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Coronavirus - Doctors Arrested for revealing the truth

Nope, they tried to suppress their own doctors and other professionals who tried to tell the govt. that a new virus has broken out.....only when the situation got worse was when China "officially" got on board the "there's a new virus!" train.

All the material in OP's videos were tweets & Wechat convo logs by Chinese doctors which have been pasted online.

Even if someone's funding him, it doesn't retract from the issue that the Chinese jailed their own professionals in trying to hush everyone.

Also, beating up YT'ers proves that China is very hostile to any point of view that's now towed by the govt./CCP...

Nathan Rich is also well known as a sellout to the CCP.

More details:

Agree very much on the bolder part.....but the thing is...the Chinese govt./CCP tried to hide the whole issue....only when it went out of control did they openly admit that there's a new virus.

If they had only listened to their professionals instead of putting them in Jail...

Read that article^

That doesnt mean it is true, he is known to spread half-truth, distorted view and falsehood abt China and Chinese people. He has been called out by various expats working in China. Such as this legit teacher.

Nathan Rich is 100% more credible than Serpentza. Anyone rational would can judge.

Yes, he is funded and backed by some organization. His content has strong political undertone. Take this vid, how would ordinary blogger have those rare footage from ages ago in this vid.

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That doesnt mean it is true, he is known to spread half-truth and fake news abt China. This English teacher called him out, look for serpentza angry retort in the comment. That says it all.

Nathan Rich is 100% more credible than Serpentza. Anyone rational would can judge by this clip.

Yes, he is funded and backed by some organization. His content has strong political undertone. And how did he get those rare footage from ages ago in this vid, no ordinary blogger would've access to it.


Just cuz Serpentza is exposing China, he's a paid agent....and because Nathan Rich calls the CCP the greatest organization on the planet and worships them....he's the "good guy". :D

You won't be convincing anyone here by just accusing well known YT'ers.....find me some concrete evidence and we'll talk more on this. Otherwise, me and others have a well functioning brain that can see through any Chinese propaganda. :enjoy:

Plus, watch this too to see the other side of the coin:

Agree very much on the bolder part.....but the thing is...the Chinese govt./CCP tried to hide the whole issue....only when it went out of control did they openly admit that there's a new virus.

If they had only listened to their professionals instead of putting them in Jail...

Read that article^

This must be the first time we agree on something:) The article mentions exactly what I explained in my post. Those journalists and doctors who were threatened was done by local officials. Why did they do such an action? As @beijingwalker said in a previous post in another thread this is political disaster for the people running the show in Wuhan. When SARS happened in 2002 the Beijing Mayor who had more power than Xi was destroyed politically.

Just cuz Serpentza is exposing China, he's a paid agent....and because Nathan Rich calls the CCP the greatest organization on the planet and worships them....he's the "good guy". :D

You won't be convincing anyone here by just accusing well known YT'ers.....find me some concrete evidence and we'll talk more on this. Otherwise, me and others have a well functioning brain that can see through any Chinese propaganda. :enjoy:

No country is more widely covered than China in western media. It's not like China can hide anything, why would the world needs a blogger of dubious credibility to expose China?

The evidence are all in the video, you can watch and retort. I'm not here to convince you, I post for others to read. You're a known troll of questionable origin too. Anyone with a function brain can see that.
This must be the first time we agree on something:) The article mentions exactly what I explained in my post. Those journalists and doctors who were threatened was done by local officials. Why did they do such an action? As @beijingwalker said in a previous post in another thread this is political disaster for the people running the show in Wuhan. When SARS happened in 2002 the Beijing Mayor who had more power than Xi was destroyed politically.

More like made the man to put the blame on and destroyed politically to cover up the overarching problems within the Chinese Communist Party/the govt.

If we're seeing similar situation more than 10 years later....nearly 20 years....looks like the Chinese officials haven't changed at all....which is what everyone knows.

The Chinese state is highly secretive & tries to hide anything "bad" that happens or is about to...all I and others ask is for them to be a lot more transparent since the virus not only affects us but others, outside of China too.

If the whole situation had been handled differently, the Chinese state could have started the quarantine process much faster & so would the whole world.

