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Coronavirus Could Be The End Of China As Global Manufacturing Hub

Lot of nonsenses. I said modern education was invited 100 years ago. I didn't say it was established since then. China was in chaos in the first half of 20th century. The real and large scale eduction system was not established till 1950's. For the next several decades China had been facing west iron curtain. Some fools called breaking the iron curtain as "raising out of intellectual poverty". Joking me.
hihihi... dear young lady..
ehm, let me explain please.. lol.

you know what? you're young, and full of vigor when it comes to defending China's honor on the geo political stage.

i'm not gonna mess with that.

you're not an alQuada operative, after all.

i came here to this forum to combat alQuada, and that's it. nothing more.

you're entitled to your opinions, young lady.

however, that does not mean i can't inform you about how the modern age has changed the world, like the invention of the train and airplane have as well.

do you know the concept / idea of 'business secrets'?
of course you do.

well, that's why those 'smaller revolutions', as i call them, hardly ever show up on google or in the news or in the classes you get in school.

bye for now :)

& keep up the good work! :) you're very entertaining :) like watching Goku fight that young blonde robot chick. except you're not a robot, of course :)

Textbook racism.

Absolutely disgraceful. This is the type of racial supremacy that Hitler believed in.
take this hint please : so could well be your replies to her.
Dude, why are you so angry?

Corona is far more deadly if we look at the "kill rate" on the infected patients taking data from China. 3% of people that have got the virus have died.

The "common flu" has a "kill rate" of just 0.05% using estimates of 1 billion people world's population being infected every year.

So Corona virus is 60 times as deadly as the "common flu" which cannot be isolated like stopping contact with China to a large extent. I am actually being optimistic on recovery from Corona as China has better than world average healthcare and average worldwide deaths are likely to be higher.

I know you love China as Pakistan is allied with it but the evidence indicates that this virus outbreak is induced by Chinese climate and eating habits.

Angry? LOL

I find this whole outbreak and its use to run the vicious propaganda campaign against China rather pathetic. End of manufacturing hub? These people are having laugh. So what if god forbide there is a outbreak of a disease in Bangladesh, world I suppose should pack all their investment from BD? Mate, you have no clue how much world depend on the manufacturing supply chain from China. World has to go through a recession of bible proportion if there is an attempt to corner China economically. Its kinda similar if world decide to ditch dollar one day and move to some other currency for trade. I know you think it will create opportunities for your Bangladesh, and I find this desire of yours rather repugnant and illogical. What if there is a new outbreak in America? Would world ditch the western dominated economic model?

As for the corona virus. here is what the professionals are saying. The thing actually cause lesser sickness then flu!!

The problem is, we are not getting the facts about the age group which has died from this virus. Or if they had some other previous conditions.
Angry? LOL

I find this whole outbreak and its use to run the vicious propaganda campaign against China rather pathetic. End of manufacturing hub? These people are having laugh. So what if god forbide there is a outbreak of a disease in Bangladesh, world I suppose should pack all their investment from BD? Mate, you have no clue how much world depend on the manufacturing supply chain from China. World has to go through a recession of bible proportion if there is an attempt to corner China economically. Its kinda similar if world decide to ditch dollar one day and move to some other currency for trade. I know you think it will create opportunities for your Bangladesh, and I find this desire of yours rather repugnant and illogical. What if there is a new outbreak in America? Would world ditch the western dominated economic model?

As for the corona virus. here is what the professionals are saying. The thing actually cause lesser sickness then flu!!

The problem is, we are not getting the facts about the age group which has died from this virus. Or if they had some other previous conditions.

Dude, BD is getting 10s of billions of US dollars of FDI even before this virus outbreak from all over the world. China itself is building a 2.5 billion US dollar integrated steel mill.

The shift away from China was happening anyway due to rising Chinese wages.

All this outbreak will do is accelerate this process as you need multiple centres of global manufacturing to prevent this kind of thing happening again.

BD economy will succeed with or without this outbreak and so do not think BD is jumping with joy at this terrible virus outbreak.

