubt that. He has a long history of being drama queen and presenting himself as a victim. I am sure he plays victim to justify his negative videos.

And no, he has progressively gone negative because bashing China is an easy sell. There is a huge market in the West for anything anti-China. You can make anything up and people here will eat it up and take it as gospel truth. Being fair and balanced won't earn you any money.
please stop.
This is embarrassing.

Countries from Thailand to Japan to US, Canada and France are reporting cases. Nothing to do with climate. Everything to do with China's attempt to cover it up, which failed and caused a global pandemic.

If China had simply acted like a normal country and issues public health alert in the early days, this would have been contained by now.

I said it before and I will say it again, CPC does not care about many people die, they only care about staying in Power.
Mmm actualy he is right

☆ Winter serves as an ideal breeding ground for viruses which have achieved the ability to spread between people, as they are more stable in cold air, and low humidity helps them to “float” for longer..

☆ The cold also reduces bodily defences, allowing viruses to enter the body with ease.

☆ According to Dr Jonas Nilsen (MD) co-founder of Practio, a travel vaccination service, the coronavirus will struggle to infect people during the summer.

China and you Chinese are the best at being drama queen...
If a powerful country like China blocks simple online forum like PDF cz some members write anti China things ,then u can sense that they are quite sensitive and insecure.
Even an enemy country like India havent ban this forum but iron brother China has.
This shows the CCP is quite touchy about their image
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Just cuz Serpentza is exposing China, he's a paid agent....and because Nathan Rich calls the CCP the greatest organization on the planet and worships them....he's the "good guy". :D

You won't be convincing anyone here by just accusing well known YT'ers.....find me some concrete evidence and we'll talk more on this. Otherwise, me and others have a well functioning brain that can see through any Chinese propaganda. :enjoy:

Plus, watch this too to see the other side of the coin:

LOL.. Just becos the video exposed your hatre for China and you will claimed it as paid video. While fake lies video exposed as malicious lies will be treated as evidence of evil China.. How selective you are.

There are many proof of many fake video, malicious lies made against China. Are you going to deny it?


And after I exposed this fake lies. Those previously malign China never even bother to reply to explain their false allegation. More or less proved their guilt and fake allegation.
Oh man did I hurt your feelings? :big_boss:

Nah don't really care if you believe him or not but plenty of other vloggers have disproved simple assertions he's made over the years.

If a powerful country like China blocks simple online forum like PDF cz some members write anti China things ,then u can sense that they are quite sensitive and insecure.
Even an enemy country like India hasnt ban this forum despite but iron brother China has.
This shows the CCP is quite touchy about their image

Actually China's heavy censorship demonstrates how incompetent China's propaganda is versus that of the West. Western propaganda is powerful because it is based on an illusion of freedom of information, debate and free will. China's propaganda is clumsy and ineffective because it repeats boring state approved messages while censoring anything it doesn't like to hear. In the West, those views aren't censored, they are just smeared with fake news so that their reputation is completely destroyed. The average person isn't very bright so they will write off alternative voices because they happened to hear something terrible about them.
LOL.. Just becos the video exposed your hatre for China and you will claimed it as paid video. While fake lies video exposed as malicious lies will be treated as evidence of evil China.. How selective you are.

There are many proof of many fake video, malicious lies made against China. Are you going to deny it?


And after I exposed this fake lies. Those previously malign China never even bother to reply to explain their false allegation. More or less proved their guilt and fake allegation.

Yawn....posting fake videos to prove another video is fake...Lmao. :rolleyes:
Yes because state promoted Chinese trolls have started a campaign against his wife and family who live in S. Africa.
Then he started to expose the truth of Chinese government.
I have been following him since 2015. He was staying away from political issues and trying to show how China progressing positively in terms of economics but even that triggered Chinese trolls.
When Chinese government threatened his family in S. Africa using corrupt S. African government that was the last nail to the coffin.
Most Chinese don't like him not because political reasons. Only one simple reason: He is a liar. We are Chinese. We live here. We are most qualified to judge truths and lies than any others when it comes to China issues. The most ridiculous thing is, most non-Chinese would rather believe this foreign guy than us. And then they use these fake materials delivered by those socalled "know everything about China" foreigners to attack us. And call us trolls. What a weird world.
LOL, typical denial. Why not log a clear satellite photo now to prove who is lying or not about the grave?

You think GTCN is stupid to get a fake woman to act as the widow of the dead to let itself easily exposed as fake? Show some respect the death. CPC is doing a good deed to help muslim decease get a good grave rather than letting them buried in wild. While West or fake muslim like you wouldnt care about muslim. Your mission is just to smear Chinese to work for CIA.

China censorship is successful. If we do not have censorship. China will end up just like Hong Kong. A lot of policy would not able to implement successfully becos of misinfo and smearing about CPC system. Suppressing fake news and society is able to progress smoothly. If not, how does China able to progress to a middle income economy with USD 14 trillion in just 40 years?

While HongKong with the so called freedom and free press instead stagnant for last 20 years?

Might be successful in China but China's propaganda machine is pretty much useless worldwide in terms of crafting China's image, which is pretty much shit at this point.
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