Trying to cover up also shows that the virus could have been man made that escaped from a bio lab, of which there are some well known ones in Wuhan. ;)

Just cuz Serpentza is exposing China, he's a paid agent....and because Nathan Rich calls the CCP the greatest organization on the planet and worships them....he's the "good guy". :D

You won't be convincing anyone here by just accusing well known YT'ers.....find me some concrete evidence and we'll talk more on this. Otherwise, me and others have a well functioning brain that can see through any Chinese propaganda. :enjoy:

Plus, watch this too to see the other side of the coin:

There is no the other side of coin. Serzpenta approached and filmed a drunk man on the street, what do you expect a drunk man to say or act? He went looking for trouble, then claimed he was attacked in China, lol. This could happen any where in the world. The english teacher rightly called him out.

No country is more widely covered than China in western media. It's not like China can hide anything, why would the world needs a blogger of dubious credibility to expose China?

The evidence are all in the video, you can watch and retort. I'm not here to convince you, I post for others to read. You're a known troll of questionable origin too. Anyone with a function brain can see that.

ah...here comes the personal comments...

How do you know that I'm from a "questionable origin"??? Are you part of PDF management??

No, you're just a normal member like me. My flags are there for all to be seen, I interact with other Pakistani posters outside of the forum too, they even know me by voice.

If anyone wants to "authenticate" my origin, I can talk to them in Urdu & Punjabi on Discord.

Either way, I would keep the habit of making personal comments to 3rd rate forums. This is PDF, free speech is allowed but that doesn't mean you start making snide remarks about members.

There is no the other side of coin. Serzpenta approached and filmed a drunk man on the street, what do you expect a drunk man to say or act? He went looking for trouble, then claimed he was attacked in China, lol. This could happen any where in the world. The english teacher rightly called him out.

Nope....you can stop spreading lies. Serzpenta clearly said he was filming already when the drunk man started creating commotion and was arguing with local before he saw Serzpenta with the camera in hand.

All no do gooders are afraid of their actions being documented. Simple as that.

You can clearly see the drunk man approaching Serzpenta (in the video I posted above)......the Chinese police even took Serzpentas side and let him go. Who're you to say otherwise and spread lies? :rolleyes:

There is no the other side of coin.

Something a authoritarian regime would definitely say. :lol:
More like made the man to put the blame on and destroyed politically to cover up the overarching problems within the Chinese Communist Party/the govt.

If we're seeing similar situation more than 10 years later....nearly 20 years....looks like the Chinese officials haven't changed at all....which is what everyone knows.

The Chinese state is highly secretive & tries to hide anything "bad" that happens or is about to...all I and others ask is for them to be a lot more transparent since the virus not only affects us but others, outside of China too.

If the whole situation had been handled differently, the Chinese state could have started the quarantine process much faster & so would the whole world.

Trying to cover up also shows that the virus could have been man made that escaped from a bio lab, of which there are some well known ones in Wuhan. ;)

The problem with your argument along with a whole host of other issues is too one dimensional. China is a large country with 31 provinces in which 1.3 billion people exists. This figure alone demonstrates governance in the country will always be difficult. The Beijing Mayor came from a great political background and when his career was destroyed it meant his faction within the party loss power. There are many factions within the communists party who all have different opinions in how China should be governed.

The second paragraph in your post again proves your bias nature. China didn't inform the international community until 6 months later while in this case once the Central Govt knew the situation they told the world. Hence why I said in previous post officials in Wuhan must be punished. Bad governance can be seen in many countries. The UK is a prime example. Grenfell tower could have been prevented if Downing Street followed the advice given by the Parliamentary committee. Guess what there are thousands of buildings in the UK that have the same cladding and they haven't been changed.
No country is more widely covered than China in western media. It's not like China can hide anything, why would the world needs a blogger of dubious credibility to expose China?

The evidence are all in the video, you can watch and retort. I'm not here to convince you, I post for others to read. You're a known troll of questionable origin too. Anyone with a function brain can see that.
You don't think that a government like the Chinese communist regime would try to hush up any disaster and crack down on those who wish to speak the truth to prevent said disaster from escalating?

This is the problem with Communist regime; USSR tried to hide and then cover up Chernobyl disaster until things got really bad and couldn't be hidden anymore but by then it was too late and thousands were affected.
There is no the other side of coin. Serzpenta approached and filmed a drunk man on the street, what do you expect a drunk man to say or act? He went looking for trouble, then claimed he was attacked in China, lol. This could happen any where in the world. The english teacher rightly called him out.