Try and be objective here rather than looking for evidence to back up your pre-concieved theory. No one is out to get China here.
The problem is, we are not getting the facts about the age group which has died from this virus. Or if they had some other previous conditions.

Coronavirus Fatality Statistics By Age, Gender and Conditions



Friend, thank you and other Pakistani friends for supporting China. However the current epidemic is unlikely a biological attack. You are right, that media is used to weaponise the epidemic against China just like this article. However I believe that this is also a good lesson for China not to rely too much on America or listen to their "expert advice".

China has been trying to move up the production chain and shifting from using low wage labour for some time. Factory jobs are becoming more automated. Factory workers can be retrained to work in other industries.

Most posts here talking about the quality of Chinese workers are correct. Japanese aside, Chinese workers have a unique motivation that cannot be found anywhere else. There was a documentary about this recently called 'American factory'

One of my near and dear one, who spend years and years in China and also working within Pakistan with Chinese engineers, on Pakistan-China joint fighter JF17 project, told me this very interesting fact, that had we (the Pakistani engineers) not worked alongside the Chinese counterparts , this project would have never been completed in time. Chinese work ethics compelled the Pakistanis to put in extra efforts and shifts. He said that we felt embarrassed to see Chinese work and how we (Pakistanis) used to work prior to that.

Its may be a burning desire of "civilized world" to replace China as manufacturing hub, but there are not many nations who can replace Chinese work ethos.

Dude, BD is getting 10s of billions of US dollars of FDI even before this virus outbreak from all over the world. China itself is building a 2.5 billion US dollar integrated steel mill.

The shift away from China was happening anyway due to rising Chinese wages.

All this outbreak will do is accelerate this process as you need multiple centres of global manufacturing to prevent this kind of thing happening again.

BD economy will succeed with or without this outbreak and so do not think BD is jumping with joy at this terrible virus outbreak.

Try and be objective here rather than looking for evidence to back up your pre-concieved theory. No one is out to get China here.

God forbid, if the epicentre of an outbreak is BD? Ever think about that?

I have aleady explained to you how west is using this for their propaganda and this vary thread, the article is a clear proof of that.


This? any doubt left that majority of deaths were elderly?
God forbid, if the epicentre of an outbreak is BD? Ever think about that?

I have aleady explained to you how west is using this for their propaganda and this vary thread, the article is a clear proof of that.


This? any doubt left that majority of deaths were elderly?

So virus outbreak in BD?
No problem as there are multiple centres of global production rather than one just like China now.

Of course most of the deaths would be elderly and people with pre-existing conditions but this takes nothing away from how deadly this virus is - at least 60 times that of the common flu!
So virus outbreak in BD?
No problem as there are multiple centres of global production rather than one just like China now.

Of course most of the deaths would be elderly and people with pre-existing conditions but this takes nothing away from how deadly this virus is - at least 60 times that of the common flu!

You are not getting it don't you? BD would tank like a falling brick if god forbid if its epicentre of any outbreak and world decide to isolate it. And what about America? If they are the source of major outbreak, would world should abandon the economic model that has been dominated by America for decades? I don't think you even know what you are talking about.
One of my near and dear one, who spend years and years in China and also working within Pakistan with Chinese engineers, on Pakistan-China joint fighter JF17 project, told me this very interesting fact, that had we (the Pakistani engineers) not worked alongside the Chinese counterparts , this project would have never been completed in time. Chinese work ethics compelled the Pakistanis to put in extra efforts and shifts. He said that we felt embarrassed to see Chinese work and how we (Pakistanis) used to work prior to that.

Its may be a burning desire of "civilized world" to replace China as manufacturing hub, but there are not many nations who can replace Chinese work ethos.
No need to feel embarrassed, Pakistanis have your strengths as well. For example in terms of managing diplomatic relations especially dealing with difficult border issues of India, Afghanistan and Iran and the hundreds of factions between. That's why Pakistan and China are close friends, because we complement each others weaknesses with our strengths. Your story reminds me of the building of Karakoram Highway where Chinese and Pakistan engineers worked and died together.