I said it before and I will say it again, CPC does not care about many people die, they only care about staying in Power.
Huh...it's normal for ruling party to want to stay in power NO? Moreover it's not like the CCP hides it, they explicitly mention that one of their main goal is to maintain their absolute control/rule over China. (for a long as they can) and that to love the communist party is to love the country. To them you can't like one without liking the other. Many might dispute this but that's their own view.
So what's so surprising in that?
The problem with your argument along with a whole host of other issues is too one dimensional. China is a large country with 31 provinces in which 1.3 billion people exists. This figure alone demonstrates governance in the country will always be difficult. The Beijing Mayor came from a great political background and when his career was destroyed it meant his faction within the party loss power. There are many factions within the communists party who all have different opinions in how China should be governed.

The second paragraph in your post again proves your bias nature. China didn't inform the international community until 6 months later while in this case once the Central Govt knew the situation they told the world. Hence why I said in previous post officials in Wuhan must be punished. Bad governance can be seen in many countries. The UK is a prime example. Grenfell tower could have been prevented if Downing Street followed the advice given by the Parliamentary committee. Guess what there are thousands of buildings in the UK that have the same cladding and they haven't been changed.

Again, you're being too apologetic of the CCP....I'm sure you have read the history of CCP & their atrocities against the Chinese people, let alone other minorities within the country and abroad.

If this has had happened in the US or any other place, I would condemn it too.

This issue is more to do with secrecy and trying to curb the facts from leaking than from "bad governance"....it's the job of the CCP to govern their country...the way they do it is questionable & heavily criticized.

Obviously, like you said, factions exist, you can't have a "ture one party system" due to the human nature of not agreeing with everyone they meet. This is why many countries have multiple parties.

Either way, before we head into a completely different direction than from the OP's post, all I have to say is that I & others condemn the reasons why professionals, like the doctors in OP's video, are treated for just trying to do their job & the right thing.
That can work both ways, so instead of running your mouth and being triggered, you should do something productive.

Funny enough, I went to the mall in lahore yesterday and saw Chinese people walking around in medical masks. I even told a couple of Chinese guys how ridiculous they looked since they’re the ones importing the virus everywhere else. They had a good laugh.

In the US I've seen a couple Chinese guys fresh off the boat going around wearing masks. The thing is, it alarms people around them and makes people nervous reminding them that China has some weird disease going around. But these guys don't get social cues or something, they just walk around oblivious to the stares and discomfort around them. LMAO
In the US I've seen a couple Chinese guys fresh off the boat going around wearing masks. The thing is, it alarms people around them and makes people nervous reminding them that China has some weird disease going around. But these guys don't get social cues or something, they just walk around oblivious to the stares and discomfort around them. LMAO

Emotions & social cues are unknown to mainlanders. :D

Just cuz Serpentza is exposing China, he's a paid agent....and because Nathan Rich calls the CCP the greatest organization on the planet and worships them....he's the "good guy". :D

You won't be convincing anyone here by just accusing well known YT'ers.....find me some concrete evidence and we'll talk more on this. Otherwise, me and others have a well functioning brain that can see through any Chinese propaganda. :enjoy:

Plus, watch this too to see the other side of the coin:

Serpentza and Laowhy86 are known China hating trolls and are basically White supremacists. Trust me, I grew up in the US, I know a White supremacist when I see one. I know the types of dog whistles they use and they remind me of the punk *** White guys who go out of their way to mock Asians who speak English with an accent. Also, it's clear that Laowhy and Serpentza get funding, either from their fans or maybe even from the NED, for their anti-China videos and this is why they've become virulently anti-China since they moved to the US.

Nathan Rich however creeps me out. That guy is obviously trolling for the Chinese side and something about him just makes me uncomfortable.

The most reasonable voice I've found among the foreign vloggers is this Canadian guy who owns a pub in Shenzhen and he calls out Serpentza and Laowhy86 as the racists that they are. He actually knew them when they lived in Shenzhen.

Emotions & social cues are unknown to mainlanders. :D

Unfortunately this is true 80% of the time. It's honestly cringeworthy.
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