You are not getting it don't you? BD would tank like a falling brick if god forbid if its epicentre of any outbreak and world decide to isolate it. And what about America? If they are the source of major outbreak, would world should abandon the economic model that has been dominated by America for decades? I don't think you even know what you are talking about.

I am out dude if this is your level of analysis.
Angry? LOL

I find this whole outbreak and its use to run the vicious propaganda campaign against China rather pathetic. End of manufacturing hub? These people are having laugh. So what if god forbide there is a outbreak of a disease in Bangladesh, world I suppose should pack all their investment from BD? Mate, you have no clue how much world depend on the manufacturing supply chain from China. World has to go through a recession of bible proportion if there is an attempt to corner China economically. Its kinda similar if world decide to ditch dollar one day and move to some other currency for trade. I know you think it will create opportunities for your Bangladesh, and I find this desire of yours rather repugnant and illogical. What if there is a new outbreak in America? Would world ditch the western dominated economic model?

As for the corona virus. here is what the professionals are saying. The thing actually cause lesser sickness then flu!!

The problem is, we are not getting the facts about the age group which has died from this virus. Or if they had some other previous conditions.
ehm, dear student in the arts of economic warfare,
you're mistaken.

western world is the primary and richest customer for goods produced in the goods producing nation that this world has to offer.

and we've already established the fact (in this thread) that it's western nations that determine where they want their goods produced in the world, *and* that we can indeed train any nation within 20 years to take over, even from a country with as good a set of genes when it comes to work ethic as China, and even from a nation with China's population size, or both in combination like China has displayed over the past 20 years and more.

point is : Trump has very diplomatically and for a very long time now, complained very publicly, about China's intellectual property theft and unfair trade practices.

students in the arts of war, feel free to continue the discussion from here, but for God's sake, please don't get stuck in infinite loops of discussion.
that invokes tiredness, exhaustion, and then *anger*. we wanna avoid that in this crowd that visits defence.pk a lot.
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I said on this forum over many yrs -- JPN started the first race war in Asia, China will start the second.
But as far as corona virus goes, here's some extra intel for you all :

Good luck with the discussion about corona virus for the rest of the day! i got stuff to take care of :)
You are saying this to ease your own fears, not because you know what you are talking about. If the South Koreans, the Japanese, the Euros, and the Americans can raise China out of the intellectual poverty that communism started, have no doubt we can do the same to Mexico and Viet Nam.


China had economic poverty only. Intellectual poverty, never.

And who is "we"? You Viets are the typical example of 烂泥扶不上墙.

SMIC in China got started 22 years after reform in 2000. It is now 34 years of Doi Moi in Vietnam. Where's the Vietnamese SMIC?
Today, about 80 per cent of pharmaceuticals sold in the US are produced in China.
This article says otherwise -

USA imports 80% API from India, China, Israel, EU and few other countries combined. China does have high proportion share in few select medicines but overall, the imports from China is not 80%

China is moving up the value chain and it's natural some other developing countries may get a share for some low ends goods production, however, labor cost doesn't decides the price alone, it's still much cheaper for things made in China than those made in India, also mass production can significantly bring down the price, no country can do mass producion feat better than China on this planet.
China has unique blend of natural resource, large size and disciplined population. Countries which have such huge resources are limited - Russia, Australia & USA are the only ones with such massive resource base. But none of them have other factors. India has large population but had low water and natural resources.

The main reason for low cost Chinese production is that China gives away is resources for very low cost. Labor cost is only secondary. The real cost is in resources cost.

ah, but China has done serious intellectual property theft to arrive at this industrial status.
so it's not impossible that other nations won't play the same trick back onto China, "stealing" intellectual property to make other nations as strong, or even stronger, than China is in terms of industrial production power.
Intellectual property theft is done by everyone. USA did it from Germany, USA took resources from native people by force, did massive espionage on others via allies in Europe to arrive at tech superiority.

But technology alone isn't enough. Natural resource supply is essential. Very few countries have that much resource to compete with China
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